11 February 2023

8 February 2023

"Where are you going, Ty?"

Tyler comes downstairs at number 7, followed by Mark, who demands  where he is going;  

"I've sold the bike online"

“I’ve sold the bike online – I got over the asking price, so I’m going to meet the bloke now.”   Mark insists that he does not want to know the details, so is told to keep his mouth shut and to forget about it.

"What's happened to you, Ty?"

“What’s happened to you, Ty?” asks Mark, and he is advised to go back to bed – he probably needs a bit more sleep.

Eileen is talking to the vet

At Penrhewl, Eileen is on the phone when Britt arrives early, for a change, and is carrying a bag.   Eileen is pleased to see her, explaining that a sheep is ill, and that was the vet on the phone.   

"Where's Huwi-John?"

Britt asks where Huwi-John is;  “He’s sulking in his room,” 

"He's refusing to wear that costume"

Eileen replies, “He’s refusing to eat his breakfast – and refusing to wear that superhero costume I bought him – it cost a fortune!”

"I'll sort him out"

Britt tells her to go and attend to that sheep;  “I’ll have a word with Huwi – I’ll sort him out.”   

"Thanks, Britt"

Eileen is grateful and goes out into the farmyard.

Ffion has a surprise

At Cysgod y Glyn when Ffion walks into the room, 

Jinx is wearing a monkey mask

Jinx is wearing a monkey mask and she expresses surprise;  he is sorry if he frightened her.   

"I didn't expect to see a monkey in my kitchen"

“Well, I wasn’t expecting to see a monkey in my kitchen this morning,” she tells him, 

"I'm going to ask the kids to make them"

and he shows that he is going to ask the kids to make them in the club later.   She maintains that the masks suit him.

"It's nice to see you smiling"

He thinks that it is nice to Ffion smiling;  “You’ve been a bit down lately – how are things with Cai?”   She complains that he had been so serious recently and is not much fun anymore.   

"You must be glad he's stopped drinking"

“You must be glad that he’s stopped drinking,” adds Jinx.

"I don't want him to change his personality"

“Yes, but I don’t want him to change his entire personality for me,” she groans.   

"I wouldn't change for anyone"

Jinx maintains, “I wouldn’t change for anyone – I wouldn’t know how to,” and Ffion replies that he would not have to, 

Now he is off to the club

which he regards as a compliment.   Then he picks up all his equipment and leaves for the club.

The 'Missing Bike' flyer

The ‘Missing Bike’ flyer is on the table, alongside Mark’s cigarette butts, and as he looks at it, Tyler comes back into the house.   

"I've sold the bike`"

“You’ll be glad to know I’ve sold the bike,” he says, 

"I told you, I don't want to know"

but Mark repeats that he does not want to know.

"We may as well be friends"

“Come on, Mark – we have to live together so we may as well be friends,” he urges, 

"Not with someone who steals things"

but Mark does not want to be friends with someone sly who steals things.

“Look who’s talking!   You’ve hardly been an angel yourself,” Tyler points out, but Mark emphasises that he knows from experience that it never ends well.   Tyler reaches into his pocket 

"So you don't want a cut of this money?"

and goes on, “So you don’t want a cut of this money, then?   Some pocket money to buy some more cannabis.”

Mark turn on the television

Mark defiantly turns on the television, so Tyler tells him that he was going to bring back a bucket of chicken after he finished work, 

"Well, you can get stuffed, then!"

but if Mark is going to be like this, he can get stuffed.   Mark picks up the flyer, screws it up and throws it across the room.

"There's a good boy"

Britt has succeeded in getting Huwi to eat his breakfast and praises him;  

"Mama said you won't wear that costume"

“Mami said you won’t wear the superhero costume she’s bought you.”   


He makes it quite clear that he will not, and Britt goes on, “Well, no-one should force you to wear something if you’re not comfortable in it.   

"How about the costume you chose?"

“But tell me, would you be willing to wear the costume you chose?”   

He nods enthusiastically, so Auntie Britt points out the present she has bought for him in the bag.   

A purple princess outfit

He takes out a purple princess dress.

Kelly approaches Yr Antur . . .

Kelly hurries across the road to where Jinx is struggling to unlock the door to Yr Antur while carrying his pile of boxes.   

. . . and helps Jinx with his load

She comes to his aid and picks up the items he dropped, just as Megan rounds the corner towards them and wishes them good morning.

Megan congratulates Jinx

“Jinx – just the person I wanted to see – I want to congratulate you on the success of the Sunday School club.”   He says that he loves doing it, 

"You've attracted more people to the chapel"

and Megan points out that he has managed to attract more people to the chapel, which is quite a feat these days.

"You'll make me blush, Megan"

“You should stop there, Megan, or I’ll start blushing,” he replies, 

"Young, respectable person"

but she goes on that it is important to have a young, respectable person the children can look up to.   That is important to the chapel and to the community;  she calls upon Kelly for confirmation of this.

"Oh, aye, yeah!"

“Oh, aye, yeah!” is Kelly’s answer, and Megan hopes that Jinx will stick to it.   He announces that more than 20 children are coming to the club today, 

"Can you cope with all those children?"

and she wonders if he can cope with that many children on his own.

"I've tried to get people to help"

“I’ve tried to get people to help, but no-one can,” he says, so Megan enquires whether Kelly could do so, 

"You had a lot of success with the 'Mari Lwyd'!" 

as she had a lot of success when she helped him with the ‘Mari Lwyd’.   It is presumed that she will be bringing Ifan anyway.

"Yeah – all right then"

Kelly has little choice but to agree, after Jinx expresses how grateful he would be for the help, and Megan asks, “How can you say no to that little face?”   

Kelly gives back his luggage

Kelly and Jinx gaze at each other, and then she walks away;  

Jinx looks appreciatively . . . 

he looks appreciatively 

. . . at Kelly — as would anyone

at her retreating figure.

"I'm having a meeting with them tomorrow"

At Llwyncelyn, Hywel asks Rhys, “Have you talked to the company, then?” and Rhys says he is having a meeting with them tomorrow, 

"Isn't that a bit quick?"

which his father thinks was rather quick.   

Rhys maintains that there is nothing to think about – a new start in Cardiff is just what he needs.   Gaynor considers that it is a great opportunity and encourages him to go for it.

"You should be proud that your son is doing well"

After she has left the house, Rhys says, “You should be proud that your son is doing so well,” 

"The bike is back!"

and then Gaynor rushes back in to excitedly advise that the bike is back.

"The police will want to take fingerprints"

Rhys is in a hurry to get outside, but his father warns that the police will want to take fingerprints;  

"I'm just glad to have it back!"

“I’m not bothered about that – I’m just glad to have it back!” Rhys exclaims.

Kelly is back at Bryntirion . . . 

Kelly arrives back at Bryntirion and calls for Jason;  

. . . and Jason tells her that Ifan is ill

he comes downstairs, having been subjected to a surprise haircut, telling her to be quiet as Ifan is sleeping and has a temperature.   He wonders why Kelly is back, and she says she could not concentrate in the Deri;  

"So Ifan's not going to school today"

“The Wi-Fi signal was useless.   So let me get this straight – Ifan’s not going to school today.”

Jason has given him some medicine, but he is definitely not well.   

Obviously she is intrigued by his hair

Kelly toys with his newly-shorn locks, as he explains that Auntie Neet is on her way back so he can go to work.

"Megan volunteered me to help Jinx"

“And then obviously Ifan won’t be going to the Sunday School club,” she assumes, “It’s just that Megan volunteered me to help Jinx.”   

Jason says that she can still go, but she is reluctant to do so without Ifan.

"Jinx will be glad of your help"

“I’m sure Jinx will be glad to have your help, whether Ifan’s there or not,” Jason insists, “And don’t worry about us – we’ll be fine.”   

He kisses her and leaves for APD

As she looks at the laptop, he kisses her and goes to work, but she does look rather worried.

"Did you manage to get him dressed?"

Eileen comes back into Penrhewl, reporting that the vet has arrived;  “Did you manage to get him dressed?   How does he look?”   

"He looks special, Eileen"

Britt replies that he looks special, and Eileen cannot wait to go upstairs to see him.

She waist for Eileen's outburst 

Britt stands in the doorway, waiting for the inevitable outburst;  “What on earth?” she hears.

Hywel tells Garry about the bike . . .

Hywel has just imparted the good news about the bike to Garry, who then asks Tyler if he has heard;  

. . . and then Tyler . . . 

“Great news isn’t it?”   Hywel says that it is a bit of a mystery – it was parked there in front of the house, and he suspects that the thief felt guilty, which makes Garry laugh.   

. . . who finds it very puzzling

Tyler simply says that he is glad that the bike has been returned, but appears very perplexed.

"Good to see there are still some honest people around"

“It’s good to see there are still some honest people around, isn’t it?” rather pointedly asks Garry, who goes into MFC.   

Tyler cannot get his head around this

Tyler cannot understand what has happened.

"Did you bring that dress here?"

Eileen returns downstairs with a face like thunder;  “Did you bring that dress here?’ she demands, and Britt simply says that she gave the boy a choice.   

"Are you mad?"

“Are you mad?   I told him to change into the superhero costume, but he’s refusing to go to school unless he can wear that princess dress!”

"Is there anything wrong with that?"

Britt wants to know if there is anything wrong with that, 

"Get on with your work"

and is told to get on with her work;  in tears, Eileen subsides into a chair, as Britt asks what is going to happen to Huwi-John.

"He's not going to school today"

“He’s not to going to school today,” says Eileen.

Tyler comes out with his phone

Tyler comes out of the back door of MFC with his phone, and Garry stands in the doorway;   

"What's the matter, Tyler?"

Dani approaches, and is informed by Garry that Tyler is in a terrible mood today, something which Tyler denies.

“I need a few things from the cash-and-carry – I’ll text you a list,” Garry tells Dani and instructs Tyler to go back inside the shop.

"What's wrong with him, Gar?"

Danny asks what is wrong with her brother 

"The deal was that we're honest with each other"

and reminds Garry, “The deal was that we’re honest with each other.”   He is certain that she is not going to like it, but she insists she must be told.

"He's been stealing stuff"

“He’s been stealing stuff from the supply chain – I wasn’t sure, but a few things went missing.   Now I’ve got evidence – he stole Rhys Llywelyn’s bike.   I found it on some app.”

"He wouldn't steal from you"

Dani protests that Tyler would not steal from him, 

"I sent one of the boys to buy the bikes back"

and she is told, “I sent one of the boys to buy the bike back from him this morning – I’m sorry, Dan.”

"You're not going back to prison!"

“And you’re not going back to prison because of this!” rages Dani, so he tells her not to worry;  

"I'm going to sort this out, Dan"

neither Tyler or anyone else is going to put her in danger.   Garry is going to sort this out.

"It was just outside the house!"

When Mathew comes into the shop flat, Rhys explains, “It was just outside the house!” and is told that no-one else has luck like that;  things always work out for him.

"You won't have to put up with me much longer"

“Don’t worry, you won’t have to put up with me for much longer – I’m moving to Cardiff,” Rhys announces, “Me and Tes – together, but as friends . . . 

"With a couple of benefits"

“with a couple of benefits.   I’ve been offered a job there, and we both want some fun far away from here, so . . .”

"Look after her, will you?"

Mathew is rather taken aback by this news, but asks Rhys to do him one favour;  “Look after her, will you?   

"And make sure she has fun"

“And make sure she has fun – it has been nice to see her enjoying herself recently.”   Rhys promises to do as he asks.

"Are you going to miss me?"

“Aren’t you going to miss me, then?” he wants to know, 

"Now I'll have a chance with the girls round here"

but Mathew replies that at least now he will have a chance with the girls around there – and he will also have a place to stay in Cardiff.   

"I'm going to miss you"

“I’m going to miss you,” says Rhys, 

The hug is slightly overenthusiastic

“Do you think we should have a hug?”

Two customers leave MFC

Two customers are leaving MFC

Tyler still cannot understand

and Tyler tells Garry he cannot understand how Rhys got his bike back.   

"Can't you?"

“Can’t you?” Garry demands as he shuts the shop door.   “Don’t you know anything?” he asks, and Tyler wonders why he should.

Garry turns to sign to ‘CLOSED’ and locks the door;  

"We're going to have a little chat in private"

“Tyler – we’re going to have a little chat in private,” he says, “Just you and me.”

The door is wedged open . . .

In Yr Antur, Jinx kicks a wooden wedge under a door to stop it from closing 

. . . just as Kelly arrives

just as Kelly comes in;  he is surprised that Ifan is not with her, 

"Ifan's got a bug"

and that she tells him that the child has a bug.   “Listen, Sunday School club is supposed to be fun,” he informs her, 

"Go out and come back in, smiling"

“So go out and come back in, smiling,” Jinx instructs her, 

"Look – no-one with a 'bum face'. . ."

“It’s in the contract – look – ‘no one with a ‘bum face’ is allowed to work in the Sunday School club at any time’.   

". . . it frightens the children"

“No ‘bum face’ – it frightens the children.”

This makes her smile

Of course by this time she is smiling, and she tells him, “Let’s get this over with – yeah?”

"I have no idea what you're talking about"

“I have no idea what you’re talking about, Garry,” says Tyler, and Garry growls that he does not want to be insulted.   

Hot oil, bubbling ominously

As Tyler is operating the fryer, 

"So you're saying it's a complete coincidence?"

Garry begins, “So you’re saying it’s a complete coincidence that stuff started going missing at the same time you started working for me?”

"I'd never steal from you"

“Garry, I’d never steal from you,” Tyler insists, “We’re family.”

"I've seen some missing stuff sold online"

“So how do you explain the fact that I’ve seen some of the missing stuff being sold online?” 

"Nothing to do with me"

and Tyler maintains that it is nothing to do with him.   “Ty, you have been stealing my stock, selling it on and making a tidy profit.   Do you realise how dangerous that is for the company – and for me, personally?”

Tyler is looking rather sheepish by this time, 

"What's wrong with you?"

as Garry continues, “If I can see your stuff online, don’t you think the cops can see the same thing?   What’s wrong with you?”   All this time we can hear the fat in the chicken fryer sizzling menacingly.

“Garry, I’d never steal from you, I promise, on Greta’s life,” he answers.

“Well, how did I buy Rhys Llywelyn’s bike from you, then?”   

Tyler is sent staggering . . .

Tyler says that he does not know, but Garry unleashes one punch, 

. . . then is forced near the fryer . . .

then holds Tyler’s head dangerously close to the bubbling fat.  [with a strange similarity to the occasion on 20 June 2013, when Garry immersed Kevin’s left hand in a doughnut fryer at the café]

. . . with its lethal contents

However the mere threat 

"OK, I did it!"

prompts Tyler to scream, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry!   OK, I did it!”   Garry has also surreptitiously relieved Tyler of his wallet;  

"Right, open it!"

he instructs Tyler to open it 

Garry extracts several notes

and helps himself to several £20 notes from it.

“That’s for the bike – and that’s for the stuff you stole last week!” he says.   

"I'm sorry – it won't happen again"

Tyler whines that he is sorry and promises that it will not happen again.   

"I'll make damn sure of that!"

“No, you’re right there!” Garry snarls, “Because I’m going to make damn sure that you’re never going to do anything like this ever again!” and he walks out of the shop, leaving Tyler in a very frightened state.

"It was a good laugh, actually"

The children are all leaving the club, complete with their masks, and Jinx asks, “Well, was it that bad?”   Kelly has to admit that it was actually a good laugh, and stresses that she is not wearing a ‘bum face’, as she picks up her phone, 

She puts her phone on the table . . .

looks at it and then places it on the table.

. . . and says that the children adore him 

He takes some items into the store room, as Kelly says that the children adore him;  then they both try to say something simultaneously.  

"I want to apologise for my behaviour"

“I just want to apologise for my behaviour, really,” he begins, “I’ve been thinking about it – Jason is a mate and I don’t want to hurt anyone.”

They return things to the store room . . .

They both carry things into the store room 

. . . but Jinx dislodges the wedge

and Jinx accidentally dislodges the wedge holding the door open.   

"The door's a bit dodgy"

As it slams they find themselves trapped inside and he advises Kelly not to panic;  “The door’s a bit dodgy – 

"You're not supposed to close it from the inside"

“you’re not supposed to close it from the inside.”

"Help!   Is anyone there?"

Kelly realises that they are stuck and she begins to shout and hammer on the door, 

"Jinx, we're stuck!"

then turns and yells furiously at Jinx.

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