03 March 2021

2 March 2021

Tyler is trying to go incognito

At Maes-y-Deri, Tyler is putting up his hood 

"Where are you off to?"

and Kath wonders where he is off to;  

"I don't want Aled to recognise me"

“I’m taking Greta out, and I don’t want Aled to recognise me,” he replies.   Then there is a knock at the door and he fears that it is Aled, 

Tyler hides in the kitchen

going to cower in the kitchen.

"Aled, how are you – Tyler's in the kitchen"

Kath opens the door, saying loudly for Tyler’s benefit, “Aled, how are you?   Tyler is in the kitchen – come in!”   In fact the visitor is Dani, and he complains to Kath for winding him up, 

Dani is disappointed

then tells Dani that he does not have time for a cup of tea, as he is on his way to fetch Greta. 

"Why don't we catch up?"

Kath suggests that they could catch up over cup of tea, which Dani appreciates;  

Dani has a weight on her shoulders

she sits down and looks depressed.

"She wouldn't lie about losing a child"

Hywel argues, “She wouldn’t lie about losing a child,” but Gaynor can see that Angharad is using him.   Then he says that they ought to go to the police;  

"She's set me up, Hywel!"

Gaynor points out to him that she has been set up.   

"If she's lying"

“There must be holes in her story if she’s lying,” he insists, and Gaynor strongly objects to the word ‘if’.

He thinks that he ought to arrange for Gaynor to speak to someone;  “A doctor or a therapist.”   

"Why would I need to see a doctor?"

She demands why she would need to see a doctor, and he stresses that whatever is going on, she is not herself.   She snarls that neither is he, and sarcastically thanks him for his support.

Hywel receives a text message

He receives a text message on his phone and looks concerned.

"I found out he'd done something terrible"

Dani tells Kath, “I found out he’d done something terrible – and someone got hurt.   It was an accident – it’s complicated.”   Kath remarks that nobody is perfect, and nothing is black and white.   

Dani is anxious not to have any more trouble in her life;  

"And you think you'll get trouble?"

“And that’s what you think you’ll get with this person – trouble?” enquires Kath, 

"I think he would be all right"

but Dani thinks that he would be all right.   

"Well, that's your answer"

“Well, there we go – that’s your answer,” she is told.

Garry wants a chat about the menus

In the Deri, Garry would like a word with Jaclyn about the menus;  “There’s nothing wrong with them – I just think it’s time for bit of a revamp.   

"Later – after your shift?"

“It’s a competitive time and I want to stay ahead – I’d like to hear your ideas.   We’ll chat later, after your shift?”   She looks rather apprehensive about this.

"Violence has been part of my life"

Back in the Deri flat, Dani tells Aled, “I want you to understand something about me – violence has been part of my life ever since I was a child.   Dad, my brother, Garry – and I don’t want any more of it in my life.”   

"I'm not a violent person"

Aled protests that he is not a violent person, and has been the victim of it himself.   He says that he still cries over what happened to DJ;  “I wish I could just . . .”   

"I want to give you a chance"

Dani interrupts him to say that she wants to give him a chance, as in all the time she has spent with him, she has never seen him moody, let alone violent.   She maintains that everyone deserves a chance, 

"Thanks, Dan!"

and he is very grateful to hear that.

Hywel has been told to meet Angharad 

Hywel is waiting in the back street, which is presumably what the text instructed him to do;  Angharad approaches, and he asks, “Is it true?”   

"Gaynor is ill – again!"

She answers that Gaynor is ill again, and this is all in her head – the paranoia, the accusations.

"What about this Australia business?"

He continues, “What about this Australia business?” but she says that was three years ago, and wonders if he has heard about the affair the two of them are supposed to be having.

"I'm not just a criminal mastermind"

“According to Gaynor, I’m not just a criminal mastermind, but she thinks something’s going on between us!   She was the same about Sheryl – convinced you were still in love with her after you moved in together.   She didn’t like Sheryl at all!”

Now she has a recording to play to him

“Can I play you something?   I got this new phone and I always pressed the wrong buttons – I’m rubbish with technology.   A while ago, Gaynor and I met up for a drink – I recorded this by mistake.

Gaynor's voice can be heard

We hear Gaynor’s voice, admitting, “I didn’t like Sheryl and did not have much in common with her – apart from Hywel, of course.   She could never be without man – went from one to another – but she was very good with hair.”   

Hywel listens carefully

Then Angharad’s voice is heard to say that at least Esther will have a good life with her and Hywel.

The recording from March 2020 continues

“All due respect to Sheryl, but being mine and Hywel’s daughter will open more doors for Esther than the Ritz doorman,” Gaynor’s voice adds, 

Angharad has persuaded Hywel 

and Hywel appears to be affected by this.  [recorded on 19 March 2020]

"I'm giving Aled another chance"

Dani informs Dylan that she has decided to give Aled another chance, which he regards as a good thing;  as he said, he does not want to spoil their relationship.   

"He's a good lad"

“He’s a good lad.”

"But not good enough for you to get to know him better?"

“But not good enough for you to get to know him better?” she continues, 

"We've already had this conversation"

and he reminds her that they have already had this conversation.   “You’re glad that I’ve given him another chance – 

"Why won't you give him another chance?"

“so why won’t you?” she demands.

"Don't tell me how to live my life!"

He points out that he has invested money in the salon, and would be grateful if she did not tell him how to live his life.   

"So you're going to throw it back in my face?"

“So if I say something you don’t like, are you going to throw it back in my face?” Dani asks.

"I don't know why you're on this crusade"

“It’s my personal life – I don’t understand why you’re on this crusade to bring Aled and me together,” he growls, but Dani maintains that it is because he is Aled’s father, and it is his duty.

"Perhaps you're not dependable in business"

“Perhaps if you’re not that dependable with your son, perhaps you won’t be dependable in business either!” she exclaims.   He says that if this is how she feels, he will have his money back;  he turns and walks out, leaving Dani in rather a quandary.

"I don't know how to help Gaynor"

Still out in the back street, Hywel says that he does not know how to help Gaynor, so is advised by Angharad to persuade her to go to the police;  

"I want her to hear this obsession is nonsense"

“I want her to hear officially that this obsession is nonsense – and I want you to hear it, too!”   Hywel says that Gaynor is refusing, 

"I can't cope with this, Hywel!"

and in mock outrage, Angharad rants that she cannot cope with this when she has so much more to deal with.   

"She even said Delyth was a lie!"

“She even said that Delyth was a lie!   That she never ever existed – have you any idea how that made me feel?   I know you’re suffering too, and I’m sorry – if there’s anything I can do to help . . .”

Hywel is completely taken in

Hywel has swallowed her fantasy, hook, line and sinker.

"You've put this together very quickly"

In the Deri, Garry is highly impressed by the menu which Jaclyn has put together so quickly;  

"I collect recipés I like"

“I always prepare new recipés and collect ones that I like,” she tells him.   He suggests that she should go or something like Masterchef, then turns to more personal matters.

"Jac, I don't like it when we argue"

“Jacs, I don’t like it when we argue – I’m sorry about the garage, but I’m not a bottomless pit of money, not with the divorce.   That’s no reason why we can’t be friends.

"You're wasting your time!"

She abruptly replies, “If you’re trying to make yourself feel better for sacking my husband, you’re wasting your time!”

DJ is obviously recovering

DJ comes in, now without any sling on his arm, 

"Can't live with them – can't live without them!"

and Garry sighs, “Women, DJ – can’t live with them, can’t live without them!”

Non is doing the cleaning

Meanwhile Non is cleaning at Maes-y-Deri, when Kath calls her attention to something she has found on the iPad;  

Kath is thinking of entering Mark for this

“I’m thinking of sending Mark’s name in for it – are you single and looking for love?   Why not come on Bwrdd i Ddau?”   [Table for Two]   It’s a TV programme like that Blind Date – we’re looking for people of all ages who are looking for love and willing to do it on television.

"Mark wouldn't do that"

Non cannot see any possibility of Mark doing that, as he is far too shy;  Kath protests, “He’s more than happy to moan that he does everything with his mother – 

Then Kath notices there is cash involved

“oh, there’s cash included – look at this!   You can stay in a hotel!”

"They only do it to get on the telly!"

Non remarks that it sounds as if Kath wants to go on it;  “I’m sure half the people who go on are not looking for anyone.   It’s a chance for some cash, a bit of fun and to go on the telly.”   

"Still thinking about DJ, are you?"

Kath come to the conclusion that they should both go on the programme, and when Non refuses, she adds, “Still thinking about DJ, are you?”

"No – I'm happy for him"

Non unconvincingly replies that she is happy for him;  

"All they want is a video"

“So prove it, and come on this with me!” Kath urges, “All they want is a video, and we can do that on our phones, you and me – come on!   You never know where it might lead.”   She is going to the Deri for some inspiration.

"Hywel wants me to see a doctor!"

Gaynor is now telling her tale of woe to Izzy;  “Hywel wants me to go and see a doctor!”   

"There's nothing worse than not being believed!"

Izzy is unsympathetic, pointing out that there is nothing worse than not being believed.   Her mother regrets that, but stresses, “It wouldn’t be the first time we’ve talked about breaking the law.”

"You put me through hell!"

“That’s your justification for accusing me of stealing your home, your personal property and putting me through hell?” Izzy shouts.   Gaynor admits that what she did was unforgivable, and is promised that things will never be the same between them.

"Angharad has caused all this!"

“Don’t be so unreasonable – Angharad has caused all this!” she wails, but Izzy makes it clear that her mother accused her, and chose not to believe her.

"What do you want, Mam?   Why are you here?"

“What do you want, Mam?   Why are you here?” she exclaims, 

"I wanted to apologise"

and Gaynor is in tears as she replies that she wanted to apologise to her daughter.   “I think you’re here to make yourself feel better,” is Izzy’s take on the situation, “Hywel isn’t supporting you and you don’t have anyone else!”

Gaynor pleads with her not to turn her back on her mother, but Izzy warns her not to expect any help from her.

Non seems otherwise engaged . . .

In the Deri, Kath is planning her script for the video;  “My name is Kath Jones – I’m 75 years old – I like housework, cleaning and cooking – and knitting.”   

. . . looking in that direction

Non has her eyes fixed on DJ, who is at the bar, as Kath drones on, 

"I'm a stripper at the Deri!"

“And then, if I’ve got any spare time, I’m a stripper in the Deri Arms at Cwmderi.”

Garry smirks as he visualises it

Non has not registered this last sentence, but Garry certainly has, and he smiles at the prospect.   

"You're never 75!"

Non points out that Kath has told a load of lies, and is not 75.   She is told that this is a tactic;  

"Look at her – she looks 30 years younger!"

“Look at her over there – she’s 75 years old – she looks 30 years younger!   

Garry continues sniggering

“It’s a mistake to tell the truth.”

DJ appears to be about to leave, and Kath informs him, “Non and I are going on this dating programme on the telly,” 

"I didn't know you were looking for someone, Kath"

and he did not realise that she was looking for someone.

“I’m not looking for anyone, but there might be money in it!” she adds, “Are you busy?   Because we need someone to film us – come back to Maes-y-Deri with us – you’ll only be a few minutes.”   

Non looks apprehensive

DJ and Non look at each other rather awkwardly.

Dani is folding the washing

Dani is folding the washing when Dylan returns;  

"Don't tell me you've got the money already?"

“Don’t tell me that you’ve got the money already?” he says, but she emphasises she does not want him to pull out of the business, and is sorry about earlier.   He agrees that she can keep the money.

"I don't want us to argue"

“Listen, about Aled – I don’t want us to argue,” she begins, but he interrupts that he did not say he did not want to get to know him.   

"I don't want him to start relying on me"

Rather he does not want Aled to start depending on him.   

"So you're just being selfish"

“So you’re just being selfish,” Dani concludes.

“Yes – if I’m being completely honest,” he answers, 

"I'm not much of a rôle model"

“I’ve never wanted children, because I’ve never considered myself to be much of a rôle model – and I’m scared that Aled will be let down.   I’m sorry I didn’t react the way he wanted me to – and I’ll try to do better.”

"I'm glad you're being honest"

Dani believes this and is glad that he is being honest;  they agreed that the salon is now back on track, 

Dylan leaves the flat

and he makes a hasty exit.

"You've caught me doing some cooking"

DJ is filming the promotional video on his phone;  Kath is pretending to be cooking and goes through her script, adding that when she is relaxing 

Kath demonstrates her taste in books

she likes to put her feet up and have a good read, The Blue Book of Nebo  [a post-apocalyptic novel in Welsh].   

"The battery has gone and died!"

Unfortunately, DJ’s phone battery has died, and she describes him as hopeless

"Do I look all right?"

Non comes downstairs in a black dress for her promotional video;  he says that she looks great.   

"Where's the staff rota?"

In the Deri, Garry asks Geraint where the staff rota is, 

"Over there on the bar"

and is told that it is on the bar.   

He appears quite happy with the rota

He studies it and looks quite happy.

Non's video is being played back

With the phone now charged, Non’s video is completed and is being played back;  “It would be nice to find someone special, but if I don’t, it would be great to have a new friend,” she says.   

DJ appears uncomfortable

DJ and Non look at each other, and Kath suggests they go back to the Deri.

“We might as well – we’re all dressed up now!” she says, 

"I'm going to change out of this dress"

but Non wants to change out of the dress first, so Kath will go on.   

"It's not going to happen again!"

DJ gets up to leave, and assures Non that it will not happen again.

"But you want it to"

“But you want it to,” she points out.   

"I'm definitely not having an affair with you"

He makes it clear that he is not having an affair with her – definitely not.

“So you’re going to carry on with your wedding?” she says, and he stresses that he loves Sioned.   “Do you still love me?” she wants to know, 

"If you don't love me, I'll leave the village"

“If you don’t, I’ll leave the village.   This is your chance – just say you don't love me, and I’ll go.”

"I don't think I ever stopped loving you"

Weak-willed DJ replies, “I don’t think I ever stopped loving you – but that’s not enough now.   We had our chance – I’m going to marry Sioned.”   

"He heads for the door"

So saying, he leaves the house, 

What is her latest plan?

and Non looks as if she may be planning something.

"Angharad's willing to go to the police"

Hywel comes back to Llwyncelyn and declares, “We have to go to the police – Angharad’s willing to go – she wanted to meet me.”   

"You met her?"

Gaynor is infuriated that he has met her.   

"You make it sound as if there's something going on"

“You make it sound as if there is something going on,” he comments.

"Isn't there?   It wouldn't be the first time!""   

“Isn’t there?   It wouldn’t be the first time – Sheryl!” she snarls, and he thought they had moved on.  “Yes, we did – to sexting – having sex online – then paying for your ex to go to rehab, and now, Angharad!   Why didn’t you tell me you were meeting her?”

"You throw baseless allegations around!"

Hywel accuses her, “You don’t discuss anything – you just throw baseless allegations around – accusing someone of pretending her child is dead!”  

"Something pretty in a skirt can't be wrong!"

Gaynor insists that there was no child;  “You just can’t help yourself – something pretty in a skirt can’t be wrong!”   

"You need help, Gaynor!"

He refuses to listen to any more of this, and, on his way out of the house, declares that she needs help.

"Don't bother coming back!"

“Yes, and I won’t get it from you!” she shouts, “Don’t bother coming back!”   He says he has no intention of doing so, and slams the door behind him.

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