30 January 2021

28 January 2021

We learn that Rhys is away on a course

At Hywel’s house, Dylan comments that he will have to get more teabags before Rhys comes back from his course;  

"Thanks for making me see sense"

Aled thanks him, “For making me see sense about not going to the police.”   

"That's my job, Aled"

Dylan maintains that is his job.

“One thing still worries me a bit,” Aled goes on, 

"What happens when DJ remembers what happened?"

“DJ – what happens if he wakes up and remembers what happened?”   Dylan assures him that will not happen, but Aled protests, “The police will question him.”

"DJ was out of it"

Dylan sits down and says, “DJ was on the ground – the police think that someone knocked him over and drove away, so who are they going to believe?   DJ, who was out of it, or two witnesses?   I’m right – trust me!”  

Aled has been convinced again

Aled appears to be persuaded, 

"I won't let anything happen to you"

and is told, “I won’t let anything happen to you.”

Tesni is getting all 'dolled up'

At number 10, Tesni is applying her makeup, 

"You look beautiful, Tes"

and her mother says she is beautiful;  “We’re supposed to be doing that wedding photoshoot today,” Tesni tells her, “Me as the bride, and Aled as my husband.   I was really looking forward to it, but now I shall have to put on a fake smile all day.”   

"We must all carry on as if nothing has happened"

Jaclyn encourages her to do her best, advising that they all have to carry on as if nothing has happened, in case someone suspects something.   She predicts that Tesni might even enjoy it.

"I don't even know if Aled will be there"

“I don’t think so – I don’t even know if Aled will be there!” groans Tesni, “He still hasn’t phoned me back.”   Her mother thinks that there is a possibility that he will not turn up.

"What am I supposed to tell Lisa?"

“What am I supposed to tell Lisa?” Tesni wonders, and is instructed that if he is not there, 

"Pretend you know nothing"

she must pretend that she knows nothing.   “Just smile and say nothing,” concludes Tesni.

A nurse says goodbye to DJ

At the hospital, DJ is ready to leave, although his right arm is still giving him some pain;  

Sioned arrives . . .

Sioned comes in, looking excited.   

. . . eager to get him home again

“I can’t wait to get you home,” she tells him, and he complains that he did not have a good night, as the machinery attached to the the man next to him kept bleeping.

"Perhaps it was the only thing keeping him alive!"

“I didn’t want to ask them to turn it off in case it was the only thing keeping him alive!” he jokes.   

"He'll be complaining about you snoring!"

Sioned considers it more likely that he will be complaining to his fiancée that DJ was snoring all night.

DJ is still in some pain

As he stands up, he cries out with pain, and Sioned wants to call a nurse, but he is eager to get home.   

"I remember everything that happened"

“I remember everything that happened, so we’ve got a lot to discuss.”   

Sioned looks puzzled

She looks puzzled by this.

"I was worried about you, Aled"

Jaclyn arrives at Hywel’s house and asks Dylan if his son is there;  then she sees Aled and says she was worried about him, as he was not answering his phone.   

"I'm not ready to talk yet"

He replies that he is not yet ready to talk.   She informs him that Tesni is going to cover for him at the photoshoot;  he had forgotten all about that, which does not surprise her.

Aled chuckles, “You checking on me, Tes covering for me, Dad looking after me – 

"It's just nice to have a family"

“it’s just nice to have a family.”   Jaclyn reminds him that is what families do – look after each other.

"Don't call me 'Dad' in front of other people"

Dylan asks his son if he would refrain from calling him, “Dad,” in front of other people, just for a little while.   “I haven’t told Sara yet – just until she gets back.”   

"You don't want anyone to know"

Aled realises that Dylan does not want people to know, but it is stressed, “I want them to know, from me, in the right way.   I want to tell Sara face to face – so you can meet properly, over nice meal perhaps.   

"I want to get to know my son"

“You may think it’s selfish, but I want to use this time to get to know my son, before I have to share him with everybody else.”

Jaclyn tries to stop herself smiling

Jaclyn is looking faintly amused by the contortions of her brother’s argument.

"I'm going to visit DJ in hospital"

Aled proposes going to visit DJ in hospital, but this is opposed by both Dylan and Jaclyn;  

"You don't want to remind him you were driving"

“You don’t want to remind him that you were driving, do you?” demands Dylan.   

"DJ needs time to recover"

Jaclyn points out that DJ needs time to recover;  there will be plenty of time to see him when he gets out of hospital.   “Anyway, I don’t think they’d let you in, the way things are,” she adds, and even sending DJ a card is vetoed, although Jaclyn volunteers to take a card to Penrhewl if he likes.

"What was that about a card, Jacs?"

When Aled has gone, Dylan wants to know what all that about a card was;  

"If you weren't so busy trying to save your own skin . . ."

“If you weren’t too busy trying to save your own skin, you’d see that it was a good idea.”

“I’m saving your skin too!” Dylan snarls.

The palatial surroundings . . .

The scene shifts to a magnificent house, 

. . . of the photoshoot

where Tesni, in her bridal gear, is preparing for the photographs;  

Still no word from Aled

she looks anxiously at her phone.   Lisa checks with Lewis, the photographer, that everything is ready, 

"You look lovely, Tesni"

and says that Tesni looks lovely.

"I'm not the right person for the job"

Tesni, on the contrary, thinks she looks rather silly, maintaining that she is not the right person for the job.   “You’re the perfect person – I can’t think of anyone better!” gushes Lisa, “You’re so beautiful – your mother would be crying if she were here.   

"My client will be very happy"

“My client will be very happy with the boost you’ll give his business – if you do a good job today, you might get more work.”

Tesni likes the sound of that, as it pays well, and Lisa encourages her to smile like that in the photo;  

"Aled's on his way"

then she asks where Aled is, and Tesni makes an excuse about him being on his way.   

Instructions are issued to the photographer

“You’re going to look like the perfect couple,” says Lisa, and instructs the photographer to start with some photos of the bride, reminding Tesni not to forget her flowers.  

Tesni does not look very keen

She, however, does not look entirely enthusiastic.

"Right, you, straight up to bed!"

DJ is back at Penrhewl, and is told by Sioned, “Right, you, straight up to bed!”   

"I don't think I'm quite ready for that yet!"

He lightheartedly suggests that he is not ready for that yet, 

"For some rest, stupid!"

and she clarifies, “For some rest!”

He is sure that he will be all right down there for the time being;  “I appreciate you being concerned for me,” 

Dylan comes slithering in

but then there is a knock at the door and Dylan walks in, having come to see the patient.   

"The patient doesn't want visitors!"

Nurse Sioned stresses that the patient does not want visitors, 

"It's all right, Sioned – he won't be here long"

but DJ confirms that Dylan will not be there long.

"You know everything, don't you?"

“You know everything, don’t you?” says Dylan, and Sioned wonders what is going on.

DJ summarises, “Outside the Deri – Aled was driving, and this one saw everything.   I’m sure they told the police that no-one saw anything.   

"Aled wasn't trying to knock me down"

Aled wasn’t trying to knock me down.”

Now Sioned can see what was going on;  


“You,” she says, looking at Dylan.   

"Sioned, DJ and I have a few things to sort out"

He sits down and tells her that he and DJ have a few things to sort out, 

"No – Sioned stays"

but DJ is adamant that Sioned will stay.

"Are you going to talk to the pigs?"

“OK,” continues Dylan, “Are you going to talk to the pigs?”   DJ confirms that of course he is, but what what he says completely depends on Dylan.   Sioned urges him to tell the truth, so they know that Dylan has been withholding information.

"Sioned and I are getting married . . ."

“There are other options – the thing is, Dylan, Sioned and I are getting married – 

" . . .and weddings are expensive"

“and weddings are expensive, as you know yourself.”   


Dylan looks from one of them to the other and suggests £10,000.   

"I would enjoy £10,000 . . ."

“I would enjoy £10,000,” replies DJ, 

". . . how about you, Sioned?"

then asks for Sioned’s opinion.

She has now cottoned on to his line of reasoning;  

"I quite fancy the idea – how about £20,000?"

“Yeah, I quite fancy the idea of £10,000 – so why not £20,000?”   

Who could refuse such a sweet smile?

She smiles sweetly at Dylan, and he has no choice but to agree to their demand.

"Not a word about the accident – or me – or Aled"

He gets up and warns them, “Not a word about the accident – or me – or Aled.”   DJ agrees, and Dylan quietly leaves the farm.

"I didn't believe you had it in you!"

Sioned is highly impressed:  “Well, I didn’t believe you had it in you!” she gasps.

A couple of the photos . . .

We see various of the photographs of Tesni 

. . . from Tesni's portfolio . . .

in picturesque settings, 

. . . and the photographer has finished

and after the photographer has finished, he thanks Tesni.   

"There's still no answer from him"

Lisa approaches in a bad mood;  “There’s still no answer from him – I might have to find someone else, or my client will be angry,” she says, 

"When was the last time you heard from him?"

“You haven’t heard anything, have you?   It’s so unprofessional!   When was the last time you talked to him?”

Tesni replies that she has not seen him for while, and Lisa continues to complain, “He can’t just vanish!”   

"He might have some personal problems"

Tesni suggests that he might have some personal problems, adding that you cannot tell what is going on in some people’s lives.   

Lisa is by no means placated, arguing that he could at least text;  “Whatever his problem is, I’m sure his fingers still work!”

"The bride and her . . . Mam?"

In desperation, Tesni suggests, “How about photos of the two of us?   The bride and her . . . Mam?”   As this does not receive a favourable reaction from Lisa, 

"Wife, even?"

Tesni changes it to, “Partner?   Wife, even?   The photos would look lush – you’re really photogenic!   It’s up to you, but I think you’d make a good wife.” 

Lisa is not so sure about that, but agrees to wear the dress, 

"A gay wedding – we're so 'woke'!"

and Tesni smiles, “A gay wedding – we’re so ‘woke’!”   She looks as if she might be taking a fancy to Lisa.

"What's happening around here?"

In the shop, Kath says, “All I heard what is some idiot knocked him over and drove off – what’s happening around here?”   

"Well, he's home and much happier"

Sioned, who is purchasing some food, reports that DJ is home now and much happier.   

She notices Aled starting at her

Then she sees Aled passing on the other side of the road.

Kath goes on, “The pigs haven’t caught anyone – it could happen again!   Give DJ my regards, will you?”

"Oi – you were staring at me!"

Sioned hurries outside and summons Aled, “Oi!   You were staring at me!”   

"How's DJ?"

He asks how DJ is and she replies, “Home from hospital, at least.”   

Dylan is fortunately not very alert

Dylan also happens to be walking along the street, fortunately engrossed in his phone, 

Aled hides in the alley

which makes Aled very nervous, so he dives into the alley, followed by Sioned.

“Why are you avoiding Dylan?” she demands, 

"He mustn't see me talking to you"

and he says that he cannot be seen talking to Sioned.   

"It's all right – he's gone into the café"

“It’s all right – he’s gone into the café,” she informs Aled.

"I wanted to see DJ"

He tells her, “Dylan said it would be safer if I stayed away from the hospital – but I wanted to see DJ, to see if he was all right – if he was getting better.”   She commends him for thinking of DJ, confirming that he is home now and getting better.

"It wasn't DJ you were trying to hurt, was it?"

“You shouldn’t feel guilty – I know what happened,” she adds, “But I also know that it was an accident - it wasn’t DJ you were trying to hurt, was it?”

Aled swears that he was not trying to hurt him;  “He wasn’t there, and then, all of a sudden . . .”   

"DJ won't tell the police"

Sioned assures him that she does not blame him, and neither does DJ;  he has agreed not to tell the police.

“There’s no point ruining your life because of all this,” she goes on, 

Aled is greatly relieved

and he is very grateful.   “You wanted to knock Dylan over, didn’t you?   We’ve all been there – he’s not the easiest bloke.   

"Dylan can't be trusted – he uses people!"

“Dylan can’t be trusted – don’t be so naïve – he uses people.”

Aled has been so successfully brainwashed by Dylan that he cannot accept this;  

"Don't say things like that about my father!"

“Don’t say things like that about my father!” he shouts, and this comes as a total revelation to Sioned.

Sioned is lost for words

“Your father?” she demands, and Aled runs away, leaving her standing, open-mouthed with shock.

Lisa returns, suitably attired

Tesni is still trying to contact Aled and looking rather depressed when Lisa returns, wearing a rather less flamboyant dress than Tesni’s, but is told that she looks amazing.   

"Why didn't I think of this from the start?"

“I don’t know why I didn’t think of this from the start,” remarks Lisa, 

"I think you planned the whole thing"

and Tesni accuses her of having planned the whole thing.

DJ is enjoying a quiet doze

DJ is dozing at Penrhewl when Sioned returns from the shop;  

"Dylan is Aled's father!"

“You’re not going to believe what I just heard – Dylan is Aled’s father!” she tells him, “Aled just told me – 

"It makes sense, if you think about it"

“it makes sense, if you think about it.   Why Dylan is willing to pay so much to keep us quiet.”

DJ cannot believe it

DJ cannot believe it, and wonders if Aled knows about their little deal;  

"We might miss out on the cash!"

“If he tells someone, we might miss out on the cash!”   

"I'll have a word with Aled"

Sioned will have a word with him to make sure he keeps quiet.   

"I've got some biscuits for you . . ."

She purchased some biscuits for DJ to have with his tea,

". . . and this for me"

 and a Wedding magazine for her.

“I thought it would be a good chance for us to start discussing ideas, now that some money is coming our way,” she exclaims, 

"What do you think about something like this?"

“What do you think about something like this for you?” she asks, showing him a photograph.   He sarcastically agrees that would be just the thing.

Dylan is not in the best of spirits

Dylan returns to the house, not looking particularly happy;  he takes a bulging envelope from his pocket 

That envelope on the table . . .

and throws it down on the table, then sits down 

. . . contains an awful lot of money . . .

and examines its contents.   There are a great many £50 notes, 
. . . which he does not want to lose

and he appears rather reluctant to part with them.

"I suppose you'd better come in"

Someone has just arrived at Maes-y-Deri, and Kath rather reluctantly invites them in. 

Non has returned from Brecon

We see that it is Non, who enters somewhat hesitantly.   

"Are you sure it's sensible to come back here?"

“Are you sure it’s sensible to come back here?” Kath demands.

“When I heard the news about DJ, I had to come,” she answers, 

"You could have phoned"

but Kath maintains that she could have phoned.   

"I have to see him – because I love him!"

“No, I couldn’t – I need to be here in the village,” Non stresses, “I have to see him, Kath – because I love him!”   

"Oh dear – there's trouble ahead!"

Kath can foresee this causing some problems. 

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