24 March 2020

23 March 2020

"You need to order more eggs, Dad"
In the shop, Izzy advises her father that he needs to order more eggs, but he is rather preoccupied, and says that he would be lost without her help.   
"These sums don't add up"
“I’m going through the books,” he tells her, “These sums don’t add up again,” but she advises him not to worry, as it must be natural to be a few pounds out.
"There's over £60 missing from this till"
“A couple of pounds perhaps, but there’s over £60 missing from this till – the takings were down last week as well – I can’t understand it,” Colin groans, “It’s a lot of money, isn’t it?   Right I think I shall have to count everything again.”   
Wec can guess where it has gone, can we not?
Izzy is wearing a guilty look.
Dr Evans is directed to Ffion's bed
In the hospital, a doctor is directed to Ffion’s bed, 
"How are you feeling?"
and announces, “Ms Llywelyn, I’m Dr Evans – how are you feeling?”   
"Have the test results come through yet?"
She replies that she is worried, and wants to know if the test results have come through yet.   
He reminds her that stress does not help anyone, but she has been dwelling on things all the weekend, and has a little girl at home.   However, she does not want the hospital to phone anyone.   
"We'll have them in a few hours"
The doctor informs her that they will have the test results in a few hours, and he will talk again then.
"DJ, you're late!"
Eileen is attempting to contact DJ, leaving a message to say that he is late;  Sioned points out that he is only a quarter of an hour late, but her mother insists, 
"He's being paid for that quarter-hour!"
“He’s being paid for that quarter of an hour – it’s not good enough.   
"I'll offer Eifion his job back"
“I think I’ll phone Eifion and offer him his job back – at least he was here when we needed him!”
"He doesn't want to come back, Mam"
Sioned reminds her that he does not want to come back;  Eileen maintains that now she has created this package, she is sure that the pay rise will tempt him back, but Sioned is dead against this idea, and tells her mother to sit down.
Eileen learns that Sioned told him to leave
“I told Eifion to leave!   I didn’t want to upset you, but he was taking advantage,” Sioned explains, and Eileen wonders what she is talking about.   “You know the holiday Eifion had booked?   
"He forged Jim's signature in the diary"
“He forged Jim’s signature in the diary to make sure he got that holiday – he had to go, Mam!”
"How could he?"
Eileen is dumbfounded;  “How could he?   I thought of him as one of the family!” she wails, 
"That was why I didn't want to say anything"
and Sioned informs her that was why she did not want to say anything.   “I understand that, but don’t keep things like that away from me,” says her mother.   Sioned insists that the last thing she needs now is more stress.
“I know Eifion’s not perfect, but this . . .” begins Eileen, then gets up and walks out of the room, 
"I'm just going to make  cup of tea"
as Sioned protests that she was about to make a cup of tea.   “I haven’t got time – there are things I need to sort out,” says her mother, 
Eileen makes a start on getting rid of Jim's things
bringing in some pairs of Jim’s boots.
Colin settles down for his lunch . . .
Back at the chip shop flat, Colin makes himself a cup of tea and a sandwich;  
. . . and comes across Aaron's homework book . . .
he notices Aaron’s homework book on the table, and looks at it.   
. . . which contains several £20 notes
He is astounded when he finds some £20 notes inside, 
He is under the impression he has solved the mystery
and immediately jumps to a conclusion (as so often happens in Cwmderi).
Ffion calls Rhys . . .
Ffion, in her hospital bed, dials Rhys’ number;  
. . . pretending she is with her mother in North Wales
he asks if she is OK, and she replies that she is, and that her mother is driving her crazy.   “But she’s doing everything for me, fair play.   
"How's Arwen?"
“How’s Arwen?”
Rhys has turned on the phone's speaker
Rhys says that she is asking for Mam every night, as he is not as good as Ffion at reading stories;  “She says I’m not so good at doing the voices – and Mother’s Day was odd without you – you are OK, aren’t you?”
"I just needed a couple of days"
“I’m sorry for disappearing like that – I just needed a couple of days,” she tells him, but he wishes that she had told him face to face, assuring her that he would have understood;  
"We're supposed to face everything together"
they are supposed to be a couple and face everything together.
“Don’t run off like that again – it’s not fair on Arwen or me,” he says, 
"Sorry, I don't know what came over me"
and she apologises, not knowing what came over her.   He goes on, “Well, I’ve Googled this menopause, and I know it’s not easy, but we’ll get through it.   
"Come home soon, won't you?"
“Come home soon, won’t you?” 
Ffion ends the call
and Ffion, who is by now in tears, 
Why does she not tell him the truth?
ends the call.
Eileen prepares their meal
At Penrhewl, Eileen is preparing the meal, and we can see that there are several bags of Jim’s clothes piled up in the room.   
Adrian suddenly turns up . . .
She is very surprised to see Adrian, Jim’s brother, coming through the door;  “It’s so sad, isn’t it?” he says, “I’ve brought you a few things.”   
. . . with some gifts
She invites him to sit down, but appears rather uncomfortable in his presence.
"The flights from Chile were all sold out"
He maintains that he tried to get a flight from Chile to come to the funeral but the flights were all sold out.   
"Are you going to stay for lunch?"
Eileen says that he is welcome to have some lunch with them, and will give him a cup of tea first.   He muses, “Do you know what?   
"I never thought Jim would go first"
“I never thought that he would go first – Jim always ate and drank less than me.   
"He grew up and I grew out!"
“He grew up, and, as you can see, I grew out.   How are you coping, then?”
"I have to carry on with things"
Eileen replies that she does not have much choice but to carry on with things, as the farm will not run itself.   
"How's little Harri?"
Then he asks, “How is little Harri?” so she corrects him that her son is Huwi, 
"Huwi has no idea what is going on"
and says that he is fine, and has no idea what is going on.
"If there's anything I can do, Eileen . . ."
“I see you’ve been sorting stuff out,” he comments, “If there is anything I can help with, you only have to ask.   Eileen tells him that those are Jim’s clothes, which will be going to charity shop, unless he wants anything – a jumper or a tie.   
"Jim and I had different tastes in clothes"
Adrian forgoes this offer, and she says that it helps to start organising things.
“I heard that Sioned is farming for you now – is she interested in that?” he enquires, 
Eileen does not look at all at ease
and Eileen, who is looking very suspicious, points out that they have help.   
Adrian scans the room for anything of value
Adrian appears to be looking around the room to see if he can see anything of value.
"Aaron forgot his homework book, Col!"
Colin is still in the flat when Britt and Aaron come in;  they are surprised to see him there, and Britt will make them all a sandwich.   She reports that Aaron forgot his homework book, 
"It's here – with his money"
and Colin solemnly answers, “It’s in here – with his money.”
"Have you been saving up, Aaron?"
Britt assumes that he has been saving up, and he agrees that it is something like that, 
"No, Britt – he's been stealing"
but Colin is convinced that he has been stealing.
Adrian looks at the order of service . . .
Adrian looks through the order of service for the funeral, 
. . . and the hymn 'Calon Lan'
particularly at the hymn ‘Calon Lan’.   “That reminds me of Jim and me as young boys in the chapel with Mary James – she got us to sit up straight to sing ‘Calon Lan’, then she went to the organ.   
"Suddenly Jim popped up in the pulpit – he was a little devil!"
“Suddenly Jim popped up in the pulpit, and she had such a fright she never went back to playing the organ – he was a little devil!”
"Jim always said you were the naughty one"
Eileen comments that Jim always said that Adrian was the naughty one, and enquires what he is doing now;  “Still building houses?”   He answers that he is too old for that and his back is kaput, so he sits on his backside and gets paid for it – 
"I drive buses part-time"
he drives buses, part-time, for a small local company, and goes wherever they send him.
"What do you do, DJ?"
He asks what DJ does, and is somewhat concerned when he finds out that DJ is a Community Police Officer.   Eileen says, “He isn’t just a farmhand – he keeps the community safe as well.”   
"It's amazing how many bad people are about!"
DJ maintains that he would be amazed at how many bad people are about, and that is not expected in the countryside.   Adrian finds this rather disconcerting.
Izzy has been looking for 'dirt' on Sioned
In the shop, Izzy sends a text to Eifion;  “Still can’t find anything on Sioned.”   
Colin returns, looking grim
Her father comes back into the shop, looking very serious.   “I know where that money went,” he announces, 
Izzy thinks she has been rumbled
and a look of panic crosses her face, but he continues, “I found it – in Aaron’s things.”   
"He's not the type to steal, Dad"
Once again Izzy insists that he is not the type to steal, but Colin cannot see any other explanation.
"It's Civil War now that I've told Britt!"
“And of course it’s Civil War now that I’ve told Britt!” he goes on, “It’s terrible – and Aaron denies everything.”   He has to go and organise the stock out the back, while Izzy serves a customer who has just come in, Sioned.
"Does Eifion feel guilty at all?"
She asks if Izzy has heard from Eifion;  “Does he feel guilty at all?” but Izzy maintains that she never wants to see him again.   “It must be a shock, finding out your boyfriend’s so awful,” Sioned goes on, 
"Who would forge a dead person's signature?"
“I told Mam, and she couldn’t believe anyone could be so cruel – who would forge a dead person’s signature?   If you hear from him, tell him to stay away from Penrhewl!”
Izzy checks that her father is out of the way . . .
Izzy checks to ensure that her father is otherwise engaged in the store room, 
. . . then hides £60 by the till
then takes three £20 notes from her pocket, and secretes them under a basket by the side of the till.
“Dad,” she shouts, and he comes in, as he is dealing with an order;  
"What's this money doing here, Dad?"
she demands, “What’s this money doing here?”   He discovers that it is £60, and she reminds him that this is where he cashed up.   
Colin is very sheepish
He looks very shamefaced.
The test results are delivered to Dr Evans
Back at the hospital, Dr Evans is given the results of Ffion’s tests, and comes to see her;  
"Cirrhosis of the liver"
“The test results have come through – you have cirrhosis of the liver.   The best way of describing cirrhosis is scarring on the liver.”   
"That's serious, isn't it?"
She realises that it is serious, but he assures her that her liver is working fine at the moment;   she will need to stay there a little longer so they can discuss how to manage the condition in the long term.   She is under the impression that it means more antibiotics, 
"We can work with you to make sure it doesn't get worse"
but is told, “Once you’ve got cirrhosis, you’ve got it for ever, but we can work with you to make sure it doesn’t get worse.”   
This is very bad news for Ffion 
She is very downhearted.
"We have to talk, Britt"
Britt is watching television in the chip shop flat when Colin comes in, stressing that they have to talk;  
"I think you've said enough for one day!"
“I think you’ve said enough for one day, don’t you?” she says, turning up the volume on the television.
"Stealing cars from his uncle's garage?"
He turns it down again, and calls Aaron;  “Oh yeah – what are you going to accuse him of now, then?” Britt demands, “A hold-up in the café?   Stealing cars from his uncle’s garage?”
"The thing is, I've found the money"
Colin hesitantly begins, “I don’t know how to say this, but – you know the money that went missing at the shop – well, the thing is, I’ve found it.”   
Aaron remains silent
Aaron says nothing as 
"It was down the side of the till"
Colin continues, “It was down the side of the till,” 
"You should have known that Aaron would never do such a thing"
and Britt snarls that he should have known Aaron would never do such a thing.
"I'm so, so sorry, Aaron"
“I’m so, so sorry, Aaron,” says Colin, but Britt does not consider that is enough after accusing him of stealing.   
"I put two and two together, and got six!"
He tries to explain, “The money was in your things – I put two and two together, and got six!   I do trust him – I made a mistake!   A big one!   A huge one!   Aaron, I do trust you, all right?   Of course I trust you!”   
He hands the money back to Aaron . . .
He returns the money to Aaron, again emphasising how sorry he is.
. . . who simply thrusts it back at him
Aaron takes the money, then stands up and gives it back to Colin, walking out of the room.
"I can't take this to a charity shop, can I?"
Eileen is sorting through the clothes;  “I can’t take this to a charity shop, can I?” she says, looking at a jumper.   
"Have you seen the will yet?"
Adrian wonders if she has seen the will yet, 
"There was nothing in it for you – or Sioned . . ."
and she informs him, “Yes – there was nothing in it for you.”   He alleges that he was not expecting anything, and she adds, “There was nothing for Sioned either.   
". . . but he left Kath Jones two fields!"
Kath Jones, Maes-y-Deri isn’t part of the family, but Jim left her two fields – and she doesn’t know anything about farming!   Some people round here think that Jim and Kath had an affair.”
"Affair?   Jimbo?   Don't be daft!"
“Affair?   Jimbo?   Don’t be daft!” Adrian exclaims, ands Eifion asks if Jim ever said anything about Kath, but is told he did not mention a word.   When Eileen goes upstairs to find more clothes, Adrian takes the opportunity to snoop around, 
He finds money in one of Jim's pockets . . .
and in the pocket of one of Jim’s jackets finds some money, for which he is very grateful.
. . . but his search is interrupted
Eileen returns with the last two bags before he can locate anything else of value, and she reports there is plenty of room in the wardrobes now;  
"He had more clothes than me"
she breaks down in tears as she comments, “He had more clothes than me.”
"Jim's not here to answer my questions"
Adrian attempts to comfort her, but she says she has so many questions, and Jim is not here to answer them.   
"Has he upset you, Eileen?"
DJ comes in and immediately assumes that Adrian has done something to upset her.   
"I just miss Jim, that's all"
“I just miss Jim, that’s all,” Eileen sobs, 
"I think I had better be going"
and Adrian considers that it is time he made himself scarce.   DJ also looks very suspicious of him.
"I have to ask, are you still drinking?"
“As your doctor, I have to ask, are you still drinking, Ffion?” says Dr Evans, 
"I'm an alcoholis, but I haven't had a drink for years"
and she emphatically replies that she is an alcoholic, but has not had a drink for years. He points out that it is important that she is completely honest with him, and she makes it quite clear that she is being honest.
"I wouldn't risk the life I have by drinking again!"
“Look, I have a little girl, and I have a partner – I wouldn’t risk the life I have by drinking again!”   
She looks at the photos on her phone . . .
She looks at photos on her phone of herself with Arwen and Rhys;  
. . . and is reduced to tears . . .
she is again reduced to tears, 
. . . as she types a text message
as she types the text message, “Love you xxx”

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