31 October 2020

29 October 2020

"I've heard about your new hobby – writing letters"
As Anita is sweeping up outside the café, Ffion approaches and comments, “I’ve heard about your new hobby – writing letters.   I saw you in the shop the other day.”   

"You mean buying stamps and envelopes?"

Anita presumes she means buying stamps and envelopes, but Ffion goes on, “Colin said Kelly had received another letter – remember?   It seemed you already knew – you said that Kelly was upset.   

Ffion reports on her detective work

“But Kelly didn’t show you the letter until after you’d been to the shop.”

"Well, I didn't send them"

Anita’s response is that she does not remember, but adds that she did not send them;  

"It would be terrible if Kelly found out"

“It would be terrible if Kelly found out about this,” Ffion indicates, 

"Not here – come over to the flat"

“I’m not talking here – come over to the flat.”   

Anita does as instructed

Anita looks worried and follows her across the road.

Llio is back at school . . . 

At number 7, Llio has just got up and is greeted by Iolo;  “I didn’t really sleep – my mind was whirring.   Thanks for letting me stay.”   He replies that it is lovely having her there 

. . . but she cannot face any breakfast

and offers her breakfast, but she cannot stomach it.   “I know I’ve taught in Cwmderi before, but it feels like so long ago – I couldn’t believe it when Gaynor phoned me.   They must be desperate!   Right, I’d better go – I’ve got a meeting before registration”

"Rhys and Ffion have ended things"

“Before you go,” he says, “Rhys and Ffion have ended things – I didn’t want you to put your foot in it on your first morning.”   

"Any more gossip I should know about?"

She asks if there is any other gossip she should know about, and he says he does not think so.

Britt is definitely not happy

Britt comes out of the café, looking rather miserable, and sees Jaclyn across the road;  “I have to know where Garry is, please,” she says, “We’re family – we tell each other everything.   Where is he?”   

"I don't know, Britt"

Jaclyn says that she does not know, but Britt does not believe her;  

"He's breaking his heart in some bedsit"

“He’ll be breaking his heart in some bedsit now, thanks to you!” she snarls, “But you’re too busy worrying about yourself, obviously.   I’m worried about Garry.”

"Look, I'm worried about him, too"

Jaclyn confesses that she is also worried about him, and will keep Britt informed if she hears anything;  

"You have to keep this quiet"

she stresses that this has to be kept quiet, but Britt answers, “I don’t have to do anything,” and walks away.

Jaclyn provides the necessary soap

When Jaclyn gets home to number 10, Tesni comes downstairs, complaining that the soap in the bathroom is finished, and her mother produces some more, which she has just bought.   

"What if Britt tells your father?"

“Britt knows,” Jaclyn groans, “Garry told her – what if she tells your father?”

Gerwyn proposes lunch on the Deri

At that moment Gerwyn comes in through the back door, reporting that it is a slow day at the office.   “I was going to treat you to lunch at the Deri,” he tells them, “I can taste that Surf&Turf now.”   Jaclyn says there is no need for that, as money is tight, and the last thing they should do is go out to eat.

"How about going for a walk, then?"

His next suggestion is going for a walk together, and they call Guto, 

"He's got a hangover"

who is apparently suffering from a hangover, downstairs.   

"A walk would be great, Ger"

Jaclyn enthusiastically thinks that a walk would be a great idea.

"I can't admit to something I haven't done"

At Cysgod y Glyn, Anita paces up and down, protesting that she cannot admit to something she has not done.  

"You won't be allowed to see Arwen"

“Don’t then,” Ffion tells her, “But then that you won’t be allowed to see Arwen.”   

"You don't mean that, Ffion?"

Anita cannot believe that she is serious, but receives a withering stare from Ffion.

"Look, I know you've lost a child"

“Look, I know that you’ve lost a child, but you can’t rely on other people’s children,” Ffion goes on, “You’ve lost more than your fair share – and now Kelly doesn’t need you either.   That’s why you wrote those letters, to get Kelly to turn to you again.”

"It was supposed to be the one letter"

Anita is now looking rather tearful, and after a pause admits that it was supposed to be just the one letter.

Their high spirits are not to last long . . .

The Parry family walk past the medical centre in what seem to be high spirits, 

. . . as Dani is coming out of the Deri

and at that moment Dani comes out of the Deri.   Gerwyn reaches the conclusion that as they are right outside, they might as well go in for some lunch, but Jaclyn does her utmost to discourage him.   

"I hope you've got Surf&Turf, Dani"

“I hope you’ve got Surf&Turf,” he tells Dani, as Britt is watching anxiously from the door of the Deri.

"A man who's solid and steady, isn't there, Jaclyn?"

Smiling, Dani says, “There’s a lot to be said about a man who’s solid and steady, isn’t there, Jacs?”   Gerwyn tells her how sorry he was to hear about her and Garry, 

Jaclyn is apprehensive about what is coming next . . .

and Jaclyn is eager to get out of this situation as quickly as possible, maintaining that there is plenty of food in the house.

“Don’t worry about the garage,” Gerwyn continues, “It’s quiet now, but I’ll make up the hours this afternoon.”   Dani replies that the garage is nothing to do with her, and Jaclyn loudly insists that she can make Surf&Turf, as there are prawns in the freezer.

. . . and tempts Gerwyn with the promise of prawns

This has the desired effect, and Gerwyn is turning towards home;  Dani remarks, “She’s spoiling you!” and Britt breathes a sigh of relief, believing the confrontation is over.

This, however, is short lived, as Dani shouts after him, “Gerwyn!   

"Just one small thing before I forget"

“Just one small thing before I forget – I’m sure that you’re a great father as well – always there for them – adore them – adore Jaclyn.”   

"Nobody wants to hear this, Dani"

Britt protests that nobody wants to hear this, but Dani stresses, “I haven’t got to the best bit – I’m just saying that Gerwyn’s one of the best.   And that is why what Jaclyn’s done is worse!”

A revelation is coming

A look of horror crosses the faces of Jaclyn and Tesni;  they tell him that it is time to go, but Dani abruptly orders Tesni to shut up, which Gerwyn finds unnecessarily harsh.   

"Jaclyn's having an affair . . ."

“You look so perfect – going for a family walk – it’s a pity to spoil it, really,” Dani tells him, “But, there we go, Jaclyn’s having an affair.”   

Britt shouts that she has said enough, but is totally ignored by Dani;  

". . . no-one less than Mr Garry Monk!"

“It’s hard to believe that someone wanted Jaclyn, but it’s true!   And guess with who?   No-one less than Mr Garry Monk!”

Gerwyn might be described as 'gobsmacked'

As Gerwyn stands there, incredulous, she elaborates, “They were going to run away together.”   Britt orders her to come inside the pub, but she angrily replies that she is not going anywhere.

"I'm sorry, Gerwyn"

Gerwyn turns and looks at his wife, who seems momentarily lost for words.   “I’m sorry, Gerwyn,” Dani tells him, and then bursting out laughing, adds, “But every cloud!   

"I've got rid of him, thanks to Jaclyn!"

“I’ve got rid of him, thanks to her!   So how about we all have a clap – it will be a bit different this time, but this time it’s for Jaclyn Parry!”

Dani is not clapping for the NHS . . .

Dani is the only person clapping, and Gerwyn looks accusingly at Jaclyn, 

. . . and Jaclyn is devastated

who is absolutely humiliated,

"Why did you do it, Jac?"

Jaclyn pleads with him to come home, but he simply wants to know why she did that.   Dani offers the distinctively unhelpful suggestion, “Perhaps she was bored – couldn’t you have found a hobby?   Skydiving or something like that?   

"No, you went after my husband!"

“No, you went after my husband!”

"I'm sorry, Ger"

Jaclyn whimpers that she is sorry, and Tesni tries to support her, 

"Mam wasn't serious about Garry"

alleging that it did not mean anything, and that her mother was not serious about Garry.   Gerwyn is shocked that Tesni knew, and again Dani points out that Britt also knew.

Jaclyn shouts that they should go home now, and this is echoed by Guto, and Gerwyn begins to walk away.   

"Happy now?"

“Happy now?” Jaclyn snorts at Dani, 

"No, not really – how about you?"

who replies that, no, she is not really happy, but wonders how Jaclyn feels.

As the family slink away, Britt wants to know if she needed to do that, 

"They call it being honest – you should try it one day!"

but Dani informs her, “They call it being honest – you should try it one day!”

"You could lose Kelly, you know"

In Cysgod y Glyn, Ffion warns that Anita could lose Kelly, but she considers that she has already lost her.   “No you haven’t, not really, but Kelly can’t depend on you for ever – you have to let her go.”   

"It has been so difficult during the lockdown"

Anita insists that she has been trying to do that, but it has been so difficult during the lockdown;  she cannot sleep.   “And I miss Darren and the children terribly – they’re so far away,” she wails, 

"It doesn't mean you can control Kelly's life"

but Ffion reminds her that it does not mean that she can control Kelly’s life – she thinks the world of her aunt.   

"I'm going to stop, I promise"

Anita goes on, “I don’t know how to tell her how I feel – writing an anonymous letter felt like a good idea at the time – but I’m going to stop, I promise.

"She will suspect everybody . . ."

“But that’s not enough, is it?” says Ffion, “Until she finds out who did it, she’ll still be living in fear, and suspect everybody.   

". . . is that what you want?"

“Is that what you want? 

"You know what you have to do"

“You know what you have to do, don’t you?”

When they reach the door of number 10, Jaclyn encourages Gerwyn to go in, maintaining that she would not have left him.   

"How long has it been going on?"

“How long has it been going on?   I’m not going anywhere until you tell me,” he insists, 

"Not out here in the street, Gerwyn"

but Jaclyn does not want to discuss this in the street.

"Everyone knows our business now"

“Does it matter?” he demands, “Everyone knows about our business after that show.”   She assures him that she is still here, with him, but he remarks, “If you were really happy with me, it wouldn’t have crossed your mind to go – now, how long has this affair have been going on?”

"I wasn't thinking straight"

She answers, “Since the beginning of lockdown.   I wasn’t thinking straight – that’s why I asked Tes to tell you – but in my heart I knew it was wrong.”   With her voice full of emotion, Tesni begs that he forgive her mother, as she is really sorry.

"It's a bit late to worry about me now"

“It’s a bit late to worry about me now,” Gerwyn growls, and Tesni explains that she was going to tell him, but her mother came back before she had the chance.   She thought everything would be OK.

"OK?   Nothing about this is OK!"

Guto, who has been silent up till now, bursts out, “OK?   Nothing about this is OK!   How could she do this to us?   I can’t stay here!” and he rushes away, 

"Sorry, Dad"

with his sister chasing after him.   

Jaclyn follows him into the house

Gerwyn opens the door and goes in, followed by Jaclyn.

"Years of marriage, two children – why, Jacs?"

Inside he says, “You weren’t thinking straight?   Years of marriage, two children – why, Jacs?   Don’t turn away – look at me.”   

"I'm sorry"

Once more she says that she is sorry, and he sneers, “Garry Monk?   You chose my boss, of all people – you know I hate him!   

"Why do this to me?"

“Why do this to me?”   

"It meant nothing, Ger"

She gives the answer that it meant nothing, but will say no more.

Llio returns to number 7 and immediately asks Iolo, “Why didn't you tell me?”   

"What – about Garry and Dani?"

He assumes that she is talking about Garry and Dani, 

"No, about Aled and Tyler"

but she enlghtens him, “Not them, about Aled and Tyler.”

"Well, there's nothing to say"

Iolo maintains there is nothing to say;  “Or you’re too upset!” she interrupts.   He thinks that everyone is trying to make him depressed, wondering how he is supposed to move forward if she is going on and on about it.   “Sorry, I just wanted to check you’re OK,” she says, “I won’t bother next time.   

"I was a mess when my boyfriend finished with me"

“Look, it’s all right to be upset – or angry or jealous.   I was a mess when my boyfriend finished me – I hid under the duvet for three weeks.   A bit OTT, perhaps – we were only together for two weeks.”

"I don't know what to feel"

Iolo admits that he does not know what to feel;  “If Tyler’s happy, Greta’s happy – that must mean something – but it doesn’t do much for my ego.   Aled’s so young – 

"I'm an old man compared to him"

“I’m an old man compared to him.   We’ll be fine – it’s just going to take a bit of time to get used to it, that’s all.”

"If I was a gay man . . ."

Llio informs him, “Tyler must be bonkers to choose Aled – if I was a man, a gay man, I’d never let you go.   Right, takeaway and pinot – and I want to know everything.”

"No wonder you're a teacher – you're so bossy!"

Iolo groans, “No wonder you’re a teacher – you’re so bossy!”

"My head was all over the place"

Jaclyn begs, “Will you please listen to me?   My head was all over the place.”   He tells not to play the victim, and can now understand why he was getting so much overtime in the garage.   

"You couldn't wait to get rid of me, could you?"

She could not wait to get rid of him.    She explains that it was not like that, and he wants to know, 

"How did it start?"

because as her husband, he has a right to know.   “How did it start?”   

'i was under stress with lockdown"

She replies that she was under stress with the pressures of lockdown;  she was worried about work and Tes.

"Where did it happen?"

His next question is, “Where did it happen?” 

"Garry was sure it was the right thing for us"

and she recalls that Garry was so sure it was the right thing for them – it was his idea to run away.   However, Gerwyn still wants an answer to his question, “Where?   Was it here, in our bed while I was slaving away?”

She whispers that it was in the garage, and he is outraged;  

"Office, car bonnet – inspection pit?"

“Laughing at me, were you?   Where in the garage – office, car bonnet – inspection pit?”

"I couldn't stop him, Ger"

She replies that Garry drove everything and she could not stop him, “But I didn’t go!” she exclaims, “All that’s important is that I’m still here with you.”

"You were looking for a bit of excitement"

“So Dani was right – you were looking for bit of excitement,” he snarls, and she admits that she feels as if she is invisible, part of the furniture.   

"Are you saying that I'm ignoring you?"

“Are you saying that I’m ignoring you?   Is that it, Jaclyn?” he rages.

"I promise never to do anything like that again"

She whines that it was silly and she promises not to do anything like that again.   He shouts, “Why should I believe a word you say?   You thought about leaving, didn’t you?   

"It was running away together!"

“It wasn’t just sleeping together – it was running away together!   I thought I was the only man for you – for ever.   

"As long as you both shall live"

‘By rejecting all others to be faithful for as long as you both shall live’.”

"I didn't know there was an expiry date on vows!"

“It’s too late now, Jaclyn – I didn’t know there was an expiry date on vows!   This shouldn’t happen to us, Jac, we should be solid, you and me!   Jacs and Ger, together for ever.”

"Nothing has changed, Ger"

She argues that nothing has changed, but he roars, “Everything has changed!   

"Things have been falling to pieces!"

“Ever since we moved to Cwmderi, things have been falling to pieces – your brother arrived and caused chaos – the accident – and now this!”

"We have to work through this "

“We have to work through this, Ger,” she pleads, but he shakes his head and confesses that he does not know her any more.   He is about to leave  the house, but does not know where he will go.   She insists, “Please don’t go – I’m here – and I love you.”

"Don't follow me"

He solemnly cautions her not to follow him and walks out of the back door, 

Jaclyn is distraught

leaving Jaclyn distraught. 

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