10 March 2021

9 March 2021

At last the salon is taking shape again

Mathew is setting up a ladder in front of the salon whan Aled passes;  “Nice to see you back, Math,” he says, and is told that there is just a bit more to do before tomorrow.   

"Is it OK if Tesni has a look at the salon?"

“Is it OK if Tesni comes over to see the salon?” Aled asks, 

She is warned to look where she is going

and Mathew tells her to be careful where she puts her feet, 

"We don't want the paint getting kicked over"

as they do not want the paint to be kicked over.

"I'm Ray, Mathew's father"

Then Ray appears, with two coffees from the café, and presumes that this is Tesni;  “I’m Ray, Mathew’s father – I was sorry to hear about you two, 

"I'm sure you made a lovely couple"

“I’m sure you made a lovely couple.”   

"Why did you have to say that?"

Mathew urges him to mind his own business;  “Why did you have to say that?   And how did you even know?”   Eifion has been passing on all the news, including that Tesni is nicer than Izzy.   “He would say that, since Izzy’s his ex!” moans Mathew, and his father makes the unnecessary remark that he is going for his cousin’s sloppy seconds.

"I shall be going back today"

“When are you going back to Aber?” is what Mathew wants to know, and his father says he intends to go back today, thanking his son for letting him stay last night.   “I didn’t have any choice – you’d had too much to drink to be able to drive,” Mathew reminds him.   Ray is going to have a look inside the salon before he leaves.

Siôn is late for the Spanish lesson

Siôn comes hurrying round the corner, just as the Spanish class has ended.   

Non is impressed by Guto's progress

“No wonder you’re so good, if you’ve been using the app,” Non tells Guto, and he maintains that there is no point joining a class if you are not going to give 100%.   

He would like more of the lessons

He even says that it is a pity she does not have more lessons, and she wonders if he would be interested in private lessons.

Siôn approaches, shouting, “Buenos dias!”   

"Your e-mail went into the junk folder"

He explains that her e-mail went into the junk folder and now he has missed the lesson.   

"I'm going to give Guto private lessons"

Non announces that she is going to give Guto private lessons, and Siôn would like to join them, remarking that last weeks lesson was rather basic.

“Fine for Kath amd Mark Jones, of course, but . . .”   

"You need to walk before you can run, Siôn"

Non rather disparagingly recommends that Siôn should stick to the class in the Deri, as he needs to walk before he can run.

"Dad, can I borrow the car?"

Iolo comes running across the road;  “Dad, can I borrow the car?   Gerwyn hasn’t finished the van, and I have to get to a emergency job in Tumble.”   

"Sorry, Anita's gone shopping in Trostre"

Siôn regrets that Anita has taken the car to Trostre to go shopping.   

"I promised Mrs Roderick she'd have a new boiler"

“I promised Mrs Roderick she’ll have a new boiler by five o’clock!” Iolo whines, but there is not a lot that his father can do;  

"I'm sure she'll understand, Iolo"

he is sure that Mrs Roderick will understand.

“You always say I can depend on you,” Iolo goes on, “And you let me down the first chance you get!”   Siôn tells him to inform the customer that he has had a technical hitch.   “So she'll freeze again tonight!” Iolo snarls, and marches back to number 7.

"What's wrong with Iolo?"

Tyler has just come upon this scene, and wonders what is wrong with Iolo;   Siôn does not know, but certainly does not like him acting like a spoiled child.   

"What's the matter, Iol?"

Tyler follows him to investigate, but Iolo says that he could not be better.

These lessons are not doing Kath any good

Inside the Deri, three of the Spanish lesson students are having a drink at the bar;  “I don’t know why I bother with these classes – I’m not improving,” complains Kath.   

Brynmor is sure that she just needs some practice, then his phone sounds, 

The name 'Silver Seniors' makes Kath look up

which he anticipates is a notification from Silver Seniors.   “A pretty little señorita has probably given me a ‘poke’,” he suspects.   

"I thought you were a Tinder man"

Mark was under the impression he was a Tinder man, but he explains, “I use more than one app, good boy.”   

"Is anyone else on this dating app?"

But when he looks at his phone, no-one has got in touch, so he asks if anyone else is on this dating app.   Mark thinks that the sound came from his mother’s bag, 

Kath reluctantly admits it is her

and Brynmor is surprised that Kath is on Silver Seniors.   “Come on, then, how many messages have you had?”

"Well, if it's any of your business . . ."

“Well, if it’s any of your business, I only joined yesterday,” she tells him, and he enquires if a sexy señor wants to take her out for a sangria.   “It’s the company, asking me for my bio or something before they sign me up,” she reveals.

The salon is almost ready

Mathew is putting the finishing touches to the paintwork outside the salon when his father comes out, commenting that he has a lot of mess inside, 

"You should clear up as you go along"

and advising that he should clear up as he goes along.   “I hoped that I had taught you something,” he says, but Mathew ignores him.   

"Are you sure you didn't make a mistake, ending things?"

“That Tesni’s a nice girl – clever, too.   Are you sure you didn’t make a mistake ending things?   “I don’t think that something of a barmaid is what you deserve.”

"At least, Izzy isn't a sex worker!"

He is again winding up Mathew, who exclaims, “At least, Izzy isn’t a sex worker!   Not so keen now, are you?” 

"Look what you've done now!"

and as he turns, splashes pale blue paint on his T-shirt.   “Look what you’ve done now!” he snarls.

Hardly an appropriate photo for her profile

Kath has selected what she considers to be a suitable photo for Silver Seniors, but when Brynmor looks at her profile, is unimpressed.   

"Kath, you need to learn a few things"

“Kath, you need to learn a few things,” he tells her, “I don’t want to date you, but neither will anybody else.”   He goes on to read what she has written, “A gran who wants a mate to go out for a pint now and then.”

"What's wrong with that?"

When she demands what is wrong with that, he replies, “What’s right with it?   

"You need to jazz it up"

“You need to jazz it up – make sure you stand out.”   

"I'm not taking tips from you, of all people!"

She takes serious exception to his advice, arguing that she does not ‘need’ to do anything, and will not take tips from him, of all people.

“Perhaps you should do – I’ve got dates coming out of my ears!” he boasts, “How many do you have?”   

"I didn't know it was a competition"

She informs him she was unaware that it was a competition, grabs her coat and hurries out of the pub, 

She leaves the Deri in great haste

telling him to get lost.   She is in such a rush that she leaves her handbag behind.

"I'm just upset I shouted at Dad, that's all"

Iolo explains to Tyler, “I’m just upset I shouted at Dad, that’s all – and I have to cancel this job first.”   

"You should apologise to him first"

Tyler suggests that he should apologise first, as he is aware how his father can sulk.

"This has not got anything to do with you!"

“Since when have you been such a fan of Dad?” Iolo demands, “And anyway, this has got nothing to do with you!”   

Tyler senses that he is acting weirdly, and when told to leave the house, refuses to do so.   

"I know when you're worried about something"

“I know you, Iol, and I know when you’re worried about something – I’m not going anywhere until you tell me what’s wrong.”   

"I've found a lump"

Iolo is forced to reveal that he has found a lump.

"Oi!   What do you think you're doing?"

Mark comes back into the Deri to find Brynmor looking at his mother’s phone, and challenges him, objecting strongly to this;  

"Are you trying to give me a heart attack?"

“Are you trying to give me a heart attack?” Brynmor growls, “I was trying to help your mother.”

"I think you've done enough"

Mark considers that he has done enough;  “I can’t find Mam,” he says, 

"I was just going to tweak her profile"

and Brynmor just intended to tweak her profile, as at present it is hopeless and she will never get a date.   Mark wonders why he would want to help Kath.

"She's lonely, despite that big mouth"

“Because deep down she’s lonely, despite that big mouth,” he is told, “And she’ll remain lonely unless we do something.   I have already offered to help, but she’s too proud to accept.”   

"We shouldn't interfere"

Mark is not sure that they should interfere, but Brynmor sighs, “She’ll only get hurt when she thinks nobody wants her – 

"Sharing my years of experience, that's all"

“all I’m offering to do is share years of my experience, that’s all.”

Mark remembers that when Tyler tweaked his profile, it made no difference.   “You should have come to the master, and then you would have been fighting women off – I have the ‘Midas touch’,” Brynmor rather extravagantly boasts, 

"Do you know what her pass code is?"

“Do you know what her pass code is?”

Iolo shows the lump

Iolo displays the lump on his chest to Tyler, who is surprised that men have lumps in their breasts;  “It’s been there for six weeks – that’s what Mam had,” he says.   

"It could be anything"

Tyler tells him that it could be anything, wondering if he has pulled a muscle in the gym.   

"But what if it's cancer?"

“But what if it is cancer?   I’ve Googled the symptoms,” Iolo continues.

Tyler groans, “How many times have you told me not to self-diagnose?   It could be a lot of things – 

"The best thing to do is phone the doctor"

the best thing you can do is phone the doctor, make an appointment and sort it out.   I know you’re scared, but I bet you it’s nothing.”

"I'm not sure I want to"

Iolo is not sure if he wants to phone the doctor, but is warned that he cannot just ignore it;  “If it is something to worry about, at least we’ll know what it is and be able to sort it out.   

"Phone the doctor this afternoon"

“Phone the doctor this afternoon,” Tyler instructs him.

When Mark gets home, he asks his mother if she is all right;  

"I wasn't going to let Brynmor talk about me like that!"

“I wasn’t just going to stand there and let Brynmor talk about me like that!” she rages, “You can delete that app!   

"I don't want to date anybody!"

“It was a stupid idea – I don’t want to date anybody!”

"Well, they want to date you"

“Well, someone wants to date you – there are seven messages in your inbox,” Mark advises her, 

"Seven different men have been in touch"

“You left your phone and bag in the Deri.   Seven different men have been in touch – your phone hasn’t stopped pinging since you left the Deri.”   

"How did that happen so fast?"

Kath finds this rather strange and picks up the phone, muttering, “How did that happen so fast?”

Ray is stunned by what he sees

Mathew, whose shirt is undone, after having removed the paint-stained one, is perturbed to see his father back in the shop flat;  when Ray sees his scars, he is astonished,   

"Forget you've seen them, Dad"

“Why did you say the attack wasn’t that bad?” he asks, and he is urged to forget that he has seen them.   

This has made an impression on him

Ray seems to be deeply affected by this.

"Iolo has been over to apologise"

In the Deri, Siôn announces to Tyler that Iolo has come to his senses and apologised;  he wonders if Tyler knows what caused it.   

"You're back – I've got loads to tell you!"

Then Aled comes in and is excited to see that Tyler is back;  “I’ve got loads to tell you – the grand opening is tomorrow!” he exclaims, 

"Is that why you came back early?"

“Is that why you came back early, to support me and Dani?”   

"Mam only had a hangover"

Tyler makes up some weak excuse to explain it, that his mother was only suffering from a hangover.

"Come over to the house – it's empty"

“I want to hear all the gossip, so come over to the house – it’s empty!” Aled encourages him, 

Doesn't he look enthusiastic?

and Tyler, not very enthusiastically, agrees that he will.

"I can't imagine how much pain you were in"

“I can’t imagine how much pain you’ve been in,” sympathises Ray, “How long were you in hospital?   Why didn’t you tell me, Math?   

"I know we haven't seen eye to eye over the years"

“Listen, let me be here for you, for once, please!   I know we haven’t seen eye to eye over the years, but you’re my little boy.”

"I got on fine without you"

Mathew points out that he is not a boy any more and has been fine without his father.   “You’ll always be my little boy – you’re the only one I’ve got,” says Ray, in a remarkable softening of his attitude.   

"It's bound to make someone depressed"

“I understand now why Eifion’s so worried – something like that is bound to make someone depressed.”

"How many times?"   I'm not depressed!"

“How many times do I have to tell you, I’m not depressed?” Mathew declares, “You don’t listen, do you?   Perhaps that’s the problem!”   

His father will take a step back

His father agrees to take a step back, if that is what he wants, but he is anxious to repair the rift between them and cannot do that back in Aber.

“Let me take you out for a meal tonight – that Indian across the street – come on Math, I’m trying here,” Ray urges, 

"You're not putting your hand in your pocket?"

and Mathew believes that something must have changed, as his father is offering to put his hand in his pocket.  “Do you still like ‘saag aloo’?   An extra portion for you, then.”   Mathew agrees to see him at six.

"I'd like to meet you Mam"

At number 10, Aled suggest that he would like to meet Tyler’s mother, but Tyler warns against that.   “You’re not the only one who’s been having a good time,” Aled continues, 

"Guess who got top marks?"

“Loads has been happening since you’ve been away – guess who got top marks on their grooming course?   Yours truly – the teacher said I had a flair for it.   

He is nervous about grooming dogs

It’s one thing to groom a dog on a course, but it’s another to get paid to do it – I’m a bit nervous.”

Tyler's mind is elsewhere

Tyler’s mind has obviously been elsewhere during this conversation, as Aled insists he does not want to let Dani down.   

"Do you want to see a video of me?"

“Do you want to see a video of me on the course?” he asks, “It was a Chihuahua, and his name was ‘Giant’.”

"I'm tired, so I'm going home"

Tyler draws the line at this and makes the excuse that he is tired and want to go home, which disappoints Aled, as he was going to cook a meal.   

"I haven't seen you for a week"

“I haven’t seen you for a week,” Aled protests, but to no avail;  he hopes to see Tyler at the launch tomorrow.

"He could be hiding other stuff, too"

Ray goes across to speak to Eifion, outside Cwm Delhi;  “If he’s hiding those scars from us, he could be hiding other stuff too.”   

"He won't admit he's depressed"

Eifion replies that Mathew thinks admitting he is depressed makes him weak.

His father is only pretending

“I’ve pretended that I think he’s OK in order to stay on.   He needs me – I’m going to take him out for a curry tonight – I hope he’s started to forgive me.”   

"Izzy won't be happy you're staying"

Eifion predicts that Izzy will not be happy that he is staying;  “She was complaining earlier that they were on top of each other.”   Ray intends to turn on the charm, insisting that Mathew is the important one now, and he is going to help him whether he likes it or not.

Iolo says he made an appointment . . .

Tyler asks Iolo if he made the appointment, and is told that he did, but on further questioning, realises that he has not.   

. . . but that does not fool Tyler 

“You didn’t phone, did you?   Iol, you have to face this.   

"Do you want me to phone the surgery?"

“Do you want me to phone the surgery?   I’ll come with you to the appointment.”   

Iolo nods his head

Iolo tearfully nods his head, so Tyler makes the call;  “Can I make an appointment, please?   

"Iolo Davies-White, with Dr Morgan"

“Iolo Davies-White, with Dr Morgan, as soon as possible, please.” 

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