01 March 2020

26 February 2020 (2nd)

"Answer your phone, Diane!"
In the café flat, Sara is grumbling, “Answer your phone!” and informs Kelly that Dylan wants her in earlier;  
"Heard any news about when Jason will be back?"
she cannot get hold of Diane to pick up Ifan.   Kelly wonders if she has heard any news about when Jason will be back, and Sara replies, “I can’t believe that he just went away like that!”
"Oh, Diane, at last!"
When she does manage to get through to Diane, 
"It's all right – I'll have him"
Kelly has made up her mind to offer to look after Ifan, and insists that Sara is not taking advantage of her;  Sara pleads with Diane that if she does talk to Jason, will she please tell him to come home.
"We'll have a laugh, won't we, Ifan?"
Kelly maintains that she and Ifan will have a laugh, and is assured that Sara and Dylan will be going out later, so she will able to have some peace.   Sara instructs Ifan, “Be a good boy for Auntie Kelly,” and leaves the flat, 
"Ta-ta, Mami!"
as he waves ta-ta to his Mami.
Huwi is being informed about the little mouse
Kath is babysitting Huwi-John when Eileen and Sioned come home;  
"Where's Jim, then – checking the cows?"
“Where’s Jim, then?   Checking the cows, is he?” Kath asks, and Eileen replies that he stayed at the Deri for another drink.   
Huwi has lost interest in the book
Huwi-John has now developed a dislike of the picture book, and pushes it away.
"Is everything all right, Eileen?"
“Is everything all right, Eileen?” Kath enquires, and Eileen says there is something that she should know;  “You’re getting divorced, aren’t you?” is Kath’s conclusion, 
"I wish things were that simple"
but Eileen wishes things were that simple, and advises Kath to sit down.
"You're a brave msn, Jim Probert!"
In the Deri, Dai praises Jim for being a very brave man, but he groans, “I don’t feel very brave, letting Eileen go home on her own.”   
"Mam will be all right"
When Sioned insists that her mother will be fine, he snarls, “I wish people would stop saying that!” 
"It's true, isn't it?"
but Dai points out that it is true, and Jim apologises.
Sioned goes to sit by herself . . .
Sioned is looking very upset, and goes to sit at a table, where she is noticed by Brenda;  “It’s hard, isn’t it?   Watching someone going through this?” she says, 
. . . and does not want to talk to Brenda about it
Sioned does not want to talk about it now.   
"I had to watch my husband, Ned, lose all sense of who he was"
Undaunted, Brenda continues, “I know how you feel – I had to watch my husband, Ned, slowly lose all sense of who he was – and that’s how I could help Jim.”   
"How long have you known about it?"
Sioned wonders how long she has known, and Brenda says she has supported him from the start;  Sioned, with tears in her eyes, appreciates this.
"I have to go and sort them out, Sara"
At Tapas, Dylan complains that one of the suppliers is playing games, so he has to go and sort them out;  Sara reminds hin that he is taking her out later, but he does not know how long this will take.   
"I've organised someone to look after Ifan"
“I’ve organised someone to look after Ifan and everything,” she groans, so he promises he will make it up to her.
"Here he is – employee of the month!"
Guto walks in, and is greeted as, “Employee of the month.”   He is not supposed to be working tonight, but wonders if they need any help, and also would like to learn something about wine.
"Last night, a couple were asking about wine"
“Last night, a couple were asking about wine, and I felt stupid not being able to tell them,” he goes on, 
"Sara's the wine expert"
and Dylan informs him that Sara is the wine expert, and could give him a lesson.   
"No, I'm not doing anything tonight, am I?"
He suggests that they could do it tonight, as she is not doing anything.
"Smile for Auntie Kelly"
Kelly is taking photos of Ifan, and telling him to smile, when Auntie Anita arrives;  
"You're looking smart in your hats"
she says they are looking smart in their hats.   
"We had chocolate brownies, didn't we?"
Kelly reports that they have had milk and sarnies, and even chocolate brownies.   
"Sara's working – and Jason is in Australia!"
She advises Anita that Sara is working and Jason is in Australia;  Anita says that she had a shock when she heard that, and says that Diane is furious about it.   Kelly confirms that so is Sara, 
"Are you all right with looking after him?"
and Anita asks if she is all right with looking after Ifan.
“Yes, I’m fine – so relax,” she is told, and Anita is about to make a cup of tea, but is advised to sit down first.   
Plenty of chocolate brownies left
Kelly puts Ifan down to play on the floor, and rather hesitantly informs Anita, 
"Right, OK, I'm babysitting out of guilt"
“Right, OK, I’m babysitting out of guilt – Siôn already knows – obviously, I wanted to tell you first – nothing’s happened, and there’s no need to worry – 
"I've kind of been seeing someone – romantically, like"
“but, I’ve kind of being seeing someone – romantically, like.”
"Ooh – who's the lucky man, then?"
Anita is very pleased to hear that, and of course wants to know who is the lucky man;  
Kelly reveals that it is Jason, 
Now Anita looks less excited
and Anita’s face falls.   
There is a shocked silence at Penrhewl . . .
Having been told the news about Jim, Kath looks devastated, 
. . . until Jim walks in
and then he walks in, full of smiles;  “Jim, I don’t know what to say,” she begins, 
"That's not like you, Kath!"
and he remarks that is not like her, and laughs.   
"We've had a lot of fun, the two of us"
She hugs him and goes on, “We’ve have had a lot of fun, the two of us,” and he predicts they will have still more fun.
"I'm not going anywhere near that allotment with you again"
“But I’m not going anywhere near that allotment with you again,” she warns him, and Eileen wonders what this is about;  “Well, once he gets the deckchairs and cans out, he’s dangerous!” Kath continues.
"Do you still steal other people's vegetables?"
He points out that she is no saint, either, enquiring, “Do you still steal other people’s vegetables?” and she explains that she was not stealing things, but rather helping people – looking after the things that people did not have time to do.   She maintains that she cannot tell the difference between a weed and a carrot.
"I was doing you a favour, Eileen"
Today she will not accept any payment from Eileen for the babysitting, as she was doing them a favour, and that is what friends are for.   
Huwi appears to need his bed
As she leaves, Huwi begins to cry, which Eileen takes as an indication he wants to go to bed.   Jim volunteers to take him, but Eileen says he has done too much for one day, and that he should sit down.   
"Good night, boy – see you in the morning"
He says good night to Huwi, 
He is definitely not happy
who by now is crying uncontrollably.
"Only you and Siôn know – and Jason, obviously"
“Only you and Siôn know – and Jason, obviously,” Kelly continues, but Anita notices that does not include Sara.   She asks when exactly Jason is coming back;  
"I think it's my fault he went in the first place"
“Well, that’s the thing – because I think it’s my fault that he went in the first place,” Kelly explains, “We cooled things off – and I haven’t heard anything from him since.   
"I finally find a decent bloke, and he runs away to the other side of the world!"
“Typical me – I finally find a decent bloke, and he runs away to the other side of the world!”
"You should tell Diane, you know"
Anita suggests that she needs a break, and Kelly confirms that is what he said;  “I do think that you should tell Diane – just think about it now – if Diane knew the truth, she would worry less, wouldn’t she?” adds Anita, and Kelly supposes that she is right.
"Anyone would want you as a daughter-in-law"
“She wants Jason to move on, you know, and you’re a lovely girl – anyone would want you as a daughter-in-law!”   
"It's a bit early for wedding bells!"
Kelly makes it clear that it is a bit early for wedding bells.   
"Mr White – keeping secrets from me!"
Then Anita considers, “Mr White – keeping secrets from me – I’ll remember that!”
"He's a good bloke – trustworthy"
Kelly describes him as, “A good bloke – trustworthy,” and Anita points out that likewise Jason is a good man;  she is glad that Kelly told her.   Then they hear voices coming upstairs, and Anita is reminded not to say a word.
Sara is back early . . .
Anita takes her leave, as Sara returns 
. . . accompanied by Guto . . .
with Guto in tow;  Kelly was not expecting her back so early, and reports that Ifan is fast asleep.   
. . . with a number of wine bottles
Guto is carrying a large number of wine bottles, and Kelly looks surprised, 
"I was thinking of having an early night"
but says she was thinking of having an early night, so will leave them to it.
"What do you want for dinner, Jim?"
Eileen comes downstairs after putting Huwi to bed, and asks Jim what he wants for dinner, but receives no reply.   
Jim has unexpectedly expired . . .
She assumes that he is asleep in the chair, and tries to wake him, 
. . . and Eileen cannot believe it
but then discovers to her horror that he is dead, and she cannot believe it.
"I remember the day of his diagnosis"
In the Deri, Brenda says that she remembers very clearly the day of the diagnosis;  Dai cannot understand why Jim turned to her, 
"I realised something was wrong"
and she points out that, unlike the rest of his friends, she realised that something was wrong.   “Why would I lie?” she demands, 
"Remember, you're talking about a sick man here" 
and Cassie reminds them that they are talking about a sick man.
Sioned receives an urgent phone call
Sioned’s phone rings, and she can tell that her mother is very upset;  
"I'll be there right away!"
“All right – I’ll be there right away!” she says, and asks Eifion to go with her.    
Eifion has to leave his pint
As she is so insistent, he leaves his pint.   
"It's your round, Mathew"
Brenda comes over and informs Mathew that it is his round.
Eileen is in a state of shock . . .
Eileen is in a state of shock 
. . . and so are Sioned and Eifion 
when Sioned and Eifion return to the farm;  
"He didn't even have time to take his coat off"
“He didn’t even have time to take his coat off,” she sobs, “I’ve phoned the doctor, and he’s on his way.”   
Sioned is extremely upset
Sioned is very upset.
Sara is plying Guto with various wines
In the café flat, Guto is getting stuck into his wine tasting, as Sara pours another glass;  this time it is a New World wine, and she asks him what aroma he is getting.   
"A bit like a wet dog!"
He describes it as, “A bit like a wet dog,” but she points out that the official term is ‘earthy’.
"People pay money to drink wine that tastes of earth?"
“And people pay money to drink wine that tastes of earth?” he asks, incredulously;  Sara advises that the more complex the aroma, the better the wine.   He, however, is busy, polishing off another glass.
Kelly is in her bedroom . . .
Kelly is sitting on her bed, trying to compose a suitable text to Jason, 
. . . trying to compose a text to Jason . . .
but rejects one that starts ‘G’day mate’, 
. . . and decides on this one
and instead types, ‘When are you back?’   
Guto lurches into Kelly's bedroom
All of a sudden her bedroom door bursts open, and Guto is standing there.
"Who moved the toilet?"
He looks around, and enquires, “Who moved the toilet?”   
He is forcibly ejected
Kelly informs him that this is her bedroom, and she will take him back to Sara, marching him out of the door.
"He walked into my bedroom!"
“He walked into my bedroom!” she complains to Sara, 
"Why are you so drunk, Guto?"
who wonders why he is so drunk.   He replies that he is not drunk, 
He rushes at breakneck speed towards the sink
but then has to rush to the sink to throw up.   
"That's disgusting!"
Kelly is understandably not impressed by this behaviour.
It is 'chucking-out time' at the Deri
It is now ‘chucking out time’ at the Deri, 
"You've had an extra half hour already!"
and Cassie reminds them they have had an extra half an hour, and tells them to go away.   Brenda invites everyone back to the shop flat, which does not please Mathew, 
They head for the shop flat
but off they go, with Brenda on Colin’s arm.
Kelly is preparing for bed
Kelly is preparing for bed at just before midnight when she hears her phone sound, so immediately picks it up;  
A reply from Jason appears . . .
she is very pleased to read, “I’m OK.   Just sorting my head out.   Look after yourself.”   
. . . and she is very pleased
She breathes a sigh of relief.
Sioned is sobbing quietly in the flat
Sioned is standing in the shop flat, in the dark, sobbing quietly, when the rather rowdy crowd arrives;  
"What are you doing, Sioned?"
Mathew asks what she is doing, 
"Jim's dead!"
and she announces, “He’s dead!   Jim’s dead!”   
They are all extremely shocked
They all look devastated.
The undertakers leave Penrhewl . . .
At Penrhewl, Eifion escorts the undertakers from the house, 
. . . and Eifion returns to Eileen 
and then returns to Eileen, 
She is looking at the chair in which Jim was sitting
who is looking at the empty chair in which Jim died;  
Eifion hugs her
she once more bursts into tears, and he tries to comfort her.

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