02 July 2021

30 June 2021

Aaron maintains he is not well . . .

Britt calls Aaron, telling him it is time to go to school and he will be late;  he comes in, looking at his phone, and says he has a stomach ache.   

. . . and it appears his mother believes him

She suspects that something is going round, and advises him to go back to bed;  “A couple of hours’ sleep and you’ll feel much better.”   

He is not slow in returning to bed

He wastes no time in doing that.

Then Britt finds something concerning in the bin

Then she finds the cereal packet is empty and is about to put it in the bin when she finds something else in there;  a shoebox, clearly labelled £149.99, which puzzles her, 

"Aaron, come here!"

and she calls to him again, “Aaron, come here!”

"What are we having for dinner?"

Dylan is making himself a cup of tea and speaking to Rhys on the phone;  “No problem – I’ll take it out of the freezer for you later.   What are we having for dinner?   Yes, all right, I’ll get something from Tapas as usual.   

"I'm really glad you're back working"

Listen, Rhys, I’m really glad you’re back working – just so I can get some peace and quiet.   See you later.”

He looks at his son's photo on the phone . . .

Then he looks at some of the photos on his phone, particularly one of Aled;  

. . . and does some serious thinking

he appears thoughtful.

"It was my birthday money!"

Aaron loudly insists that it was his birthday money, 

"You'll have to do a lot better than that, good boy!"

but his mother replies, “You’ll have to do a lot better than that, good boy – these have cost a lot more than your birthday money!”   

"I didn't pay the price on the box"

He says that he did not pay the price on the box.

"Do you think I was born yesterday?"

“Do you think I was born yesterday?   Who gave them to you?” she yells, 

"They were reduced in the Internet!"

and he continues to maintain that they were reduced on the Internet.   She gets out her phone and demands that he shows her the website, but he flounces off downstairs, simply saying that he is going out, and Britt is furious.

Izzy looks rather sheeepish when Eileen turns up

Eileen comes into APD with her cheque-book and Izzy looks uneasy;  

"I've come here to pay my debts"

“I’ve come here to pay my debts,” Eileen informs her, “I heard what happened with Sioned and Mathew.   Us small businesses need to stick together, more than ever these days.   I want to put everything behind us – will a cheque be all right?”

"I'm sorry about the letter, Eileen"

Izzy apologises about the letter, but Eileen answers that people should pay their bills;  

"I did feel a pang of grief"

“I did feel a pang of grief when I saw Jim’s name – it’s odd how the smallest things can . . .”

"I would never do that on purpose"

Izzy insists that it was an accident and she would never do that on purpose;  

Eifion has just come in from the back

Eifion has just come in from the back as Eileen starts writing the cheque for £3,000;  “Do I make it out to APD?” she asks, 

An emergency call from Colin at the shop

but then her phone rings, and Colin needs her immediately in the shop, as the delivery man is refusing to let him sign.

She asks Izzy to complete the rest of the details on the cheque and hurries out of the shop;  

The cheque is handed over, minus the payee

Eifion is watching as Izzy looks at the cheque, with no payee, and asks what she has there.   “Penrhewl’s final payment – at last!” she exclaims, 

Eifion is keeping a careful watch

and he looks suspicious.

"Have the teachers said anything about Aaron?"

On her jog, Ffion comes round the corner by Bethania and Britt calls to her;  “Have any of the other teachers said anything about Aaron?   I can’t do anything with him these days – if he isn’t coming or going to who knows where, he locks himself in his room.   I can’t believe a word he says.”

This amuses Ffion 

Ffion finds this amusing;  “You’ve just described 99% of 15-year-olds in this country – be grateful you don’t have to deal with hundreds of them every day.   

"I'll be in your shoes with Arwen before long"

I’ll be in your shoes with Arwen before long.”   

"Enjoy Arwen while she's young"

Britt advises her to enjoy Arwen while she is young enough not to hide things from her mother.

Dylan visits Aled

Dylan is knocking at the door of number 10 and is let in by Aled, 

"What do you want?"

who  demands, “What do you want?   If you were missing me, you could have come to look for me.”

"Does a Dad need a reason to see his son?"

“Does a Dad need a reason to see his son?” says Dylan, “Come on, then – out with it – I can see something’s wrong.”   

"I'm single, skint and have nothing to look forward to"

Aled grumbles that it is nothing more than usual – he is single, skint and has nothing to look forward to.   He wonders why Dylan cares.

“There’s always a way of making money if you look for it,” his father points out, 

"I might have something for you"

“I could help you – let me figure things out, and meet me in the Deri – I might have something for you.   

"See you in the Deri in an hour"

“See you in the Deri in about an hour.”

Ffion drops in at Y Felin 

Anita is rather miserably watching the television when Ffion comes visiting;  “I thought I’d call in as I was passing,” she says, “How are you getting on with Arwen’s dress?”   

"I was going to bring it over later"

It is finished and Anita was going to bring it over later;  she urges Ffion to stay and have a cup of tea with her.

"I shouldn't really, but . . ."

Although she is in mid-jog, she is won over by the offer of some chocolate biscuits, 

"I need an excuse to open them"

which Anita needs an excuse to open.

Garry remembers Britt at that age

Britt has gone to see Garry about Aaron;  “I remember you when you were that age – you drove me to hide under the duvet,” Garry recalls.   

"Why won't he talk to me, Gar?"

Britt insists that this is different, demanding why her son will not talk to her, and her brother points out she is the last person he would tell his secrets to – the secrets that every boy that age has.

She is not convinced, as Aaron has always opened up to her – 

"Apart from that time when he was in trouble"

apart from that time when he was in trouble.   

"Are you worried he's being groomed?"

“Are you worried he’s being groomed?” enquires Garry, 

"He's got a new pair of trainers I didn't buy!"

and she points out that he has got a new pair of trainers which she did not buy.   Garry is sure that Aaron would not get into that position again, but Britt does not share his opinion.   

"I'll have a word with him, Britt"

He agrees to have a word with the boy.

"I don't know what I would have done without you"

“I don’t know what I would have done without you,” says Ffion, “Arwen would have grown out of it if I had to do it.”   

"It's something to do, Ffion"

Anita was glad to do it, commenting that it is something to do while Siôn is in his books.

"A name like Melangell – or Tesni!"

“Put it this way – he’s not interested in anyone unless you’ve got a Welsh degree and a name like Melangell – or Tesni!” she goes on, 

"You don't think . . ?"

which surprises Ffion.   

"I don't know what to think"

“I don’t know what to think – he comes home at night, but his head’s still at the shop.”

"He sees her as someone who will listen to him"

Ffion imagines that he sees Tesni as someone who will listen to him – someone who is open to learning, but Anita has doubts on that score.   

"I'm still stuck talking to myself"

“I’m still stuck talking to myself, whether he’s here or not,” she groans.

"What you need is a holiday"

Ffion diagnoses that she needs a holiday, but Anita replies that she has only just got over the one she went on with Kelly.   She has had enough of Cassie, going on about her fjords.   “Seriously, another holiday would do you good,” advises Ffion, but Anita wonders where she would go – and with whom.

Eifion walks into the Deri, and asks Cassie for a pint;  

"Money for the extra work in the cellar"

Izzy is at the bar, and is given an envelope for Jason;  “Money for the extra work in the cellar,” Cassie tells her, “We don’t want anyone to think we don’t pay our bills!   You need every penny.”

"Who told you that?"

Izzy wonders who told her that, 

"Oh – the barrel's run out!"

then Cassie discovers that the barrel has run out and goes to change it.   

"I saw you eyeing up that cheque"

Eifion moves along the bar;  “I saw you eyeing up the cheque earlier.”   

"I wouldn't do that to Mathew"

Izzy insists she would never do that, but he reminds her that she has done it before.   She is adamant that she would not do that to Mathew, and comments that Eifion would not think twice about stealing from the company.

"You're going out with the boss"

“I know you – but you’re all right now, because you’re going out with the boss – I bet you’re even on commission,” sneers Eifion.

"How are things at school, then?"

Garry asks Aaron how things are at school, as he must have a lot of work;  “There weren’t half as many subjects when I was in school,” he says, “Not that I attended much.”

"Mam sent you, didn't she?"

“Mam sent you!” Aaron replies, “She just wants answers all the time, and often there aren’t any – not easy ones.”   

"They're easier if you share them"

Uncle Garry suggests that they are easier if you share them, and believes that someone is bullying him. 

Aaron is about to rush from the room, but Garry stops him;  

"I can help, you know"

“I can help, you know – but I have to know what’s wrong.”   

"It's complicated"

Aaron says that it is complicated.   “Is someone giving you a hard time?   

"If so, I can sort them out"

“If so, I can sort them out.”

"I like someone"

After some thought, Aaron comes up with the story, “I like someone,” 

"A girl, is it?"

and Garry realises what he means, enquiring if it is a girl, and he agrees that it is.   Garry wants to know if he has told the girl, 

"They're not psychic, you know"

as they are not psychic.

"Garry, please, leave it, OK?"

“Garry, please, leave it, OK?” demands Aaron, and Garry advises that he should tell his mother and Colin.   “Really?   I would never hear the end of it – they’re embarrassing!” is the reply.   

"I won't breathe a word to anyone"

Garry promises not to breathe a word to anyone, and if Aaron wants any tips, he goes where to come.

Siôn is in a world of his own

Anita comes downstairs with the washing basket and finds that Siôn is tapping away at the laptop and completely ignoring her.   

"I'm thinking of going away on holiday . . ."

“I’m thinking of going away on holiday,” she begins, and he takes no notice.   

". . . if that's OK with you"

“Just a couple of days to recharge the batteries, if that’s OK with you.”

"That will be nice for you"

He says that will be nice for her, and again says that he is busy;  he wonders if he has done something to upset her, 

"I just fancy a break"

but she answers that she just fancies a break.   

"I hope you have a nice time'

“I hope you have a nice time,” he remarks, as he continues typing.

"Amanda, how do you fancy going on a little holiday?"

Anita gets out her phone and rings her sister, Amanda;  “How do you fancy going on little holiday?   On a beach somewhere.”

Ffion is nearing the end of her run

Now Ffion is jogging round the corner, approaching the Deri, where Aled is sitting outside;  

"Anita's going on holiday"

Cassie asks, “Do you know anyone who wants a shift tomorrow?   Anita’s going on holiday.”

"She hasn't had it easy since they split up"

Ffion is pleased to hear this, commenting, “She hasn’t had it easy since she and Siôn split up – months ago.”   

"I didn't know that"

This comes as news to Cassie, and Ffion explains, “She’s still in Y Felin as a friend – 

"Don't tell Anita I said anything"

“but don’t tell Anita that I said anything.”

As Ffion heads back towards Cysgod y Glyn, Dylan strides across the road towards Aled.   

Dylan takes an envelope from his pocket

He takes an envelope from his pocket and tosses it down on the table;  

"So you can pay for another bottle"

“So you can pay for another bottle,” he says, 

There seems to be an awful lot of cash in it

and Aled is astonished to discover that the envelope contains a substantial amount of money (including at least one old £10 note, which is no longer legal tender.)

"Are you sure?"

Aled asks if he is sure;  

"Never ask someone if they're sure"

“Don’t ask someone who’s given you that much money if they’re sure,” Dylan tells him, and Aled wonders what his father wants him to do.   

"Stay away from anything dodgy"

“Be careful,” is the answer, “Stay away from anything dodgy – it’s not worth it.”

“Why are you doing this?” demands Aled, and is told that Dylan does not need a reason to give his son money.   

"You didn't want to know me not that long ago"

“You didn’t want to know me not that long ago,” he goes on, but Dylan explains that it took him time to get used, and a lot has happened since then.

He does not want Aled to do anything stupid;  “Promise you’ll come to me if things get difficult.”

"Did you speak to Aaron?"

Up in the Deri flat, Garry is looking after the children;  “Dani’s working late,” he tells Britt, who wants to know if he spoke to Aaron.   

"Yes, I had a word with him"

Garry confirms that he had a word with the boy, 

Meanwhile, Aaron is looking at his phone

and we see that Aaron is looking intently at his phone, 

The report on the death of Jamie Fenchurch

particularly at the webpage of the Western Post, giving details of the discovery of Jamie Fenchurch’s body.

“He told me not to tell you – and perhaps I should respect his wishes,” says Garry, 

"Come on, Garry!"

but Britt is insistent, so he reveals, “The boy’s in love.”   

Britt cannot believe this, but Garry points out that there is nothing more natural.

“So those trainers were to try and impress someone – with what money though?” she wonders.

"If his haggling skills are as good as mine . . ."

“If his haggling skills are as good as mine, he may have got them for next to nothing – and you’ve got nothing to worry about,” Garry suggests, 

Britt is now feeling relieved . . .

which comes as a relief to Britt.

. . . but Aaron is certainly not

Aaron, on the other hand, is horrified by what he has read on the website and does not know what to do.

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