24 March 2021

23 March 2021 (1st)

A Mexican theme to the celebration

At Bryntirion, DJ is celebrating the last day before his wedding with Mathew;  they are both dressed in Mexican costumes, and DJ keeps looking at his phone;  

"It's Sioned"

there is a call from Sioned, and he is told that he can answer it as long as it is not FaceTime.   

"You can't see the bride the night before the wedding"

“You can’t see the bride the night before the wedding,” Mathew instructs him, so he decides not to tempt fate and rejects the call.

DJ pretends that everything is fine

DJ tries to give the impression that everything is all right, and Mathew reminds him that he has made his decision;  “Non’s in the past.”   DJ appreciates this, commenting that he has been lucky enough to experience love twice – but Sioned is the one he wants.

"Burritos and churros for the three amigos!"

“Right, enjoy yourself, then – weve got a few surprises for you,” he is told, as the door opens and Rhys arrives, complete with burritos and churros for the three amigos.   

"I've cooked some food as well"

Mathew is offended because he has prepared some food as well, and it is in the oven.

“But you were supposed to get the suits,” Rhys replies, 

"No – you were supposed to get them!"

something which Mathew contests, and is very upset about the fact that no-one has collected the suits.

"Crikey Moses!"

DJ is also getting worried, and when he realises there are no suits, groans, “Crikey Moses!”  

"Do you want me to get a bottle?"

At Llwyncelyn, Gaynor discovers they have no red wine, and Hywel offers to go and get some, but she thinks it will do her good to go without for once.   

"Is it too early to start arranging a holiday?"

“It’s not too early to start arranging a holiday, is it?” he asks;  Gaynor considers that everyone in the world will want to go away this year.

“If you could go anywhere without having to worry, would you go?” she wonders.   Obviously Hywel is looking online at the bank account and receives a considerable shock.

"What's this – £10,000?"

“What’s this?” he demands, “It says here that £10,000 has gone out of our account to Miss Esyllt Evans!   

"Gaynor, what have you done?"

“Gaynor, what have you done?”

"Gwern and Seren were looking forward to having you back"

Britt is searching the Deri flat, at the same time leaving a message for Dani;  “Can you phone me back, please?   Gwern and Seren were looking forward to having you back today – but there we are – perhaps you’ve decided to stay on for longer.   

"I'm trying to find Seren's sticker book"

“Anyway, I’ve promised Seren I’ll find that sticker book for her, but I can’t find it anywhere.   Can you please let me know what your plans are?”

She finds Dani's phone instead

Then she makes a troubling discovery;  Dani’s phone is in a drawer, so her message is in vain.

Mathew makes arrangements to get the suits

Mathew makes a phone call to arrange to pick up the suits, 

"Siriol's cousin lives nest door to Berwyn Tiles"

and tells Rhys, “Siriol Cross Hands’ cousin lives next door to Berwyn Tiles, so she’s going to get the key and meet us there.”   

"You can't leave me on my own"

DJ does not want to be left on his own, but Mathew explains that he has been drinking, and Rhys does not know who Siriol’s cousin is.

"We'll be back in no time"

“Swansea’s half an hour, round trip – we’ll be back in no time,” Rhys reassures him, then there is a knock at the door and they are joined by Colin, 

Then Colin arrives

who has brought a little gift because he will not see DJ tomorrow on the big day.

This is perfect timing, as DJ will not be alone now, and off they go to Swansea.   

"They're meeting someone in half an hour"

DJ tells Colin that they are meeting someone there in half an hour, as they have forgotten the suits.   Colin suspects this is merely a prank;  

"I bet they're pulling your leg, mate!"

“Watch out – there will be signs between here and Bethania tomorrow morning, telling you to turn back.   I love wedding pranks!”

"There's a railway station in Swansea . . ."

DJ’s mind is working overtime, and he remarks, “There’s a railway station in Swansea – Math said they had a surprise for me.   We might need more place settings at the wedding, for someone who’s coming from the other side of the world.   The wedding wouldn’t be the same without Dad and Diane arguing next to me.”

Lisa is reading about massage . . .

Lisa is sitting quietly at number 9, reading a book entitled ‘Healing Through Massage’, 

. . . and does not appreciate being disturbed

when she has a visitor in the form of Tesni, still in her disreputable torn jeans.   

She likens Tesni to a bad smell

“You’re like a bad smell that never quite disappears.   I’m having a night off – do you want something?’ Lisa asks, rather irritably.

"I've just come to say hello"

Tesni has merely come to say hello, as a friend, but is told, “Yes, I heard you’d run away again.   

"Where did you go this time?"

“Where did you go this time?   Do you want a glass of wine, as you’re here?”   

"No, I'd better not"

Tesni thinks that she had better not.

"You did what?   £10,000?"

Hywel rages, “You did what?   £10,000?   And what about Rhys and Lois – are you going to give them £10,000 each, too?   After all the lies and stealing – she’s made a fool of you!   And what do you do?   Reward her with £10,000!”

"I had to get rid of her . . ."

Gaynor argues that she had no choice; “I had to – to get rid of her!   

". . . to make sure she doesn't say anything"

“To make sure that she doesn’t say anything!”    

"What's the matter with you, Gaynor?"

Hywel is at a loss to know what is the matter with her, 

"I was ready to kill her . . ."

so she sits down and confesses, “After Angharad fell – just listen to me – she was lying there, and a stone was nearby.   And I was ready to . . . kill her!   

". . . if Izzy hadn't turned up!"

“If Izzy had not turned up when she did . . .   

“Please Hywel, say that you understand – after everything Angharad did it to us, my head was just . . . Izzy knew too much, right?”   

Hywel cannot get his head round this . . .

Hywel shakes his head in disbelief, and immediately marches out of the house, 

. . . and walks out on her

leaving her in a terrible state.

"I hope he doesn't upstage me with his tan"

By now quite convinced that his father is on the way back to Cwmderi, DJ says, “I hope he doesn’t upstage me with a great tan!”   Colin thinks that he ought to be more worried about Dai’s speech;  “I dread to think what sort of jokes will be in that,” DJ groans, as Colin phone rings.

"Oh, I'd better get going"

“I had better get going, or Britt will be moaning again,” he says, 

A car is just arriving outside . . .

as a car can be heard pulling up outside.   “Here they are now – with a special delivery!   Good luck to you for tomorrow, mate!”

“Sorry we’re so late – Siriol’s cousin wouldn’t stop talking,” says Mathew, 

. . . containing just the suits

displaying the suits they collected.   

"You haven't been to the railway station, then?"

DJ is very disappointed to find they have not been to the railway station, and they wonder how much he has been drinking.

“You said you had a surprise for me – 

"I thought you'd gone to pick up Dad and Diane"

“I thought perhaps you’d gone to pick Dad and Diane up from the station,” DJ mumbles, “I don’t know what I was thinking – of course Dad wouldn’t come back!   He hasn’t believed in this marriage from the start – and I’m starting to think he’s right.

DJ is starting to become depressed

“This engagement has been doomed from the start – the accident, the pandemic, my family moved to the other side of the world.   

"Perhaps they're signs I'm making a big mistake"

“Perhaps they’re all signs that I’m making a big mistake.”

"I needed a bit of space"

Tesni explains to Lisa, “With Aled and everything, I needed a bit of space, you know.”   

"And some attention"

Lisa assumes that she wanted some attention, too.   

"Have I done something to offend you?"

“Have I done something to offend you?” Tesni asks, 

"You're too old for this running away nonsense"

and is told that she is too old for all this running away nonsense.

“You have no idea what I’m going through,” Tesni continues, but Lisa reminds her that she said it was not a good idea to go to London;  then she heard that she had run away again.

"Why are you being so horrible?"

Tesni insists that this time was different, and wonders why Lisa is being so horrible;  

"I don't want you to end up like me"

“Because I don’t want you to end up like me,” is the reply, “When I heard you were missing, I didn’t say anything, but I was worried.   I used to do exactly the same thing at your age – and look at me now – I’m lonely – 

"I'm past 50, but you're still young, gorgeous and healthy"

“I’m past 50, and I’m still not sure what I want to do with my life.   And the only people who want to talk to me have to pay to do it.   But you’re still young, gorgeous, healthy and you’ve got your whole life ahead of you.”

"I've got colitis"

“I’m not as healthy as you think,” Tesni informs her, “I’ve never told you this, but I’ve got colitis.   If what the doctor says is true, I might have to have an operation to remove my colon.   

"Then I'll have to have a  . . ."

“Then I will have to have a . . .”

"A colostomy bag"

Lisa finishes her sentence for her, “A colostomy bag.   But you can’t let that hold you back – what I’m saying is, even with a bag, you can still fall in love, raise a family, follow your dreams.   You’re in a position to do whatever you want with your life – 

"For heaven's sake, Tesni, grow up!"

“so for heaven’s sake, Tesni, grow up, get out there and make something of your life!”

"I don't know why I ever liked you!"

This is not what Tesni wanted to hear, so she gets up and walks out of the house;  “I don’t know why I ever liked you!” she snarls.

"You could contact them via Zoom"

Mathew comes up with the idea that DJ could contact them via Zoom, but it is pointed out that it will be night time in Australia.   “I was stupid not to take things slower,” says DJ, 

"It's natural to have cold feet"

but Mathew maintains that it is natural to have cold feet tonight before the wedding.

"Perhaps I should cancel or postpone"

“It’s not cold feet – perhaps I should cancel or postpone,” DJ debates, 

"You can't do that to Sioned!"

but Mathew insists that he cannot do that to Sioned.   “We can marry another time – have a proper ceremony.   Loads of couples have had to postpone these last few months,” says DJ.

“It will break her heart – think about it,” Mathew goes on, “She’s at home now, having a bath, pampering herself, facemask, doing her hair, using candles, drinking prosecco!”   

"Cool down, Math!"

Rhys urges him to calm down, but he adds, “It’s the night before her wedding – you can’t do this to her!”

"I need an early night, boys"

DJ now tells then he needs an early night, as he has a lot to think about;  

DJ needs a stiff drink

he goes into the kitchen, takes out one of Dai’s bottles of single malt and pours himself a large glass.

"Do you think he will cancel?"

Rhys wonders if he will in fact cancel, 

"We can't let him do that"

but Mathew is adamant they cannot allow him to do that.   “Since when have you been so protective of Sioned?” Rhys asks, and he says that she is a good friend who does not deserve to be treated like this.   

"Come on – I've got an idea!"

Then an idea comes into Rhys’ head, and they quietly creep upstairs, 

DJ seeks solace in the whisky

while DJ is downing the whisky.

"How am I supposed to know when she'll be back?"

In the Deri, Britt reports to Colin, “Dani left her phone, so how am I supposed to know when she’ll be back?”   He anticipates that she will be back tomorrow, and has just decided to stay for an extra night; 

"Get Garry to deal with it"

he advises her to get Garry to deal with it.   “There’s not enough room at number 7!” she reprimands him, “And anyway, I don’t want to worry him.”

Colin reminds her that is what he did to Dani;  

"He vanished and left her to sort it all out"

“He vanished and left her to sort everything out.”   Hywel comes in for a bottle of red wine, 

"This place could do with cheering up, Hywel"

and Britt  hopes that he will stay there to drink it, to cheer the place up a bit.

"I might say something I regret!"

“You wouldn’t want my company tonight,” he grumbles, “I might say something I’ll regret!”   Colin wants to know what he has done now, 

"Not me – Gaynor and your daughter!"

but is told, “Not me – Gaynor and your daughter!”   

"I thought she'd be halfway round the world"

Colin thought that she would be halfway around the world by now, and Hywel confirms this, “Yes, with £10,000 of our money!”   

"She hasn't stolen it, has she?"

Colin is frightened that she stole it;  

"Worse than that – Gaynor gave it to her!"

“No, it’s worse than that – Gaynor gave it to her!” Hywel exclaims, “Izzy can twist her mother round her little finger!”

Colin concedes that she has always been like that;  “And Gaynor can be a softie as well – under that hard exterior.   

"Izzy must have pushed her to the limit"

“But it takes something quite serious to break it – Izzy must have pushed her to the limit.   She wouldn’t do something so stupid unless she had to, so please, Hywel, don’t be too hard on her.”   Hywel’s attitude appears to be softening.

DJ is still drinking the whisky

DJ is still drinking whisky, now sitting at the kitchen table, when he hears noises and discovers Rhys and Mathew, dressed as Dai and Diane.

“Joseph of Arimathea!” shouts Rhys in what he hopes is a Dai-like voice, 

"We wouldn't miss your wedding day, DJ"

and Mathew, in one of Diane’s coats and earrings, assures him that they would not miss his wedding day.

"Crikey Moses!"

Then Rhys utters the customary, “Crikey Moses!   We want to make sure that you marry a woman from – what do you call it – the Penrhewl empire!”

“And imagine those grandchildren – as long as they get Sioned’s looks,” says Mathew, in a rather vague approximation of Diane’s voice, 

They appear to have cheered DJ slightly

“Perhaps your own family can’t be here, but from tomorrow you’ll have your own family – 

"Sioned, a load of children and farming"

“Sioned, a load of children, and farming – that’s what you’ve always dreamed of.”

“Quite right, Pharaoh!” adds Rhys, and DJ has come to the conclusion that that they are right, 

"Why the obsession with dressing up?"

but questions their obsession with dressing up.

"I've got a bottle of red wine"

Hywel arrives back at Llwyncelyn in more conciliatory mood with the red wine;  he says that he has been out for a bit of fresh air, and called at the Deri.   

"I thought you might have gone to the police"

Gaynor was starting to think that he had gone to the police or something, but he allays her fears that he would do anything like that.

"I'm so ashamed!"

“I’m so ashamed – I can’t sleep at night, thinking about how close I came,” she whimpers, but again he stresses that he would never go to the police.

"After the months of worry that cow put you through . . ."

“After the months of worry that cow put you through, you deserve to put it all behind you,” he tells her and she sighs with relief.

"She's still stunning, isn't she?"

In the shop flat, Mathew and Rhys are watching someone on television;  “She’s still stunning, isn’t she?” says Rhys, 

"She was one of my first crushes"

and Mathew admits she was one of his first crushes;  he used to stop whatever he was doing and stare at the television whenever she came on.

"You've got feelings for the blushing bride, haven't you?"

Rhys continues, “Well, as we’re discussing crushes, you've got feelings for the blushing bride, haven’t you?   What was that about earlier?   Having a bath, pampering herself, face mask, doing her hair.”

"I'm just worried about her, Rhys"

Mathew confesses that he is worried about her;  “You know what DJ’s like.”

"Sioned's amazing!"

Rhys is of the opinion he is not the type to cheat;  “And anyway, why would he cheat on Sioned?   She’s amazing!”   

"I'm not ready to think about other girls"

Mathew points out that as Izzy has just left, he is not yet ready to think about other girls.   Rhys is leaving and advises him to cheer up, predicting that tomorrow will be a good laugh.

"Gentle, kind, pretty – but that's enough about me!"

At Bryntirion, DJ practises his speech;  “Gentle, kind, pretty – but that’s enough about me!   

"I couldn't believe it when she asked me to marry her!"

“I couldn’t believe it when Sioned asked me to marry her – and before you say yet, I’m sure half of you couldn’t believe it either.” 

His finger hovers over the red button . . .

His phone sounds, and he finds that it is a call from Non, which, after some deliberation, he looks as if he will reject it;  

. . . but he is reluctant to press it

however there is once again a look of confusion on his face.

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