23 January 2021

21 January 2021

DJ compliments Sioned 

At Penrhewl, DJ has just finished his meal, and compliments Sioned, who made it;   “I’d better get going – the shed won’t clean itself,” he says.   She will bring him a couple of cakes and a cup of tea later.   

"Thanks, Sioned - love you!"

Thank you – love you!” he says, as he leaves, and appears disappointed when she does not say the same.

Eileen immediately turns round . . .

This has not gone unnoticed by Eileen, who turns to stare at her daughter;  

. . . and Sioned feels embarrassed

Sioned looks very embarrassed.   

"I shouldn't have said that!"

After hesitating, DJ comes back in 

"I forgot my phone"

to pick up his phone, 

"I didn't . . . I just . . ."

and confesses, “I didn’t . . . I just . . .” before going out of the room again.

Outside, he is angry with himself

Out in the yard he sits on a bench, apparently angry with himself.

The banner has been unfurled

Iolo has deployed the ‘Happy Birthday’ banner at Y Felin, and Anita is very glad that he agreed to come.   “If Aled is going to be part of Greta’s life, I’ll have to get used to it,” he says.   

Anita is looking forward to a good party

She is confident that they will have a good day today.

Tyler asks if it is all ready

Iolo’s phone rings and he finds that it is Tyler, enquiring if he is ready for the big party;  

"We don't have to buy a present, do we?"

“Look, we don’t have to buy a present, do we?”   Iolo replies that of course they do, as it is a birthday party.   “But we bought presents on her real birthday!” Tyler protests, so is advised to just bring something small.

"You are OK that Aled's coming?"

“Are you are OK that Aled’s coming?” is the next question, and Iolo tries to sound convincing as he says that he is indeed OK with it.

Sioned's cakes are finished

Sioned takes her cakes out of the oven and finds her mother looking at her;  

"What are you going to say to DJ?"

“What are you going to say to DJ when you go outside?” she asks.   Sioned maintains that there is nothing to say, and Eileen reminds her that is said he loved her.

"I don't want to make a big deal out of it"

“And I don’t want to make a big deal out of it,” Sioned explains, “Everyone slips up – you call me Huwi all the time!”   Her mother wants to know if she loves DJ, but she does not answer.

Here comes Eifion again

Then Eifion reappears, 

"What do you want?"

much to Eileen’s displeasure;  “I’ve moved into the flat with Mathew, so can you forward my post?”   Sioned is sure that Izzy must be thrilled with that situation, but he ignores her, adding, “I’ve been offered a job at APD as well.”

"Close the door on your way out!"

“Good – I’m happy for you.   Close the door on your way out!” Sioned snarls at him, 

"I paid for half of that horsebox, Eileen"

but Eifion wants to remind Eileen that he paid for half of the horsebox, and he would like to be reimbursed for that.   He says that it was arranged with Jim.

"Why would Jim ask you to pay half?"

Sioned wonders why Jim would ask him to pay half, and Eifion suspects that he was skint at the time.   He will accept a cheque, although cash would be better.   Eileen is adamant that Jim would have told her, 

"It was when his illness was getting worse"

but he explains that it was around the time his illness was getting worse, and he probably forgot;  “There will be a record somewhere,” he insists, “I’ll go for a walk and let you look for it – I won’t be long.”

Eileen will do some investigating

Eileen is sure that what he said is not true, but will look up the documents about the horsebox to check.   

"There wasn't much choice of presents"

Tyler comes out of the shop, telling Aled that there was not much choice of presents, 

"It's not a real party, is it?"
but Aled dismisses it as not a real party.   “I know, but Anita and Iolo are making an effort, so be nice,” Tyler encourages him.

Then Aled sees Dylan . . .

Aled turns to see Dylan walking past the Deri;  

. . . and waves to him

he waves, but Dylan hurries away as quickly as possible.   

"Dylan just blanked me!"

“Dylan just blanked me!” he complains, “Of course he saw me – I waved at him.”

"Has something happened between you?"

Suspecting that Tyler has been interfering, Aled demands, “Has something happened between you?”   When Tyler denies this, he walks away.

"He wasn't happy I found out"

Tyler has no choice but to tell the truth;  “I had an argument with him – he wasn’t happy that I found out about you two, and it turned nasty.   He doesn’t want anyone to know about you and him.”   

"That's why he blanked me!"

It is no surprise to Aled that Dylan blanked him, in that case, and he begins to compose a text;  

"I have to find out if you've spoiled everything!"
“I have to find out if you’ve spoiled things for me!” Aled growls.

"Is the honeymoon period over already?"

DJ is loading the 4x4 when Eifion saunters past;  he says that he is at the farm to sort a few things out.   “Is the honeymoon period over already?  Don’t say she’s dumped you?   Tell me – or I will make something up – 

"Like Sioned found you in bed with her mother!"

“something like Sioned found you in bed with her mother!   Come on, then – tell me what you’ve done.”

"I said to Sioned, 'I love you'!"

DJ rather inadvisedly admits, “I was leaving the table and I said, ‘Love you’!”   

"You clown, DJ!"

Eifion regards him as a clown, but DJ says that he did not mean to say that – it just slipped out – and to make matters worse, Eileen was there.

“The the last thing a woman wants at the start of a relationship is a man who moves too quickly,” is Eifion’s advice, 

"Sioned could dump you for this"

“Sioned could dump you for this!”   DJ tells him not to talk rubbish, but is now very worried.

The party food is all prepared

Tyler and Aled arrive at Y Felin to find a well-laden party table;  “Every little girl deserves a fuss on their birthday, don’t they?” Anita says.   “Greta wasn’t feeling 100%, so she’s gone upstairs for a nap – she’ll be down before long.”   The timer sounds, so Anita realises her quiches are ready.

"Quiche?   It's like the 80s here"

“Quiche?   It’s like the 80s here,” sneers Aled, and is urged to behave by Tyler.   

"Greta's not awake yet"

Iolo comes downstairs, informing them that Greta is not yet awake, and rather awkwardly acknowledges Aled.

Tyler admires the cake which Iolo made;  

"It took ages – it's a unicorn"

“It took ages – it’s a unicorn,” he informs them, 

Tyler points out that something is missing

and Tyler wonders why it is missing its horn.   

"The horn looked a little . . ."

Iolo further elucidates, “It’s a hornless unicorn, because the horn looked a little . . .”

"Urgh – it looks just like a  . . ."

Tyler open the box containing the missing horn, and shows it to Aled, who remarks, “Urgh – it looks just like a . . .”   Iolo points out that is why it is in the box, and is surprised to hear that Aled has a present for Greta.

Aled asks for directions to the toilet, 

"Thanks for being OK with Aled here"

and Tyler thanks Iolo for being OK with him being there;  “It would mean a lot to me if the three of us could get on,” he says.

Siôn appears to have had a mishap

Siôn appears from upstairs, needing Iolo’s help;  “And bring soap and water,” he adds, ominously.

"Take this to DJ"

Eileen brings a flask and tells Sioned to take it to DJ;  “I have to look for those documents.   I think you should have a word with DJ, just to clear the air,” she says, “Thank him for what he said, but tell him that you’re not quite ready to say it back yet.”

"I like the fact he said it"

“That’s the thing,” Sioned confesses, “I like the fact he said it – we’ve been friends for years, and I’ve never been with a guy like him.”   Eileen advises her to tell him that, 

"Don't you think I'm being a bit rash?"

but Sioned wonders, “Don’t you think I’m being a bit rash?”

"If you feel like telling him – then tell him"

“Looking back at your history of rash ideas . . .” begins her mother, “Take them out to him – and if you feel like telling him – then tell him.”   

This is what she intends to do

Sioned enthusiastically picks up the box of cakes and the flask.

DJ is at work as she approaches

Out in the field, DJ is putting feed into a trough as Sioned approaches from the farmhouse;  “The tea and cakes are ready,” she announces, and he goes across to meet her.

"Listen, I didn't mean that earlier"

“Listen, I didn’t mean that earlier,” he tells her, “You’re great and everything – and I just thought . . . well, it’s still early days.   

"Dad loves Ken Owens"

Dad loves Ken Owens, [Welsh Rugby Union hooker] but he doesn’t ‘love-love’ him.”   Sioned listens, amused, as he continues, “And I love chips . . .”  

"Just like you don't 'love-love' me"

By this time she can follow his line of reasoning;  “But you don’t ‘love-love’ chips, just like you don’t ‘love-love’ me.”   He does not want things to be awkward, 

She goes away, downhearted

so she simply hopes that he enjoys his tea and cakes, then walks away, rather disappointed.

"Do you want a cupcake, Aled?"

At the rather subdued ‘party’, Tyler asks Aled if he would like a cupcake, but he is too engrossed in his phone;  

"Glad to see you're enjoying yourself"
“Glad to see that you’re enjoying yourself,” Iolo sarcastically comments.   Tyler is sorry that Greta is not feeling well 

"She must be gutted to miss out on all this fun!"

and Iolo concedes, sarcastically, “She must be gutted to miss out on all this fun!   I’ll go and check on her.”   

"Can't you make a bit of effort?"

In his absence, Tyler urges Aled to make a bit of an effort, as Iolo is trying to be nice.

“Why are we here, if Greta’s ill?” Aled demands, and Tyler wonders if he has had any reply yet to his text.   

"He won't answer!"

“No, and I’m going to phone him now!” is the reply, but then finds, “He won’t answer!”

Tyler warns that he should not expect too much with Dylan, but Aled points out that he is his father.   “You hardly know him – forget about it now and try to enjoy the party,” Tyler suggests.

"I want to talk to my father!"

“I don’t want a party – I just want talk to my father!” exclaims Aled, and marches out of the house, 

"Greta feels a bit better"

just as Iolo comes back downstairs, reporting that Greta feels a bit better, and is wanting some orange squash.   

"Something cropped up, Iol"

He enquires where Aled has gone, and Tyler makes up an excuse about something cropping up, so he had to go.

"All those years I was married to Jim . . ."

At Penrhewl, as Eileen pours out the tea, she reminisces, “All the years I was married to Jim, I don’t think he ever made a cup of tea the way I like it – it was always too weak.   

"I drank it because it made him happy"

“But I always drank it, because I knew it made him happy.”   

"This tastes fine to me"

Sioned remarks that it tastes fine to her.

“Sorry for the bad advice,” her mother goes on, but Sioned says that she had read too much into things, as usual.   Eileen asks exactly what DJ said.

"He said something about chips and Ken Owens"

“Something about chips and Ken Owens – don’t worry, he took his words back anyway,” Sioned answers, “I know it sounds silly, but I’m scared to slow down in case I lose him.   

"It mad me realise how much I want to be with him"

“Hearing those words earlier made me realise how much I want to be with him – but I didn’t tell him that.”

"And how would he react to that?"
Eileen wonders how he would react to that news, 

"Thanks for the tea, Mam"

but Sioned simply thanks her for the cup of tea.

The last person Dylan wanted to see

Dylan is in the Deri, and does not look at all happy to see Aled coming in;  “I’ve been trying to phone you,” Aled tells him, but he gives the excuse that he has been in meetings all day, and his phone was on silent.   

Hang on – isn't that Llinos over by the bar?

“Good, I thought you were ignoring me,” says a relieved Aled, 

Aled will join his father . . . 

“I’ll join you – there’s nothing worse than drinking alone.”   

. . . but is far from welcome

Dylan does not share this view.

DJ negotiates the muddy track

DJ drives the 4x4 back up towards the farm, along the muddy track;  

Sioned looks determined

Sioned is approaching, and summons up her courage to speak to him.   

"I should have said I love you too!"

“I should have said it back!” she announces, “Earlier, when you said you loved me, I should have said I love you too!   Because I do love you too – and not in the way you love chips, and Dai loves Ken Owens!   I ‘love-love’ you – and I want you to know.”

"Good – because I love you too"

“Good,” he smiles, “Because I love you too,” 

This makes Sioned radiantly happy

and Sioned smiles broadly, after checking that he really does mean it this time.

"Today was a waste of time"

At Y Felin, Anita has joined the convivial gathering, and groans, “Today was a waste of time, wasn’t it?”   

"It's the thought that counts, Anita"

They assure her that it is the thought that counts, and Iolo observes that there is plenty of quiche for him to take home;  Tyler will also take some.

"Sorry Aled didn't enjoy the party"

Iolo is sorry that Aled did not enjoy the party, and is told that his mind was elsewhere today;  

"Dadi issues!"

“Dadi issues!”   

"Greta has double the issues!"

Iolo can sympathise as they all have those, and Tyler emphasises that Greta has two dads, so double the issues.

"She's watching Cyw on the tablet"

Siôn comes downstairs and advises that Greta is now happy, watching Cyw [children’s cartoon series on S4C] on the tablet, but she wants to see her Dad, so Tyler goes up.

"I hear that DJ's loved-up at the moment"

Eileen is chopping vegetables when Eifion returns to Penrhewl;  “I hear that DJ’s ‘loved-up’ at the moment,” he comments, 

"They make a lovely couple"

but Eileen is of the opinion they make a lovely couple.

“Well, if they have kids, let’s hope they get Sioned’s looks!” he adds, “And her farming ability!”

"You were right – you paid for half of it"

“By the way, I found the paperwork for the horsebox, and you were right – it shows you paid for half of it,” Eileen informs him, “But it’s odd you didn’t say at the time.”

Eifion is eager to get the money

He argues that he did not want to cause trouble with Jim, and is looking forward to the cash or cheque.   

"But Jim paid you back three weeks later"

But then Eileen continues, “I went through the bank statements and saw that Jim paid you back three weeks later.   

"How do you explain that?"

“How do you explain that?   It’s in your account, Eifion Rowlands.”

He tries to come up with a plausible answer

He looks at the statement rather guiltily, and maintains that it was paid into a old account he never uses.   

"I'm glad we've sorted out that confusion"

Eileen is very glad they have been able to sort out that confusion, 

"Those are your socks . . ."

then points to something on the top of the washing basket;  “Those are your socks – 

". . . I'd hate to think of you leaving empty-handed!"

“I’d hate to think of you leaving here empty-handed!”   He walks out without a further word 

"Yes – got you!"

and Eileen looks jubilant.

"I've just been to a three-year-old girl's party"

“I’ve just been to a three-year-old girl’s birthday party – how random is that?” demands Aled, “Tyler’s daughter – it was tragic, to be honest.   It’s hard to be friends with your partner’s exes – do you find that?”   Dylan is taking no interest whatsoever in what Aled is saying.

“Have I done something to upset you?” Aled asks, 

"You should not have told Tyler!"

and the answer is that he should not have told Tyler.   Aled is confident that Tyler will not tell anyone, and has had an idea;  

"Why don't I come to work for you at Tapas?"

“I’ve just left my old job, so why don’t I come and work for you at Tapas?”

Dylan flatly refuses that

This does not go down well Dylan;  “We could get to know each other without raising suspicions,” Aled suggests, but is told that they are overstaffed already.

"We could go out for the day"

Then Aled comes up with the idea of going out for the day, somewhere far away, where no-one will know them.   

"Where did you get my phone number?"

Dylan wants to know where Aled got his phone number, apparently from Tesni.   “She shouldn’t have given it to you,” Dylan growls.

"Look, I know this is news for both of us"

Aled appreciates that this is new for both of them, 

"I can't be what you want me to be!"

and is interrupted by Dylan’s outburst, “I can’t be what you want me to be!”   

"I just want to get to know you"

Aled just wants the chance to get to know him.   

"Don't contact me again – do you hear?"

“You’re better off forgetting about all of this – don’t contact me again!” Dylan chillingly warns him, 

Aled is left in no doubt where he stands

and walks out of the pub. 

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