31 December 2021

29 December 2021

There appears to be no sort of security in the Deri

During the hours of darkness the intruder is again creeping around the Deri flat, searching for the dislodged camera;  

The hidden camera is located . . .

he locates it in a box of Christmas decorations.   

. . . and placed in a different position

He now places it in a different position, under the television;  

He was not expecting this

however he has a shock when he turns round and finds Seren, clutching her teddy bear, in the doorway, watching him.

The DI says he has just brought her mother a little present;  

"It's a surprise – do you understand"

“It’s a surprise – do you understand?” he whispers, “If you’re a good little girl, perhaps you’ll get a present as well, but this has to be our little secret.   Do you promise?”   

Seren takes her teddy back to bed

Seren nods her head and goes back to bed.

Wilko creeps back home . . .

He is extremely worried and returns to his house, entering by the back door, 

. . . and locks his back door

which he carefully secures behind him.   

He is in a state of panic

He is panic-stricken, 

The spy camera is working again

but then opens his laptop and appears to be satisfied with the view of the flat next door.

"I really should go"

Later, at number 10, Jaclyn asks Hywel if he wants another drink, but he thinks that he should make a move, and has taken up enough of her time as it is.   “And sorry for going on and on last night,” he adds, 

"I'm glad you had someone to listen"

but she protests that she was pleased that he had someone to listen to him.

“Yesterday afternoon was a crisis for you,” she says, 

"I've done some terrible things

and he does not know why she has been so good to him;  he groans that he has done some terrible things in his life.   “When you’re young like Rhys, everything is black and white – 

"There's a lot of grey in the world"

but you and I know there’s a lot of grey in the world,” she goes on, and proposes another coffee. 

"If you would just be willing to meet him"

At Cysgod y Glyn, Anita is attempting to put her latest plan into action;  she tells Jinx, “I realise you’re busy, but if you would just be willing to meet him.   It would do Eifion good to get out, poor thing – he needs a bit of company.”

"Two Tylluans" (whatever they are?)

Jinx’s phone rings and he takes an order for another pizza;  “Yes – no problem – what time?   Two Tylluans, extra cheese on one.”   

"Eifion – at the Deri – eight o'clock"

Then Anita instructs him to meet Eifion at the Deri tonight at 8:00pm, insisting that he would love to have Jinx’s company, 

"But why, Anita?"

and Jinx wonders why.

“Because I feel it would do him good,” she explains, “To have a good person in his life.”   

"Come up, Kelly"

Then the buzzer sounds and Jinx admits Kelly to the flat.   

"I think she's rather jealous of your success"

“Between you and me, I think she's rather jealous of your success with the pizza business,”Anita tells Jinx, “You see, there was no-one there to support the cafĂ© in the end – but everyone’s falling over themselves to buy your pizzas.”

"I had a lush time at Christmas"

Kelly comes in and tells him, “I had a lush time at Christmas,” and enquires about his;  he simply grimaces, and Anita takes her opportunity to leave, hoping that Jinx enjoys his time with Eifion.  “Business is booming, then?” Kelly comments, 

"Who knows how long the business will last?"

and he says that he is flat out, but who knows how long the business will last.   “I’ve had an idea I think would be popular with the customers,” she tells him, 

"Use a local cheese company"

“Cheese . . . use a local cheese company.”   

"Great idea, Kelly"

He thinks the idea is great, but then his phone rings again, and he suggests they talk about this another time.   

"See you, Kelly"

She sadly leaves the flat.

Anita is waiting at APD for Eifion to come in;  he says that he is on his way to The Bull at

"I'm off to Llanarthur"

Llanarthur to repair the paving in their beer garden.   

"Jinx asked if you'd like to have a drink with him"

“Before you go, I just saw Jinx and he was asking whether you’d like to have a drink with him in the Deri later,” says Anita, 


which strikes him as rather strange.   “Why not?” she goes on, “Do you think people don’t want your company or something?   I think he said about eight o’clock.”

"I haven't had a session for a while"

Eifion concludes that he might as well, as he has not had a session for a while.   

Anita is pleased with herself

Anita looks very pleased with herself.

Hywel continues to unburden himself to Jaclyn;  “When you have kids you don’t know what to expect when they grow up,” 

"I can understand that"

and she can understand what he is talking about.   “I tried to force Nia to have an abortion, and he knows that – 

"I've been a selfish father"

“I’ve been a selfish father.”

Jaclyn wonders why Hywel is punishing himself all the time;  “Look, nobody’s perfect – if Rhys ever has children, he’ll realise how difficult it is to find that balance between doing the right thing for yourself and for your children.   

"Have you talked to Gaynor about it?"

“Have you talked to Gaynor about it recently?”   

"She's not interested in me"

He groans that she is not interested in him these days.

"Did she ask where you stayed last night?"

“Did she ask where you stayed last night?” is the next question, and he replies that Gaynor thinks he was with one of the rugby boys in Llanarthur, sleeping on the sofa after having one too many.

"My life is one lie after another"

“I feel my life is just one lie after another these days,” he groans, but she reminds him again that nobody is perfect.   Now he really must go.

SiĂ´n picks up some boxes

SiĂ´n has just had a delivery at the bookshop, and Rhys, who is coming across the road, offers to help him with the boxes.   

"Careful, Rhys – they're heavy"

He is warned that they are rather heavy, 

Rhys notices . . .

and as he goes to pick one up, 

. . . his father leaving number 10

he notices his father just emerging from number 10.

"We need to talk, Rhys"

Hywel tells his son that they need to talk, but Rhys demands, “Did you go to the police?” and Hywel answers that he did not.   

"Too busy elsewhere, were you?"

“Too busy elsewhere, were you?   You just can’t help yourself!”   Rhys goes into the shop and closes the door.

"What?   The bloke next door – here?"

Iolo has been told what Seren said happened during the night;  “The bloke next door was staying here?” he gasps.

"He promised he had a surprise present"

“Yep, and that he promised her a surprise present – and one for me,” Dani says;  they both regard that as a very strange dream.   “Seren’s teacher says she’s got a active imagination, but still . . .” Dani goes on.

"You should tell Wilko about it"

Iolo suggests she could go and tell Wilko about this dream, but she replies that it would be too weird.   “It would be a good way to arrange another date,” he points out, 

"She laughs at first . . .but . . .

and she looks as if she may be coming round to his way of thinking.

Kelly is going to write about entrepreneurs

At Cysgod y Glyn, Kelly explains to Sioned and Jinx, “I’ve had this idea of writing a series of articles in the Western Post about up-and-coming entrepreneurs, like you.   

"A 'day in the life' kind of thing"

“I thought I could do a ‘day in the life’ kind of thing.”   

"Publicity would be a good thing"

Sioned thinks that the publicity would be a good thing, although she suspects that it would be ‘The Kelly Evans Show’.

"It can be about your future plans"

Jinx is preparing to deliver three pizzas as Kelly continues that it can be about their future plans and the pizza oven they have out the back.   She also suggests a ‘pop-up’, but Sioned is scornful about this, arguing that the takeaway service is doing fine.

Kelly wants to get Jinx’s opinion, 

Jinx is off delivering pizzas

but he is in a hurry to deliver his pizzas;  “What about the article?   They need an answer today,” Kelly insists, “And we need to discuss a date as well – how about the weekend?”   

"Arrange all that with Sioned"

He tells her to arrange all that with Sioned.

Wilko checks the CCTV . . .

Now that the CCTV is back up and running, 

. . . and is going to 'pump some iron'

the DI is preparing to do some weight training when there is a knock at the door.   

He has a surprise visitor . . .

He is surprised to see Dani there and invites her in.   

. . . who is somewhat perplexed

This is the first time she has been in the house, and is shocked to see the punchbag, hanging in the middle of the room.   

"Seren said you were in the flat last night"

“You’re not going to believe this, but Seren said that you were in the flat last night and that you’d promised her a surprise present – and one for me as well.”   

The DI fears what is coming next

Wilko is very apprehensive, 

"Her dreams are getting more bizarre"

but then she adds, “Her dreams are getting more bizarre every night.”

"Must be the films and cartoons"

He comments that she was probably just copying the things they see on films and cartoons these days;  Dani wonders if she should stop Seren watching the television.   

He asks if she would like a cup of coffee, and as she looks round for somewhere to sit, 

She moves his laptop

she moves the laptop, which springs into life, showing the Dyfed Powys Police sign-on screen, but fortunately nothing else.   

"Sorry, I wasn't being nosy"

She apologises, “I wasn’t being nosy – but I just wanted somewhere to sit, because . . . well . . .”

"It's only work stuff"

He tells her not to worry as it is nothing interesting, only work stuff.   “I was going to ask you if you’re free next week,” says Dani, 

"You could come to the flat for dinner"

“You could come over to the flat for dinner – or we could go out for dinner – or neither of those options.”

"That would be lovely"

He answers that would be lovely and thanks her for the invitation, then moves the laptop so she can sit down;  

She is not used to sitting like this

it seems to be a rather lower seat than what she is used to.

"Cerys and Mared think our pizzas are rubbish!"

At Cysgod y Glyn, Arwen is complaining, “Cerys and Mared think our pizzas are rubbish!   Their parents say that the animal shapes are lame.”   

"Have they done anything half as exciting?"

Sioned disagrees violently with this allegation and demands whether Cerys and Mared have done anything half as exciting during the holidays.

"You're very creative!"

Kelly maintains that the animal shapes are the best bits;  “And that was your idea – you’re very creative!”   Arwen is adamant that she wants to do new shapes – 

"Giraffes and elephants"

giraffes and elephants, but Kelly considers that giraffes might be rather difficult.   

"Make a giraffe out of the toppings"

“How about keeping the pizzas round and making a giraffe out of the toppings?   That’ll keep the grown-ups happy – because they’re boring!”

"And we could do gorillas as well"

Arwen visualises gorillas as well, 

"Bacon and mushroom toppings"

but Kelly would like to see bacon and mushroom topping, because they are her favourites.

"Ive seen a couple of harsh comments online"

Sioned says that it is easy to find fault, and that she has seen a couple of harsh comments online as well.   Kelly hopes that her article will help to raise the profile, 

"Every business goes through a honeymoon period"

aware that, “Every business goes through a honeymoon period – the test is to keep the business going.   I know you’ve got a problem with me, Sioned.”

"I'm worried about the slant of the article"

Sioned denies this, but is simply worried about the slant of the article, so Kelly agrees that she and Jinx can have the final say;   

"Can't say fairer than that"

“Can’t say fairer than that – what do you say?”   

"Yeah, OK, then"

Sioned agrees, and they will arrange a date.

Rhys had just had a meal

Rhys has just finished his meal when his father returns to Llwyncelyn 

"I feel even worse about myself"

and says, “Listen – whatever you think of me, I feel worse about myself, OK?”   Rhys is very doubtful about that, but Hywel goes on, 

"You deserve a better father than me"

“You deserve a better father than me.”

"And Gaynor deserves a better partner"

His son agrees wholeheartedly with this and points out, “Gaynor deserves a better partner, too!   Does she know where you were last night?   

"Some mate in Llanarthur, was it?"

“With some mate in Llanarthur, was it?”

"I couldn't face you – that's the truth"

Hywel argues that was where he was, and only saw Jaclyn this morning when she invited him in for coffee.   “The reason I didn’t come home last night was because I couldn’t face you – that’s the truth.”

"You couldn't face yourself, Dad"

“You couldn’t face yourself, Dad – that’s the truth,” is Rhys’ evaluation.

"A substantial article with photos"

Jinx is explaining in the Deri, “A substantial article with photos – Arwen’s already excited.”   

"I'm an entrepreneur"

Iolo suggests that Kelly could spend the day with him, as he is an entrepreneur and could do with some publicity.

"You're not as pretty as Arwen"

Cassie points out that he is not as pretty as Arwen, unfortunately, and Jinx reminds him that his is not a new business.   

"Pint of the usual, please"

Eifion comes in and asks for a pint of the usual;  

"Have you got any ideas, Eifion?"

he is asked whether he has any ideas, as Kelly is featuring entrepreneurs.

“Me?   I slave for a wage – I’m not an entrepreneur,” Eifion answers, then suggests to Jinx that they go and sit over there.   

"So we can make a night of it?"

“Do you think it’s worth phoning for a taxi now – so we can make a night of it?” Eifion asks, “I fancy going clubbing in Swansea – 

"Mathew's never in the mood these days"

“Mathew’s never in the mood these days.”

"No, it's a work night"

Jinx replies that you can hardly blame him after what has happened, and is not sure that he fancies a huge session tonight, as it is a work night.   Eifion urges him, “It will be fun – it’s important that we single blokes stick together.”

"I have a lot of work to do"

Jinx is adamant that he cannot have a wild night as he has a lot of work to do tomorrow, but is told not to be such a baby – they do not have to get too drunk.

"You're not even going to try to make excuses?"

Hywel sits disconsolately and Rhys remarks, So that’s it, is it?   You’re not even going to try to make excuses this time.”   

"You've heard them all before'

His father sighs that there is no point, as has heard them all before;  “I’m sorry if I can’t be the father that you want me to be,” and his son feels likewise.

"Right, it's my round"

Eifion downs another drink and decides that it is now his round, but Jinx does not want any more;  “Listen, Eifion – before you get another round, 

"We're not quite on the same wavelength"

“just sit down, please.   I feel that we are not quite on the same wavelength tonight,” he continues, but Eifion has no idea what he is talking about.

"The two of us – you know – is a no-no"

“The two of us – you know, as far as I’m concerned, this is a no-no – do you understand?   I just want you to know the score – this won’t go any further 

"I don't fancy you – I fancy girls"

“because I don’t fancy you.   I fancy girls, OK?”

"I don't fancy you, either"

“Thanks for telling me – I don’t fancy you either,” Eifion answers, 

He goes to the bar for another one

gets up and walks over to the bar for the same again, leaving Jinx looking concerned.

"When's you next date, then?"

Up in the Deri flat, Iolo wants to hear all the details;  “When’s your next date, then?”   Dani replies that Wilko will phone her sometime next week;  

"'I'll call you', is it?"

“‘I’ll call you’, is it,” Iolo smiles.

"Don't look at me like that"

“Don’t look at me like that – you wanted me to talk to him!” Dani moans, 

"He doesn't want to be intense"

“He’s just playing it cool – doesn’t want to be intense,” 

Iolo is doubtful about that

but Iolo still looks doubtful.

Wilko is monitor . . . 

Meanwhile, in the kitchen next door, 

. . . in its new position

the DI is watching the proceedings in the flat from the new camera angle.

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