02 January 2021

New Year's Eve, 31 December 2020

Iolo clears up after last night

When Llio comes downstairs at number 7, Iolo asks her how she is, and will make her a coffee – 

Llio is suffering from too much wine

not a posh one this time.   “I’m OK – a bit of a headache,” she says, “I think I drank too much wine while I was cooking.   

"I'm sorry about last night"

I’m sorry about last night.”

Iolo maintains there is nothing for which to be sorry, but she feels rather awkward.   

"A goodnight kiss between friends"

“There’s no reason for that – it was just a kiss, a good night kiss between two friends,” he explains.

"It felt as if it was something more"

“Was it just a good night kiss?” she enquires, “To me, it felt like it was something more than that.”   Iolo looks at her in a rather embarrassed way.

"I've lost the feeling in my fingers"

Eifion is washing his hands at the kitchen sink in Penrhewl, and complains about how cold it is, sleeping in the caravan;  “I’ve lost the feeling in my fingers.”   

"Don't expect me to feel sorry for you"

He gets no sympathy from Eileen;  “Don’t you expect me to feel sorry for you,” she mutters;  

Eifion maintains he will have a Happy New Year

he announces that he does not have to wait until spring for a Happy New Year, 

"I'm building a house on one of my fields"

and informs her that he is building a house in one of his fields.   

"What's going on?"

Eileen cannot believe her ears, and when Sioned comes in, she is told about the plans;  

"I'll do everything I can to stop you"

Eileen vows to do everything she can to stop Eifion, but he advises that he has ‘already had planning’ from Cadno, 

"I'm sure Ieuan Griffiths can help me"

and is sure that Ieuan Griffiths will be able to help him.   He makes it clear that he looking forward to the New Year now, and leaves the farm.

“He’s so shameless!” growls Eileen, 

"We'll make sure he doesn't do this!"

and Sioned is of the opinion that he cannot do this – they will make sure of that.

Dylan is paranoid about that box

At Hywel’s house, Dylan stands, looking at the red parcel left by Daf;  he gets out his phone and calls Daf.   

"I think we should meet, Daf"

“I think we should meet – there are a few things I want to discuss.   OK, see you there.”   

He takes the box with him

He grabs his jacket and the parcel as he leaves the house.

Sioned wants a private chat with Mathew 

Sioned finds Mathew in the Deri and wants a quick word with him;  she explains to Izzy that she wants a private chat, 

"We have no secrets from each other"

but Matthew says they have no secrets from each other.   

Sioned enlists Mathew's help

“Eifion’s intending to build a house on his land in Penrhewl – I was hoping that you’d have a word with him and persuade him not to.”

Mathew doubts that Eifion will listen to him;  

"Now that he's with me"

“Now that he’s with me,” Izzy interrupts, and Mathew is noncommittal.   

"I'd keep well out of it, if I were you"

When Sioned has gone, Izzy advises him, “I’d keep well out of it, if I were you.”

Llio is rather morose

As Llio sits quietly, with her cup of coffee, 

"I don't know how it happened"

Iolo says he does not know how it happened;  “Because we like each other?” she ventures to suggest, 

"But I'm gay!"

and he stresses that he is gay.   In that case she wonders why he kissed her, but he does not know.

“Because we get on well and I’m happy when I’m around you,” he continues.   

"Have you been with a woman before?"

She feels the same and asks if he has been with a woman before;  

"Yes, before I 'came out'!"

“Yes, before I ‘came out’,” he admits, and she suspects that he is ‘bi’, and that meeting her has changed things.

"You want me to stay 'for ever', don't you?"

“You and me – it could work!” she insists, but Iolo shakes his head;  “We both think the world of each other, dont we?   And you want me to stay here for ever – your words, not mine.”   

"I don't fancy you in that way"

He does not reply for several seconds, then tells her that he does not fancy her in that way;  

"It doesn't all have to be about sex, does it?"

“OK, but it doesn’t all have to be about sex, does it?” she argues, 
and he points out that it is an important part of a relationship.

“Don’t you want that for yourself?” he demands, 

"I'd choose love and commitment any day"

and she declares that she would choose love and commitment over sex, any day.   

"Ad what will happen when that's not enough?"

“And what will happen when that’s not enough for you any more?” he asks;  she thinks that it would be enough, 

"It's not enough for me"

but would apparently not be enough for Iolo.   There is a long, awkward silence between them.

"Eileen asked you to change my mind, did she?"

Eifion swaggers into the shop flat;  “Eileen asked you to try and change my mind, did she?”   Mathew replies that it was Sioned.   “Pathetic!” he snarls, and Mathew wonders why he wants to make trouble for them.

"What trouble would building a house be?"

“What trouble would building a house be?” Eifion goes on, and Mathew reminds him that they are unhappy about it;  

"Why are you determined to fall out with everyone?"

he wants to know why Eifion is so determined to fall out with everyone.   “It’s my land – I can do whatever I like with it!” is the angry reply.

“Oh, stuff Penrhewl, is it?” says Mathew, 

"You say how much that place means to you"

“You’re always saying how much that place means to you.”   Eifion rages that he is not going to live alone in a caravan for ever.   “I know you hate me because I’m going out with Izzy, but I’ll always be there for you,” Mathew assures him, “If you’re ever desperate . . . Please try and see things from Eileen’s and Sioned’s point of view.”

"Who will see things from my point of view?"

Eifion demands who will see things from his point of view, and storms out of the flat.

Llio gets a surprise . . .

Iolo hurries down the stairs with a bag;  

. . . Iolo is running away to Cardiff

“I’m going away for a while,” he tells Llio, “I’m going to stay with Macs in Cardiff.”   It is obvious to her that he is leaving because of her, and he alleges, “We both need some time.”

"Look, I'll go home, Iolo"

She decides that she will go home, but he does not want to do that to her;  

"I haven't seen Macs for ages"

“Anyway, I haven’t seen Macs for ages – I’ll sort out something with Dad about Greta.”   

"Shall I make you something to eat"

He refuses the offer of something to eat, insisting that he will be fine, and she will see him when he gets back.   She is very disappointed to see him go.

Iolo is about to go

As he is about to get into his van, Iolo is seen by Siôn and Anita;  

He invents a tale about a plumbing job

“I was about to come and see you,” he says, “I’m going away for a while – it’s an urgent job in Cardiff that’s too good to turn down.”   

"We were expecting you at Y Felin"

They were expecting him to come to Y Felin, and Iolo asks, “Greta was supposed to be with me tonight, but can you look after her?”

Siôn and Anita are only too pleased to help, 

"Are you sure you're all right, Iolo?"

but Siôn senses that something is wrong, which Iolo is anxious to deny;  

He does not look all right . . .

he gets into the van, after wishing them a Happy New Year, 

. . . as he leaves the village

but looks uncomfortable as he drives away.

Eifion is stirring things again

Eifion sees Izzy on her way to the shop flat and remarks, “I’ve been talking to Mathew – but you already know that.   He’s offered to put me up in the flat.”

"He would have discussed it with me first"

Izzy contests this very strongly, pointing out that Mathew would have discussed it with her first.   

"It's not up to you!"

“It’s not up to you!” Eifion taunts her, and she makes it crystal clear that he is not coming anywhere near the flat. 

“I’ll do what I want,” Eifion insists, and she describes him as an idiot;  

"I hope you rot in that caravan!"

she regrets meeting him, and hopes that he rots in the caravan.   He is losing his temper by now, 

"You're a revolting person!"

and shouts, “I regret having anything to do with you – you’re a revolting person!”

Ffion is very unimpressed by his behaviour . . .

Ffion happens to be passing, and comes upon this altercation;  

. . . and instructs him to go to Cysgod y Glyn 

she reprimands him, “Eifion!   Come on – let’s go up to the flat.”

"You'll be the one who suffers in the end, Eifion!"

At Cysgod y Glyn he points out, “I would not have hurt her – I thought you knew me better than that.”   She exclaims that he cannot continue to hate everyone and be so bitter, as he will be the one who suffers in the end.

"All I want to do is build a house"

He moans that all he wants to do is build a house on Penrhewl’s land, and wonders what is so awful about that.   “Nothing,” she replies,” But why do you always antagonise everyone?”   He groans that everybody hates him, but she reminds him that he is not helping himself;  “You can’t blame everyone else for your actions!”

Eifion is feeling sorry for himself

“I haven’t got anything else,” Eifion whines, “No partner, no family – not really.”   

"That won't change if you carry on like this"

Ffion emphasises that will not change if he carries on like this – all he will have is two fields, 

"On someone else's farm"

and he adds, “On someone else’s farm.”

“Eileen and Sioned will challenge any planning permission,” Ffion tells him, “Even if you’re successful, what kind of relationship will you have with them?   Is that what you want?   

"Aren't you tired of all this fighting?"

“Aren’t you tired of all this fighting?”   He does not reply.

Dylan has gone to the meeting place

At the end of the alley, Dylan attempts to phone Daf, 

then hears the sound of a phone message from inside the parcel.   

There is a text tone from inside the box

He rips off the paper and throws it to the ground, 

It shows four missed calls . . .

then sees the phone inside has registered four missed calls from the same number.

He is instructed to go home

As he is looking at it, another message arrives, reading, “Go home, there’s a good boy.”   

He looks around, but can see no-one

He looks anxiously around, suspecting that he is being watched, then follows instructions and heads back towards Hywel’s house.

"Hi, Daf, I'm home now"

Once there, he phones;  “Hi, Daf, I don’t know where you are, but I’m home now,” he says, “So phone me back, please.”   He calls upstairs to Sara, but she is not there, 

"They weren't there when I went out!"

then looks across to the table, where there is a bottle of ‘The Famous Grouse’ whisky and two glasses.   He is becoming very frightened by this time, 

Another phone in a box

and then a phone, which is in a box also on the table, rings.


He answers it with trepidation, “Hello,” and hears the reply coming from elsewhere in the room;  

He is aghast to see a phantom

Dylan turns round and comes face to face with the person he thought that he had killed.

"Aren't you pleased to see me?"

“Aren’t you pleased to see me?” Garry asks.

At Penrhewl, Sioned tells her mother she is going to the Deri with DJ, 

Eifion is back again . . .

and at that moment Eifion reappears;  

. . . but in a more conciliatory mood

he uncharacteristically confirms that he does not want any trouble 

He has a proposition for them – with strings"

and announces, “I’m willing to sell those fields back to you for £20,000.   But on one condition – I want my old job back.”

"Typical of you – setting conditions!"

“That’s typical of you – setting conditions!” sneers Sioned, 

Eileen wants time to consider it

and Eileen would like some time to consider it.   He informs them that he will be in the Deri later, and leaves the farm.   

"I wonder why he has changed his mind"

Eileen wonders why he has changed his mind, as it is good offer, but Sioned comments that he is like the wind;  

"He's not having his old job back!"

“He’s not having his old job back, and that’s the end of it.”

"Throwing me in the water was your biggest mistake"

Garry tells Dylan, “Throwing me in the water was your biggest mistake – things would have been easier for you if you buried me.   

"But I woke up"

“There would have been no way back for me then.   But I woke up – I wasn’t sure what was going on.   I felt the water – it was cold, and then I realised what you had done.   

"This came in handy"

“I tried not to panic, but this came in handy.”   He takes a knife from his pocket:  “Perhaps you should have checked my pulse.”

Dylan replies, “You’re lucky I didn’t – but you’re here now – healthy, safe – that’s the end of the matter!”

"Come on – you know things aren't going to be that easy"

Garry laughs, “Oh, come on, Dyl – you know things aren’t going to be that easy.”   

"Just say what you have to say"

Dylan is panicking, demanding that Garry just say what he has to say, because Sara and Rhys are on their way home.

"I've got eyes everywhere"

“I saw Rhys leave in a taxi – and Sara’s out with Ifan,” Garry informs him, “I’ve got eyes everywhere – now sit down.”   Dylan does as he is told.

"You tried to kill me"

“You tried to kill me,” Garry begins, 

"And you want revenge"

and Dylan knows that he is there for revenge, but is told that is not the case.   

"I'm not going to hurt you – well, not yet, anyway"

“I’m not going to hurt you – well, not now, anyway,” Garry says, and he leans forward in the chair, adds, “I’ve had time to think – 

"I understand why you did it"

“I understand why you did it.   You were angry – I was going to take away your sister from you.   I would have done the same thing years ago if someone had tried to take Britt.   Jaclyn is the only person who’s ever loved you, isn’t she?”

"Are you trying to psychoanalyse me?"

Dylan demands, “Are you trying to psychoanalyse me?   You don’t know anything about me!”

“I know enough,” points out Garry, 

"I've decided to forgive you . . ."

“And that’s why I’ve decided to forgive you – 

". . . for all your sins"

“for all your sins.”   Dylan finds this very hard to believe.

Sioned will go and talk to Eifion 

In the Deri, Sioned tells DJ that she had better talk to Eifion while he still remembers things – he is knocking back the drink at quite a rate.   

She advises him of their offer

“We’ve considered your offer,” she says, “We’re happy to give you £25,000 for both fields,” 

"Very generous"

which he regards as very generous.   

"But you won't get your job back!"

“But you won’t get your job back!” she adds, decisively.”

He mocks what she said earlier, “Typical of you, setting conditions,” and when she asks what is his answer, he adds, “I’ll have to think about it and I’ll let you know.”

"Well, that's a good sign"

She returns to DJ, who thinks that it is a good sign that Eifion will at least consider the offer.

Back at Hywel’s house, Dylan snarls, “You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?   Thinking you’ve got a hold over me.   Do you think I care if you forgive me or not?”

"You're losing control again, Dyl!"

Garry points out, “You’re losing control again, Dyl – that’s your weakness, isn’t it?”   

"Thanks for your forgiveness, Garry"

Dylan opens the door and thanks Garry for his forgiveness;  he appreciates it, but now Garry can leave.   

"You need to do something first"

“I haven’t finished – you need to do something first,” Garry advises him, “Tell Jaclyn the truth – honesty and forgiveness, Dyl.   Two very important qualities.   

"You'll admit everything to Jaclyn"

“You’re going to phone Jaclyn, tell her to come over here, and then you’ll admit everything.”   

"I'm not going to do that, Garry!"

Dylan sits down on the stairs and promises that he is not going to do that, but is told, “You don’t have much choice.   I know a lot of people, Dyl, and they’re not very nice.”

"Daf and I are good mates"

As he pours himself another glass, he goes on, “Daf and I are good mates – you’ve known him a long time.   

"He doesn't have a conscience at all"

“But he’s not like me – he doesn’t have a conscience at all.   Where’s your phone?”

Dylan takes out his phone . . .

Realising that he is beaten, Dylan takes out his phone, 

. . . and places it on the table

and is told to put it on the table on loudspeaker;  “I want to hear this, too,” says Garry.   

Garry prolongs the suspense

However, after it has rung a couple of times, Garry changes his mind;  “It’s a bit early for the truth to come out, isn’t it?” and he turns off the phone.

"Happy New Year, Dyl"

As Dylan sits down again dejectedly, Garry wishes him a Happy New Year and takes his leave.

Eileen is reliving past Christmases

As the midnight hour draws near, we see Eileen, who is looking with pleasure at some photos, presumably featuring Jim, 

Both Siôn . . .

then Siôn and Anita, 

. . . and Anita have fallen asleep

who are both peacefully asleep at Y Felin.   

Llio is going to bed

Llio turns off the lights (except those on the Christmas tree) at number 7 and goes up to bed.

Dylan swigs the last of his whisky . . .

In contrast, however, Dylan is very far from peaceful;  he swallows the last of his whisky, 

. . . and flings the glass across the room

then shouts, “Arghhh!” and hurls the glass across the room in his frustration. 

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