The look of horror in Eifion's eyes |
Early in the morning, Eifion is kneeling on the floor of the lounge in the shop flat, shouting, “Please, no, Izzy, please!”
He remembers finding Izzy's body . . . |
and we can see the scenes which are going through his head – Izzy is lying, dead, in the wood
. . . and scrambling to get help |
and he scrambles up the bank to fetch help.
Mathew investigates |
The shouting has woken Mathew, who gets up to investigate; he has to call to Eifion a couple of times before he makes himself heard.
Eifion quickly stands up |
As his cousin jumps up from the floor,
"You've been sleepwalking" |
he is reassured that he has been sleepwalking and has had a nightmare.
"I'm OK, Mathew" |
Eifion immediately replies that he is OK and gets himself a glass of water; he is looking very anguished.
The pizza business is very popular |
Jinx is reading out reviews on the phone for the new pizza business; “I enjoyed Mali Malwoden Madarch,” [Mali Mushroom Snail] says one of them, and he continues, “There are loads of them –everybody’s enjoying the pizzas.”
"You've got some fans as well . . ." |
Sioned is looking at the laptop and informs him that he has a couple of fans too; “Amazing pizzas,
"Not as amazing as the delivery guy!" |
“but not quite as amazing as the delivery guy – wink, wink!”
"You're making it up!" |
Jinx suspects that she is making this up, but she denies it; then he checks the senders of some of these glowing reports – Dorothy Evans, Tony Bach – and cannot believe it.
"Enjoy the fact people are enjoying your pizzas!" |
Sioned insists that good reviews are are good reviews; “Cool down and enjoy the fact that people are enjoying your pizzas!”
Mark nervously closes the laptop |
At Maes-y-Deri, Mark hears the front door open and immediately closes the laptop on which he was working. However, when he sees his mother he opens it again.
"I went and fetched them . . ." |
“Brynmor hasn’t brought more stuff from the lock-ups, has he?” she groans, but Mark replies that he went and fetched them.
". . . I'm putting everything on eBay" |
“I’m putting them everything on eBay, Mam. He hasn’t agreed but we have to do something or he’ll bring everything back here, now that you’re not moving – you know that’s exactly what he will do,”
"I'm not sure about that, Mark" |
but Kath is not sure about this, maintaining that they should have asked his permission first.
“He might have something of sentimental value there,” she says,
"He'd find sentimental value in a teabag!" |
but Mark growls that he would find sentimental value in a teabag. and as she is quite aware, he will never get rid of anything. At least they can make some money in this way.
"I'll take this thing to Apêl Maenan " |
She finds an ugly china dog, which she has already asked Brynmor to get rid of, and she decides that she will take it down to Apêl Maenan and get Megan to sell it. “That way the money goes to charity.”
"Where is Brynmor, by the way?" |
Mark wonders where Brynmor is anyway, as he does not want to get caught selling this stuff.
"Collecting more items he's bought" |
Apparently he is in Carmarthen, collecting some more items which he has bought on eBay; Mark sighs.
At the chip shop flat, Colin lets the detective constable in and apologises that Britt is not there at the moment, so enquires if he could be the responsible adult.
"Have you found anything on his computer?" |
“Do I have the right to know if you have found anything on his computer?” he asks, rather hesitantly,
"He's been in contact with far-right groups" |
and DC Stevens answers that Aaron has been in contact with far-right groups online and has been reading neo-Nazi articles.
Colin is shocked |
Colin cannot believe it, but she reassures him, “A lot of young people turn to these groups when they feel lost – they want to feel that they belong to something.” She tries to calm Colin’s fears that they are going to arrest Aaron, saying he will get a warning;
"I've arranged for an intervention officer to see him" |
“I’ve arranged for an intervention officer to see him.”
"Aaron!" |
He asks if she would like a cup of tea and then calls Aaron,
"DC Stevens wants to talk to you" |
informing him that DC Stevens wants to talk to him. “Hey, you’ve brought my laptop back!” he says,
"What do you want?" |
“Good – so what do you want?” The DC would like to talk to him about the articles he has been reading – the ones by extremist groups online.
"You're the one who's saying they're extremist" |
“You’re the one who’s saying they’re extremist, DC Stevens, not me,” Aaron nonchalently replies,
"Yes, your opinion is the one that matters" |
and she agrees that his opinion is the one that matters, not hers. She informs him that she is here to help, and not to point the finger; this is his chance to say what he wants to say.
"So you can explain the situation a bit" |
At this point Collin interrupts, “Yeah, so you can explain the situation a bit, Aaron.”
"Everything's so obvious" |
There’s nothing to explain,” Aaron tells them, “Everything’s so obvious!” The DC would like him to explain; “Yes, because people like you and him choose not to see – pretending that nothing is wrong –
"There's a crisis in Britain!" |
“there’s a crisis in Britain! These immigrants have just walked in over the years and changed everything, taking the jobs of British people. And other people ,too, get the advantages – no, it’s disgusting and it’s sick!”
"What people are they, Aaron?" |
DC Stevens asks who these people are, and is told, “Gay people, black people – people like that!”
Colin is very disapproving |
As Colin looks disgusted,
"None of you understand" |
Aaron goes on, “You see – he doesn’t understand – none of you understand.”
Brynmor has another box . . . |
Brynmor returns to Maes-y-Deri, carrying yet another box
. . . a weathervane this time |
and proudly reveals a weather vane, which he thought could be put on top of the shed.
"These came with it, as a job lot" |
As part of the same lot he also has a set of fire irons, and Kath sneers, “So you don’t really want stuff to clean the fireplace? “I’ll throw them out.”
"No, I'll keep them for now, Kath" |
He will not countenance that, but wants to keep them for now, despite the fact they do not have a fireplace, arguing that they would be nice for people to look at. He now wants to have a quick look at the laptop;
"The auction ends in five minutes" |
“I saw a pair of blue lampshades and the auction ends in five minutes.”
Kath points out that she is worried he is becoming addicted to this sort of thing, but he regards it as simply a bit of fun. “I’m serious, Brynmor – go out for some fresh air, go for a walk!” she insists,
"All right – after I've put in a bid for these" |
and he agrees that he will, once he has put in a bid for the lampshades.
“We agreed – you’re supposed to sell stuff, not buy more!” she exclaims. He maintains that there are so many bargains there that he would be stupid not to buy them
"It's relaxing, Sioned" |
At Cysgod y Glyn, Jinx is busy, kneading the pizza dough and tells Sioned that it is relaxing.
"I could help you set up properly" |
She proposes, “I could help you set up properly – register the business, sort out the paperwork online, sort out a hygiene certificate.”
He stops her there, pointing out that this was supposed to be a hobby, a bit of fun with Arwen,
"Many hobbies turn into successful businesses' |
but she is quick to remind him that many hobbies have turned into successful businesses. “It’s too early to think like that,” he says, but Sioned is always here to help, and he appreciates that. She is rather scathing that he will not do anything about it, though.
She is impressed by whatever it is she sees |
“That’s where you’re wrong!” he stresses, and shows her something on his phone which causes her great surprise.
"Yes, we studied Hitler and Naziism" |
“Yes, we studied Hitler and Naziism in history,” Aaron confirms, and he also knows the significance of painting the swastika. The DC has read in some of the articles that they encourage people to paint slogans and symbols, and asks if that is why he did it.
"Did you do it to impress someone?" |
“You didn’t do it to impress them? To impress someone older who is influencing you?” she goes on.
"I wasn't groomed!" |
“All right – just so we understand each other, I wasn’t groomed!” he insists, “I’ve got my own mind.”
Colin again intervenes to point out that he knew that it was wrong,
"Teachers are biased, OK?" |
but Aaron shouts, “No! Because teachers are biased, OK? They put their own slant on history!”
Colin thinks that he had better keep out of it |
Colin is becoming angry, protesting that is not right, but, after the DC has glared at him, he retires to the kitchen once more.
"Do you think the school is misleading you?" |
“Do you think the school is misleading you?” she asks Aaron.
"Pushing vaccines on people" |
He laughs, “Everyone in authority does that – lying, governments trying to control people – pushing vaccines on people – in order to do what? To control them!” DC Stevens assumes that is why he went on the march in Swansea – to make sure that his voice was being heard.
"And I enjoyed it, too!" |
“And I enjoyed it, too!” he replies.
She imagines that it gives him some kind of power – carrying a placard, marching, wearing a balaclava;
"Would you go on a march like that again?" |
“Would you go on a march like that again?”
"I don't regret it for one second" |
“Well, I don’t regret it, if that’s what you’re asking,” he says, “Not for one second.” Colin looks grim-faced.
Eifion says he has a sore throat . . . |
Eifion walks into APD and advises Mathew that Jason and Tyler have gone to Llanarthur to work on that old garage extension; “Jason said that three were not needed. If you don’t mind, I’m going to take the rest of the day off – I’ve got a sore throat.”
. . . and Anita is far from convinced |
It is obvious that Anita does not believe a word of this, but Mathew says that it is pretty quiet there.
"He's taking advantage, Mathew" |
“He’s taking advantage of your kind nature,” she tells Mathew, who replies that it is not that simple. “No, he’s your cousin, and he’s playing that card to suit himself.”
"No – he's having nightmares . . ." |
Mathew is actually worried about him, as he is having nightmares;
". . . he found Izzy's body" |
“I can hear him yelling out for Izzy some nights – he found her body – it’s hard for me, yes, but I don’t like to see him suffer.”
"Perhaps I could talk to him" |
Anita suggests that she could talk to Eifion,
"That's not a good idea" |
but Mathew does not think that a good idea, as Eifion would not like it. She remarks that everyone grieves in their own way,
"We can both appreciate that, Mathew" |
The DC continues her questioning, “Would you agree that the way people in authority lie and are hypocritical is what angered you?”
"It still makes me angry!" |
He replies that it still makes him angry, and he looks straight at Colin, who cannot understand.
"YourMam and I have always put you first" |
“Your Mam and I have always put you first,” he insists, and the DC presumes that Aaron does not simply regard the politicians as the problem, but believes that his family have let him down as well.
"Did something happen in May?" |
“According to your online history, we saw that you started visiting these sites back in May – did something happen then?” she asks.
"That's when we got married" |
Colin replies that is when he and Britt got married – and when Aaron found out that he had kissed another woman.
"It was nothing to do with that, Colin" |
Aaron remarks that was nothing to do with that.
Who is the stranger behind the bar? |
In the Deri, where a complete stranger is working behind the bar, Jinx comes in and Rhys offers to buy the next round.
"I have deliveries to make" |
Jinx will have orange juice, as he has deliveries to make,
"Those pizzas are lush!" |
and Mathew comments that the pizzas are ‘lush’.
“They’re going to be even more lush before long,” he replies,
Jinx is upgrading his equipment |
showing them the picture on his phone of the pizza oven he is intending to buy.
"There's been amazing response online" |
Rhys points out that there has been an amazing response online.
"Almost too amazing to be true!" |
“Yeah, almost too amazing to be true!” Jinx says, sceptically, “Twenty-five pizzas went out, but more than forty people left a review!” Rhys suggests that people just want to support a new enterprise, and Mathew agrees.
"Thanks, Dorothy – or are you Tony Bach?" |
“Thanks, Dorothy,” says Jinx, “Or are you Tony Bach?”
"Time to confess, boys" |
Sioned thinks it is high time for them to confess, which they do, admitting that they left a few reviews;
"We wanted to make it up to you" |
they wanted to make it up to him after what they did with the song, and they are supporting a local business
"Because you're 'a mate'!" |
because he is ‘a mate’.
"How much for this, Mam?" |
Mark is busy putting items on eBay, and asks his mother what he should charge for an ornament; she suggests a fiver.
Brynmor is back |
Then they hear Brynmor coming in and try to hide the evidence.
Brynmor says that he had a nice walk and went to the village – in particular the Maenan shop; “There are so many treasures there – and Megan’s such a lovely woman.”
Mark knows what is coming next |
Mark already has an expression of dread on his face, and Brynmor asks if there is something wrong.
"I've been looking for a partner to that china dog for years" |
“I’ve been looking for a partner for that china dog I’ve had for years,” he says, rather predictably, “And I found one in a charity shop in Cwmderi, of all places!”
"That is your dog, Brynmor" |
Kath informs him that is because it is the same one; “That’s your dog – I took it to the shop earlier, because this stuff is beginning to be a problem.”
"It's back, and that's what's important!" |
“Never mind – it’s back, and that’s what’s important!” is Brynmor’s response,
"It went to a good cause" |
“And it went to a good cause.” Before Mark can make any protest, Brynmor decides to go and have a bath.
Aaron hurriedly closes the laptop |
Later, Aaron is typing on the laptop, but closes it when Colin comes upstairs;
"You really hate me, don't you?" |
“Aaron, I know you don’t want to talk about it, but . . . you really hate me, don’t you?”
"No more than the others" |
“No more than the others – Mam, Uncle Garry, Siôn, my teachers.” Aaron snarls.
"We've let you down, big time" |
Colin cannot believe that he hates everybody, and maintains that they have let Aaron down, big time. “Only because it’s true, yes,” is his reply.
“I thought we’d sorted out this stupid business with Eileen –
"If you want to have a go at me, fire away!" |
“if you want to have a go at me, fire away – come on!” says Colin, but is told that it is not about that.
"Why does everything have to be about you?" |
“Why does everything have to be about you?” Aaron screams, “Mam’s given up on me – just like everyone else.” With tears in his eyes, he insists that is the truth, despite Colin’s denials.
"Neither of us have given up on you" |
“Please believe me – neither I nor your mother have given up on you,” Colin urges him,
Aaron rushes back to his room . . . |
but Aaron goes to his room,
. . . and Colin ia at a loss |
leaving Colin wondering what else he can do.
"There's not enough time for another box" |
During Brynmor’s absence in the bath, now all the items in one of the boxes have been put on eBay; “There’s not enough time for another box before he’s back.”
"Sell them as fast as you can" |
Kath wants him to sell them as fast as he can, but he reminds her it does not solve the problem;
"He's still buying stuff!" |
“He’s still buying stuff! What are we going to do, Mam?”
She says that she will sort something out, but at the moment does not seem to know how she will accomplish that. Mark will try to squeeze some more boxes into the shed, and she will also bring one.
Kath spots something interesting . . . |
As she is about to pick it up,
. . . some old photos . . . |
she notices a bundle of photos,
. . . of Brynmor . . . |
depicting Brynmor
. . . from years ago |
in his younger days.
This one of him and his wife . . . |
One particularly attracts her attention, that of him on his wedding day;
. . . sets the alarm bells ringing |
this causes some consternation.
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