31 January 2022

27 January 2022

The DI is back home . . .

The DI returns to his house, making sure that the door is securely closed, 

. . . locks the back door . . .

and locks the back door, outside which we can see that it is still broad daylight.   

. . . and looks at his exploit next door

He turns to his laptop and replays the few moments showing his attack on the intruder, 

The evidence is destroyed . . .

then deletes the recording, 

. . . and he breathes a sigh of relief

breathing a sigh of relief,

There is something wrong with DJ's scrambled eggs

At Penrhewl, while Eileen does the washing-up, DJ finds that there is something wrong with his scrambled eggs;  “Have you put cream in this?” he asks, 

"You always like a splash of cream with your eggs"

and she replies that he always likes a splash of cream in his eggs.   

"Perhaps it's gone off, then"

“Perhaps it’s gone off, then,” he suggests, but Eileen insists that hers was fine.   She reminds him she has told him before about not brushing his teeth before breakfast, and he tells her to just forget about it, adding that the bacon was delicious.

Eileen is worried . . .

When DJ has gone to start work, 

. . . and sniffs at the offending eggs

Eileen has a sniff at his scrambled eggs and cannot detect anything wrong.

Eifion emerges from the shop

Eifion comes out of the shop and sees Iolo on the other side of the road, in a rather flustered state;  

"Tyler didn't come home last night"

“Tyler didn’t come home last night!” he whines, and Eifion assumes that they have split up.   As we can hear the sound of an approaching siren, 

"Look, we need to talk"

Eifion wants to talk, but Iolo does not have time for that;  he is going to look for Tyler.

"I want to be with him!"

“I was serious when I said I want to be with him!” he stresses, 

They hear a siren

as they turn to see 

Negotiating the tricky turn into the High Street

an ambulance coming round the corner by Bethania.

The DI, who has just come out of the shop, looks concerned to see this, 

"Something's happened to Tyler!"

and Cassie calls to Iolo, “Something’s happened to Tyler!”   

Iolo is about to hurry along there

He runs towards the Deri, as the ambulance is manoeuvring;  Eifion wonders what could have happened, 

The DI keeps a low profile

and Wilko makes himself scarce, walking through the alley.

Eifion is looking worried

Eifion returns to the shop flat, looking worried 

"What's happened?"

and Mathew has heard noises outside so peers through the window to investigate;  “What’s happened?” he asks.

Wilko punches the wall in frustration

Meanwhile, the DI is watching from a distance and is panic-stricken;  he punches the wall in his frustration.   

"Tyler, can you hear me?"

As the paramedics bring out Tyler, Iolo is shouting to him, “Can you hear me?”   Now the DI approaches the scene and is told by Dani that they do not know why Tyler is injured;  Cassie says that she found him unconscious on the floor.

"Possibly a burglary"

“Possibly a burglary,” suggests Wilko, “Have you called the police?”   

"I want to go with him!"

Iolo wants to go in the ambulance, 

"What – after what you did?"

but Dani stresses that he was the cause of Tyler going out.   “Let him go, Dan – you’re better off helping with the investigation,” Wilko advises.

Iolo asks Dani to pick up Greta, who is with Kelly at Bryntirion.   

The inert Tyler is taken away

Wilko tells them that the burglar was probably disturbed, as Tyler is loaded into the ambulance and driven away.

"It was Tyler in the ambulance"

Up in the shop flat, Eifion informs Mathew that it was Tyler in the ambulance;  

"You were out with him last night"

“You were out with him last night,” says Mathew, but learns that they did not go in the end, and Eifion insists that it was nothing to do with him.   

"There's no need for you to fuss!"

He is OK, and there is no need for Mathew to fuss.

The DI is questioning Dani, “Where did he go in Swansea last night?” 

"I don't know!"

but she does not know.   

"I'm just trying to help, Dani"

“I’m just trying to help – they’ll be asking you this when you give your statement.”

"Loads of people would want to hurt Tyler"

She thinks that perhaps this was not a burglary that went wrong;  “There are loads of people who would want to hurt Tyler – there’s Garry, Iolo – Eifion – he’s on the list.”

"Someone could have come after you"

“Is it possible someone came after you, because of your connection to Dylan?” he asks, “It’s possible, isn't it?   Someone could be watching you.”   

"What – after all this time?"

She wonders why they would come after all this time, and he says he has to think the worst;  it is part of his job, 

"Be careful, Dani"

and he urges her to be careful.

DJ is having his tea break

At Penrhewl, DJ is drinking a cup of tea when Eileen comes in with a box of organic vegetables;  the kettle has boiled and he will make her a cup.   

Eileen looks very tired

She appears exhausted as she sits at the table.   

DJ has worked something out . . .

DJ looks across suspiciously at her, 

. . . and adulterates Eileen's tea

then pours some salt into her tea instead of sugar, and gives it to her.

She drinks it up

She drinks it without noticing anything strange and he realises that his suspicions were well founded;  

"It tastes all right, does it?"

“It tastes all right, does it?” he asks, 

"I put salt in it instead of sugar"

“I put salt in it instead of sugar – you can’t taste it, can you?”

"Of course I can't taste anything!"

She is forced to angrily admit that she cannot taste anything, 

"I think I've had Covid!"

and at that tense moment, Sioned walks in.   “I think I’ve had Covid – I can’t taste anything – perhaps I won't be able to taste anything ever again!” wails Eileen.

"They're taking him to Cardiff"

Dani has received a phone call from the hospital and informs Wilko that Tyler is not awake yet;  “He’s had a CT scan and and they’ve found a bleed on his brain – they’re taking him to a special unit in Cardiff.”

No wonder Wilko looks guilty

Wilko is understandably looking guilty as she goes on, 

"I should have stopped him from going out!"

“I should have stopped him from going out last night!   I told him to be careful, but I should have made him stay here!”   

"I'm so sorry, Dani"

The DI says that he is so sorry. 

"Why didn't you say anything?"

Sioned is angry;  “I don’t understand, Mam – why didn’t you say anything?”   Eileen maintains that she did not want them to worry, and in any case, she took a test last week and it was negative.   

"I isolated, just in case"

Sioned points out that there are false negatives, and her mother explains that she isolated, just in case, but think she should have taken another test.

"I realised I couldn't taste anything"

“When I realised I couldn’t taste anything, I couldn’t believe it,” she goes on, 

"Not being able to taste is serious"

and DJ appreciates that living without being able to taste is serious.

"Don't be so dramatic!"

“Don’t be so dramatic!” Sioned tells him, “Look, your sense of taste will come back – perhaps you didn’t get Covid in the first place.”   

"If I can't taste, I can't cook!"

Eileen realises that Sioned does not understand the full impact of this;  “If I can’t taste, I can’t cook!   And if I did have Covid, some say their taste goes away for ages – and others say it never returns to what it was.”

"Cooking is just following a recipé"

“If you did have Covid, you’re lucky you weren’t hospitalised,” Sioned insists, “Anyway, cooking is just following a recipé.”   Her mother points out that as was shown with the eggs she cooked for DJ, he could not eat them, but she did not know there was anything wrong.

"We'll have to close the business!"

“We’ll have to close the business!” she declares, “Cae Glas can’t continue until my taste buds return – and that’s it!”   DJ and Sioned look at each other.

"Thanks for letting me know"

Rhys has just heard the news about Tyler, and, as so often happens, he feels this is the moment to record another video for his ‘followers’.   

"One of my close friends, Tyler"

“Hey, you lot – I thought I’d just jump on to tell you what’s happened to one of my close friends – Tyler.   I don’t know – I just feel weird about the whole thing, to be honest.   

"Does homophobia still exist?"

It’s really shaken me and it’s made me think – does homophobia still exist?   Because if my friend Tyler dies because of these louts, then it does still exist.   

"What are we going to do about it?"

What are we, as a society, going to do about it?”   

He is gratified to see . . . 

He looks appreciatively 

. . .all the comments from his 'followers'

at the list of comments that his previous videos have attracted.

Wilko gets news on the investigation

Wilko has been making enquiries on Dani’s behalf, and announces that there is nothing in the nightclub’s CCTV or in the town.   “Have you got a camera downstairs?” he asks, affecting an air of innocence, “Right, I’ll go and see what I can find out from the team – are you going to be OK?”

"Can you stay here tonight – on the sofa?"

Dani apologises for being such a baby and asks, “Can you stay here tonight – on the sofa?   
"I just don't want to be here on my own"

I just don’t want to be here on my own with the children.”   

"Yes, of course I will"

He agrees that he will gladly do that.

"Is there any more news about Tyler?"

Mathew is drinking in the Deri and asks Cassie if there is any more news about Tyler;  “You must have had a shock, finding him like that.”   She maintains that she has seen worse, then he looks down at his phone and finds the latest ‘vlog’ posted by Rhys.   

He does not appreciate Rhys' videos

“They’re so cringe!” he exclaims.

Cassie remarks that someone was in the pub last night, complaining about that;  

"They called him a grief thief"

“They called him a grief thief.”   

"They haven't been friends for months!"

Mathew points out that he and Tyler have not been friends for months, and he more or less said that Tyler is at death’s door.”

"What's wrong with you, Rhys?"

Rhys walks in at that moment and Mathew demands, “What’s wrong with you?   These ‘vlogs’ – you’re playing with people’s lives.”   

"Just 'unfollow' me, then"

Rhys simply suggests that Mathew should ‘unfollow’ him, but is told, “That’s not the point.   How you think Dani and Tyler feel, seeing their private lives online – you’re so selfish!”   

"How about a pint?"

Rhys is sorry that Mathew feels that way and offers him a pint, 


which is decisively refused.

"Is there any news?"

As the DI walks along the street, Eifion asks if there is any news about Tyler;  “What is it to you?” is the abrupt reply, and Eifion wants to know if they have any idea who attacked him.   

"Someone will be in touch with you soon"

“That information is confidential – I’m sure someone will be in touch with you soon,” is all that the DI will say, 

"In touch with me – why?"

which leaves Eifion in some confusion.

Off he goes again, with his self-publicity

Rhys is about to begin another of his soul-baring videos;  “It’s me again – I just wanted to jump back on to justify myself to some of my friends – well, I call them friends, 

"Some people have been quite unpleasant to me"

but they don’t feel like friends at the moment, to be honest.   Some people have been quite unpleasant with me after I opened up about my friend, Tyler.   I don’t know – is this toxic masculinity at work?   

"Why can't a modern man open up his heart?"

Why can’t a modern man open up his heart without receiving a abuse about it?   Let me know what you think.”

A self-satisfied smile

Again he looks very pleased with himself at the number of followers which he has.

"Any news about Tyler?"

Garry is in the Deri and asks if there is any news about Tyler;  Cassie points out to Dani that they are all worried, so she tells him there is no change at the moment.   

"Do you want me to change the locks?"

He volunteers to change the locks, if she would like, but she replies, “The police are looking after us.”

"I don't trust that DI Wilkinson!"

He growls that he does not trust that DI Wilkinson, 

"That says more about you than him!"

and Dani snarls, “You don’t trust anyone, Garry – that says more about you than him!”   He urges her to be careful, as there is something about Wilko.

"Qualities you're perhaps unfamiliar with"

“Yes,” she agrees, “He’s nice, kind, faithful – qualities that you’re perhaps unfamiliar with.”

Rhys admires his handiwork

Rhys is engrossed in his phone when his father returns to the house;  

"Are you still posting stuff online?"

“Rhys – are you still posting stuff online about that business with Tyler?   I don’t want to fall out with you, but shouldn’t you have a break from the Internet?   You’ve been posting a lot of personal stuff.”

His only concern – raising his profile

His answer is, “This stuff raises a person’s online profile – honestly.”   Hywel stresses that he does not want to offend people in the village, but Rhys makes his true motive clear;   

He is determined to be an 'influencer'

“If I want to make a business from being an influencer, I have to talk about things that make people uncomfortable.   I know what I’m doing!”

"I expect you know about these things"

Hywel assumes that he knows about this sort of thing, 

"Who cares if I make a few enemies in the village?"

and Rhys continues, “Who cares if I make a few enemies in the village?”

Dani brings in some bedding

Dani produces suitable bedding for Wilko’s night on the sofa;  

"If it makes you feel safer, Dani"

“If it makes you feel safer having me here,” he says.   

"I think I overreacted"

She thinks that perhaps she overreacted, but he advises that she cannot be too careful.   

"It would send anyone to sleep"

He has some work to finish, which he says is so boring, it would send anyone to sleep, 

"Thank you again"

so she leaves him in peace, thanking him once again.

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