26 July 2021

20 July 2021

Jaclyn has a shock . . . 

Jaclyn is doing some washing-up and is very worried when she hears the back door opening;  however it is only Aled, who says that he has been searching for Dylan, but no-one he spoke to in Swansea had seen him.   

. . . but it is only Aled

“It’s as if he’s just vanished!” he says.

“If Dylan doesn’t want to be found, nobody will find him,” Jaclyn tells him, “I could have told you that before you stormed out.”   

"It's not right that he doesn't get punished!"

Aled insists that it is not right that he does not get punished, something which she knows better than anyone, but there is nothing they can do about it.   

Jaclyn takes some more tablets

Jaclyn takes some more of her tablets.

At Llwyncelyn, Gaynor, who was supposed to be working from home today, finds the house in a mess, with takeaway cartons strewn all over the table.   

"Why didn't you clear up this mess?"

She moans at Hywel, who answers that it will not take long to clear things up.

“I’m not clearing up after you!’ she exclaims, “Why didn’t you tidy up last night?”   

"It was three by the time we got to bed"

Hywel explains that it was 3:00am by the time he and Rhys got to bed, and she grumbles that she needs some peace to concentrate.

Rhys apologises

Rhys comes downstairs and apologises for the mess;  

"We don't live in a pigsty!"

Gaynor is unsympathetic, growling, “We don’t live in a pigsty!”   

Rhys retires to bed

Hywel will do the tidying up and sends his son back to bed, then turns to Gaynor.

"Did you have to, Gaynor?"

“Did you have to?  I thought you’d be glad that we were discussing things,” he says, “You know, he opens up to me while we’re playing games, without realising it.”   

"I shall go to school, after all"

All Gaynor is concerned about is the disgusting state of the table, and decides that she will go to school after all.   

"Don't be jealous that Rhys and I are getting on"

“I know that things between you and Izzy are difficult at the moment, but don’t be jealous because Rhys and I are getting on,” he urges her.

"Don't be ridiculous!"

She simply tells him not to be ridiculous and stalks off;  her final words are, “Open the window, will you?   It stinks in here!”

Izzy deploys her customer-friendly approach

Izzy is speaking on the phone to a customer;  “If the instalments get too much, just phone – we’re here to help.   Don’t worry – everything will be fine.”

"Yes – result!"

Mathew has been listening to this 

"Mehmet Shah is going to pay, thanks to Izzy"

and announces to Jason, “Mehmet Shah is going to pay the £400 he owes the company by the end of the month, thanks to Izzy.”   

Jason is disturbed by the fact she is still chasing customers, encouraging Mathew to stop her, or APD will get a bad name.

Mathew tells him, “You don’t need to worry about her going through the accounts, because I know you owe the company money.   

"I assume it was during the gambling?"

“Yeah – she found the holes in the accounts – I assume it was during the gambling, was it?”

"I was going to talk to you about that"

Jason maintains that he was going to talk to Mathew about that;  “I didn’t know where to start – I was in a hole.   I haven’t taken a penny since then, I promise!”   

"That's all in the past, Jason"

Mathew knows that the stealing has stopped, and does not want the money back, as it is all in the past – just as long as it does not happen again, they will draw a line under it.

This does not meet with Izzy's approval

Izzy has been listening and protests, “He’s going to get away with it, isn’t he?”   

"This is between the business owners"

Jason points out that this is between him and Mathew – the owners of the business, 

"That's not right, Mathew"

but she is adamant that it is not right.   Mathew has to step in and forcefully instruct them that is enough arguing.

"Perhaps it wasn't a good idea"

In the Deri, Iolo is now regretting the idea of telling his father the identity of his new boyfriend over dinner.   

"It will be a laugh, seeing Siôn's face!"

Tyler comments, “It will be a laugh, seeing Siôn’s face when he realises who the man of mystery is!” 

"We're not point-scoring here"

but Iolo says that it is cruel.   “He said cruel things about me,” Tyler reminds him, but Iolo says that they are not point-scoring here.   Tyler is looking forward to a free dinner.

Aled's frantic cucumber-chopping . . .

Aled is furiously chopping cucumber, and it is predictable what will happen – 

. . . was bound to end badly

he cuts his finger.   “I know who you’re thinking about,” says Jaclyn, 

"There's nothing you can do about it"

“You have to let things go, love – as you said, there’s nothing you can do about it.”

"He'll poison everything!"

“I have to do something about Dylan, or I’ll regret it, because he’ll poison everything!” Aled snarls.

APD informal board meeting

Outside APD, over a cup of tea, it appears some kind of truce has been arranged;  “So we agree?” says Mathew, “Izzy will be responsible for the accounts, officially – 

Izzy likes the idea of a pay rise

“and I suggest we acknowledge her efforts with a pay rise.   What shall we say?   £100 a month?”

"Right – are we done now?"

Jason hopes that they are finished now, 

"Hang on a minute, Jase"

but Mathew continues, “I think you and I deserve a bonus, too – £3,000 for me and half that for you, because I own more of the company than you.”

"You're giving him £1,500?"

Izzy still objects to Jason being given the £1,500, and Jason cannot accept the offer, although the money would come in very handy at the moment;  

"I owe APD more than that"

“I owe APD more than that, don’t I?   I wouldn’t be right.”

When Mathew declares he will transfer £3,000 into his personal account and £100 every month to Izzy’s, she is very pleased;  

"We can afford a deposit – well, you can!"

“Great – now we can afford a deposit!   Well, you can – it will take me a bit longer to save £3,000.”

"Do you have time for coffee and a chat?"

Izzy walks across the road and encounters her mother, to whom she does not want to talk;  Gaynor asks, if she has time for a coffee and a chat, 

"Why would I want to chat to you?"

but the response is, “Why would I want to chat to you?”   Her mother suggests that they could try to start again, but Izzy has no intention of doing that and disappears into the shop.

Aled comes out of number 10 . . .

Aled comes out of number 10 and looks across to the Deri;  

. . . then stops and thinks

he hesitates, then walks resolutely in that direction.

The gunshot wound has not yet healed

Jaclyn appears to be having trouble with the gunshot wound, then picks up her phone and makes a call;  

"DI Williams . . . er, Wilkinson"

“Can you put me through to DI Williams . . . er, Wilkinson?”

Aled has something to say

Aled marches into the Deri flat, and Dani assumes he wants some lunch;  “No – I’ve got something to say, so I’m just going to say it,” he tells her, 

"Dylan shot Jaclyn!"

“Dylan shot Jaclyn!   She told me.”

"She can't remember who shot her"

Dani says that Jaclyn cannot remember who shot her, and is told, “She’s been lying.   

"She's frightened of telling the truth"

She also lied to the police because she’s frightened of telling the truth.”   

"She's trying to save Garry's skin"

“So she’s trying to save Garry’s skin by saying that Dylan did it?” Dani summarises, 

"She won't tell the police because he's her brother"

and Aled answers that she will not tell the police it was Dylan, as he is her brother.  And there’s something else – all the rumours about Dylan being a drug dealer – they’re true!   His drugs killed my Mam.”   

"Gwyneth killed her"

Dani is quite convinced that Gwyneth killed her, but he repeats, “It was Dylan!   Don’t ask why I know – I just do.”

Dani has had enough of this;  “You think you can barge in here, making all these accusations!” she rages, 

"And he was responsible for the acid attack on Mathew"

but Aled goes on that Dylan was also responsible for the acid attack on Mathew.   

"I'm not listening to any more of this nonsense!"

She is determined not to listen to any more, no matter how much he insists that he is telling the truth.

Siôn wants to impress Brychan

Siôn arrives at the Deri, as arranged, in a new shirt, and tells Iolo, “I don’t want Brychan to think your father is old-fashioned – where is he then?”   

"You can talk in front of him"

Iolo replies that they are meeting there.   “Before he arrives, do you want to discuss what was worrying you?” his father asks, but Iolo says they can talk in front of him.

“Does Brychan like beer or wine?” is the next question, and Siôn predicts they they will get on well.   

"Oh, very smart, Siôn"

Tyler, at the other end of the bar, comments on Siôn’s smart appearance, but Siôn tries to ignore him.   

Tyler suggests that Iolo should try one of the new juices;  

"The guava one is supposed to be nice"

“The guava one is supposed to be nice.”   

Siôn wants to get rid of Tyler

Siôn points out that they are waiting for someone, and it might be awkward if they had dinner with Iolo’s ex-boyfriend hanging about.   

"I'm sure he'll cope with that"

Tyler is sure that he will cope with that.

"Dad, this is Brychan"

“He won’t feel awkward, Dad,” says Iolo, “Because – erm – 

Tyler waves

“Dad, this is Brychan.”   

Siôn debates whether to walk out

Siôn looks most offended, and almost as if he is going to walk out – but he does not.

"Blaming Dylan suits Garry"

Upstairs, Dani is exclaiming, “Don’t you see?   Blaming Dylan for the acid attack suits Garry – and Britt just loves stirring, anyway.”   Aled continues to insist that everything he has said is true.   “If it is, why can’t you tell me how you found out about you mother?” she demands, 

"I can't believe you, just like that!"

“You expect me to believe you, but I can’t,  just like that!   You’re confused – there are stories going around – people sticking their noses in!”

"Just trust me – and stay away from Dylan"

“Just trust me – and stay away from Dylan,” he pleads;  she regards that as rather difficult as she is carrying his baby.   “And that’s why I’m here – to ask you not to let him anywhere near the baby when it’s born – because he doesn’t deserve to be a father!”

"You're angry that Dylan has left again"

“That’s what this is – you’re angry that Dylan has left again,” Dani deduces – that’s why you’re saying these things.”   Aled wishes that Dylan was there, so he could sort his father out.   “Aled, I know that Dylan hasn’t been the best father to you, but he’s learned from his mistakes.

"Dylan is dangerous – he'll hurt that little baby!"

“Haven’t you listened to a word I’ve said?” Aled roars, “Dylan is dangerous – he’ll hurt that little baby, just like he’ll hurt you!   Look what happened to Mam!”   

"You're trying to punish your father"

Dani refuses to believe that the wrong person is in jail and insists that Aled is trying to punish his father;  “I want you to leave!” she screams, “Now!”   

"Open your eyes, Dan, before it's too late!"

He urges her to open her eyes before it is too late.

"You've made a fool of me!"

Siôn is angry;  “You’ve made a fool of me!   Why make him up?”   Iolo knew how his father would react.   “Do you really think that getting back together after everything is a good idea?” Siôn demands.   

"We're back together, whether you like it or not"

Iolo understands that his father is worried, but they are back together, whether he likes it or not – and he cannot deny that it is a good thing for Greta.

"What if you split up again?"

“What if you split up again?” Siôn wants to know.   Tyler, who has just returned from he gent’s, maintains that they will not;  he is the first to admit that he has made some big mistakes, but perhaps he had to make them to realise what he had.

"No-one's perfect – we all make mistakes"

“No-one’s perfect – we all make mistakes,” he goes on, and Iolo is sorry that he lied.  

"Give us one more chance, Dad"

He wants his father to give them one more chance.

Jaclyn rushes in to answer the phone . . .

The phone is ringing as Jaclyn comes into number 10;  when she rushes to answer it, there is no-one there, 

. . . and Dani slips in through the open door

but Dani has slipped in through the open door.   

"Why are you suddenly saying Dylan shot you?"

“Why are you suddenly saying that Dylan shot you?” she asks, “Aled came to see me – he was saying all kinds of things.   That Dylan is a dealer – that Dylan’s drugs killed Jessie – that he was to blame for the acid attack.”

"I don't know about any acid attack" 

Jaclyn denies knowledge of any acid attack;  “But you remembered, just like that, who shot you, yeah?” says Dani, 

"Aled said he's dangerous"

“Aled told me to stay away from him, and to stop him seeing the baby – because he’s dangerous.”

"He is dangerous – he shot me!"

Jaclyn agrees that he is, goes to sit down and adds, “He shot me.”   

"Oh, very convenient"

Dani regards it as very convenient that she remembers now.   “I rememembered from the start,” Jaclyn assures her, 

"Why haven't you told the police, then?"

so Dani wonders why she has not told the police.   

"I have – I've just been there"

“They know now – I’ve just been there,” Jaclyn admits.

"You shopped your own brother?"

Dani cannot believe that she has shopped her own brother, 

"He'll ruin that baby's life!"

and is told;  “He ruined my life, like he ruined Aled’s life – and he’ll ruin that baby’s life.   He’s a bad man, and it’s about time I acknowledged that!   He has to pay for everything he’s done!   Play with fire and you get burned!”

“Just walk away, while you still can,” Jaclyn advises; 

Dani leaves the house

without a word, Dani leaves the house.

Hywel is catching up on lost sleep

Rhys finds his father asleep on the sofa;  when Rhys receives a text, the sound wakes Hywel, 

"Don't tell Gaynor – I'll never her the end of it"

and he says, “Don’t tell Gaynor I was sleeping, or I won’t hear the end of it.”   

"Mathew wants me to go for a pint . . ."

The text is from Mathew, inviting him for a pint with the boys, but he does not want to go.

". . . but I can't, Dad"

“I can’t,” he says, “Just thinking about going to the pub – and being among people – I don’t want to go, Dad!”   

"No-one is forcing you, Rhys"

Hywel points out that no-one is forcing him, and he goes to have a shower.

"There's nothing better than Welsh lamb

Iolo has enjoyed his meal at the Deri, and Siôn remarks, “There’s nothing better than Welsh Lamb.”   Tyler wants to know how he can tell that it was Welsh;  “The Deri uses local produce,” is Siôn’s answer, 

"That little lamb might have come from New Zealand . . ."

but Tyler still suggests that the little lamb might have come from New Zealand.

". . . but then, I haven't got much upstairs, have I?"

“But then, I haven’t got a lot upstairs, have I?” Tyler goes on, and Iolo tells him to stop winding his father up.   

"Don't believe everything you hear about me"

“Look, I know you think there’s no-one worse than me, but don’t believe everything you hear about me.   There are a lot of lies doing the rounds – “I’m this, I’m that – the important thing is, I love Iol – really love him – like you do.” 

Siôn grudgingly agrees they have that in common

Siôn acknowledges they have that in common, and Iolo points out, “After the year I’ve had, all I want is to be happy with the two most important men in my life.   

"It would be nice if you tried to get on together"

“It would be nice if they would try to get on together – is that too much to ask?”

"To a second chance!"

Siôn reluctantly drinks a toast, “To a second chance.”

"I think I'll ask Dr Morgan to refer me"

Rhys is back from his shower and informs Hywel, “Dad, I’ve been thinking about what you said about the counselling – I think I’ll ask Dr Morgan to refer me.   It’s just thinking about going out . . . 

"I need more help, don't I?"

“if it feels so wrong, I need more help, don’t I?   I’ve enjoyed talking to you, but there are some things I don’t want to discuss with you.   It’s easier sometimes to talk to someone you don’t know, isn’t it?   

"Yes, you may be right"

Hywel agrees that may be true.

Dani comes to get a glass of water . . .

Dani, now visibly very pregnant, comes into the kitchen during the night  for a glass of water, 

. . . and finds that she has a visitor . . .

and suddenly becomes aware of someone else in the room.   

. . . none other than Dylan

She turns to see Dylan sitting there, 

"What are you doing here?"

and asks, “What are you doing here?”

"I had to see you"

“I had to see you,” he replies. 

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