03 July 2021

1 July 2021

Siôn has brought a book for Greta . . .

Siôn has brought over a book for Greta, and Iolo is sure that she will love it;  “How are things with you, then?   I’m not sure I need to ask, because I haven’t seen you so happy for a while,” says his father.   

. . . but he really want to know about this new man

“Well, what’s he like?   Are you going to tell me his name?”

What – Brychan?"

“What – Brychan?” Iolo replies, and Siôn regards that as a good name, wondering if he has links with Brecknockshire, 

"The king of Brecknockshire in the 5th century"

pointing out that Brychan was the king there in the fifth century.

"I'll ask him next time"

Amused, Iolo replies that he will ask him next time, and Siôn goes on, “So there’s a next time?”   

"I never imagined I'd fall for the same man again"

Iolo explains that they had been seeing each other before, and he never imagined that he would fall for the same man again.

“That’s what happens sometimes,” Siôn says, 

"People move on – like you've done with Tyler"

“People change, move on – like you’ve done with Tyler.   Right, I’d better be getting back to the shop – I told Tesni I’d only be a minute.”

"Want me to come over later?"

“Do you want me to come over later?” Iolo asks, “To keep you company, as Anita’s out?”   

"We could have a quick pint, after I lock up"

Siôn suggests they could go for a quick pint after he locks up.

Hywel is feeling guilty

When Gaynor returns home, she finds Hywel in a very troubled state, and complains that he has done no tidying up.   

"What a mess!"

“What a mess!” she moans, but he says he has been busy.   “Have you?   Sulking, more like!” she snarls at him.

"Hywel, you weren't to blame"

When he pleads with her not to start, she demands, “Hywel, when will you understand?   You weren’t to blame.”   

"How could I miss the signs, Gaynor?"

He wondered how he missed the signs, which Dylan could see but he could not, and it was he who saved Rhys.

“I’m his father – where was I?” he groans, 

"The closest people are the last to realise"

and Gaynor says the closest people are usually the last to realise.   She explains that depression is sly – it hides, and can be cleverer than your loved ones.

Sara has a phone call . . .

At number 9, Sara’s phone sounds, and when she sees that the call is from hospital, she is afraid to answer it;  

. . . which she cannot bear to answer . . .

she cannot bring herself to press the button.   

. . . so she rings Jason instead

Then she makes a call to Jason, who is just walking into Bryntirion.

"All you have to do is ring them back"

“All you have to do is ring them back,” he tells her, “Yes, I understand that you’re nervous, but how will having me there with you make you feel less nervous?”   

"Sara, why don't you come over here? . . ."

Kelly is listening, with a look of disgust, as he continues, “Sara, listen to me – why don’t you come over here?   How does that suit?   

". . . and hurry up – I haven't got all day!"

“And hurry up – I haven’t got all day!”

"Make sire you say the right things, Jase"

“She wants someone to be with her,” sneers Kelly, “I’ve got a meeting – make sure you say the right things – as they say, keep the peace.”   

"And what are the 'right things'?"

He would like to know what the right things are;  “What do you think I should be saying?”   

"Depends on whether she's preggers or not"

Kelly does not know, as it depends on whether Sara is preggers or not, and with that she leaves the house.

"I've found a list of therapists"

Gaynor has found a list of therapists, but Hywel protests that he does not need a therapist;  “It would be a good way for you and Rhys to talk about things you find hard to discuss,” she informs him.

"That's what I'm trying to do – look!"

He shows her his phone and points out that is what he is trying to do, but Rhys does not want to talk to him.   

"It will do you good to talk to someone"

Nevertheless she maintains that it will do Hywel good to talk to someone who understands these things.   

"No stranger's going to tell me what to do!"

“No stranger’s going to tell me what to do!” he growls, but she says that is exactly what he needs – someone who can look at their relationship objectively.

"I don't know how I'll handle it"

Sara is now round at Bryntirion, debating with herself, “If she says I am pregnant, I don’t know how I’ll handle it.”   

"That's what you want to hear, Sara!"

Jason reminds her that is what she wants to hear, 

"I don't know how I'll cope with it"

but she whines, “But I don’t know how I’ll cope with it.

"Would you prefer to hear you're not pregnant?"

Becoming exasperated, he demands, “Would you prefer to hear you’re not pregnant?”   

"You know how much I want this baby!"

She stresses how much she wants this baby, and he explains that it is safe to say it will be one way or the other;  “You’re either pregnant or you’re not!”

She does not want to phone, but he points out that she has to – she does not have a choice;  

"Please, come on, move it!"

“Now please, come on, move it!   The quicker you find out, the quicker you’ll get used to it!”

Now she says that she is scared, and he can understand that;  “No, you can’t – you have no idea,” she tells him, and he has had nearly enough of this vacillation.   He demands whether she wants to find out whether Ifan is going to have a brother or sister.   

It looks as if she is going to phone

It appears that finally she has decided she will ring.

"Come to Y Felin in an hour"

Outside the bookshop, as Siôn is locking up, he tells Tesni to come to Y Felin in an hour, as he will not be long with Iolo.   

"One of Joon-ho's lesser-known films?"

She enquires what film he has, and he replies, “One of Joon-ho’s lesser-known films – or perhaps one of the classics?   A Fellini, perhaps.”   She tells him to surprise her.

"Have you seen Rhys?"

Hywel comes along the street and asks them if they have seen Rhys, as he is not at home;  

"He was in the shop an hour ago"

Aled, who has just joined them, saw him in the shop about an hour ago, and Siôn suggests that he may have gone for a walk.

“Iolo’s looking well these days,” Hywel comments, 

"Iolo's got a new boyfriend"

and Siôn says that he has a new boyfriend;  he is also looking after himself – eating healthily and walking.

Aled and Tesni head towards the Deri, 

Hywel has had an idea

and Hywel has just thought of a  way to talk to his son.

It appears to be bad news

Sara has at last made the phone call to the hospital;  it is obvious from the look on her face that the answer is that she is not pregnant.   

"I told you it wasn't going to happen"

She sinks on to the sofa, complaining, “I told you it wasn’t going to happen, didn’t I?”   

"It's early days yet, Sara"

Jason points out that it is early days, and she says, “Early?   What do you mean, early?   I don’t have time, Jason – I’m too old – I have to face it!”

"No, you're not too old!"

He makes it quite clear that she is not too old, 

"It's not going to happen"

but she continues snivelling, “It’s not going to happen – Ifan’s not going to get a brother or sister.”   

"What has happened to the Sara I know?"

He wonders what has happened to the Sara he knows, who knows what she wants and goes for it.

"I keep making a mess of everything"

“What am I doing wrong, Jase?” she whimpers, “I keep making a mess of everything – I get these big ideas . . .”

"You're a fantastic mother – and will be again"

He stops her there, insisting that she is a fantastic mother to Ifan, and she will be to another lucky little baby as well;  “Of course I mean that – and I’m allowed to say it – do you know why?   

"I know you better an anyone"

Because I know you better than anyone, don’t I?”

She supposes that this is true, and he instructs her, “Trust me – everything is going to be fine, OK?”   

She moves towards him . . .

She suddenly gets up from the sofa, and is about to embrace him, 

. . . but he quickly steps back

so he quickly retreats, demanding what she think she is doing.

"You tried to kiss me again!"

“I can’t believe this – again!” he exclaims, “You tried to kiss me again!”   She denies this, but he shouts, “What are you trying to do, Sara?   If you’re trying to break up Kelly and me . . .”   

"I wasn't trying to do that!"

She rages that she was not trying to do that;  

"You've got a very odd way of showing it!"

“No?   You’ve got a very odd way of showing it!” he yells, 

"I was just going to give you a cwtch"

but she maintains that she was just going to give him a cwtch.

“Please – do you really expect me to believe that?” he demands, “After last time?”   Sara tells him not to overreact, and to forget about it, but he has other ideas;  

"You heard me – out!"

“Right, out!   You heard me – out!”   

She has little choice but to leave

After some hesitation, she complies with his order.

Siôn looks at his watch

Siôn sits in the Deri, anxiously looking at his watch, 

"Another drink,Dad?"

then Iolo asks if he want another drink;  “No, better not, Iolo – there is something I should have explained earlier.   

"Tesni is coming over to watch some films"

“Tesni is coming over to Y Felin to watch some films I’ve got on DVD.”   

Iolo wonders why his father is only telling him this now, and is told, “You know how easily people misinterpret and read too much into things.”   

"She's young enough to be your granddaughter"

Iolo laughs, and reminds Siôn that she is young enough to be his granddaughter, and she also works for him.

“You’re being totally paranoid – nobody would think that!” 

"You're probably right"

and Siôn agrees that he is probably right.   Then Tyler comes in and approaches the bar, trying to give the impression that there is nothing between him and Iolo.

"Can we swap on Saturday?"

He asks if they can swap on Saturday, so Greta can be with him;  

I'm taking the children to the cinema"

“I’m taking her, Seren and Gwern to the cinema.”   Siôn wants to know what they are going to see, and he says it depends what is on for kids.”   Tyler  tells Iolo to enjoy his pint, and Iolo winks at him.

"Some American rubbish, probably"

Siôn dismisses the cinema as, “Some American rubbish, probably – why is he always so awkward with Greta’s arrangements?”   

"Greta will have fun"

Iolo protests that he was not being awkward, and that she will have fun.   His father is very glad that he has moved on;  “Tyler’s not a bad person, and he’s good with Greta – 

"He's not right for you!"

“but he’s not right for you!   This Brychan bloke sounds more like what you need – I’m so glad you reconnected.   

"He hasn't got much upstairs"

Whatever you say about Tyler, he hasn’t got much upstairs.”

Iolo tells him to go, as he does not want to keep Tesni waiting;  

Aled comes rushing in

as Siôn is leaving, Aled comes in, looking rather flustered, and rushes upstairs.

"You don't live here any more!"

When he gets up there, Tyler says he would prefer it if Aled did not just walk in;  he no longer lives there.  

"Did you know that Iolo's got a boyfriend?"

“Did you know that Iolo’s got a boyfriend?” Aled demands, 

"I did hear something"

and Tyler replies that he did hear something.   “He doesn’t want you back – you have to accept that and move on,” Aled continues, 

"There's nothing to stop us falling in love again"

“There’s nothing to stop us from falling in love again.”

"I don't think I ever loved you"

Tyler tries to get through to Aled, “I don’t think I ever loved you – you were just a bit of fun, that’s all.   I was at fault for making you think otherwise.”   

"We can still have some fun"

Aled is of the opinion that they should could still have some fun, but is told that he needs someone his own age.

“Are you trying to say that I’m naïve?” he asks, but the answer is that he is just young.   

"I can be anything you want me to be!"

“I can change – I can be anything you want me to be!” he goes on, and Tyler remarks that he was like this with Dylan.

"I want you out of my life!"

Tyler is becoming increasingly angry;  “How many times do I have to say this?   I want you out of my life!   I don’t want to see you!   

"I don't even like you!"

“Do you know what?   I don’t even like you!”   

Aled leaves hurriedly

This has the desired effect and Aled swiftly leaves the flat.

Siôn provides the food

Siôn has prepared a great many nibbles for the two of them, 

"You've made a lot of effort, Siôn"

and Tesni is surprised at the effort he has made.   He explains that he has only opened some packets, and asks whether she wants tea, coffee, red or white wine.   

"Who usually cooks – you or Anita?"

“Whatever you’re having!” she gleefully replies, and wonders who usually cooks – him or Anita.

"We usually do our own thing"

He says that they usually do their own thing, and Tesni hopes Anita will not mind her being there.   “She’s not one for films – not foreign ones anyway – in any case, there is another television upstairs,” says Siôn.

"I didn't think you were the type to watch telly in bed"

“I didn’t think you were the type to watch telly in bed, Siôn,” she remarks, and he invites her to get herself a plateful and take a seat.

"You sound happier"

When Hywel gets back to Llwyncelyn, he appears to be in a better humour;  “You sound happier,” Gaynor comments, but he has not yet got in contact with Rhys, or a therapist.

"I've thought of a better answer"

“I’ve thought of a better answer,” he says, as he brings in a golf bag full of clubs.

Gaynor sighs, “Oh, Hywel,” 

"I don't want to spend hundreds on a therapist"

but he does not want to spend hundreds on a therapist who will just tell him to spend more time talking to his son.   This way, they will have time to talk – good for the body and soul.   

Gaynor does not approve of his method

She is rather scathing about this approach, but is glad to see him smiling.

"Choosing a course is difficult"

Siôn concedes that choosing a course is difficult, but Tesni says that she should have made a decision by now, 

"I feel as if I'm missing out"

and feels as if she is missing out;  “Luned going to Cardiff, Dad and Guto going travelling.”   Siôn is convinced that her time will come, but she is doubtful;  

"I feel I've missed the bus"

“I feel as if I have missed the bus.”

He advises her to look for another bus;  “You’re the author of your future, Tesni.”   

"You're a big part of my future, Siôn"

As she goes to get some more food, she replies that Siôn is a big part of it, 

"I wouldn't have much of a future without you"

and without him, she does not think she would have much of a future.   

"I'm just seeing the potential"

He maintains that he is just seeing the potential.

She regrets, “I’d be so much further ahead if I hadn’t taken so long to get over Mathew – it meant I didn’t have much faith in men – 

"Apart from you, of course"

“apart from you, of course.” 

He points out that he is no saint – far from it, but she wonders, “Who wants one of those?   I wouldn’t know what to say to a saint.   I feel safe with you, that’s all – and you’re good company.”

"We'd better start watching the film"

He thinks they had better start watching the film, or they will be there until midnight.

Jason is putting away the dishes

At Bryntirion, Jason is putting away the dishes when Kelly returns from her meeting;  “I didn’t expect that to last so long,” she groans, 

"Is Sara preggers or what?"

“So, is Sara preggers or what?”   


He replies that she is not;  

"So what now?"

“So what now?” Kelly asks, 

"Dinner will be ready in half an hour"

and he says that dinner will be ready in half an hour.

"How was Sara?"

“I meant what now with Sara – but thanks all the same, like,” she continues, “How was she?”   

"Doing cartwheels on the lawn!"

Jason jokes that she went straight out to do cartwheels on the lawn.   “Do you know what I love about you?” Kelly demands, 

"Their loony ex!"

“You!   I don’t know anyone who’d be so generous to their loony ex!”

"It wasn't out of the goodness of my heart"

“Well, I wasn’t helping Sara out of the goodness of my heart,” he explains, and she knows he is disappointed, and is thinking about what could have been.   

"I completely understand, Jase"

Kelly emphasises that she completely understands.

Sara looks at her online order . . .

Meanwhile, Sara is looking on the laptop at her order for babywear, 

. . . and cancels it

and cancels it;  

She weeps bitterly

she breaks down in floods of tears.

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