04 February 2023

1 February 2023

Looks like an iPhone box

At number 7, Tyler is taking photos of the various items in the box he kept back in the garage, one of which looks suspiciously like an Apple iPhone;  

"What's this bike doing here?"

he quickly closes the box when he hears Mark coming downstairs.   There is also a bicycle parked there, and Mark demands why.

"I borrowed it from a friend"

“I borrowed the bike from my friend and I didn’t want to leave it outside.”   Mark wonders what is wrong with the shed, and Tyler says that he did not think.   

"Are we having a new telly?"

When he sees the television, Mark imagines that they are having a new one, and enquires whether it is a smart TV.

Tyler improvises a story that he found it up in the attic;  

"I might as well sell it"

“I might as well sell it – as it is only collecting dust.”   Mark reckons that it looks better than the one in the house, and wants to know if it is 4K, but is told that it is not very good.

Then there is 'a box of ornaments'

There is also, according to Tyler, a box of ornaments, which he has decided to get rid of.   “Yes, it’s sad when a relationship breaks down,” says Mark, 

"Any chance you can do my shift?"

and wonders if there is any chance that Tyler can do his shift at MFC;  “This foot is killing me!”

"I've got a lot on today, Mark"

Tyler receives a text on his phone and announces that he cannot help today, as he has a lot on;  

He is offered £100 for the bike

he is looking at the message on his phone which is an offer for £100 for the bike.   “Who’s that?   A new fancy man?” Mark asks, 

"Yeah, something like that"

and Tyler replies that it is;  he hopes that it is the right one this time.

The next text enquires whether he has any more bikes, 

Tyler is looking smug

and Tyler looks happy 

Mark subsides into the sofa

as Mark painfully sinks into the sofa.

Garry is actually praising DJ's chicken

“I don’t know how you do it, but there’s something about this breakfast,” says Garry to DJ, “I hope you make the same effort across the road.”   

"I could look at your menu over there"

DJ was thinking that he could look at the menu over there, but Garry tells him that there is no need to get cocky;  “Some people just want grease – 

"Either drunk or hungover"

they are either drunk or hungover,” he says.

DJ is visibly tired, so Garry wants to know who is keeping him up;  

DJ is looking forward to a couple of hours' sleep

“Work, but I’ve got a couple of hours to sleep this afternoon,” is the reply.   

"Farmers aren't supposed to sleep in the afternoon"

Garry maintains that farmers are not supposed to sleep in the afternoon, 

"Sioned's gone to the market"

but is told, “Sioned’s gone to the market, the milking’s done, so I’m going to sleep all afternoon.”

When Garry maintains that his business never stops, DJ points out that it must be easier when he has staff.   

"Especially when they cook for me!"

“Especially when they cook for me!” laughs Garry.

Rhys locks his bike to the railings . . .

Rhys locks his bike to the railings near the garage

. . . then meets Tesni 

and is about to go into Tomos ac Ellis when he meets Tesni.   

"I'm getting ready for our date"

She tells him she has started to get ready for their date, 

"What date?"

and he wonders what she is talking about.   “You’ll be working,” she explains, “Yeah – I’ll make sure of that!”

Tyler is watching . . .

A customer is just emerging from MFC and Tyler is taking an interest in the parked bike;  as soon as Rhys goes into the shop, 

. . . then checks the security

he comes across the road and takes a look at the cable securing it.

"I'd love to get a Wisteria for the garden"

At Bryntirion, Dai is dozing and Diane is looking at a magazine;  “Ah, Wisteria, I’d like to get one of those for the garden,” she says.

Ieuan Griffiths, sitting in chair, working on his laptop, comments, “Mind you, it takes years to grow to that standard.”   Diane says that they are not going anywhere for a while, and Dai suddenly wakes up.

"Apart from Australia, you mean"

“Apart from Australia, you mean!” he corrects her.   She replies that they do not know when they can go back.   “But I’ve had the operation now – there’s no hope of doing the knees for ages,” he protests, 

"There's nothing else to keep us here"

“So there’s nothing else to keep us here.”

She reminds him that he is not supposed to fly for a while after having treatment, 


and he responds, “Poppycock!   I’ll be fine – anyway the Australian heat is good for all the joints!”

"The prices have gone up, mind"

Ieuan maintains, “I wouldn’t book tickets now – I read that the prices have gone up and it’s a good idea to wait.

"Listen to Biggles over there!"

“Listen to Biggles over there – since when are you an expert on things that fly?” growls Dai 

"I was thinking of going somewhere"

and Ieuan says that he had been thinking of going somewhere.   “Well, we don’t have to go for a while, I suppose,” Dai concedes, and thinks it is time that he went for a little walk.   

"Light exercise – that's what the doc said"

“Light exercise – that’s what the doc said, wasn’t it?”   

"I want to be fit as a ferret!"

I want to be fit as a ferret for this long haul.”

"Thanks for that, Ieuan"

When he has gone, Diane thanks Griffiths for his intervention;  “He’d have booked the flights there and then otherwise.   Ieuan gets the impression that she does not want to go back, and she replies, “I can’t think of anything worse

Eileen has taken Huwi to the dentist

Eileen and Huwi are walking towards the Deri when they meet DJ;  “Hiya boy – are you all right?   Why aren’t you in school today?”   Eileen answers that he has been to the dentist, where he had a filling, but she makes sure not to give him too much sugar.

"I know how much he likes chocolate spread"

“Are you sure of that?   I know how much he likes chocolate spread and that purple juice,” says DJ, and apparently the dentist said he should stay home for the rest of the day.

"I want to stay with DJ!"

“I want to stay with DJ,” the boy says, but his mother is sure that DJ has enough on his plate already.   

"Shall I have a look at your go-kart?"

He volunteers to have a look at Huwi’s go-kart which is broken, 

Off they go to the farm

so the two of them go together to Penrhewl.

Something suspicious going on out the back

Outside the back door of MFC, we can see Mark conducting some sort of clandestine bargain with a stranger, and Garry also notices as he passes the shop.   “Mark!” he shouts, 

"I don't pay you to leave the shop empty!"

“I don’t pay you to leave the shop empty.”   

"I was just giving him directions"

He is told that the man was lost and Mark was giving him directions.

“Gar, I have to move about sometimes, with this foot – I told you it was hurting.   

"If you had any sympathy, you would give me the day off"

“If you had any sympathy, you would have given me the day off.”   

Garry has a phone call

Garry has a call on his phone and goes outside to talk;  

"What do you mean – lost?"

“What do you mean – lost?” he demands, “What items exactly?   No, I trust the bloke I use – 

"From now on, people have to sign for everything"

“from now on I want a list of everything that comes in, and people have to sign for everything that goes out.   

"That's how things are going to work, right?"

“I don’t care – that’s how things are going to work from now on, right?”

"You got three, not four"

DJ and Huwi are playing snakes and ladders, and it appears that Huwi is trying to cheat.   Just as DJ takes his turn, his phone sounds, 

DJ goes to get his phone

 he goes to get it.   

"I can't come now"

“Right, I can’t come now,” he tells Garry, 

"You'll get time and a half"

who wants him to work straightaway, and promises he will get time and a half.

"I thought you were skint"

“I thought you were skint – you can’t afford a nap, then,” Garry growls, and DJ has little choice but to go to MFC.

"I didn't realise how much I missed Cwmderi"

“I didn’t realise how much I missed Cwmderi until I came home,” Diane explains to Ieuan, 

"I'm surprised Dai wants to go back"

and he is surprised that Dai is so keen to go back;  he thought that Diane will be the one who would want to return.

"The weather suits him there"

“Believe it or not, the weather suits him – he doesn’t get as much joint pain as he does in this country,” she replies, “But I find it too warm out there – which is ironic, because I was the one who sunbathed when we were on holiday.”

"Priorities change when you get older"

“Priorities change when you get older,” says Ieuan, and Diane sighs that she has missed out on so much while she has been away – especially with Ifan.   “Yes, he’s certainly growing up fast,” agrees Ieuan.

"I don't want to miss out on any more"

“I don’t want to miss out on any more – I want to pick him up from school and go to see him in the drama club shows, read him a few bedtime stories – 

"The things grandmothers are supposed to do"

“the things grandmothers are supposed to do.   And I’m worried that he’ll forget about me if I stay out in Australia.   Anita’s been more of a grandmother to him than me recently.   

"I belong here in Cwmderi"

“I belong here in Cwmderi.”

"The kitchen's amazing, isn't it?"

Tesni is being shown round another house by Rhys;  “The kitchen’s amazing, isn’t it?” she gasps, and he predicts that this is the kind of house she will have in London, when she is a ‘yummy mummy’.   “No – mine will probably be a bit bigger than this,” she jokes.

"Who on earth is that?"

Then Rhys is surprised when there is a knock at the door, and warns Tesni she had better hide, but she tells him to chill;  

"I've invited a few friends over"

“I’ve just invited a few friends over – it’s the perfect party house, isn’t it?”

He points out that they are not supposed to be there, and she suggests that if they get caught, they can say they all want to buy the place.

Rhys receives rather a shock . . .

When she opens the door 

. . . as there is a whole gang of them

and is told that the rest of the group are on their way, 

"No way, Ted!   They're not coming in!"

Rhys has to put his foot down;  “No way, Tes – they’re not coming in!   I’m not going to lose my job because you want to drink cheap wine in a posh house!” 


so all the visitors leave again.

"If Anita and I moved to my house . . ."

Ieuan suggests, “Do you think if Anita and I moved to my house, it would help to persuade Dai to stay?”   

"Anita wouldn't be too happy about that . . ."

Diane does not consider that Anita would be too happy about that little plan, 

". . . and I can't throw Jason, Ifan and Kelly out"

and she cannot throw Jason, Ifan and Kelly out.

"What of you two moved out, then?"

“What if you two move out, then?” is his next idea, “I’ve got a couple of houses on my books that might suit you – now then, there’s something here by the sea,” he tells her, looking at his laptop.

"Its would give us another perspective"

Diane regards that as a good idea, so they could have a place to themselves again;  “It would give us another perspective, a plan for the future.   

"You've become a real Samaritan in your old age!"

“Hey, Ieuan – what’s happened to you?   You’ve become a real Samaritan in your old age!”

"I just want to sell a house!"

He laughs, “Not at all – I just want to sell a house!”

Another satisfied customer . . .

At MFC, DJ has just served a customer 

. . . who gives Huwi a pound coin . . .

who gives little Huwi a pound coin, as he is sitting quietly at a table.   

. . . which starts Eileen off again

His mother comes in and wonders what he is doing there on his own.   Then she demands, “What are you doing, letting Huwi talk to strangers?”

"He's had enough rubbish for one day"

DJ replies is that the man only gave him a pound for a pudding, but Eileen is adamant that he has had enough rubbish for one day;  “I don’t like him eating too much of this food – 

"And what are you doing behind the counter"

“and what are you doing behind the counter, anyway?”   He says that Garry needed a favour.

"Since when does Garry Monk come first?"

“Well, you were supposed to be doing me a favour – since when does Garry Monk come first?” she snaps, 

    "I don't want my son sitting in a chip shop"

“I’m sure Huwi is happy, but I don’t want my son sitting in a chip shop all afternoon.”

"I've been busy"

DJ reminds her, “You said an hour – and that was hours ago!”   She maintains that she has been busy;  “Don’t you think that I have, then?” he growls.   Eileen stresses that she has been working, not frying chips for a friend.

"I have no choice — we're skint!"

“Do you think I want to do this?” he demands, “I have no choice – we’re skint!   Happy?”   

Eileen hurries Huwi out of the shop

She takes Huwi’s hand and leads him out of the shop, just as another customer is coming in.

"Yes, I've been taking more photos"

Rhys reports to Griffiths that he has been taking more photos and will send them to the office with all the measurements.   Then he tells Tesni that they need to go.   “I’m so sorry, Rhys,” she wails 

"What were you thinking, Tes?"

and he asks what she was thinking, emphasising that it is risky enough her being there.   “I promised them a night out in the bar – but Cassie and Gwyneth put a stop to that.   

"I didn't want to let them down"

“I didn’t want to let them down.”

Rhys points out to her that they are not friends with her because she has a bar, and she admits that she was the one who did not want to cancel.   

"It makes me feel more normal"

“Being in the middle of all the noise and fun makes me feel more normal – life isn’t quite so messed up.   I miss Mam so much,” 

She bursts into tears

and she bursts into tears.

Rhys will forgive her, on one condition;  

"Remember I'm here for you if you want to talk"

“That you remember I’m here for you, if you ever need to talk.”

Eileen is sitting at home 

Eileen is sitting at Penrhewl when DJ comes in to explain;  

"We've had a lot of unexpected costs"

“We’re going through a difficult time at the moment and we’ve had a lot of unexpected costs – but I can sort it out.”

"By working every hour of the day and night?"

“What – by working every hour of the day and night?” she asks, “How long are you going to be able to work in the Deri, MFC and run the farm?”   He says that he is happy to do what has to, 

"I want to help"

but she insists that he does not have to, because she wants to help him.

He does not believe that Sioned would be very happy about that, 

"It's not Sioned who has to work three jobs"

and she replies, “It’s not Sioned who has to work three jobs – I suspected that things were not right, and that’s why I’m writing you this cheque.   Accepting it isn’t a sign of failure – everyone needs help from their family sometimes.   You’re going through a difficult time and I want to make things easier for you,” she says, 

DJ is very grateful

handing him the cheque.

"A big bath with people who are half naked!"

and Ieuan sit at the table, looking at house details;  “I’ve never seen the appeal of hot tubs,” he remarks, “Sitting in a big bath with people who are half naked.”

"But if you had a view like that . . ."

Diane can see his point, but adds, “If you had a view like that, you wouldn’t be thinking about what was floating in the water, would you?”

"Do you remember that Mexican place?"

“Do remember going to that Mexican place on a date?” Ieuan asks, and she immediately recalls the waiter with the sombrero;  

"I am your man, Juan!"

“I am your man, Juan!” says Ieuan.

"What's this tête-à-tête all about?"

As they are laughing about that occasion, Dai comes in, wondering what this tête-à-tête is all about.   “Ieuan and I were talking about the old days – and how much fun we’ve all had together in Cwmderi,” Diane tells him.

"Cwmderi's not the only place . . .

He points out that Cwmderi is not the only place you can create happy memories;  Griffiths picks up his paperwork and excuses himself.

Tyler is looking shifty (as he usually does) . . .

Tyler comes walking along the High Street, looking around to make sure he is not being watched;  

. . . but Garry has him under surveillance

however he does not notice Garry, who is cleaning some tables and keeping an eye on him.

The bolt cutters . . .

Tyler extracts a pair of bolt cutters from his jacket, 

. . . make short work of the security cable

and easily severs the cable securing Rhys’ bike.   Then he pulls up his hood, 

Off he goes along the street . . .

gets on the bike and pedals away towards Bethania.   

. . . with Garry watching

By this time Garry is taking a close interest.

"Why don't we bring a bit of Australia back here?"

“Why don’t we bring a bit of Australia back here?” Diane suggests, 

"What are you on about, Diane?"

and Dai wonders what she is on about;  “A compromise,” she continues, “We sell this house and move closer to the sea – not too far.   Look at these – they have incredible views.”   

Dai looks disinterested 

 Dai does not appear to be at all interested 

"And this one has a hot tub"

as she goes on, “And this one has a hot tub.”

Dai, as usual, does not mince his words

He is not impressed, sneering, “Everyone squashing in, drinking, laughing and peeing on each other!   Anyway, he was wrong about the price of flights – they’ve gone down, if anything.   I’ve had a good deal with Air China.”

"You've booked flights without discussing it with me?"

“You haven’t booked flights without discussing it with me?” Diane snarls, 

"There's nothing to discuss"

but he maintains there is nothing to discuss.   

"I don't want to go!"

“I’ve changed my mind, for one thing – I don’t want to go!” she flatly informs him.

"That's where our life is now, Diane"

“But that’s where our life is now, Diane,” he protests, but she stresses that she does not have any friends there, 

"All I do is sit in the house"

and nothing to do but sit in the house.

“You haven’t given the place enough of a chance,” he says, but she reminds him that it has been two years, and pleads with him to look at the brochures and it to consider it.

"We'll be too old!"

He is convinced that if they do not go back now they will never go back;  “We’ll be too old!”

Diane does not want to spend her old age being lonely in Australia;  “And I don’t want to spend the rest of my life living in this hole of a village!” he rages, 

"If you don't want to come back with me . . ."

“So if you don’t want to come back with me . . .”

"You wouldn't leave me here?"

“You wouldn’t leave me here?” she gasps, 

"That would be your choice"

and he answers that would be her choice.

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