02 April 2021

31 March 2021 (1st)

"Make sure that you find her – today!"

Garry is speaking to the police on the phone;  “If you insist on sticking your noses in, make sure that you find her – today!”   

"CanI do anything to help, Garry?"

Iolo asks if there is anything he can do to help, and is told, “Yes – leave me alone!” as Garry storms out of the house.

"Are you doing anything for lunch today?"

He meets Tyler coming in;  “Are you doing anything for lunch today?   

"I'm taking you to the Bull at Llanarthur"

“Before you say anything, I’m taking you to the Bull at Llanarthur.”   

"Aren't you concerned about Dani?"

Iolo is surprised that Tyler is not worried, because no-one has heard from Dani.

“She’s still on holiday – and I’m enjoying the peace,” he says, “She’ll be fine, Iol!”   He is reminded that the police are making enquiries, and Iolo would prefer to go to the Bull another time, 

"We're going, Iol!"

but Tyler is adamant that they are going.   

"This is what Dani used to do"

“Look, when Dani wanted a break from Mam when we were young, this is what she did.   She’d say that she was going to a sleepover, and then turn up, after making us all worry.   

"No T-shirts with stains on them"

“If you do come to the Bull today, right, make an effort – no T-shirts with stains on them.   I’ll see you around one.”

Iolo is disturbed to see . . .

Iolo looks at the mark on his T-shirt 

. . . blood coming from the lump

and finds that blood is seeping from the lump on his chest, which causes him a great deal of worry.

In the garage, Dylan is ranting at Garry, “You no right to phone the police and accuse me like that!”   

"How many more times?   It wasn't me!"

Garry calmly points out that it was not him, and Dylan continues, “I’d never do anything to Dani, OK?   Let alone anything else!”   

"What are you doing here, Dylan?"

Britt has been attracted by the shouting and wonders what Dylan is doing there;  

Tyler is also keeping an eye on them

on his way back to the Deri, Tyler notices what is going on.   

"You're trying to set me up!"

Britt leaves them, and Dylan growls, “I know what you’re trying to do – trying to set me up.”

Garry points out, “The police have been questioning a lot of people – 

"It's odd you're the most worried"

“it’s odd that you’re the most worried,” but he is assured that it is not going to work.   If Dylan finds out that Garry has hurt Dani – or his baby – 

"Your life won't be worth living!"

he will make sure that his life is not worth living.

Britt hurries past Tyler 

Tyler follows Britt back to the chip shop flat, and asks what is going on;  

"Dani's not back"

“Dani’s not back,” she replies, and he wants to know why the police are involved, 

"She's well able to look after herself"

insisting that Dani is well able to look after herself.   “But she should be back by now,” says Britt, as Tyler’s phone rings.

"Is that more important than your sister?"

“Is that more important than your sister?” she rages, 

"I know Dani better than anyone"

but he knows Dani better than anyone, and is convinced that she will be OK.   

Britt takes to the laptop

Britt opens the laptop.

"I don't think it's appropriate, Ty"

It is Iolo on the phone, and he does not think it is appropriate for them to enjoy themselves in a pub when Dani is missing.   Tyler says that if she is not back by tomorrow morning, then he will start to worry, 

"Cheering you up is my priority"

but at the moment cheering up Iolo is his priority.  “I’ll see you in the Bull at 1:00pm, OK?”

"I don't feel great at the moment"

Iolo explains that he does not feel great at the moment;  “I’m tired, I didn’t sleep well last night – I just want to have a quiet day here.   Just tell me if you hear something from Dani – I’ll talk to you later.”   

He looks up 'breast cancer in men'

With that, he ends the call and searches on the laptop for ‘breast cancer in men’.

"Is there any news about Dani?"

Siôn visits the Deri flat to enquire if there is any news about Dani;  he is sure that Tyler has not slept a wink, 

"If anyone can look after themselves, she can"

but he, too, is assured that if anyone can look after themselves, it is Dani.   

"Iolo's too busy to spend any time with his father"

Siôn goes on to ask if Iolo is all right;  “He’s too busy to spend time with his father these days – every time I phone him, he’s got a big job on, or he’s away.   I think I know what is wrong – 

"I've seen this behaviour before"

“I’ve seen this behaviour before – when you first met, if I remember.”

Tyler alleges that Iolo might have met someone, and Siôn accepts that it was bound to happen;  

"I just hope he's happy"

“I just hope that he’s happy,” says Tyler.

"We're seeing a lot more of you these days"

In the Deri, Cassie remarks that she is seeing a lot more of Brynmor these days;  

"I'm a creature of habit, Cassie"

“I’m a creature of habit – it’s surprising how quickly the Spanish lessons become a habit,” he answers.   Cassie can see that Non has left quite a mess behind her, 

"You can't contain love, you see"

and he comments, “You can’t contain love, you see.”   

She stresses that the single life is much easier, and more fun, 

"You should ask Kath about that"

suggesting that he asks Kath, who has just walked in.  

Brynmor compliments her on her appearance, and Cassie estimates this must be date 381, 

"I think it's number 382"

but Kath believes it is more likely to be 382.   “There’s nothing wrong with meeting one or two for a cup of tea.”

"Perhaps we should tweak Cassie's profile as well"

Brynmor maintains that Cassie is jealous;  “Perhaps we should tweak her profile as well,” and then realises that he is letting the cat out of the bag.

"This one's a bit of a catch"

Kath predicts that the one today is a bit of a catch, and Cassie wonders what happened to Delme from the post.   “We had a lot of fun – but we are old friends – I couldn’t do it,” she says, 

"Can I have a vodka while I wait for Dei?"

“I’m a bit early, so can I have a vodka while I wait for Dei?”

Britt is ringing round B&B establishments

Britt has been ringing round B&B establishments, but no-one has had Dani Monk staying with them.   Then there is the sound of someone coming upstairs, 

She turns – and there is Dani

and she turns to see Dani standing there.   At first she is delighted that Dani is all right, 

"Where the hell have you been?"

but then shouts, “Where the hell have you been?”

"I've got some explaining to do, haven't I?"

“I’ve got some explaining to do, haven’t I?” concedes Dani.

"Ham and cheese toastie, please, Cassie"

Brynmor orders a ham and cheese toastie and Cassie hurries off to prepare it;  

"So is this Deio your first no-show?"

“So, is this Deio your first no-show?” he asks Kath, but then she receives a text to inform her that his car will not start.   

"Gorslas – that's where he lives"

“He’s asking if I fancy a spin out to Gorslas – that’s where he lives,” she informs Brynmor, “It’s lovely – it has a conservatory, according to his profile.”   

"I don't think going to his house is a good idea, Kath"

Brynmor does not consider going to his house is a good idea, but she maintains that he is an important bloke;  

"He's a bigwig in the business community"

“He’s a bigwig in the business community.”   

"You're not meeting Deio Prys, are you?"

Then he wonders, “You’re not meeting Deio Prys, are you?” but then  another text informs her that a taxi is waiting for her.   

"There's a taxi waiting for me!"

He is anxious to warn her, but she is in a hurry.

"A couple of days, you said!"

“A couple of days, you said!” Britt admonishes Dani, 

"Sorry about that, Britt"

and she apologises about that;  she is told that Seren is on a ‘play date’.   “People have been very kind, having her over – 

"The fact that Mami hasn't come home!"

“keeping her mind off the fact that Mami hasn’t come home!” Britt adds.

"I needed time – it's been too much for me"

Dani realises she deserved that;  “I needed time – everything that’s happened, it’s been too much for me.”   Britt stresses that it would have been better if she had told them that, instead of making them worry.

"How were we supposed to know when you'd be back?"

“How were we supposed to know when you’d be back?   Your phone was here!” rages Britt, and Dani explains that she just needed a break.   Britt continues, “Yes – and the children needed you – we’ve all been fearing the worst!   Seren’s been having nightmares.   I know you’re back now, but you’re too late – I don’t think you realise the damage you’ve caused.”

"You need to sort it out today!"

“Now, whatever you’re trying to run away from, you need to sort it out today!”   

"Let me know when Seren has to be collected . . ."

Dani asks to be contacted when Seren is ready to be collected, 

". . . I'm going to sort out the mess I've made"

and is about to leave, to sort out the mess that she has made, and apologises to Britt once again.

Iolo lies on the sofa

Iolo is relaxing on the sofa, and tries to ignore the banging on the door, but Tyler will not give up.   

"Can't you take a hint?"

Finally the door is opened, and Iolo demands, “Can’t you take a hint?   If you’re here to make me go private . . .”

"I'm here to cheer you up"

However, Tyler has something else in mind;  “I’m here to cheer you up and make sure that you eat something – 

"Fetch some plates, there's a good boy"

“so fetch some plates, there’s a good boy.”   

"Where the hell have you been, Dani?"

Garry comes rushing into the Deri flat, demanding, “Where the hell have you been?   I’ve been worried!”   She asks if he phoned the cops, and he says that he did not.   

"I don't want him here!"

Dylan has followed him in, and wants to know who did, but Garry objects to his presence there.

"He's staying, because I want him here!"

Dani adopts a dictatorial tone;  “He’s staying, because I want him here!   This situation isn’t ideal, but it’s the situation we find ourselves in – and things have to change!   

"You're going to start by listening to me"

“You’re going to start by listening to me.”

Dylan insists that he has to know that his baby is all right, but is cut off by Dani.   

"It doesn't mean you can control me . . ."

“Listen to me, I said!   Yes the baby’s fine, and I’m fine – but the fact that I’m the mother of your children doesn’t mean that you can control me.   

". . . I'll do what I like, when I like, with who I like!"

“I’ll do what I like, when I like, with who I like!”

"We have to organise things better . . ."

Garry tries to argue, but she will not tolerate this, pointing out, “The last few months have been awful for us all, but we have to organise things better, or the children will suffer.   

". . . and you have to stop winding each other up!"

“And you have to stop winding each other up – this nonsense stops now!   

"Or I'll leave – and I'll take the kids with me!"

“Or I will pack a bag and leave – and I’ll take the kids with me.   The only way you’ll see them is by going through the court.   

"Is that clear?"

“Am I making sense?   Is that clear?”   

"Yes, perfectly clear"

They both submissively 

"Yes, Dani"

nod their heads, 

"Right, off you go"

and she dismisses them, “Right, off you go.”

They leave without a word

Downstairs in the bar they both march out without a word, 

"People don't usually refuse my toasties"

and Cassie is concerned that Brynmor has not eaten his toastie.   

"I'm worried about Kath"

He says that he is worried about Kath, but Cassie is of the opinion she can look after herself.

"Deio 'Two-Tone' can be pretty tricky . . ."

“I’m not so sure,” he replies, “Deio ‘Two-Tone’ can be pretty tricky – his   toupée was a different colour to the rest of his hair – he was suspended, you see, from one of the business groups because of his attitude towards women.   Things got pretty nasty, and I’m not sure it was a good idea for Kath to go to his house – 

". . . if you understand what I mean"

“if you understand what I mean.”

Cassie will phone her to see whether he has a toupée and it is the same eye.   

"Kath, can you phone me back?"

The call goes to voicemail and she leaves the message, “Can you phone me back please?   It is important, OK?”

They recall times past

As they sit on the floor eating their food in number 7, Iolo and Tyler are recalling old times, 

"They were good days"

which Iolo regards as, “Good days.”   Tyler predicts they will have more good times when they sort all this out.

"Your Dad is worried you're avoiding him"

“I saw your Dad earlier – he’s worried that you’re avoiding him – he thinks that you’re seeing someone.”   

"That's the last thing on my mind"

Iolo replies that is the last thing on his mind, but is encouraged to be positive.   He appreciates what Tyler is doing, 

"I think I'll go for a run"

but thinks he will go for a run, as part of the positive attitude, but does not want any company.

"Enjoy your run"

Tyler takes the hint and leaves the house, hoping that Iolo enjoys his run;  

Iolo has no intention of running anywhere

Iolo immediately puts down his trainers and returns to lying on the sofa.

Dylan accuses Tyler 

Dylan finds Garry sitting in the café, then sees Tyler and accuses him of phoning the police;  

"You wanted to stir up trouble!"

“You wanted to stir up trouble!”   

"Dani's back, thank goodness"

When informed that Dani is back, Tyler says that he always knew she would be;  

"I would have done the same to get away from you two!"

“I would have done exactly the same thing to get away from you two!” he smiles.   

Dylan looks at Garry

Dylan and Garry look at each other, 

"We're not supposed to wind each other up"

with Garry pointing out that they are not supposed to wind each other up;  Dylan walks out again.

Kath is back home

Kath arrives back at Maes-y-Deri, looking rather exhausted, and notices the message on her phone;  meanwhile Brynmor is anxious about her, 

"Brynmor and I were wondering . . ."

but then Cassie’s phone rings.   “Brynmor and I were wondering . . .”

"The thing is, I think I know Deio"

He intervenes to ask, “Has Deio got a toupée?   The thing is, I think I know him!”   

"I'm back home – I cancelled"

Kath consoles him that she is at home, and cancelled the arrangement, as it was just too far to go.   

This comes as a relief to Brynmor

He is very relieved to hear this, and invites her for a coffee in the Deri, but she has already terminated the call. 

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