23 February 2020

19 February 2020 (2nd)

Jaclyn prepares to go out
Next morning, Jaclyn is dressed in black, and is preparing to go out when Guto comes in and explains that he is not working today;  
"Why are you dressed like that, Mam?"
he wonders why she is dressed like that.   “I’m going to a funeral,” she informs him, 
"The funeral of Uncle Dyl's ex"
“Uncle Dylan’s ex – who died a short while ago – it’s complicated.”
"Keeping Uncle Dyl company, are you?"
Guto assumes that she is going to keep Dylan company, and she replies that he is not going, and that people grieve in different ways;  “So that’s why you were weird with each other yesterday,” he realises.   
"Don't tell you father, mind"
Jaclyn warns him not to tell his father, who would be angry that she is going out on her own;  
Jaclyn leaves the house . . .
she picks up the keys and leaves.
. . . but as soon as she gets outside . . .
As she emerges into the street, she sees Gerwyn emerge from the café, 
. . . she needs to hide, so she is not seen by Gerwyn 
and walk towards the garage, so with some difficulty, 
Crouching behind a car is a painful business . . .
she hides behind a parked car until he is out of sight.   
. . . and she hobbles along the street
This leaves her in some pain, and as she staggers along the street, Gwyneth comes out of the front door of number 9.
"I hope you don't have far to go"
“Let me help you,” says Gwyneth, “I hope you don’t have far to go,” and Jaclyn says that she is calling to see a friend.   Gwyneth offers her a lift on the motorbike, but this is declined, 
"The stitches are playing up"
as Jaclyn explains that the stitches are playing up, and she will walk more slowly.
Siôn provides some decorating materials
Siôn arrives at the café flat with some decorating materials.   Kelly thanks him for coming over;  “I always chuck my paintbrushes after using them, and then when I have a project, I can’t find what I need.”
"The shed is full of stuff I've collected over the years"
Siôn says that his shed is full of stuff he has collected over the years, so any time that she needs something . . . Kelly describes him as, “A hoarder!”   He explains he does not want to throw things away, 
"I'm sure Auntie Anita's happy about that!"
and she is sure that Auntie Anita is happy about that.
"That's why I have a shed!"
“That’s why I have a shed – perhaps you should invest in one – APD has some good stuff,” he suggests, and she answers that perhaps she will some other time, when she has more money and a garden – and a shed to put in the garden – if he knows what she means.
"I want to get rid of the flowers and have something more plain"
She is proposing to paint the front of the chest of drawers;  “I want to get rid of the flowers and have something more plain – less complicated.”   
"I don't very often get the chance to paint"
Siôn would dearly like to help her as he enjoys painting, but does not often get the chance;  “Doesn’t Auntie Anita trust you with a paintbrush?” Kelly comments, 
"Aye, go on, then, Siôn – but no drips!"
adding, “Aye, go on, then!   But no mess, right, Siôn, and no drips!”
This bald chap has been seen before in Cwmderi
At the crematorium, the mourners are entering the chapel, 
Jaclyn enters, with some trepidation
including Jaclyn, who says that she knew Beth when – years ago – and just wanted to say sorry for what happened to her.   
"Thank you for coming"
Bethan’s father thanks her for coming, 
The emotion is getting to Jaclyn
but she is almost overcome with emotion.
"It's a shame to get rid of these flowers"
As they meticulously paint the drawer fronts in white, Siôn says that it is a shame to get rid of the flowers, as they are pretty good, 
"Ed and Jason painted them"
and compliments Kelly on being artistic.   “Ed and Jason painted them,” she replies, and he can understand why she wants to change them.   
"It's a sham it's not that easy in real life, isn't it!"
She muses, “It’s shame it’s not that easy in real life, isn’t it?   Painting over everything and having a fresh start – nothing ever turns out the way you expect it to, does it?   Sorry – embarrassing.
"It's Paul, Auntie Anita – Jason, everything"
“And this isn’t about Ed, OK?   I’m not upset about Ed.   It’s Paul, Auntie Anita, Jason – everything.”   
"What has Jason done to you?"
Siôn can appreciate why she is upset about Anita, but wonders what has Jason done to her.
“Nothing – he’s being lovely,” she smiles, 
"We've been sort of seeing each other – and I've messed everything up!"
“We’ve been sort of seeing each other – and I’ve messed everything up!
Guto stuffs his face with crisps
Guto is lounging on the sofa, watching television and eating crisps, 
Gerwyn has a mischievous grin, and then slams the door
when his father comes in through the door, and deliberately slams it.   
Guto must be of a nervous disposition
Guto is so startled that he upsets the crisps all over the floor.   “You haven’t been sacked already?” remarks Gerwyn, 
"Where's your Mam – you know, that woman who lives with us?"
“Where’s your Mam?   You know, that woman who lives with us, washes your clothes and cooks your food.”
"She's just gone . . . for a walk"
Guto has to to think quickly, and he simply says that she went out – for a walk.   “I wondered if she wanted to come to the café with me and Mam-gu,” says Gerwyn, 
"You might as well come, as you're here"
“I suppose you might as well come, as you’re here.   Did she say where she was going?”   Guto merely tells him to stop fussing.
Jaclyn hesitates in the aisle
Jacqueline is hesitating in the aisle, and then takes her seat;  
This man has also been seen before
behind her is an unsavoury-looking character, who has been seen before in Cwmderi.  
The brass plate on the coffin
 As the organ is playing suitably solemn music, 
Jaclyn looks at the order of service
Jaclyn looks at the order of service, featuring a photograph of Bethan.
Someone familiar arrives . . .
A late arrival, in the form of Gwyneth, comes in, surprised to see Jaclyn there, 
. . . and sits opposite Jaclyn
and sits on the other side of the aisle;  
They look at each other
they look at each other, and then we see, 
Aled is also there
right at the back of the chapel, Aled, who appears upset.
"I was starting to think I could feel something again"
Kelly continues, “For the first time in ages I was starting to think I could feel something again,” 
"Why did you stop things with Jason?"
and Siôn enquires why she stopped things with Jason.   
"It's too complicated – him, Sara and Ifan"
“Because it’s too complicated – him, Sara, Ifan – it’s for the best,” she maintains, 
"It could have worked – phone him, Kelly"
but Siôn points out that it could have worked, and urges her to phone him.
“No, Siôn, because he said he wants to leave things as well,” but she is advised that it is worth trying.   Her voice falters as she goes on, “It’s too late – I’m gutted, because I did feel he ‘gets me’ – I could talk to him, and he listened.   
"Jason understood"
So when everyone else thought I didn’t love Paul – or I had postnatal or whatever – he understood.   Sorry, I’m talking about my problems, and you’re here to paint.”
"I'll get something nice to eat from downstairs"
He assures her that he does not mind that, but just wants her to be happy;  he proposes that they stop for a cup of tea, and he will get something nice to eat from downstairs.   Kelly admits that she is starving.
The mourners leave the chapel
At the end of the service, the mourners file out of the chapel, and Gwyneth is very anxious to speak to Jaclyn;  
"You didn't want anyone to know you were coming, did you?"
“You didn’t want anyone to know you were coming, did you?” she asks.
Jaclyn replies that she and Bethan knew each other years ago:  “But you know how people talk.”   
"She must mean a lot to you"
Gwyneth deduces that she must mean a lot to Jaclyn, as she has come there when she is not well.
She goes on to explain, “I just wanted to hear what sort of person would destroy so many lives,” but Jaclyn regards that as rather inappropriate.   “And to remember those who suffered, of course,” Gwyneth adds, “I’m surprised you had any sympathy, after what she did.”   
"I just wanted to remember the woman I got to know"
Jaclyn just wanted to remember the woman she got to know, adding that it is not her fault she turned out the way she did.
"Well, whose fault was it, then?"
“So whose fault was it, then?” Gwyneth demands, but Jaclyn walks away;  
Gwyneth is putting two and two together . . .
a conclusion is forming in Gwyneth’s mind, 
. . . meanwhile, Aled is in tears
and in the background, we can see that Aled is in tears.
"Please don't tell Auntie Anita about Jason"
Kelly is very appreciative of the cake Sion gave her, and asks, “Please don’t tell Auntie Anita about Jason, because she’s got enough on her mind without that as well.”   
"I won't say a word, Kelly"
Siôn assures her he will not say a word.
"I do miss her, and I really want us to be OK"
“I do miss her, and I really want us to be OK,” she says;  Siôn comments that the two of them are as stubborn as each other.   “Hey – I went over there and gave her photos of Paul,” Kelly protests, 
"She's sorry you're not going to see him"
and he tells her that Anita is upset that Kelly is not going to see him.   Kelly is sorry but explains she cannot, and Siôn understands this.
Jaclyn is in a terrible state . . . 
Jaclyn arrives home after the funeral, in an extremely emotional state;  
. . . and sinks into a chair . . .
she sits down 
. . . looking at the order of service . . .
and takes the order of service from her pocket, 
. . . and bursting into tears
then bursts into tears.
"What's going on between you and Jac?"
Meanwhile, in the café, Brenda tells her son, “Whatever’s going on between you and Jac, you need to sort it!” and will not believe him when he says there is nothing going on.   
He explains that she still feels very weak, and they are both feeling the strain;  
"I didn't know I was here for an interrogation"
“I thought we were here for a quiet cup of tea, not an interrogation.”   Brenda points out that he almost lost Jaclyn once, and not everyone gets another chance.   
Guto has a cake for his mother
Guto has purchased a cake for his mother, and Brenda wants to know when she is going to be treated to a meal at Tapas.   Gerwyn reminds her that Guto has to pass his trial period first.
Gwyneth comes barging in
Just as they are leaving, Gwyneth bursts into the café 
"You won't believe what's happened!"
and declares, “Debs, you won’t believe what’s happened!   When are you finishing?”   
"I'm finishing my shift now"
Debbie replies that her shift is ending now, and she is instructed to go upstairs and tell Kelly she is leaving;  
Gwyneth looks rather fraught
Gwyneth stresses that it is important.
Kelly is pleased that the spare room looks more tidy now, and there is room for Ifan’s toys.   
"I'm going now, Kelly"
Debbie comes upstairs to say that she is going now, and Kelly will come down.   
"Anita will be wondering where I am"
Siôn thiks he will have to go as well, or Anita will be wondering where he is.
"I would loved a father like you, Siôn!"
Kelly begins, “I know I always say Auntie Anita is like a mother to me, but I would have loved a father like you as well, Siôn!” and he answers that any time she needs help, he is there.   
"Don't forget – phone Jason"
His last words before he leaves are to instruct her to phone Jason;  
"You're the one who's stubborn, Siôn!"
she describes him as stubborn, 
"Don't miss an opportunity to be happy – life's too short"
but he urges her, “Don’t ever miss an opportunity to be happy, Kelly – life’s far too short!”
Kelly takes her phone . . .
As he goes downstairs, Kelly takes her phone 
. . . scrolls to Jason's number . . .
and scrolls through the list of contacts;  upon reaching Jason’s name, 
. . . but then hesitates
she hesitates, 
Kelly tries to take her mind off it
then throws down the phone and starts tidying up.
"What if she's collapsed or something?"
Guto arrives home with his father, and as they cannot see Jaclyn, Gerwyn thinks they had better go and look for her;  “What if she’s collapsed or something?”   
Jaclyn comes downstairs
Then she comes downstairs, 
"How could you be so irresponsible?"
and Gerwyn says, “Guto’s told me – how could you be so irresponsible?”   She protests that she had no choice, but he insists, “Of course you had a choice – no-one forced you to go!”
"I thought it was the right thing to do"
Jaclyn replies that she thought it was the right thing to do, 
Guto frantically signals to his mother
but Guto is out of sight of his father, signalling to her, as Gerwyn warns her, “Next time, make sure someone else is with you – 
"You're not well enough to go for a walk on your own"
“next time you go for a walk.   You’re still not well enough to go a long way on your own.”   
"I must have overdone it"
She is relieved that he does not know the truth, but explains that she is tired, and probably overdid it.   “Perhaps you should start listening to me,” he admonishes her, and will now go back to the garage.
"Thanks for covering for me, Guto"
Jaclyn thanks Guto for covering for her, and he replies that he had to say something when his father came home and found she was not there;  
"I don't like lying like this"
“I don’t like lying like this – I’m not doing it again.”   
Jaclyn is left holding the cake box
He hands his mother the box of cakes.
"Why was she at the funeral – and why were you?"
Back at number 9, Debbie cannot believe that Jaclyn was at Jessie’s funeral, or even why Gwyneth was there.   
"Now I know who runs the business!"
“I was trying to find out who runs the drugs business – and now I know!” says Gwyneth, triumphantly, “It’s not a ‘he’ – it’s a ‘she’!   Jaclyn – the last person you’d expect!”
"You don't know that, Gwyneth"
Debbie maintains that is simply supposition, but is advised to think about it;  
Gwyneth has it all worked out
“The drugs business started after the Parris arrived.”   
"That's just coincidence"
Debbie dismisses this as simply coincidence, 
"She's using the place to launder money"
but Gwyneth goes on, “Is it coincidence that Jaclyn’s brother bought Tapas?   I think she is the owner, and that she’s using the place to launder money.”
"You know what happened last time"
Debbie cautions her to leave things alone;  “You know what happened last time – you put your son’s life in danger!   What’s to stop them getting rid of you, like they got rid of Jessie?”
"They need someone they can rely on – me!"
“I’m not Jessie, am I?   I’m not going to kill people,” reasons Gwyneth, “They need someone they can rely on to replace her – me!”   Debbie does not want any part of it, but is told, “That’s your loss!”
Debbie solemnly warns her to be careful;  “If you’re right, there will be a price to pay, and she won’t pay – you will!”   
Gwyneth will not take any notice . . .
Gwyneth picks up the order of service, 
. . . and is ruthlessly determined
with a look of determination on her face.

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