23 January 2020

22 January 2020 (1st)

Jim has a card for Eileen 
Jim has a St Dwynwen’s Day card for Eileen, and when Sioned comes in, 
"I do remember when St Dwynwen's Day is!"
he reassures her, “Don’t worry – I do remember when St Dwynwen’s Day is!   I just wanted to get a few things out of the way.”
"That's lovely, Jim!"
She picks up the gift box and looks at the bracelet inside as he continues, “And I’m taking your mother for a five-course meal in the Glyndwr.”   
"So that's why I had breakfast in bed!"
When Eileen comes downstairs, he tells her she is not supposed to be up yet.    “So that’s why I had breakfast in bed – to keep me out of the way!” she says, 
"It's prettier than the one I had on my birthday"
and looks at the bracelet, commenting, “It’s prettier than the one I had on my birthday.”   Then he realises that he had forgotten about that, but Eileen does not want to wait until Saturday, and puts the bracelet on straightaway.   
"You'll have to wait for any more surprises!"
He tells her that she will have to wait for any more surprises he happens to have for her.
Tyler and Greta are on the sofa
In the Deri flat, Tyler is playing with Greta when Iolo comes in to collect her, 
"Greta has been having a lovely time"
and Tyler encourages him to stay for a cup of tea;  
"It will do her good to see us getting on"
“It will do her good to see us getting on,” Tyler suggests, 
"OK – a cup of tea won't hurt"
and Iolo thinks that a quick cup of tea will not hurt.
"I can drop this estimate off in Cwrtmynach"
Dai is stacking a shelf at APD when Jason suggests, “I can drop this estimate off, as I’m in Cwrtmynach today – 9 Heol yr Eglwys.”   Dai thinks that it would be easier to e-mail it, 
"Elsie Roberts is old-fashioned, isn't she?"
but is reminded, “Elsie Roberts is old-fashioned, isn’t she?   She likes the personal touch.” Dai agrees that he is on the ball, and they are eager to clinch the deal.
"You promised to take Ifan to the park this afternoon"
Sara comes in to point out that Jason had promised to take Ifan to the park this afternoon;  
"I'm working in Cwrtmynach today, Sara"
he replies that he is working in Cwrtmynach today, and Dai suggests, “Wouldn’t it to be easier for you to take Ifan to the park?    You work evenings, anyway,” 
"I've got plans, Dai!"
but she refuses to change her plans.   “Jason’s got plans too – he’s working in Cwrtmynach!” moans Dai.
"Get a move on, so you're back in time to take Ifan to the park!"
“You’d better get a move on, then,” she says, “So that you’re back in time to take Ifan to the park!”
The atmosphere seems to be more cordial
Iolo and Tyler appear to be chatting reasonably amicably, but Iolo thinks that it is time he left, and thanks Dani for the tea.   
"How about the three of us going to see the cartoons?"
Tyler says that there are cartoons on at the theatre, and suggests that he gets three tickets, 
"I don't think that's a good idea"
but Iolo does not consider that a good idea.   Tyler really appreciates that he stayed for a while, 
"Greta appreciated it, too!"
and Dani is sure that Greta does too.   
Greta waves 'ta-ta' to Tyler 
She waves ‘ta-ta’ to Tyler and they leave the flat.
Dai has been summoned home
Dai hurries back home to Bryntirion, after receiving a text from Diane, but she assures him it is nothing major, for which he is very grateful.   
"I think I should do something today"
“I just think I should try to do something today,” she says, which he thinks is very encouraging.   
"I'll drive, mind"
He suggests shopping, or going for a drive in the car – stressing that he will drive, 
"I never want to get in that car again!"
but she replies, “I thought you understood – I never want to get in that car again!”
"You have to 'get back on the horse', Diane"
He argues that in these cases, “You have to get back on the horse – you’ll have to get in it at some point!   But not until you’re ready, OK?”  
"I don't think I shall ever be ready"

She is starting to think that she will never be ready.   
"We'll, we could get a taxi"
Then he suggests getting a taxi;  “I’ll do anything you want to do.”
"I ought to visit Jaclyn again"
She thinks that she ought to visit Jaclyn again, but Dai maintains that it is too early;  “I thought you wanted to help, no matter what,” she says, 
"We don't know what Gerwyn – and that Brenda – will say!"
but he warns that they do not know what Gerwyn – and that Brenda – would say.
Diane accuses him of being like everyone else;  “Everyone thinks it was my fault!   I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re hiding the truth about Jaclyn’s condition.”
"I thought you had turned the corner"
Dai is losing his temper;  “Why are you talking like this?   I thought you’d turned the corner.”   She is convinced that they do not want her to get better – they want her to suffer, which is only what she deserves.
“Poppycock!” bursts out Dai, so she demands why only Cassie and Kath have been to see her.   He informs her that everyone in the village asks how she is every day, then realises that he has to get back to work.   He encourages her to walk down to APD later – it will do her the world of good.
Kelly has written a cheque . . .
Jim has done a job in the café kitchen, and Kelly writes a cheque in payment, 
. . . then there is a crash and a cry of pain from the kitchen
handing it to him just as there is a loud crash and cry of pain from Debbie.   
The cupboard did not stay on the wall very long
She rushes out and calls Jim, “Cowboy!” while Kelly sees that the cupboard has parted company with the wall already.   
"It's only a light cupboard – the cheap stuff!"
“The cupboard fell on my hand!” Debbie yells.
Kelly is outraged;  Jim’s response is, “It won’t do much damage – it’s a light cupboard – the cheap stuff!”   
"Right, I'll have that back, then!"
This does not go down well with Kelly, who snatches back the cheque, which she will keep until APD does a tidy job.
"I shall be over to see Dai about compensation!"
Debbie shows Jim her hand, and insists that she will be over to see Dai about compensation.
Why is Dai looking for a secondhand van?
Jason rushes back into APD, having forgotten to take the quote with him, and finds that Dai is looking online at the price of vans;  “It pays to look for bargains,” he says.   
"She was at fault as well!"
Jim arrives, and shouts, “There’s something you should know – she was at fault as well!”   
Dai tells him to spit it out, and Jim responds, “It doesn’t matter anyway, because I don’t give a damn!”   
"You're talking gibberish, man!"
Dai wonders what on earth he is talking about, accusing him of talking gibberish.
“Do we have to guess what’s going on in your head?” he demands, and then Debbie comes in, nursing her hand, and announcing that APD injured her.   She points out that Jim did not screw a bracket on to the wall, 
"The cupboard fell on my hand!"
and the cupboard fell on her hand.
"I don't see your hand under the cupboard in this photo!"
Dai studies the evidence on her phone, and remarks that he does not see her hand under the cupboard in the picture;  “That little cut could have happened anywhere,” he points out, and when she says that he is accusing her of lying, goes on, 
"I'm saying you're being a little bit dramatic!"
“No – I’m saying that you’re being a little bit dramatic – you need a magnifying glass to see that cut, anyway.”
"Say what you like – I don't care!"
She, in customary Jones’ fashion, demands compensation from APD for negligence, and Jim shouts, “Say what you like – I don’t care!” and storms to the back of the shop.
"An experienced builder like Jim?"
Jason remarks, “Sorry, Debbie, I’m having trouble believing that the builder of Jim’s experience would forget to tighten the screws on anything.”   
"You haven't heard the end of this!"
She accuses them of sticking together, and assures them they have not heard the end of this.
"She's got a cheek, blaming you!"
Dai tells Jim that Debbie has a cheek, trying to blame him, 
"But it was my fault, Dai"
but he admits that it was his fault;  “I didn’t put the screws in properly – nobody’s perfect!”   Dai’s main concern is that they will not get paid by Kelly, and Jim confirms, “She has kept the money until APD do a tidy job.”
"You're sacked!"
Dai furiously informs Jim that he is sacked, and Jason tries to calm him down;  “No – why should I put up with this clown’s antics?” he roars, “How did you do something so stupid?”   
"Dai's right – I deserve to be sacked!"
Jim agrees that Dai is right, and he deserves to be sacked.   Jason is sure that they can sort this out, but is late and has to go.
"Why are you standing there like Lot's wife?"
Dai continues his tirade, “I don’t know what you’re standing there like Lot’s wife – get lost!”   Jim does as instructed.
The 'come hither' text message
Sara sends a message to Dylan, “Come over – home alone.”   She turns on some music 
Sara is dressed alluringly
and we see that she is dressed in a black negligee.   
He must have been waiting at the bottom of the stairs
Within seconds, footsteps can be heard on the stairs, 
Pretty obvious what she is after
and as soon as he arrives in the flat, she kisses him.
"Is there something on your mind?"
“Is there something on your mind?” she asks, and of course it is his sister, 
"Jaclyn's still fast asleep"
who is still fast asleep.   
"It's only a matter of time before she talks to you"
Sara points out that it is only a matter of time until she talks to him (which is presumably what he is afraid of).   
Sara pours him a glass of wine
She tells him to sit down and pours some wine;  he was not expecting her to go to so much trouble, but she wants to create an atmosphere, 
"And I know what sort of atmosphere!"
and he can guess what atmosphere this is.
Photos of them before Aled reared his ugly head
In the Deri flat, Tyler is looking at photographs of the three of them in less troubled times, 
"It's OK to look at old photos"
and Dani consoles him, “It’s OK to look at old photos.”   He thanks her for helping to make Iolo stay, 
"It's still early days, Ty"
and she thinks that Iolo enjoyed it as well, but it is still rather early.   “I’m sure he’s going to want the three of you back together,” she maintains, and that Tyler hopes she is right.
"Greta's changing so quickly"
“Greta’s changing so quickly,” he says, and Dani tells him he must think about what is best for her – being one step ahead.   She warns him to be careful of Anita, but he protests, “She has no rights over Greta – she’s mine and Iol’s.”
"Be careful of Anita – 'Mam-gu'!"
She advises, “Perhaps you should tell her that – before she has any ideas like – I don’t know – ‘Mam-gu’!”
Ifan is lifted to the top of the slide . . .
In the park, Jason lifts Ifan to the top of the slide, 
. . . but he does not follow his father's instructions
where he appears to be rather apprehensive.   
Kelly arrives . . .
They are joined by Kelly, who says that it was a busy morning, 
. . . who has been given the afternoon off by the boss
so she has been given the afternoon off by the boss.
"Have you been on the slide with Dadi?"
“Have you been on the slide with Dadi?” she asks Ifan, and is told that they are going on the swings now.   
"I'll try to behave!"
Jason remarks that if she is a good girl, she might get a push, so she will do her best to behave.
Profits at Cae Glas are improving
Eileen and Sioned are looking at the Cae Glas accounts, which are going in the right direction, when Jim returns home, alleging that he finished the job early.   
"As long as Dai doesn't think you're skiving"
“As long as Dai doesn’t think you’re skiving!” Eileen comments.
He says rather brusquely, “Dai was all right about it, 
"I'm not someone who skives!"
“because I’m not someone who skives!”   Eileen announces the good news about Cae Glas, where profits are up by 15%, 
"There are downsides, like paying more tax"
but he points out, “There are always downsides to these things – paying more tax.”   
This puzzles Sioned 
Sioned is puzzled by his attitude.
Tyler books three seats online, despite what Iolo said . . .
Tyler is looking at a website, where he is selecting three seats, 
. . . and looks pleased with himself
and appears cautiously optimistic as he purchases them..
"Not that I'm saying you're heavy!"
Jason is pushing Kelly on a swing, and complaining that it is hard work;  “Not that I’m saying you’re heavy!” he adds, and she accuses him of not being fit.
"It's nice to blow the cobwebs away"
“It’s nice to get some fresh air, to blow the cobwebs away!” she says, but he cannot imagine that she has any cobwebs, as she never stops, 
"Running around like a blue-arsed fly!"
and she describes herself as, “Running around like a blue-arsed fly!”
He maintains that it is best to keep busy, which she interprets as running away from problems.   He explains that he is not working today as Sara reminded him that he was taking Ifan to the park;  “And you know what she’s like – what Sara wants, Sara gets!”
Jason sees Ifan with something in his hand
They have been so engrossed in each other, they have not noticed Ifan wandering away, and he is found in the corner of the playground, 
Drug paraphernalia left lying around

holding a syringe in his hand.   
Jason removes the offending item
Kelly panics, “Jase – what if it is . . ? 
"You need to take him to A&E now!"
“You need to take him to A&E now!” 
They hurry away
and they hurry away, as Jason attempts to ring Sara.
Dylan is enjoying his massge
She is on the sofa with Dylan, giving him a massage, which he says reminds him of the one he had in Goa.   
"That's enough talking . . ."
Then she decides that is enough talking, and instructs him to come with her, as she leads him towards the bedroom.
Her phone is unanswered
Of course, at that moment, her phone begins to sound, but she is otherwise engaged.
"Writing to Jaclyn, are you?"
Dai returns home to find that Diane has written a letter, and assumes that it is to Jaclyn;  “No, to the council clerk,” she replies, 
"I'm resigning as a councillor"
“I’m resigning as a councillor – don’t try to change my mind – I don’t have a choice.”   
"You haven't done anything wrong, Diane"
She places the envelope on the shelf, as Dai once more insists that she has done nothing wrong.   
"You don't believe that any more than I do!"
“You don’t believe that any more than I do!” she snarls, but he points out that Jaclyn walked out in front of her.   “When the dust settles, I’ll be an embarrassment to everyone – to you – to DJ in his new job,” she continues.
"Don't talk nonsense, woman!"
Dai explodes, “Don’t talk nonsense, woman!” and she decides to go upstairs to lie down.   
"I'll post it on my way back to work"
He says that he will post the letter on his way back to work, 
"It needs a first class stamp"
and she informs him that it will need a first class stamp.   
And we all know what happens to stuff that goes in the bin
As soon as she is out of the way, he places the letter in the anticipated place – the pedal bin.
After their little 'diversion' . . .
Sara and Dylan return from their little ‘tryst’, 
. . . Dylan is not eager to leave . . .
and he says that he does not want to go;  she does not want him to go, either, but Kelly is expected back shortly.   He maintains that they have nothing to hide, 
. . . but Sara gives him a helping hand
but she propels him in the direction of the stairs.
She looks at her phone . . .
Then she picks up her phone and finds 
. . . and finds three missed calls
there are three missed calls;  she is unable to contact Jason, 
Kelly looks extremely concerned
but just then Kelly returns, looking upset.
"They don't know if the syringe was contaminated"
Jason gets back to Bryntirion, advising Dai that they do not know whether the syringe was contaminated.   
"He could catch all kinds of diseases!"
“He could catch all kinds of diseases!” Dai rants, “Hepatitis and . . !”   
"They said it's very unlikely"
Jason says that he was told it is very unlikely, but is warned not to say a word to his mother, as they do not want another setback.
Sara arrives and takes charge of Ifan
There is a frantic knocking at the door, and Sara rushes in, grabbing Ifan;  “Everything happened so quickly – I tried to phone you lots of times – 
"Where were you, Sara?"
“where were you?” he demands.   
"The phone was in my bag, and I didn't hear it"
She gives the excuse that her phone was in the bag and that she did not hear it.
"He's had all the blood tests"
Jason reports that the medical staff could not find any puncture marks on Ifan, and they did blood tests on him, the results of which will be available early next week.   
"How could you let him out of your sight?"
“How could you let him out of your sight?” she rages, “What was so important?”   
"Diane's trying to sleep upstairs"
Dai urges her to be quiet, as Diane is trying to sleep upstairs;  “Just like her son in the park!” growls Sara.
"I only turned my back for a second"
Jason points out that it was only for a second that he turned his back, 
"I can't trust you to do anything!"
but she calls him, “Irresponsible!   I can’t trust you to do anything,” and she hurries out of the house.

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