28 July 2021

22 July 2021

Anita turns up on the doorstep

Kelly opens the door of Bryntirion to find Auntie Anita outside;  “I’ve had enough – I can’t stand it any more!” she moans, “I’ve left Y Felin!   

"Someone who treats me like a piece of wallpaper"

“I refuse to live under the same roof as someone who treats me like a piece of wallpaper!”

"What did Siôn say about you leaving?"

As Jason comes downstairs, Kelly wonders what Siôn has said about her leaving;  “I don’t know – I’ve just sent him an e-mail,” Anita replies, 

"He's head over heels in love!"

“He’s bound to ignore that, too – because he’s head over heels in love.”

This catches Jason's interest

This attracts Jason’s attention, and he wants to know who is involved;  “That’s not important – he’s got no chance!” declares Anita.   

"I'm really sorry things haven't worked out"

Kelly is really sorry that things have not worked out, 

"I've realised it was coming for a while"

and Anita had realised for a while that it was coming.

"Being separated and living together?"

“It’s a bit odd, isn’t it – being separated, but living together,” Jason remarks, 

"Pot – kettle, Jase"

but Kelly reminds him it is a case of ‘pot’ and ‘kettle’.   She is glad that her aunt has made the decision to leave, appreciating that the last few months must have been difficult for her.   “Where will you go now – to live with your sister?” Jason enquires.

"I hoped I could stay here with you, Kel"

“Well, I had hoped that I could stay here with you, Kel – because there is enough room here, isn’t there?” is the reply, and Kelly readily agrees to this, 

Jason is singularly unimpressed . . .

although Jason is obviously less than happy about it.   “Thank you – I’ll get the cases from the car,” says Anita.

Jason is furious, “How on earth did that just happen?” he demands;  

. . . but is warned by Kelly to keep quiet

Kelly gives him a stern look, and he keeps quiet.

Siôn has an emotional problem

The Tesni problem is weighing heavily on Siôn’s mind as he sits in the bookshop;  Tesni comes in and asks if he is feeling better.   

"Mam's really enjoying the book"

“Mam says thanks for the book – she’s really enjoying it.”   

"I can't justify employing another member of staff"

He invites her to sit down;  “I’ve come to a decision,” he begins, “After looking at the accounts, I can’t justify employing another member of staff.   It’s my fault – I made a mistake with the budget, and this is the only way around it.”

"I could do fewer hours"

Tesni suggests she could do fewer hours, or could take a pay cut;  he appreciates her loyalty, but is adamant that this is the only way.   

"I'll pay you until the end of the month"

He is happy to pay her to the end of the month.

"Is this because of the kiss?"

“Is this because of the kiss?” she asks, but he denies that, blaming the ‘circumstances’.   “I thought we were friends,” she complains, and he does not want that to change.   “How can we be friends, when you’ve just sacked me for no reason!” she goes on, 

"I had no choice, Tesni"

but he argues that he had no choice.

She gets up, complaining that she thought he respected her;  he says that he is really sorry, 

Tesni hurries from the shop

and she flounces out of the shop.

Dani has packed only one small bag

Dani has packed a single bag and is angry when Aled comes in again without so much as knocking;  “If you’re here to discuss  , I can’t – I’m on the way out.”

"You're going to see him, aren't you?"

“You’re going to see him, aren’t you?” Aled snarls, 

"No, I'm not"

but she denies it;  “You’re just like him, telling lies,” he continues, 

"I thought, 'hang on, that isn't Dani's phone,'"

“It was the way you didn’t answer the phone yesterday – and I thought, ‘hang on, that wasn’t Dani’s phone.’   What sort of person has two phones, Dan?  People with secrets, drug dealers – and the families of drug dealers.”

"You've been watching too many crime dramas"

She alleges that he has been watching too many crime dramas, but he simply wants to see his father.   Dani says that is not a good idea, so he gives her an ultimatum;  

"Either I come, or I call the police"

“Either you take me with you, or I phone the police!”

She appears to agree to his demand;  

"Right, come back in an hour"

“Right, come back in an hour – and we’ll go and see him.”   He appears to be taken in by this and leaves the flat.   

She has no intention of taking Aled with her

She picks up her bag and gives the matter some serious thought.

"I just wanted to wish you good luck"

In the Deri, Mark is anxiously waiting for the arrival of Andrea when Colin turns up;  “I just wanted to wish you good luck,” he tells Mark, who is worried that she is late.

"Good job you didn't wear your costume, then"

“Good thing you didn’t wear your costume then,” Colin says, “Or you’d look like a real idiot, sat there dressed like a . . .”   

Mark is actually wearing it

Mark then reveals that he is actually wearing the costume, which is causing him to sweat profusely.   “Relax,” Colin urges him, “Anyone would swear you had never been on a dste before.”

"I haven't felt like this about someone for ages"

Mark confesses that he has not felt like this about someone for ages, and hops that there is something special between them.   Then Andrea comes in through the door and Colin makes himself scarce.   

"Sorry I'm late"

She apologises for being late, and he says he would have been in the pub anyway;  “Not that I have a problem.”

He invites her to sit down, and he will get the drinks for them;  she says that she will have red wine.   

Andrea appears uneasy

She sits down, but looks rather apprehensive.

Dani arrives in the woods as arranged . . .

Dani’s car arrives in the woods;  the mobile phone given to her by Dylan rings, 

. . . and receives a message on the phone

she looks at it and puts it down, 

She gets out of the car

then gets out and looks anxiously around her.

Jason grumbles that they have only just got rid of Sara, and declares that he cannot live under the same roof as Anita.   

"A couple of days, and she'll want her independence back"

Kelly is confident, “A couple of days, and she’ll want her independence back,” 

"But how long is 'a couple of days'?"

but Jason wonders how long a couple of days will turn out to be.

"She's looked after me loads over the years"

Kelly points out, “She’s looked after me loads over the years,” but Jason reminds her that is when they were not arguing.   “She’s more of a mother to me than my real mother, 

"Magic word – OK?   Em-Pa-Thy!"

“so magic word – OK?   Em-Pa-Thy!”   He is not keen to do that.

"It's a lot better than Siôn's shower"

In Anita walks, remarking that the new shower is a good one;  “It’s an awful lot better than the one Siôn’s got.”   Opening the fridge, she asks, “What shall we have for dinner – spag bol?”   

"We don't usually have dinner until eight"

Jason points out that it is rather early for dinner, as they do not usually have it until eight.

Of course, Anita knows better;  

"Eating late is not healthy for you"

“Oh no – eating late is not healthy for you – someone on the radio said you shouldn’t eat anything after six.”   


Jason is about to remonstrate with her, but Kelly mouths the magic word ‘Em-Pa-Thy’.

Siôn is studying the laptop

Siôn is looking at his laptop in the bookshop when Tesni reappears, as she forgot to give the keys back;  

"Mam is really disappointed"

“And Mam is really disappointed – she thinks I must have done something for you to sack me.”   

"It was a case of financial pressure"

Siôn reasserts that she was not sacked, but is was a case of financial pressure.

“You were going to pay for my course last week,” she rages, “And now you’re letting me go!   I must have done something, 

"I'm not leaving until I get an answer"

“and I’m not leaving until I get an answer.”   

Siôn is speechless

Siôn is initially speechless.

"Why don't you take your jacket off?"

In the Deri, Andrea can see that Mark is uncomfortably hot and tells him to take his jacket off;  he is reluctant to do so, but agrees, if she promises not to laugh.   

Super Postman is revealed . . .

He reveals his ‘Super Postman’ costume, 

. . . and Andrea is impressed

and Andrea is very impressed.   

“I’ve got loads of extras at home,” he tells her, “I’ve got a hat, and I’ve made a gold bag – 

"That's where I hide my superpowers!"

“that’s where I hide my superpowers!   I wanted to make them to show I want to learn about the things you like – mind you, I regret wearing it in the pub.”

"That's very sweet, Mark"

She calls it very sweet that he has done it, and he had been fearing that she would leave:  “I thought you had gone off me since last time.”   She assures him that she has driven all this way to see him again, and he offers her another drink, but she refuses, as she is driving.

"You can stay with me tonight . . ."

“Well, you can stay with me tonight,” he suggests, 

". . . in the spare room

hastily adding, “In the spare room.”   

"I don't want to cause any trouble"

She does not want to cause any trouble, but he insists that it would be no trouble;  “And you can see the rest of my costume then.”   

"I don't have to stay in the spare room, do I?"

She replies that she would love to;  “And I don’t have to stay in the spare room, do I?”

"You go and relax, Auntie Anita"

After the meal, Kelly tells Auntie Anita to go and relax;  

Jason is trying to watch the television . . .

Jason is already watching a television programme.   “I saw this last week,” Anita recalls,  

. . . but Anita talks over it

“You know that woman we saw in that boutique hotel?   She really did look shifty!”

Kelly smiles . . .

Kelly is smiling as she goes on, “It’s so nice to be able to talk about what’s going on – it’s nice to talk, isn’t it?”   

. . . but Jason is not happy

It is evident that Jason does not share her enthusiasm, 

"He just didn't see how unhappy I was"

but she ploughs on regardless, “Siôn and me, we just sat there – we couldn’t think what to say – and he just didn’t see how unhappy I was.”

"We're glad you're here, aren't we, Jase?"

“We’re glad you’re here, aren’t we, Jase?” comments Kelly, 

Jason just manages a grunt

and he grunts his grudging assent.

Dani is still waiting . . . 

Dani is still waiting by her car 

. . . then Dylan's car arrives

when she sees Dylan arriving;  

"I knew you'd make the right decision"

he greets her, “I knew you’d make the right decision.”   

"I'm not sure I have yet"

She is not sure that she has, and has left Seren with Britt until she decides.   

"A fresh start for all of us"

Of course he insists, “This is right – a fresh start for all of us,” and reaches for her bag.

"Did you shoot Jaclyn?"

“Before we go, I want to know did you shoot Jaclyn?” Dani demands.   Dylan closes the car door again and glowers at her.

"How could you ask such a thing?"

He is surprised that she could ask him such a thing, 

"Did you shoot her?"

and she points out “You want me to trust you with my life – and I will, but you have to be honest with me – so did you shoot her?”

"Jaclyn was caught in the wrong place at the wrong time"

“Jaclyn was caught in the wrong place at the wrong time,” is how he describes it, “That wasn’t my fault.”   She continues that if they are going to be a part of this world – her, Seren and the baby – 

'how are you going to keep us safe?"

she wants to know where she stands and who is after him, also, most importantly, how is he going to keep them all safe.

"Nothing happens until I know the answers!"

Dani is quite determined that nothing will happen until she knows the answers.

"I started to enjoy reading"

Tesni admits to Siôn, “I wasn’t interested in this job, but I started to enjoy reading and discussing books for the first time — and you want to take that away.   

"You're too good for this place . . ."

He says that she is far too good for the place;  “You’re young, funny and you know who you are.   

". . . you don't want to spend your time with an old man like me"

“You don’t want to spend your time with an old man like me – that’s why I want to pay for your course.”

"You can pay for a university course?"

“You can’t afford staff, but you can pay for a university course?” Tesni says, incredulously, but he would regard it as an honour.   “It isn’t your job to save me!” she snarls, 

"I'm not a project to make you feel better about yourself!"

“I’m not a project to make you feel better about yourself!”   She hurries from the shop, much to Siôn’s dismay.

It is all done with smoke and mirrors these days

We have the unfamilar sight of Andrea kissing Mark, and she comments that she has not yet seen the rest of his costume, 

"It's up in my room"

which he says is up in his room;  “Oh, very convenient,” she jokes, and he is at great pains to explain he is not trying any funny business.

"I like a little bit of funny business"

“Shame, “ she replies, “I like a little bit of funny business,” but Mark does not want to appear to be taking advantage.   “I want to,” she says, quite plainly, 

"I'll put clean sheets on the bed"

so he wants two minutes to put clean sheets on the bed.   “I really like you, Mark,” she says.   

He agrees that he feels the same, but as he is about to go upstairs, she stops him;  

"I need to be honest with you – I'm HIV positive"

“Before anything happens, I need to be honest with you  I’m HIV positive.”   

Mark is stunned

Mark is stunned by this news.

“I wanted to tell you, but there’s never a good time to tell someone – 

"I've taken drugs to control the virus for years"

“I’ve taken drugs to controls the virus for years – while I take those, I can’t pass it on to anyone, but I wanted to tell you, because you have a right to know.”

Mark is shocked, then furious;  “Yes, I should think so!” he roars, “Crikey, Andrea!”   She appreciates that it is a lot to take in, 

"I have only one kidney – and a weak immune system"

but he answers, “I have only one kidney – I’ve got a weak immune system.   Why didn’t you tell me in the pub?   You were happy to deceive me!”

"I haven't deceived anyone"

Andrea argues that she has not deceived anyone, 

"Unless there was something seriously wrong!"

but he maintains, “I knew there was something odd about this – a beautiful woman wouldn’t want me – unless there was something seriously wrong!”

"I thought you were nice – obviously I was wrong!"

“I wanted you because I thought you were nice – obviously I was wrong,” Andrea tells him, “I think I’ll go now!”

"How many other people have you infected?"

“Yeah, and I don’t want to change the sheets for someone like you!” he rages, “How many other people have you infected?   I’ve heard about your type.”   She had hoped that he would understand, or at least listen;  

"Don't contact me again!"

she orders him not to contact her again, 

"I'be got no intention of doing that!"

and he has no intention of so doing.

"You have no idea, do you?"

“You have no idea, do you?” she shouts as she leaves the house.

"I don't care what you've herd from anyone else"

Dylan is still trying to persuade Dani that none of those things matter, and he does not care what she has heard from Garry, Britt or anyone else;  

"I'm the father of your baby!"

“Forget about them – Dan, look at me!   I’m the father of your baby – perhaps I have made mistakes, but . . .”

They are not alone in the woods

At that point, we see that someone else is in the woods, stealthily approaching.   

"Our baby doesn't deserve to suffer because of that"

Dylan goes on, “Our baby doesn’t deserve to suffer because of that.”   

"What mistakes were they?"

Dani asks what mistakes they were, and he grins as he answers, “Some big, some small – but the one I’d regret most is letting you slip through my fingers.   Dan, please, I love you and this is our chance to do everything right.”

"The baby is turning"

Tears come to Dani’s eyes as she shakes her head and explains that the baby is turning.   He laughs with excitement;  “I love you, Dani.”

A gun is trained on Dylan

She tells him she is so sorry and he turns to see an armed police officer;

"They made me wear it"

“They made me wear it – I tried to tell you,” Dani sobs.   

More firearms are deployed

More armed officers surround them and Dylan walks away from Dani.

"On the floor now!

“On the floor now!” he is instructed, “Hands behind your head!”   

"I'm sorry, Dylan"

Again Dani says she is sorry.   

"Your final warning!"

“Your final warning!   Get on the floor or we fire!” is the next shouted command, 

Dylan sinks to his knees

and he sinks to his knees as the episode ends.


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