08 April 2021

7 April 2021

Kath finds the house in quite a state

Kath, holding her phone, is disgusted by the empty cans littering the room;  

"Ger was a bit upset last night"

“Ger and I had a couple of cans last night,” Mark tells her, “He was a bit upset.”   

"He knows he has to pay rent, doesn't he?"

Kath hopes that he knows he has to pay rent, and stresses that she will not be cooking for him.   Mark wonders what is wrong with her – why is she is so angry.

"Bloomin' men – that Brynmor!"

“If you must know, bloomin’ men!” she replies, “That Brynmor – he hasn’t done anything – he did all the flirting, and then no text, no phone call, nothing.”   

"After you were smooching, was it?"

Mark imagines that it has been since they were smooching, but she is incensed by this suggestion.   He assures her that it is Brynmor’s loss if he does not contact her.

"Things still feel a bit odd"

Then Gerwyn comes into the room and says that things still feel a bit odd;  

"Would you mind if I kept my car collection here?"

“Would you mind if I kept my car collection here?”   Mark and his mother look at each other.

"I can't believe he's gone"

At number 10, Tesni groans that she cannot believe he has gone;  

"He might come back"

Aled suggests that he might come back.   Jaclyn comes downstairs in her pyjamas and tries to pretend that everything is normal.   Aled asks if she would like a cup of tea, and Tesni does not feel like any breakfast;  

"You have to eat"

“You have to eat,” her mother insists, as she gets out the packets of cereal, including that Asda muesli.

Tesni says she does not like the muesli, 

"Every week for over twenty years!"

and Jaclyn rages, “I’ve bought a box of this every week for over twenty years!”   Tesni mutters to Aled that her father said that was why his arms were so big, 

"Superman eats it for breakfast every morning"

and that Superman eats it for breakfast every morning.

A text message concerns Tesni 

Then a message appears on Tesni’s phone and she looks concerned;  she tells Aled that she has to go out.   

"Are you all right?"

He enquires if Jaclyn is all right, and must leave for work;  

"Dinner will be better than breakfast"

she promises that dinner will be better than breakfast, 

Jaclyn stares at the muesli packet

then sits down and sadly looks at the muesli packet.

"Is it another day on the sofa?"

Lisa is looking rather downcast when Cassie comes downstairs;  “Have you have any plans for today – or is it another day on the sofa?” she asks.   

"Things are quiet at the moment"

Lisa reports that things are quiet at the moment, and is reminded that her rent is two weeks late.   Lisa is confident that she will get it by the end of the week.   

"Give the bath a good scrub"

“Right, I’m going to work – if you need something to do, you’re welcome to give the bath a good scrub!”   

This does not interest Lisa 

Lisa does not look exactly excited by the prospect.

Tesni explains her problem

Then there is a knock at the door, and Lisa is surprised to see Tesni;  “I need your help,” she says, “I’m still receiving messages from Bill, and he’s turned weird!”   

"You don't work for me any more"

Lisa wonders what she is expected to do, reminding Tesni that she does not work for her any more.

"He won't take no for an answer"

She continues, “I’ve told him to stop, but he won’t – he wants me to meet him all the time, and says disgusting things – he won’t take no for an answer.”

"Does he know what you look like?"

Lisa asks if he knows what she looks like, and Tesni says she has never sent him photos, although he continually wants her to.   Lisa detects a money-making opportunity and is willing to solve her problem;  

"Give me his number, and I'll sort it"

“Just give me his number, and I’ll sort it – don’t you worry about how.”   Tesni is really appreciative, as there is something creepy about him, but she is assured that she can forget about him now.

Rhys arrives uninvited

Rhys comes swaggering into the shop flat and asks Mathew if he is all right;  “Haven’t you heard of knocking?” he is told, and Rhys realises that Izzy has still not been in touch – that is what is making Mathew moody.

"You make me feel good – you run so slow!"

“I just want your company, Math – do you want to go for a run later?   Come on, you make me feel good about myself because you’re so slow.”

"We're here to make you feel better"

“That’s what people are to you – we’re here to make you feel better,” Mathew snarls, and Rhys gets the impression that this is not about the run.   “Now you know I don’t want to go for a run tonight, please can I have some peace?” Mathew goes on.

"Are you still angry for sleeping with Sioned?"

“Are you still angry with me for sleeping with Sioned?” Rhys asks,

"It was on her wedding night!"

and Mathew emphasises that it was on her wedding night.   “I know it was a stupid thing to do – 

"It was a lot of fun, though!"

“it was a lot of fun, though!   Yeah – I shouldn’t have done it – I’m sorry,” he says, without conviction.  

"You shouldn't be apologising to me"

Mathew reminds him, “You shouldn’t be apologising to me,” but Rhys argues that he cannot do that while Sioned is away;  

"Thank goodness he's gone!"

then he gives up and walks out, much to Mathew’s relief.

"This is where you're skiving, is it?"

Jason is eating his lunch in the café flat when Sara comes in;  “Oh, this is where you’re skiving, is it?” she comments, 

"Kelly said there's some post for me"

“That’s not a good advert for the business downstairs, is it?   Kelly said there’s some post for me,” 

"It's just there, Sara"

and she sorts through the pile of correspondence.

"Is Ifan all right?"

As Jason enquires if Ifan is all right, she opens one of the letters 

"Please don't say you've been gambling again!"

and exclaims, “What?   Oh, Kelly!   Jase, please don’t say you’ve been gambling again!”   

"What are you talking about, Sara?"

He has no idea what she is talking about.

"Is there something wrong with the signal?"

Kath is holding her phone up in the air and wondering, “Is there something wrong with the signal today?”

"There's something wrong with Brynmor"

Mark is of the opinion that Brynmor is the one with something wrong.   Then there is a knock at the door, and Kath finds that it is Jaclyn;  

"Can I speak to Gerwyn?"

she has brought the packet of muesli with her, and wants to speak to Gerwyn.

"Sorry, he's not here"

At that moment he is coming in through the back door, 

He comes in, but soon escapes again

hears her voice and beats a hasty retreat.  

"It's the only thing he eats for breakfast"

“I brought this over – no-one else likes it, and it’s the only thing he eats for breakfast,” she says, 

She sees the bag of model cars

looking down to see the bag full of model cars.   

"He enjoyed his toast this morning"

Kath reports that he enjoyed his toast this morning, 

"Right, I'd better go"

and Jaclyn takes her leave of them.

"Be grateful that we're single"

“That was a bit awkward – be grateful that we’re single,” sighs Mark, 

"Thanks for not giving me away"

as Gerwyn creeps back in and thanks them for not giving him away.   “I guessed that you didn’t want to see her,” Mark says.

When Gerwyn’s attention is drawn to the muesli,   

"I can't stand the stuff!"

he growls that he cannot stand it;  “She bought it for me when we moved in together – I didn’t say anything.”   

"What?   And you've been eating it for twenty years?"

Mark is astonished that this has been going on for the last twenty years.   

"I can't wait to have Coco Pops"

“I can’t wait to have Coco Pops,” remarks Gerwyn, and will make them a cup of tea.

"You had no right to open this!"

“You had no right to open this,” protests Jason, as he looks at the Verona credit card bill, but Sara is glad that she did.   She is astonished to see that it is for £10,000, 

"It's nothing to do with me!"

and he points out that it is nothing to do with him.   

"I've heard that one before"

Sara sneers that she has heard that one before.   

"Do you really think I'd do that – after everything?"

“Do you really think, I’d do that again – after everything that’s happened?” he shouts, and Sara is incredulous that he did not know Kelly was in debt.   “Is the rest of the post yours?” Jason demands, “Good – see you later – so long!”   

"I'll pick Ifan up after work, OK?"

Before she goes she is anxious that Jason should talk to Kelly, but he says, “I’ll pick up Ifan straight after work, OK?”

Sara insists that no good comes from keeping secrets – she knows that better than anyone;  

"Bye, Sara"

he waves goodbye to her and she finally takes the hint.

Lisa looks at her phone . . .

Lisa looks anxiously at her phone, then types a message;  

. . . then sends a message to Bill

“I can do anything you want me to do – if you’re good boy, of course.   Tash.”   

She does think he will be long

She is expecting a quick response.

"We can run together, if you like"

Ffion is tying up her trainer by the alley, when Rhys appears;  “Are you going for a run?   We can go together if you like,” he says, but she flatly refuses his offer.

"How many times do I have to tell you?"

“How many times do I have to say I don’t want to?” she emphasises, “You think you can treat people like dirt, and act like it’s nothing!”   

Rhys is difficult to shake off

He will not take no for an answer, 

"How are you, Jaclyn?"

so she turns away and instead greets Jaclyn, who is passing.  

She says that she has been better;  

"You must have heard – we've separated"

“You must have heard – Ger and I have separated,” she says, but Ffion had not heard this news;  “It came as a shock to me, as well – things were going so well, but something changed his mind.”   Ffion makes an excuse that she has to go and collect Arwen.

"Help yourself to these cakes"

Kelly comes upstairs from the café, carrying some cakes;  “It’s dead down there, so help yourself to these cakes – there are more downstairs, because loads have gone to waste again.”   

"We could share them with the community"

Jason suggests that they could share them with the community.

“No, I don’t think so – I’ve done enough of that.   

"It's about time they dipped into their pockets!"

“It’s about time the community dipped into their pockets!” she moans;  

"Is everything all right with the business?"

Jason asks if everything is all right, and whether the business is OK.   

"It's a bit quiet"

She replies that it is a bit quiet, but they will survive.

"Kelly, I know!

“Kelly, I know!’ he announces, and shows her the credit card statement;  “I didn’t mean to stick my nose in on purpose.”   

"You opened my post!"

She accuses him of opening her post;  

"Sara did – but it was an accident"

“Well, actually, Sara opened your post, but it was an accident.”

"I've gone my whole life without doing that!"

Kelly is furious;  “Accident?”   I’ve gone my whole life without opening other people’s post, Jase – it’s really easy, actually!”   

"I'm worried about the place – and you"

He explains that he is worried about the place, and worried about her.   She insists that there is no need as it is under control.

“You’re thousands of pounds in debt – and you’re paying the café’s bills on your personal credit card, Kelly!”   

"You had a proper good look, didn't you?"

She can see that he has had a proper good look, but he urges her not to be like that.  

"We promised we'd alway be honest with each other"

“Talk to me, Kelly – we promised that we would always be honest with each other, didn't we?   Always!”

"It's a mess – and I don't know what to do"

Kelly confesses, “I’ve tried to keep the business afloat, but it’s a mess – and I don’t know what to do.”

Jaclyn collapses on the sofa

Back home, Jaclyn flops down on the sofa and puts her feet up;  

"Shall I get something for you to eat?"

Aled asks if she is all right, and she proposes making something for him to eat – pasta or a stirfry, but he encourages her to sit down.

"Things do get better"

“Look, I know better than anyone how difficult it is – but things do get better,” he says.   

"I just want Gerwyn home!"

Jaclyn insists she does not want them to get better – she just wants Gerwyn home.   

"Stuffing his socks down the side of the sofa!"

Then she finds something down the side of the sofa;  “Do you know what?   I’ve been angry with him for twenty years for doing this – watching TV, taking his dirty socks off and stuffing them down the side of the sofa!”   

"That's disgusting!"

Aled thinks that is disgusting, and she agrees;  

"I'd do anything to see him do it again!"

“But I’d do anything to see him do it again.”

When Aled suggests she needs a night out, she replies, “I need my husband home – not a couple of cocktails and a bag of chips on the way home.   I think I’ll go and have a lie down.”   

"I'm sure he misses you too"

Aled is sure that Gerwyn misses her, too.

They do not need women

On the contrary, Gerwyn has just finished a game of darts at Maes-y-Deri.   Mark brings two cans and comments, “We don’t need women, do we?”   Gerwyn does not need any hassle about his socks.   

"No-one to stop us going out"

“No-one to stop us going out,” Mark adds, and they regard themselves as just a couple of lads enjoying life.

“We should organise a darts evening here every week, and invite a couple of boys round,” he continues, 

"We could move the sofa"

and Gerwyn suggests moving the sofa.

"No chance, boys!"

Just then Kath comes in and vetoes the idea;  “No chance, boys!” she informs them, 

"We'll have it at the Deri, then"

so Mark says they will have it at the Deri instead, or even the garage.

"A lot of companies are in the same position"

Jason assures Kelly she has nothing to be ashamed of;  “A lot of companies are in the same situation after last year.”   

"I shouldn't have let it get out of control"

She says that she should not have let things get so far out of control, and he agrees that she should have talked to him.   

"Putting it on the credit card was a short term answer"

She maintains that paying the bills on the credit card was a short term answer, as she did not think the pandemic would last this long.

"Is this your only card?"

“Is this your only card?” he asks, and that she reveals that there are three others.   “OK, we’ll go through these, and then we can go to the bank,” he tells her.

"They've refused to give me a loan"

“There’s no point – I’ve tried, and it they’ve refused to give me a loan – I’m sorry!   I really did think I could sort it myself,” she says, 

"We'll sort it out, together, Kelly"

but Jason promises that they are going to sort it out – together.

Cassie is finishing her shift

Rhys is at the bar, just as Cassie is finishing her shift;  “All the more reason to stay for a drink,” he says.

“What’s a good-looking young man like you doing, drinking on his own?” she enquires, 

"Girls around here don't appreciate me"

and he replies that girls around there do not appreciate him.   “With you being such a gentlemen, of course,” she goes on, 

"Perhaps they have a good reason"

“In my experience, women don’t avoid men unless they have a good reason.   Im going home – ta-ta!”   

Rhys takes out his phone

Rhys looks around at the empty pub, then at his phone.

Ffion is marking school work at home

Ffion is sitting at home, marking some school work, when a message arrives on her phone;  

She does not appreciate Rhys' message . . .

she reads, “Sorry about the other night.   Blame the booze.   LOL.”   

. . . and flings down the phone

She furiously flings down the phone.

Bill's intentions look rather worrying

Lisa at number 9 also receives a text;  this one is from Bill and reads, “You have no idea what I want to do to you   Free tomorrow?”   

Then Cassie comes in

While she is looking at it, another appears;  “There’s a bonus.”

"I hope the heating hasn't been on all day"

Cassie arrives home, and hopes that the heating has not been on all day;  

"You'll have the rent by the end of the week – in cash"

“You’ll have the rent by the end of the week – in cash,” Lisa confidently tells her, “Business has picked up again!”

Cassie is sceptical

Cassie is sceptical;  “Everyone wants videos today when it has been quiet for weeks?” 

Lisa boasts that she has lots of ways of bringing them back, and Cassie advises that she could manage without the rent for a few weeks, if necessary.

"Stick to writing about it – while I live it!"

“Cassie, stick to writing about exciting and sexy lives – while I live it!” is Lisa’s comment.

She agrees to meet this bill . . .

Then she sends a reply to the texts, “Great.   Where and when?”   

. . . but does look uneasy

However, she looks apprehensive.

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