23 July 2022

20 July 2022

"I'll get in touch with you when I'm ready"

“I’m catching the 8:00pm train to London, so I’ll get in touch with you when I’m ready.”   Jinx is playing the message on his phone to DI Fielding, 

"So she didn't want to see you"

who gains the impression that Jaclyn did not want to see him.   

"She just needed some time away"

“She just needed some time away,” he says.

“Did you try to stop her?” the DI asks, “So a woman tells you she’s expecting your baby, and you’re happy for her to go to London and shut you out?”   

"I was just happy she didn't have the abortion"

Jinx stresses that he was just happy that she did not have the abortion;  “But you went over to her house?” is the next question.

“Yes – to talk,” he answers, 

"Why am I being questioned like this?"

“Sorry, why am I being questioned like this?   I phoned you because I thought this information would help.”   She argues that she is just doing her job, 

"I'll be in touch again . . ."

and Ffion comes in, apparently having been for a run.   The DI is about to leave, assuring Jinx that she will be in touch again, 

". . . don't delete anything from your phone"

but warns him not to delete anything from his phone.

Ffion asks if he is OK, 

"If I wasn't being treated as if I was guilty"

and he growls, “I’d be better if I wasn’t being treated as if I was guilty,” and he had forgotten about working in the bookshop today, so she will tell Siôn.

"I want to help – and I'm not being nosy, OK?"

“I want to help – and I’m not being nosy, OK?” she insists;  

"Thanks, Ffion"

he thanks her her for her concern.

Siôn looks towards number 10 . . .

Siôn comes out of the bookshop and looks anxiously across the road, 

. . . which is still guarded by the police

where two police officers are still on duty.   Dani approaches and asks if he will be opening the shop today;  

"I'll just open for the morning"

he thinks that it will probably be for the morning only.   

"It's hard to know what to do"

“It’s hard to know what to do,” says Dani, but he maintains that people need a bit of normality at times like this – a bit of routine.   She thinks that he is probably right.

"I just walked past number 10"

At Bryntirion, Anita appears rather upset, explaining, “I’ve just walked past number 10 and the police are still there.   

"What are people going to think?"

“What are people going to think?   That’s my home, you know!”

"Oh yes – that's the problem!"

“Oh yes – thats the problem,” sneers Kelly, “Not that Jaclyn’s been murdered, like!”   

"I didn't mean it like that, Kelly"

Anita points out that was not what she meant, and knows how difficult it will be for her to move back with everything that has happened there.

“There was Meic, Moc and now poor Jaclyn!” she complains 

"The police will be there for he foreseeable"

and is reminded by Kelly that the police will go through the place with a fine-tooth comb for the foreseeable – 

Anita is welcome to continue staying with them

so she can stay with them.   Jason makes it plain that they are happy to have her there, but would now like to talk about something else.

"Remember that raffle?"

“I’ve got some good news here – remember the raffle we tried during the Small Businesses Awards.   

"£5 a ticket  – rip-off!"

Kelly does remember that, and considers £5 per ticket to be a rip-off.   Anita is very inquisitive, and then Kelly notices from the letter that the first prize is an all-inclusive multi-stop tour of Australia.

"We're going to Australia, Jase!"

She shrieks with excitement, “We’re going to Australia, Jase!   I can’t say no to this!”   He points out that the letter does not say that they have won, 

"No – we're just int he top three, Kelly"

only that they are in the top three.   

"It's nice too have a bit of good news"

Anita remarks that it is nice to have a bit of good news this morning.

"With a murderer still around!"

“We’ll have to sure we close the doors properly every night, with a murderer still around!” Britt warns Colin, 

"Yes, it's terrible"

but the thought of a murder terrifies him, when they were thinking that it was an accident.

"Do you think Dylan did it?"

“Do you think Dylan did it?” she goes on, as she takes the rubbish bag from the bin, 

"You must put paper in the recycling, Col"

and reprimands him for not putting paper in the recycling.   

Then she sees what it is

Then she notices what the paper is – the letter from Zeppelin Insurance, advising that the claim was unsuccessful and they would not be paying out.

"I didn't want to upset you"

He says that he did not want to upset her, and she growls, “I’m not upset, I’m angry with them for not paying out – and with you for not telling me!   I’m going to phone them!”   

Colin explains that he has already done that;  “They won’t pay because the fryers were left unattended.”   This calms Britt down, 

"How about loss of earnings or buildings insurance?"

and she wonders about loss of earnings or buildings insurance.   He will have to check the paperwork about the flat, but stresses, “They’re quite clear about the chip shop – 

"We're not going to get a penny"

“we’re not going to get a penny.”   Britt takes several deep breaths.

Dylan was it impatiently

Dylan is sitting in the interview room when DI Fielding comes in,  apologising for keeping him.   

"I wanted the full picture"

“I wanted the full picture before talking to you – my team has been working all night. collecting evidence.” 

She turns on the recorder;  “DI Fielding interviewing Dylan Ellis about the murder of his sister, Mrs Jaclyn Parri.   It’s 10 o’clock and Mr Ellis has waived his right to have a solicitor present.

"Exactly how did you find your sister's body?"

“Mr Ellis, can you tell us exactly how you discovered your sister’s body?”   

"We've already been through this"

He snarls that he has already been through this, but she informs him that it is for the tape.   

"Mr Ellis explained to an officer last night"

“Mr Ellis explained the situation to an officer at the scene last night.   I’m sorry to put you through this, but it will help the investigation to have your version.”

"There is only one version – the truth"

There is only one version – the truth,” Dylan tells her, and she agrees that is exactly what they want to hear.

"Jinx isn't too well after yesterday"

Ffion has gone to Y Felin after looking for Siôn at Y Winllan;  he explains that he closed early because of all that is going on.   “The problem is Jinx – he isn’t too well after yesterday – he’s in no state to be working today.”   

"I'll see him tomorrow, then"

Siôn quite understands that and will see him tomorrow, 

"That would be rather too early for him"

but Ffion thinks that would be rather early for him.

“He’ll have to be back by the end of the week, as I have to go to the Eisteddfod,” says Siôn, 

"Y Winllan has been offered a stall at the Eisteddfod"

“Y Winllan has been offered a stall at the last minute – I’ll show you the site.”

"Could Jinx look after it for you?"

Ffion enquires if there is any way that Jinx could look after the stall for him;  

"Miss out on the literary highlight of the year!"

“And miss out on the literary highlight of the year?” Siôn exclaims, but she points out that Jaclyn’s murder has really hit him.

"It would do him the world of good – please"

“They were . . . close – he hasn’t been himself today – I think a change of scenery would do him the world of good – please.”   

Siôn is in a quandary

Siôn is in an awkward position.

Colin is at the chip shop flat . . .

Colin arrives back in the chip shop flat and as he looks around, 

. . . which appears to be unscathed

he notices a lot of boxes, 

An AkzoNobel box . . .

one of which is marked ‘AkzoNobel’ (the multi-national paint company) 

. . . sent on a '38 hour' service?

and bears a label ‘Tracked 38’, whatever that is.   He is very perplexed and looks around at all the other boxes.

Hywel leaves flowers . . .

Hywel places a floral tribute with the others near number 10, which still has a police presence.   

. . . then gets out his phone

He takes out his phone and leaves a message, “Hiya, Nerys – this is Hywel Llywelyn.   Listen, about the offer you made last night, I’m sorry and I regret it.   But I’m free today, and I could come over to you – or you could come over here.   

"We'll have a bottle of wine and . . . "

“We’ll have a bottle of wine and . . . well, let me know.”   

"What woman could possibly refuse Hywel Llywelyn?"

He wears an optimistic smile.

"Dani Monk can confirm everything"

“I’ve told you, I was with my son,” states Dylan, “Dani Monk can confirm everything – talk to her.”   The DI informs him that it is lucky he has an alibi for the time his sister was killed;  he adds, with a self-satisfied smile, “I have an alibi for the whole day,” but she comments that he has contacts, and has just come out of jail.   

"It would be easy to get someone else to do it"

It would be easy to get someone else to do it.

"You've seen my phone"

“You’ve seen my phone – I only contacted Dani and Jaclyn after coming out.”

DI Fielding reads from the transcript of his phone, “‘I need to see you Jacs.   Please don’t leave until I talk to you.’   

"You were desperate to see her"

“You were desperate to see her,” and he agrees that he was.  

"Because we were close"

“I wanted to see her before she left – because we were close.   Don’t undermine what we had – Jaclyn was always there for me – I would never hurt her!”

Britt gets a shock when she goes to the chip shop flat

Britt also returns to the chip shop flat and is rather alarmed to find Colin already there;  “What are you doing here?” she demands, 

"What is all this stuff?"

He says he could ask her the same thing;  “What is all this stuff?” 

"Things for the flat . . ."

and she explains that they are things for the flat, presents for Catrin and Chester, school stuff for Aaron.   “You’ve spent thousands!” shouts Colin, and she maintains that she has returned everything that she could.

"These are final demands!"

“These are final demands!” he tells her, brandishing a couple of invoices, “They’re for credit cards – and the interest is more than I earn in a week!   

"They're threatening bailiffs!"

“They’re threatening bailiffs!”

"This was before I went back on the pills"

Britt promises that she has stopped and this all happened before she went back on the pills;  “I didn’t realise how bad things were until it was too late!” she wails, 

"I am trying to sort it out"

“But I am trying to sort it out – I’m here now to return some things.”

"It was not your fault . . ."

He sits down and assures her that he is not angry with her;  “The things you did when you were ill were not your fault.   

". . . but you have to tell me about things like this"

“Please, you have to tell me about things like this, right?   So I can help you.”

"I've got a plan, Col . . ."

She discloses that she has a plan, and he imagines that she is going to ask Eileen for more shifts.   

"Change the 'Ghost Tours' to 'Murder Tours'!"

“Better than that – I’m going to restart the ghost tours,” she tells him, “But I’m going to rebrand them as ‘Murder Tours’ – I can show them Cysgod y Glyn, where poor Teg was killed, and talk about Sheryl, and then on to number 10.”   

Colin is horrified

Colin is absolutely horrified by this idea.

"This is what I'm going to get . . ."

Outside APD, Kelly is looking on her phone at a dress she intends to buy, and Anita agrees that it is lovely;  

". . . in all three different colours"

Kelly emphasises, “I’m going to buy three, actually, one in every colour – because if you go to Australia, do it right!”

An unfamiliar vehicle arrives

Then they hear the sound of a rather ancient, 1987 Renault Trafic Holdsworth Camper coming round the corner, with Jason at the wheel, 

"We're not going to Australia in that!"

and Kelly gasps, “What the hell?   Jase, we’re not going to Australia in that!   No way!”

"Second prize is a week in Paris"

He explains that they did not win the first prize, and second prize is a week in Paris;  she regards the vehicle as the booby prize, 

Kelly is far from impressed

and looks at Anita with incredulity.

"You're irresistible, Hywel Llywelyn!"

Hywel, full of confidence in his sexual magnetism, is looking at himself in the mirror when Gaynor returns home.   

"Not interrupting anything, am I?"

“I’m not interrupting anything, I hope,” she says, 

"You smell of aftershave"

“You smell of aftershave – what have you been doing?”

"I've made an effort, Gaynor"

He gives the excuse that he has had a shower and made an effort;  “You don't have to make an effort for me,” she remarks, 

"Nerys Hewitt sends her regards"

and then remembers, “Yes, I saw Nerys Hewitt in the shop earlier – she was there with her husband and children.   She sent her regards to you – and she had a message for you.   

"The offer is no longer available"

“She wanted me to tell you that the offer is no longer available – it was only valid for a day, or something.   She said you’d understand.”   

Not what he had been planning

Hywel understands only too well.

"Nothing to do with Bethania, then?"

“This has got nothing to do with Bethania, has it?” she enquires, and he replies that it was something else that he was trying to arrange, 

"Fancy watching a film tonight?"

then asks if Gaynor fancies watching a film tonight.   

"What's he up to, then?"

She thinks that it would be nice, but wonders what he is up to.

"Ffion said you wanted to see me"

Ffion and Jinx arrive at Y Felin;  “Ffion said you wanted to see me, Siôn, says Jinx, “Sorry I didn’t come to work this morning,” and is told that it did not matter as the shop closed early;  nobody wanted to shop today.

"I've been offered a stall . . ."

Siôn asks them to sit down;  “I wanted to talk to you about the Eisteddfod – I’ve been offered a stall for Y Winllan – 

". . . in a perfect location"

“a perfect location, just between S4C and Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru (the University of Wales Dictionary).

“Unfortunately, I can’t be there at the start of the week, 

"Could you go and set things up?"

and I thought perhaps you could go up there to set up and to get things going.”   

"I haven't thought that far ahead"

Jinx confesses that he has thought no further than tonight, to be honest.

Ffion encourages Jinx that it sounds like a great opportunity, and is probably just what he needs at the moment;  “It will get you out of the village and take your mind off everything.”   

Siôn gives Ffion a knowing look

Siôn does not want an answer right away, and Ffion continues insisting that it is generous offer, which will probably do him good.

“I’m not sure if I want to be on my own in Tregaron so soon,” Jinx tells them, 

"I can come – and Arwen as well"

so Ffion proposes that she can come with him, and Arwen as well.   They can turn it into a summer holiday for the three of them, which would be nice, 

"Oh – all right, then"

and Jinx is eventually persuaded.

Accommodation is too much to ask

“You haven’t got anywhere for us to stay, have you, Siôn?” Ffion wonders.

"Do you know anything about £20,000?"

Continuing the interview, DI Fielding asks, “Do you know anything about £20,000 that went into your sister’s account yesterday?   We don’t know where it came from – it was from an anonymous account in eastern Europe.   Where would she get that money?”

"Nothing to do with me"

Dylan of course denies all knowledge of this, and the DI remarks that she thought that they were close.  

"We didn't share everything"

“We didn’t share everything,” he says, 

"You appear to be dependent on her"

and the DI suspects that he was more dependent on her than she was on him.

“Interview ends at 21:02 – you’re free to go, Mr Ellis,” she says, “We don’t have enough evidence to keep you longer – we’ll be in touch.”   He demands where he is expected to go, 

"I'm not a housing officer!"

and she answers, “I’m a detective, Mr Ellis, not a housing officer!”

"Who have you been texting"

Gaynor and Hywel have finished the film, which did not end the way that Hywel expected;  “Not that you saw much of it – who have you been texting?” he asks.  

"Dani wanted to know when Esther's back"

“Dani wanted to know when Esther is back from Llangrannog, so she can play with Seren,” is the reply.   

"I think I'll go to bed – are you coming?"

Hywel will take advantage of the peace and quiet and go to bed;  he asks Gaynor if she is coming, 

"I'll catch up with a few programmes"

but she is going to catch up with a few programmes.

Gaynor goes straight to the back door . . . 

As soon as he is out of the way, Gaynor goes to open the back door and admit Cai, who has obviously been waiting out there.   

. . . then gets a bottle of wine

She takes a bottle of wine from the fridge, 

"Is it safe to come in?"

as he asks, “Is it safe to come in?”   

"Hywel's in bed"

Gaynor informs him that Hywel is in bed.

Dani relaxes on the sofa

Dani is watching television in the Deri flat when Dylan walks in;  

"What are you doing here?"

she looks nervous and asks what he is doing there.   

"I've been released with no charge"

“I’ve been released with no charge,” he explains, “Is it OK if I stay here with you and Gabriel?   I don’t have anywhere else to go.”

"You can have the sofa"

She reluctantly agrees that he can have the sofa, and she will get some blankets.   

He takes out the piece of paper . . . "

He takes the piece of paper, 

. . . welcoming him back . . .

reading ‘Welcome Back’ from his pocket 

. . . and looks at it

and looks at it.

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