26 August 2021

25 August 2021

"Tesni is here"

Iolo visits his father at Y Felin;  “In the shop, Jinx said he wasn’t sure if you were coming in – are you all right?”   Siôn says that Tesni is there, 

"It's up to you who you have to stay"

and Iolo tells him that it is up to him who he has to stay.

"I'm not just staying . . ."

Tesni comes downstairs in her dressing gown and announces, “I’m not just staying – 

". . . I've moved in"

“I’ve moved in.”   

"Come on – say what's on your mind"

Siôn encourages his son to say what is on his mind;  he would prefer that to him talking behind their backs like the rest.

"We all have to live in the moment"

“It’s a bit early to move in,” suggests Iolo, “But we all have to live in the moment.”   Tesni will not argue with that, and Iolo asks who is going to make him a cup of tea;  

Tesni will go and make the tea

Tesni volunteers to do so.

Izzy is again looking through the paperwork on the counter at APD when she hears a phone sound with a message alert;  apparently Jason has carelessly left his phone there – again.   

Jason has left his phone lying around – again

Making sure that no-one is around, she takes a surreptitious look,

She is shocked by what she sees . . .

scrolls though and is shocked by what she sees.   She takes out her own phone 

. . . and photographs the evidence

and photographs the screen of Jason’s;  

Izzy is very concerned

she appears very troubled.

Anita is having an early lunch today

At Penrhewl, Anita informs Eileen that the casserole will be ready to take out of the oven when she returns;  she is going to meet Mickey Phillips for the second time.   Eileen encourages her to go, and Anita explains to Sioned that he was an ex when she was very young.   

"I'll be back by 12:30"

“I’ll be back by 12:30,” she promises.

"You're much too soft, Mam"

“You’re much too soft,” Sioned tells her mother, “What if we all took an hour off when we fancied?”   Eileen replies that it is lovely Anita is meeting her ex – 

"She can get over her embarrassment with Siôn"

she can get over her embarrassment with Siôn.

“Speaking of embarrassing,” Sioned goes on, 

"Fflam won – and you came last!"

“The results of the statue vote are in – Fflam won – and you came last!”   

"I can't believe people voted for a horse!"

Eileen cannot believe that people voted for a horse, and looks critically at the results on the laptop.

Siôn is more confident now

As Siôn marches, more confidently this time, through the alley, 

They were not expecting that news

he comes upon Mark and Colin, who are also surprised to hear the news.   

"Fflam has caught the imagination of the village"

He congratulates them, “
Fflam has caught the imagination and the hearts of the village!”   Colin has noticed that Siôn did not nominate anything in the end, and Mark wonders what happened to that boar he was talking about.

"Your blind horse was a better suggestion"

“Well, your blind horse was a better suggestion,” Siôn concedes, “I voted for him – but I’m surprised I didn’t know the story of Pwll Bach.”   Mark replies that not many people know the story, and Siôn asks where he heard it;  “I haven’t seen anything in the library or the archive.”

"My grandfather passed it to my father"

Colin comes up with the tale that his grandfather passed the story to his father, and so on.   

"The oral tradition at its best!"

“The oral tradition at its best!” exclaims Siôn, “I happen to know a historian who specialises in the history of horses.”

"It's not that important – no-one died"

Now they start playing down the story, insisting that it is nothing very exciting, as no-one died in the end.   

"Thanks to Fflam's bravery!"

“Well, exactly – thanks to Fflam’s bravery,” says Siôn, as he walks away.   

This story is getting out of hand now

Colin and Mark look puzzled.

Jason comes into APD, asking Izzy if she is ready for a cup of tea, but she declines the offer;  

"Have you seen my phone, Izzy?"

he cannot find his phone, 

She denies knowledge of it

and she denies any knowledge of it.   He feels sure that he left it there, and is definitely worried about something.

"Do you think your mother will lose her job?"

He says that it is about her mother and this Twitter business;  “Do you think she’ll lose her job?”   

Izzy has little interest

Izzy does not know and furthermore, does not care, adding that they do not talk any more.   He did not realise that things were so bad between them.

"We all do things we regret sometimes"

“Mind you, we all do things we regret sometimes, I suppose,” she says, rather pointedly, 

 Her words seems to hit home

and it seems that he gets the message, but she continues, “But you got through it, didn’t you, with the gambling?”   He agrees that he did, in the end, but it cost him his marriage.

"You wouldn't be with Kelly if it wasn't for that"

“Yes, but you wouldn’t be with Kelly now if it wasn’t for that,” she reminds him, and he remarks that it is strange how things work out.

"Staring at the graph won't change anything"

At the farm, Eileen is staring mournfully at the graph on the laptop;  “Staring at the results won’t change them,” says Sioned, 

"Even Reg Harries got twice as many as me!"

but her mother complains that even Reg Harries got twice as many as she did.   “Megan probably got all the Chapel members together – and the rugby boys,” Sioned tries to console her.

"I'm the only one who's still alive"

“I’m the only one on the list who is still alive!” Eileen snarls, but it is emphasised that it does not matter, 

"Cae Glas has got hundreds of hits"

as Cae Glas got a lot of attention – they have had hundreds of hits already, and a lot of orders have come in.

"Nobody's going to benefit more than Cae Glas!"

“Nobody’s going to benefit more from this than Cae Glas, Mam!” she adds.

"What would you like, Anita?"

Outside the Deri, Mickey Phillips asks Anita what she would like, so she jokingly suggests, “A bottle of champagne to go with my eggs Benedict,” 

"I have to go back to work"

then explains that she has to go back to work and it is rather early to start drinking.

"I fancy a small glass of Buck's Fizz"

He rather fancies a small glass of Bucks Fizz, and she is persuaded to join him;  

"There's no need to apologise for losing family"

she apologises for last time, when she went on and on about the bad things that have happened to her, including, “Dwayne and Eira,” but he assures her that there is no need to apologise for losing family.


Then Kelly approaches;  “Mickey!” she exclaims, and when he looks blankly at her, Anita explains that she is Kelly, Amanda’s daughter.   “What are you doing in our neck of the woods?” Kelly asks, and Anita says that she invited him.

"You're a smart woman, like your mother and auntie"

“You’ve grown into a smart woman, like your mother and your auntie,” he tells her, 

"It must be thirty years!"

and she replies that she has not seen him for thirty years, asking how Nathan and Claire are.

Mickey has five children now

“They’re great – Nathan works in construction with me and Claire is a hairdresser with two kids.”   Anita emphasises that Mickey has five children, and he invites Kelly to join them, but she has things to do.   When he goes to order the drinks, he tells Kelly to remember him to her mother;  she says that Anita is more of a mother to her these days.   

"First date?"

“First date?” Kelly enquires, 

"It's only the second time . . ."

but Anita points out it is only the second time . . . 

"Ooh – second date!"

“Ooh – second date!” is the reaction, although Anita is at great pains to stress they are only friends, and warns her not to say anything to her mother.

"He chose me over her"

“Amanda only went off him because he chose me over her,” Anita explains.

Tyler is going to Liverpool

At number 7, Tyler has packed a bag and is going to Liverpool;  “I remember staying with Gran for three weeks one summer,” he tells Iolo, “I was nine – she showed me all the sights.   

"Right in front of the statue of the Beatles"

“I had this photo of the two of us eating ice cream right in front of the statue of the Beatles.”

Iolo asks if he will be OK;  “It’s a big deal – your grandmother on her deathbed – 

"I feel guilty that I can't be with you"

“I feel guilty that I can’t be with you.”   Tyler suggests that they could treat it as a break and do some shopping in Liverpool, 

He says that has so much on at the moment

but Iolo maintains that he has too much to do.   Tyler will stay the night anyway and treat himself to a nice hotel room, Jacuzzi – the works.

"After the stress you've had with Dani"

“You deserve it – especially after all the stress you’ve had with Dani,” he is told, 

"Love you"

and Tyler leaves, with Iolo confirming that he loves him, 

Iolo obviously cannot wait to be rid of him

but the first thing he does when the door closes is to look at his phone, particularly Ryan’s number.

Izzy looks at the iPad . . .

In the café flat, Izzy looks at 

. . . where there is a photo of their prospective house

a photo of Hywel’s house on the iPad, then turns her attention to the photo she took with her phone;  

Then she looks at her phone

apparently there are several photos, and she looks thoughtful.

Iolo's self-control does not last long . . .

Iolo is pacing up and down, sporadically looking at his phone, then picks it up and dials the number;  

. . . and he invites Ryan over – again

he leaves a message, “Hi, Ryan – it’s Iolo.   I was just wondering what you’re doing tonight – I thought you might want to come over for dinner around seven – or a drink.   So, just let me know, OK?”

"We just have to hold our nerve"

In the Deri, Colin advises, “We just have to hold our nerve now.”   They need to put Siôn off the scent.   

"He's like a dog with a bone!"

“He’s like a dog with a bone – wanting to find out more and more all the time.”

"We'll ask him about Tesni"

Mark has the answer;  “Every time he starts asking questions about Fflam, we’ll ask him about Tesni.”   Colin regards that as a genius idea which is bound to shut him up.   

"They'll want a picture of Fflam – to make the statue"

“Hywel and Ieuan Griffiths will probably want a photo of Fflam – to make the statue,” Mark realises, but is told that a horse is a horse – they will find a photo on the Internet.

Mark wonders, “Does a blind horse look any different?”   

"Are you ready for the photos for the Western Post?"

Then Kelly comes in, asking if they are ready for the photos for the Western Post.

They are rather apprehensive

They look frightened as she goes on, “Hasn’t Britt told you?   No, obviously not – 

"Britt asked me to do an interview about Fflam"

“she phoned me asking me to do an interview about Fflam.   Nice shirt, Col – snazzy!”

"I've taken the casserole out of the oven"

Anita returns to Penrhewl, apologising for being late, and Eileen has already taken the casserole out of the oven, reporting that it looks lovely.   

"How did it go with Mickey?"

She is eager to find out how it went with Mickey, and Anita describes him as a a lot of fun.

"Aren't the results coming out today?"

“Aren’t the results for the statue coming out today?” Anita asks, “How did you do?”   

"I've put my foot in it, haven't I?"

Eileen’s expression makes her realise that she has put her foot in it.   

"The blind horse won – and I came last!"

“The blind horse won!” Eileen snarls, “And I came last!”   Anita voted for her, and is sure that everyone will be too busy talking about Gaynor to worry about who won.

“You’re one of the governors now, aren’t you?   

"Are you going to sack her?"

“Are you going to sack her?” Anita demands, 

"I can't say anything about that!"

and is informed that Eileen cannot say anything about that.   “Oh, I’ve put my foot in it again, havent I?” Anita groans, “What’s wrong with me?”

“The strain of Siôn making a fool of himself, I suppose,” is Eileen’s rather acerbic reply, but Anita makes it clear that he has also made a fool of her.

At least, Mickey and I are the same age"

“But at least Mickey and I are the same age,” she adds;  Eileen had been led to believe that they were only friends.   “OK, to answer your question, yes, we are going to see each other again,” Anita admits.

Tesni is looking into some stock

Tesni is looking into ordering something for the shop.   

"Something Welsh?"

Siôn imagines that it will be something Welsh;  “Cofiwch Drywryn [‘Remember Tryweryn – referring to the compulsory eviction of the village of Capel Celyn so the valley could be flooded by the new Tryweryn Reservoir] mugs – that sort of thing?   Why not?”   

"Little models of Fflam!"

She shows him the laptop screen;  “Little models of Fflam!”   

"Taking advantage of the publicity"

He appreciates that taking advantage of the publicity around the statue is a good move, and she even suggests changing the name of the shop to Fflam’.

Siôn launches into another lecture

“The word offers so many possibilities,” he enthuses, and she imagines that it could feature a dragon as well as a horse.   “Tafod Y Ddraig [Dragon’s Tongue], Cymdeithas yr Iaith [The Welsh Language Society], Tân y Llyn [The Lake Fire]!” he goes on, “I should have thought of this – marketing on a plate, right under my nose!”

"I'm glad you like the idea

She is glad that he likes the idea, 

"We're on the same wavelength, Tesni"

and he insists that they are on the same wavelength;  

"Yes, I think that we are"

“Yeah, I think that we are,” she concurs.

He is sorry if he behaved rather oddly when she arrived last night;  “It was a shock, but I am more than OK about it now – 

"I'm over the moon!"

“I’m over the moon!”

"What your mother did was horrible"

Kelly is walking along the street when she meets Izzy;  “What your mother did was horrible!” she exclaims, 

"I need to talk to you about Jason"

and Izzy is keen to discuss something with her – about Jason.   Kelly is eager to find out what this is about;  

"Come on – spit it out!"

“Spit it out!” she says.

"Where did you get that?"

Izzy shows her the photo on her phone, which Kelly finds perplexing;  “Where did you get that?” she asks, “You’ve been through Jason’s phone?”

"I don't want anything to threaten our house!"

“It pinged and I read the message – I’m worried, especially with Math and I buying the house – I don’t want anything to threaten that!”   She confirms that Mathew does not know, as she did not want to upset him;  

"Mathew's been so good to Jason"

“He has been so good to Jason.”

“Can you do me a favour?   Send that to my phone, please,” says Kelly, 

Izzy sends the photos to Kelly's phone

and Izzy is sorry that she found out, but thinks that it is better that she knows.

“Mathew has told me over the past for complaining about staff, so I was hoping you could sort it out without Mathew finding out,” Izzy adds.   

"I shall sort it out!"

Kelly tells her not to worry, as it will be sorted out

Ryan phones back

Iolo’s phone buzzes, and he finds that it is Ryan;  “Are you sure?   

"I'm just making dinner"

“I’m just making dinner – no, it’s no trouble.   All right – just a drink, then.   I’ll see you at seven.”   

He puts away the dinner plates

He puts away the dinner plates again.

Jason is presented with the evidence

Jason is faced with the photo captured from his phone, and asks Kelly how she got it.   

"You've been gambling again – caught red-handed!"

“Never mind about that –you’ve been gambling again – three different companies!   Caught red-handed!” she angrily tells him.

"Before you start judging me, Kelly . . ."

“Before you start judging me, Kelly, you’ve been through my phone,” he replies, 

"Izzy sent it to me"

and she says she has not, but Izzy sent it to her.   

"Izzy!   She's been trying to get me out!"

“Izzy, of course!   She has been trying to cause trouble from the start.   She’s trying to get me out of APD – can’t you see that?”

"Why didn't you tell me you were struggling, Jase?"

Kelly is glad that Izzy sent it;  “Why didn’t you tell me that you were struggling, Jase?”   He says that he is not, 

"The proof is here!"

and she screams, “You’re denying it – and the proof is here – three websites in the last 24 hours!”

"That doesn't prove I've been gambling!"

He argues that it does not prove that he has been gambling, 

"I want to see the proof – credit card and bank statements!"

so she answers, “OK – prove to me that you haven’t, then.   I want to see the proof – credit card and bank statements.   

"Are you going to tell me a pack of bare-faced lies?"

“Now – are you going to tell me a pack of barefaced lies?”   Jason is well and truly ‘put on the spot’.

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