11 May 2021

10 May 2021

"Iolo's having the operation today"

Colin arrives at Y Felin and tells Siôn, “I’ve just seen Tyler – he said Iolo is having the operation today – and Garry’s with him?”   

"Iolo wanted Garry there"

Siôn replies that is what Iolo wanted.   “Who would have thought it – Garry Nightingale!” Colin exclaims, 

"I wanted to apologise for influencing Iolo"

then advises that the reason he has called is he wanted to apologise if he did anything to influence Iolo.

"I should be the one to apologise"

On the contrary, Siôn says that it is he who should apologise;  “I shouldn’t have talked to you like that,” and jokingly assumes that the flowers and bottle of champagne which Colin are carrying are for him.

"These are for Britt"

He is corrected, “No, these are for Britt,” and Colin continues, “I would never try and persuade anyone not to have medical treatment – that’s not the aim of meditating.”   Siôn admits that he was just looking for someone to blame, and reiterates that he is very sorry for what he said.

Colin realises that he has been worried sick, 

"Perhaps I should learn some of that meditation"

and Siôn suggests that perhaps he should be taught some of that meditation.   

"Well, it helps me a lot"

“Well, it helps me a lot,” Colin assures him, 

"That's why I used to pray"

and Siôn says that is why he used to pray, but not any more.   “Perhaps you should,” Colin suggests. “It’s important that we all do what we can to cope.   

"I've got flowers to deliver"

“Right, I’d better go – I’ve got flowers to deliver.”

It appears Siôn is giving prayer a try

Siôn sits down in the armchair and gives the matter serious thought, then closes his eyes and bows his head.

"Mushroom Wellington is more popular"

Eileen has enjoyed her meal in the Deri and compliments Jaclyn;  “Mushroom Wellington is more popular than Beef Wellington,” she replies, and Eileen has found the same with her Cae Glas produce – 

"There's so much demand for vegetarian and vegan food"

there is so much demand for vegetarian and vegan food.   Jaclyn has made a bread-and-butter pudding as well, which Eileen says sounds dangerous.

"Eileen has a proposition for Jaclyn

“Before you go, I’m looking for someone to work with me on Cae Glas produce,” Eileen adds, “I’ve been so busy with the lockdowns and ready meals, never mind the james and chutneys.   Kath is cutting back on her hours – 

"I'm looking for someone who can cook"

“anyway I’m looking for someone who can cook, with their own ideas.   Someone who is almost a partner, creatively – I’m not looking for business partner.   Are you interested?   You would have the freedom to use recipés the way you want to and work the hours that suit you, as long as the work gets done.”

"I've already got a full-time job"

Jaclyn does not know what to say;  she would love to take this on, but already has a full-time job at the Deri.   Eileen wonders if she could spare a couple of mornings, but with all that is going on in her life at the moment Jaclyn considers that putting more pressure on herself is not a good idea.

However, Eileen still seems very keen to have her on board;  

"I think we'd make a great team"

“I think we’d make a great team,” she points out, 

"I appreciate you asking me"

and Jaclyn appreciates being asked.   Eileen understands how difficult it is to go through a divorce.

Tyler wants to know if there is any news

At Y Felin, Tyler has come to ask Siôn whether he has heard anything, but it is told that it is still early.   Tyler has tried phoning Garry, but he is not answering;  “I’m sure he would phone if there was any news,” says Siôn.   

"Anita's gone away with Kelly for a few days"

He also informs Tyler that Anita has gone away with Kelly for a few days, after all the stress with the café;  “She blames me for everything.”

"I think we should go to the hospital"

Tyler thinks that they ought to go to the hospital, but is reminded that Iolo does not want them there, and in any case will still be having the operation at the moment.

"I'm looking for someone to work at the bookshop"

Tyler notices some flyers for the bookshop;  Siôn is looking for someone to work there, and needs to go to APD to discuss some work he wants to do, 

"I'll stay here in case the phone rings"

so Tyler volunteers to stay there to be ready to answer the phone if anyone calls.   

He looks at a photo of Iolo

When Siôn has left, he looks at a picture of Iolo on the mantelpiece.

Colin is hiding in the kitchen

Colin is hiding in the kitchen when Britt returns to the flat;  


then he jumps up and shouts, “Surprise!”   

"What's going on, Col?"

She wants to know why the flowers and champagne are there;  he advises, “I’ve got good news and bad news – 

"The registry office has had a flood"

“the bad news is that the registry office phoned.   They had a flood and had to cancel a load of weddings.   Then I remembered that the Deri has a licence to hold weddings, which brings me to the good news – 

"I've booked the Deri for next week!"

“I’ve booked the Deri for next week!”

"We're getting married next week?"

This comes as a shock to Britt;  “What?   We’re getting married next week?”   Colin says that he wanted to make it a bit of an occasion, as she can see.   At that moment Aaron comes in, asking what is going on, and when informed, 

"I thought you were already married"

was under the impression that they were already married.

“We’ve got to make it formal,” Colin explains, “A day to remember, not just something online.   

"I've got to go back to the shop now"

“I’ve got to go back to the shop for a few hours – but when I get home, we’ll have champagne and canapés!”

"The work I want you to do in the shop:

Siôn comes into APD and tells Jason, “I wanted a word about the work I want you to do at the shop.”

"The shop that you bought dishonestly?"

“Oh, the shop you bought dishonestly?” snarls Jason, 

"Business is business, Jason"

and Siôn insists that business is business, as he should understand, as co-owner of APD.   Jason replies, “And as you should understand, as someone who is about to start a business, that Cwmderi is a small village.   You can’t afford to treat people like dirt, Siôn!   

"I don't think Kelly would be too pleased!"

“I don’t think Kelly would be too pleased if I did this job.”

Siôn turns to leave the shop, and Jason taunts, “Oh, you’re going, are you?   There we are, then – so long, Siôn.”

"Can you believe that, Mathew?"

Mathew comes in the back and is asked, “Can you believe that?   

"Siôn wants us to start work on his bookshop!"

“Siôn wants APD to start the work on his bookshop – after what he did to Kelly!”   Mathew hopes that he did not refuse, but Jason makes it very clear that he is not doing anything for Siôn.

"We can't afford to turn down work"

Mathew angrily tells him, “Jason, we can’t afford to turn down work, especially when it’s local and Siôn White’s the customer.   He wants to open soon, he’s got money and he’ll pay on time!   

The boss has spoken

“If you don’t want to do the job, find someone who does and pay them from your own pocket!”

"Look at the size of them!"

As Eileen passes the shop, she remarks admiringly about the large size of the oranges;  

"As the actress said to the bishop!"

“Said the actress to the bishop!” says Colin, poking his head out of the shop door.   

"Mam, do you have to?"

Eileen comments that they are nice and firm as well, apparently embarrassing Sioned, who is with her.

"Is it safe to ask about bananas?"

Eileen enquires, “Is it safe to ask about bananas?” and he says it depends on how many she wants.   

"It's easy to rekindle a fire, isn't it, Mam?"

Sioned reproves her mother that it is easy to rekindle a fire.   “Don’t be silly – I’m just glad Colin and I are still friends,” Eileen tells her.

"It's obvious there's still a spark between you"

It is obvious to Sioned that there is still a spark between them, “Especially after that flirt fest!”   

"It only happened once, Sioned!"

Eileen reminds her that it only happened once and is never going to happen again.   

This is overheard by Britt . . .

Unfortunately, Britt happens to be lurking in the alley and has heard every word of this;  

. . . who is loitering in the alley

she looks rather concerned by the revelation.

Tesni practises her marketing

At number 10, Tesni is practising her selling techniques on Aled;  “It’s a great looks if you’re going on a date or clubbing.”   

Jaclyn comes in, rather flustered

When her mother comes in she explains that she is doing a make-up tutorial for the new business.   

"Where did you get the money?"

“Where did you get the money?” Jaclyn snaps at her, 

"From Dad"

and when informed that it came from her father, she continues, “Make sure you pay him back, because this divorce is going to affect him, too!”

Tesni protests that is why she is doing this;  “Some people earn £15,000 a month!”   Jaclyn demands how much she has made, and is told, “I’ve only just started.”   

"Siôn's looking for someone to work in the bookshop"

She is told to get herself a proper job, and is informed that Siôn is looking for someone in the new bookshop.

"Tesni – in a bookshop?"

Aled is very amused by the prospect of Tesni in a bookshop, and her mother tells her she needs a decent job that pays;  “I can’t afford the rent here on my own – 

"I'm not going to slave away in the Deri!"

“and I’m not going to slave away in the Deri so you can buy a few lipsticks!”   

"What's up with her, then?"

She marches off upstairs, much to Tesni’s disgust.

"We need two people as witnesses"

Later, Britt returns home to the chip shop flat and Colin tells her that they need two people as witnesses;  

"Why do you want to get married now?"

she asks, “Why do you want to get married now?   What’s the rush?”

He is afraid that she may have changed her mind, but she says, “We’re more or less married already, aren’t we?”   

"I'm starving!"

Aaron come in, starving, and Colin says that they will have the champagne and canapés.

"Will you be a witness at out wedding?"

“Aaron, will you be a witness at our wedding?” he asks, and when the boy agrees, Colin says, “One down, and one to go.”   Aaron is keen to get on with the food, 

"I left something at the Deri, Col"

but suddenly Britt decides that she has to go out, alleging that she has forgotten something in the Deri.

Now Jaclyn has calmed down

When Jaclyn comes back downstairs, she is in a more conciliatory mood;  “I’m sorry about what I said earlier,” 

"What's wrong, Mam?"

and Tesni can see that something is wrong.   

"I've been offered a job I really want"

“I’ve been offered a job I really want, but I can’t accept it – working with Eileen on the Cae Glas produce.   Doing my own recipes, being as creative as I want.”

Aled wonders what is the problem, 

"The timing is all wrong"

and she groans, “The timing, with the divorce and everything.   I know I’m secure at the Deri – I know my shifts, I know my pay.   

"I don't want to risk everything"

“I don’t want to risk everything at the Deri to work at Penrhewl.”   Aled is quite sure that they are not going to get rid of her from the Deri.

"There's no-one who can cook like you"

Tesni agrees that no-one else around there can cook like Jaclyn;  “Anyway, a new challenge like this might improve your mood swings.”   

"Go for it!"

Aled urges her to go for it.

Good news from Garry at the hospital

Siôn receives good news about Iolo;  “That’s such a relief,” he says, and thanks Garry for all he has done.   

"He's still groggy – but that's normal"

Then he reports to Tyler, “He’s still weak – groggy, according to Garry, but that’s normal.   There is no point going to see him today, as Garry is with him – we’ll go tomorrow.”

"Why is Garry acting like a guard?"

Tyler resents the fact that Garry is acting like a guard, stopping them from seeing Iolo, 

"We have to respect what Iolo wants"

but is reminded by Siôn that it is Iolo’s wish, and they have to respect what he wants.   “And he’s all right – that’s the important thing, isn’t it?”   

"I suppose I'm just being selfish"

Tyler supposes that he is just being selfish.

"What we need is a pint at the Deri"

Siôn proposes that they need a pint after the last few days, and they will go to the Deri.

Cassie is anxious not to lose Jaclyn

Cassie does not like the sound of Jaclyn’s proposition;  “How many fewer shifts a week?” she asks, and Jaclyn says that she will work the busiest ones, 

"Monday and Tuesday afternoons are quiet"

suggesting that Monday and Tuesday afternoons would be suitable, as they are quiet.   “It is supposed to be a full-time job,” Cassie stresses.

"I really want to do it – a new challenge"

“I know, but I really want to do it – a new challenge,” explains Jaclyn, “A chance not to overthink things – and it doesn’t involve a man,” 

"Garry, you mean"

which Cassie takes to be a reference to Garry.   “I have to change something in my life – and not just my hair!”

"Anita's been enquiring about a job"

It just so happens problem that Anita has been enquiring about a job at the Deri, which must indicate that she is bored, according to Cassie.   Jaclyn points out that she has done it before, and would be great;  

"I'd do all the preparation work"

“I’d do all the preparation work, so that would be no problem.”   Cassie agrees that they will give it a try, and Jaclyn is very grateful.

"You have to have more than a hairdo sometimes"

“I’ve had several hairdos – and you have to have more than that sometimes,” Cassie concedes.

Eileen learns the good news . . .

Jaclyn quickly phones Eileen with the news, and she is pleased to hear it, assuring her that she can work the hours that suit her.   

. . . and then has an unexpected visitor

Then Britt arrives and is told about the new arrangement.   “Jaclyn’s a nice woman – 

"Despite the affair with my brother"

“despite the fact she had an affair with my brother,” says Britt, 

"Destroying two families like that"

“It was a terrible thing to do, destroying two families like that!”

"She had some help from Garry"

Eileen does not think Jaclyn could have done what she did without any help from Garry, and Britt readily admits, “Garry was at fault as well – 

"How people can go after someone who's married"

“I just don’t understand how people can go after someone who’s married, or who has a family.   That’s what I wanted to talk to you about, to be honest – not Jaclyn and Garry.”

Eileen can see what Britt is getting at

Eileen fears exactly where this conversation is going, 

Colin and me – we're getting married!"

as Britt goes on, “Colin and me – we’re getting married!”   Eileen also thought that they were already married, but is told, “Not officially – but we want to do it properly in the Deri.”

Eileen congratulates them, and Britt is pleased to hear that;  “Because there is something I want to ask you, Eileen – 

"I want you to be completely honest with me"

“and I want you to be completely honest with me.”   

Eileen prepares for the bombshell

Eileen is looking rather apprehensive now, 

"How would you like to be a witness at our wedding?"

but the question is, “How would you like to be a witness at the wedding?   You and Colin are such good friends!”

"Wouldn't it be better to have a family member?"

It is suggested that it might be better to have a family member, and Britt explains that Aaron will be one of the witnesses;  

"I see you as family to Colin"

“But I see you as family to Colin – you’re always there for him, but I haven’t told him yet – I wanted to get an answer from you first, so I can surprise him.”

"I'd love to do it, Britt"

Despite being very uncomfortable, Eileen agrees that she would love to do so, and Britt cannot wait to see Colin’s face when she tells him

Mathew approaches Siôn 

Mathew and Jason come into the Deri, and Matthew immediately approaches Siôn;  

Jason tries to sidle away, unnoticed

“I heard you talked to Jason about work on the shop.”   Jason is doing his best to escape when he is stopped from doing so, and Mathew continues, “We’d be more than happy to do the work.”

Jason apologises, as instructed by the boss

Jason somewhat unwillingly says, “Yeah, I’m sorry that I let my personal feelings interfere with business.”   

Siôn is amenable to this meeting

Mathew invites Siôn to come over tomorrow for a chat.

Siôn asks Jason if they have found anywhere to live yet;  

"Oh, give us a chance, Siôn!"

“Oh, give us a chance, Siôn!” he groans, “We could live in the van if that makes life easier!”

Siôn assures him that there is no rush;  “You can stay in the flat until you find somewhere decent – 

"I won't charge you rent, either"

“I won’t charge you rent, either – it’s the least I can do.”   

"I've got to go and tell Kelly!"

Jason is elated to hear this, and rushes off to tell Kelly the good news.    

Siôn appears to have an ulterior motive

Siôn remarks to Tyler that there might be a lot of noise when work is going on, and he will need to store some stock in the flat.

"A ruthless businessman under that innocent façade"

“Well, who would have thought that there was a ruthless businessman under that innocent façade?” comments Tyler.   Siôn likes to think of himself as a businessman with a conscience.

"I've got a second witness, Col . . ."

In the chip shop flat, Britt breaks the news about the second witness;  

". . . I asked Eileen"

“I’ve asked Eileen,” and Colin rather nervously asks why, 

"I thought about asking Izzy"

maintaining that he had thought about asking Izzy.

"She's been an important part of our lives"

“Eileen’s been such an important part of our lives over the years – especially your life!” Britt continues, 

"I've sometimes felt quite jealos"

“In fact I’ve sometimes felt quite jealous of your relationship.”   

"She's nothing more than a friend"

He cannot imagine why that should be, stressing that he has never seen Eileen as anything more than a friend, and she feels the same about him.

"I'm the luckiest man in the world!"

He picks up his glass and says he is the luckiest man in the world;  

"To the witnesses!"

Britt proposes a toast, “To the witnesses, and a day to remember!”   Colin still looks rather apprehensive. 

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