06 February 2023

2 February 2023

Rhys comes out of number 10

Rhys comes out of the door of number 10 and looks appreciatively at the “For Sale’ notice;  Anita is at that moment approaching from the direction of Bethania, 

The 'For Sale' sign troubles Anita

and is concerned to see that the sign is still there.

"I got these today"

Rhys heads across the road to number 9, where Tesni offers him tea or coffee;  he says, “No, thanks – I wanted to tell you that I got these today,” and he displays some keys for number 10.

"When are you moving in?"

“When are you moving in?” she asks, 

"I'm not – I've decided to sell"

he answers that he is not, but has decided to sell.   Then there is an insistent knocking at the door and Anita barges in.

"What are you doing?"

“I want a word with him!” she snarls, “What are you doing?   I sold that house to you because I wanted someone local to live there.”   He points out that he has the right to change his mind, 

"And add £20,000 to the price!"

but she continues, “You have no right to change your mind and add £20,000 to the price!”

Rhys explains that is what the house is worth, but she rages, “You got the house cheaper from me because I didn’t want it to be a holiday home!”   

"I can't afford to be so principled"

He can appreciate that, but he does not have enough money to be so principled.

“You deceived me!” she growls, but Rhys stresses that he did not promise anything.   

"I think you should go, Anita"

At this point Tesni intervenes and suggests that Anita should go;  she maintains that Rhys has not done anything wrong, and she does not want to listen to them bickering while she has breakfast.

"We'll see what your father has to say about this!"

“Right, we’ll see what your father, councillor, has to say about this, shall we?” Anita remarks as she leaves the house.

"£20,000 more?"

“£20,000 more?” Tesni demands, and then adds that it is nothing to do with her;  “I’m just glad that you’re not going to be living there – it would suit me if it turned into a holiday home.”

Cassie has some unhappy customers

In the Deri, a customer is complaining to Cassie;  “I’m very sorry about this – he’ll be here any minute.   Oh, here he is,” she replies, as DJ rushes in, 

"I slept through the alarm, Cassie"

 profusely that he slept through the alarm and had the milking to do.

“These people have been waiting for their breakfast for half an hour,” she reprimands him, and he heads straight for the kitchen.

Huwi is playing with dolls again . . .

At Penrhewl, Huwi is playing with a couple of Sioned’s old dolls, and Eileen is very concerned.   

. . . and Eileen does not like it

“What have you got there, Huwi?   You know what – it’s a shame, 

"They're a bit old and dirty, aren't they?"

“but these dollies are a bit old and dirty, aren’t they?   What about this tractor?   

He is recommended to play with the tractor

“It’s just like the one that DJ drives, isn’t it?”   

She regards that as being much better

She looks much happier when he is playing with the tractor and takes away the dolls.

"Oh, this is where you are"

Anita goes into the Deri, where Kelly is trying to do some work;  “Oh, this is where you are,” she says;  Kelly comments that it is like Piccadilly Circus in the house.   

“I’ve got a story for you,” Anita tells her, “The way he, Rhys Llywelyn, has taken advantage of me!”

"Hold that thought until lunchtime"

“Hold that thought until lunchtime when I’ve finished this,” says Kelly, and then Jinx joins them.

"So this is where you're hiding"

“So this is where you’re hiding,” he groans, 

"Not such a great hiding place after all"

and Kelly realises that the Deri is not such a great hiding place after all.   “Are you coming to the planning meeting later?” he asks, but Kelly has a pile of work to do, 

"I don't think I'm integral to the meeting"

and in any case does not think she is integral to the meeting.”

"You're our secret weapon!"

“You’re our secret weapon – I can’t do it without you!” he insists, but she emphasises that she is honestly snowed under.   “OK, but if everything goes wrong, I hope you can live with yourself,” he warns.”

"My conscience is shot, anyway"

“Do you know what – my conscience is shot anyway, so I think I’ll live!” she exclaims, but Jinx will not give up, pointing out that she is so good in situations like this.

Anita backs him up, that Kelly is very good with things like this.   Kelly is unmoved;  “Thanks for the compliment fest – but no!   I’ve made my stance clear, and I don’t appreciate the pressure you’re putting on me!”

"Sorry for putting you under pressure"

Jinx apologises for putting her under pressure, 

"Now, if you don't mind . . ."

and she makes it quite clear, “Now, if you don’t mind . . .” so he walks away.

Anita looks at Kelly

Anita, on the other hand, simply sits down opposite Kelly, 


who shouts, “What?   I’m really busy.”

Mark's foot is giving him trouble

In MFC, Mark is suffering with his foot when Garry walks in, 

"Have you seen Tyler?"

demanding if he has seen Tyler.   “He’s gone to see a friend, I think,” replies Mark, “Someone he met on some app.   

"I might have to take a few days off"

“Look, I might have to take a few days off – my foot is killing me!”

"Tell him to answer his phone"

Garry unsympathetically replies, “Tell Tyler I want to see him – and tell him to answer his phone.”

Rhys emerges from Tomos ac Ellis . . .

Rhys comes out of Tomos ac Ellis just as Ffion is strolling along the street;  

. . . and finds his bike missing

he is alarmed to see an empty space where he left his bike and the security chain cut through.   “Who’s stolen your porridge, then?” she asks, 

"Someone's stolen my bike!"

and he answers that someone has stolen his bike.

"Was it locked?"

Garry comes across the road and is told that the bike was left there – and locked;  Garry hopes that he gets it back.

Now the customers are complaining about the food

Inside the Deri, Cassie is now fielding more complaints about the food;  

"I've had to give two refunds today"

she tells DJ, “I’ve had to give two refunds today because the chicken wasn’t cooked properly.   If I get a phone call to say they’ve got food poisoning . . .”

"I couldn't have turned up the oven properly"

He apologises that he cannot have turned up the oven properly and and she grumbles, “You should have thought of that while you were half-cooking your food.”   He grimly wonders if there was any point in working this morning.

"I don't know how you can work with all this noise"

Anita is still sitting opposite Kelly;  “I don’t know how you can work here with all this noise,” she comments and Kelly says that it just sort of turns into white noise.   She is almost finished, anyway.

"Jason's been going on about this planning meeting"

“Jason’s been going on about this planning meeting, you know – I think he would have liked it if you were there – and I thought it would be something you will enjoy.   Something creative to do with business.”   Kelly mutters that she has enough on her plate at the moment.

"What's going on between you and Jinx?"

“Is there another reason why you don’t want to go?   What’s going on between you and Jinx?”


“Nothing,” declares Kelly, but Anita has seen the way he looks at her, and the way Kelly shouts at him for no reason.   “That’s nonsense!” Kelly emphasises, 

"Have you still got feelings for him?"

but Anita wonders if she still has feelings for Jinx.

“No!” she is told, but does not believe it.   

"OK, perhaps . . ."

“OK, perhaps,” Kelly confesses, 

"OK, yes – I do have feelings for him . . ."

then adds, “OK, yes – I do have feelings for him – 

". . . and it's driving me nuts!"

“and it’s driving me nuts!”

An 'under the table' deal going on in the Deri . . .

In another corner of the Deri, the same stranger we saw talking to Mark outside MFC is passing a small package to him under the table, 

. . . and Garry is watching

and this transaction does not go unnoticed by Garry.   

He looks across at Mark

When the stranger leaves, Garry looks suspiciously at Mark.

"I can't stop thinking about him"

“I can’t stop thinking about him,” Kelly continues, “And I feel so guilty when I’m with Jason.   I don’t want any of this – I don’t want to wreck everyone’s lives.”   

"You don't have to do anything about those feelings"

Anita points out that just because she has these feelings, she does not have to do anything about them – unless she wants to.

"No, I don't want any of this"

“No, I don’t want any of this,” Kelly insists, so Anita advises that she just accepts that that she has feelings, does not fight them, and that they will probably go away.   

"I dreamt about him last night"

“Easier said than done, because I dreamt about him last night,” Kelly groans.

"Well, I dreamt about Cai Rossiter!"

“Do you know what?   I dreamt about Cai Rossiter the other night – but that doesn’t mean anything, does it?” says Anita, 

This is too much information for Kelly

and Kelly laughs at the mere thought;  she does not want to know what goes on in her aunt’s brain after hours.

"It's less of a big deal, isn't it?"

“It does help to get it out in the open, because then it’s less of a big deal, isn’t it?” Kelly admits, 

"Everyone has crushes now and again"

and Anita agrees that everyone has crushes now and again and then they go.

"What did I actually see in him anyway?"

“And then you think, ‘“What did I actually see in him anyway?’” says Kelly, trying to persuade herself.

Eileen and Britt are at work

At Penrhewl, Eileen and Britt are working when Sioned comes in, carrying a box;  

"I can't believe you dumped these!"

“I can’t believe you dumped these at Apêl Maenan!” she moans, 

"I told you to take them with you if you wanted them"

and her mother reminds her that she was told to take them with her if she wanted them.

"I told you Huwi likes playing with them"

“And I told you that Huwi likes playing with them;  I was happy for him to have them,” Sioned replies.   

"Huwi has plenty of toys"

Eileen maintains that Huwi has plenty of toys, 

"Like tractors and footballs?"

and Sioned sneers, “Like tractors and football?”   Her mother says that is what he likes.

“Not as much as he likes playing with dolls – but there we are, you’re too narrow minded to accept that.”   

"Chester took their arms off"

Britt interrupts to say that Chester always played with Catrin’s dolls – or rather he cut their hair and took off their arms – but it did not mean anything.   Eileen angrily tells her to get on with attaching labels to the jars.

"I just want Huwi to be happy"

“Listen, I just want Huwi to be happy, that’s all,” says Sioned, 

"You hope he won't want to farm . . ."

but Eileen insists that her daughter is just hoping that if Huwi plays with dollies, instead of tractors, he will not want to farm.   Sioned cannot believe that she is serious.

". . . then you would get the farm, wouldn't you?"

“Then you would get the farm, wouldn’t you?” Eileen goes on, but Sioned insists that this is not about the farm.

"You can't accept your son!"

“This is about the fact that you can’t accept your son!” she exclaims and walks out of the farmhouse.

There is a knock at the door

There is a knocking at the door of number 7, and Mark stubs out his cigarette before opening it;  

"Is Tyler back yet?"

 wants to know if Tyler is back yet, 

"Don't deny it – I can smell it!"

then says, “I knew there was something – don’t deny it – I can smell it!  And even worse than that, I can see it!”

"It's none of your business"

“Well, it’s none of your business what I do in my own home,” answers Mark;  Garry maintains that it is his business if Mark is selling drugs.   

"I'm not selling drugs . . ."

“I’m not selling drugs,” Mark goes on, but Garry insists that he saw the deal going on.   

". . . I was buying"

“I was buying, OK?   Not selling.   Cannabis – it’s the only thing that sorts of this pain out.”

"Why don't you go to the doctor?"

Garry sits down and demands why he does not go to the doctor like everyone else.   “I’ve been – painkillers don’t do anything,” Mark explains.

"So you turned to a drug dealer?"

“So you turned to a drug dealer?” sneers Garry.   

"Who are you to judge, Garry?"

Mark wonders who he is to judge, after everything he has been doing;  

"I don't want drugs anywhere near my businesses"

“I’ve never dealt drugs,” Garry is quick to point out, “And I don’t want drugs anywhere near my businesses!”

"It's none of your business"

Mark says that it will not happen again, but it is none of Garry’s business whether or not he buys drugs.   

"It is – if you're staff"

“It is if you’re staff,” he is reminded.

"If you had given me some time off . . ."

“If you had listened to me when I said I was in pain and given me some time off, I wouldn’t have to do this,” argues Mark.

"If I get a sniff you're still using . . ."

“If I get a sniff that you’re still using, you’re out of a job,” Garry promises him, but is told that he is probably doing Mark a favour, not working in that greasy shop, selling cheap stuff for minimum wage.

"OK – I resign!"

Garry says that he regrets giving a job to someone who complains that he cannot stand on his feet.   “OK, you can give it to someone else – I resign!” Mark tells him.

"How long did Chester play with dolls?"

Britt informs Eileen that there are not many jars left, but Eileen is worrying, “How long did Chester play with Catrin’s dollies?”    

"I was busy looking after Aaron"

Britt cannot remember, as she was too busy looking after Aaron, who was very young at the time.   

"Were you happy about it?"

“Were you happy for him to play with them?” Eileen continues, and is told that as long as it keeps them busy.


As he walks across the road, Garry is looking at his phone and exclaims, “Undercooked?” then changes direction towards the Deri.   

Jinx wonders what that is about

Jinx is passing, wonders what he is talking about, then crosses the road to where Kelly is outside the shop.

"Are you stalking me or something?"

“Are you stalking me or something?   Everywhere I turn, you’re there,” she says.   He wanted to tell her about the meeting which went very well, 

"Sorry for cornering you earlier"

and also to apologise for cornering her earlier and am making her feel uncomfortable.

"I may have overreacted"

Kelly reckons that she may have overreacted, 

"I accept that you and Jason are together"

and he assures her, “I accept that you and Jason are together, OK, I respect that – so I’ll keep my distance.”

They agree that they are still friends, 


and she adds the word, “Always,” before going into the shop.

"Chicken was undercooked . . ."

Garry has gone to Deri Fawr to confront DJ;  looking at the message on his phone, he quotes the review, “Chef was late, the chicken was undercooked – if I don’t get food poisoning it will be a miracle!   

". . . avoid at all costs!"

“If I could give the Deri less than one star I would!   Avoid at all costs!”

"I've been working all hours recently"

DJ explains that he has been working all hours recently and he slept through his alarm;  “I can help you there – you’re not cooking in the Deri any more!” Garry informs him, “I’m not getting another review like this – I can’t take the risk.”

"I've spent a fortune on smoked salmon"

DJ protests that he has spent a fortune on smoked salmon, 

"You're lucky to keep you job at MFC!"

but is told, “You’re lucky to keep your job at MFC!”

"But I enjoyed working at the Deri"

“But I enjoyed working at the Deri – I’m worth more than just throwing pieces of chicken into a fryer.”   Garry is surprised that he is wealthy enough to be fussy now, 

"See you at 4:30pm!"

and will see him at 4:30pm.   

DJ is fed up with this

DJ is totally exhausted and fed up.

"He's added £20,000 to the price!"

Now Anita has gone to Llwyncelyn to complain to Hywel;  “I had a shock when I saw the sign up in Tomos ac Ellis.   He’s added £20,000 to the price – and he hasn’t done any work on the house.”   

"Right, I'll have a word with him, Anita"

Hywel will have a word with his son.

“Did you know he was going to do this?   

"It doesn't make you look good as a councillor . . ."

“Well, it doesn’t make you look very good as a councillor,” she rants on, 

". . . especially if it's a holiday home!"

and then when Rhys walks in, she adds, “Especially if it’s a holiday home!”

"Someone's stolen my bike!"

Rhys does not have time for this now and says that someone has stolen his bike;  

"Don't worry – you can buy yourself another one"

“Don’t worry – you can buy yourself another one with all the money you’ll make from my house!” she shouts.   He points out that it was her old house, which is now his house, and Hywel says that he will sort the matter out.   She leaves the house.


Rhys is adamant that he is not going to change his mind, but his father demands, “£20,000?”   Rhys answers that house prices have gone up.

“Anita gave you a good price,” Hywel snarls, 

"I thought you were a good businessman"

and Rhys thought his father was a good businessman.   “There are more important things than money,” Hywel maintains, 

"Would you turn down £20,000?"

and Rhys wonders if his father would turn down £20,000, but Hywel has no answer to that, except to say they will talk about it later.

He listens to a message . . .

Rhys closes the door for some privacy, then listens to a message which has been left on his phone;  “Hello, Rhys, this is Gareth Davidson from Davidson and Sons in Cardiff.   

. . . giving news of a possible job in Cardiff

“I’d like to talk to you about a job that’s coming up – I’ve heard a lot of good things about your work – phone me back.”

A Pair of rowdy schoolboys in MFC . . .

In MFC, a couple of schoolboys are throwing food at each other, and DJ is heartily sick of the job.   

. . . who take no notice of DJ . . .

He shouts at the two boys, who take no notice, 

. . . so he orders them out

then orders them out of the shop.   

He has reached the end of his tether 

He picks up all the rubbish they have left behind, then gets out his phone and makes a call;  

"Sorry we haven't talked for a while . . ."

“Hiya – sorry, I know we haven’t talked for a while – it’s nice to hear your voice – 

". . . I've missed you"

“I’ve missed you.” 

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