19 January 2023

17 January 2023

'The Dairy' is now closed

DJ is attaching labels to the vending machines;  ‘Machine is broken – Dairy is closed’ when Garry is passing, on his way to the garage.   “Hey, I’m sorry,” he says, 

"It will be sorted soon"

upon which DJ is confident that they will get everything sorted soon.

“No, I’m sorry for your loss,” Garry explains, and DJ sadly thanks him;  “How’s Sioned?’ he continues and is told that she is not great.   

"It's unfair that she has to go through it again"

“I can imagine – it’s unfair that she’s had to go through it again.”

This comes as a total shock to DJ, who demands, “What do you mean – ‘again’?”   Garry did not intend to upset him, 

"She's lost a baby before?"

but DJ goes on, “You mean to say she’s lost a baby before?”

"Yes – with me"

“Yes – with me,” comes the reply, “It was complicated – and I shouldn’t be the one explaining this, but she was worried the same thing could happen again.   Give her my best.”   Things are now making sense to DJ 


and he thanks Garry for the information, 

"Made a right mess of that, didn't?"

while Garry realises that he has really put his foot in it.

"Gwern's having an MFC"

Arwen pleads with her mother, “Gwern’s having an MFC,” 

Ffion is disparaging about Monk's Fried Chicken

and Ffion sneers that there is not much in nutrition in something like that.   “It smells lush,” Arwen protests, 

"You said you were vegan"

but her mother recalls that she said she was vegan.

"Flexi-vegan, Mam"

Arwen puts her right;  “I’m a flexi-vegan.”   

"What was that fuss last week?"

Ffion in that case wonders what all the fuss was about last week;  “I just didn’t want Jinx’s disgusting pâté and I didn’t want to offend him,” is the reply.

“Arwen, I’ve spent loads on vegan food – and now you say you want Garry Monk’s greasy takeaway.   No we can’t!   

"Jackfruit Jambalaya!

“I’m making Jackfruit Jambalaya and it’s not as easy as it sounds.   You can eat this – all of it – and that’s the end of it!”   Arwen storms out of the room in disgust.

Huwi comes in . . . 

At Penrhewl, as Sioned is filing her nails, Huwi comes into the room, 

. . . and Sioned shows off her immaculate nails

and she says that she can paint his nails, if he wants.   

He fancies blue nail varnish . . .

He is keen and chooses blue;  

. . . so Sioned sets to work

she prepares to apply the blue paint.

Gwern is playing a computer game

Arwen has gone over to the Deri flat, where Gwern is playing a computer game, but initially does not notice Garry there.   

"Have you got any money for an MFC?"

She whispers to Gwern to ask for some money to get an MFC, but unfortunately he does not have any.

Garry takes out a phone

Garry takes a phone from his pocket 

So that is what happened to Tyler's phone

and sees that Dani is calling it – so it is obviously Tyler’s;  

"Dad, can we have an MFC?"

“Dad, can we have an MFC?” Gwern asks, 

"You've already had two legs and three wings"

and Garry reminds him that he has just had two chicken legs and three chicken wings.

"Take these flyers round the village"

Then he decides, “All right – take these flyers round the village and you can have a free box – each – and a tenner!”   

"Thanks, Garry"

The two of them spring to attention at this news and Arwen suddenly looks very happy.

Dani is still getting no reply from Tyler's phone

As they leave, Dani is coming in, still attempting to contact Tyler, and Garry wonders why she is looking so stressed.   

"He was supposed to pick up Gabriel"

“I’m stressed because I can’t get hold of Tyler,” she answers, “He was supposed to pick Gabriel up from Elinor’s house, because I’m supposed to pick Seren up from Jinx’s club.”

"Why can't you get both of them?"

“And you can’t get Seren and then Gabriel?” he comments, puzzled, and she explains she has to take Seren to the hairdressers for a trim.   “Why don’t you do it?   You ran the salon,” he suggests.

"Seren has to go to the same salon as her friends"

“I know that, genius, but she wants to go to the same salon as her friends,” says Dani, 

"I'll go and pick him up, Dan"

and Garry volunteers to go and pick up Gabriel, which surprises her.   “He’ll sleep for you because he needs a nap anyway,” she adds, which he regards as a good thing, 

"I've got some important calls to take"

because he has some important calls to take.   

"Important calls – right!"

“Important calls – right!” she says, suspiciously, “See you later.”

DJ looks miserable . . .

DJ is standing, looking miserably into the window of the former salon, which looks as if it could do with a coat of paint, 

. . . and sits forlornly on the bench

then sits down on the bench, very troubled.

Dani hears someone call her name

As Dani comes out of the shop, Kelly calls to her;  

"Has your brother disappeared off the face of the planet, or what?"

“Has your brother disappeared off the face of the planet or what?   Jason said he didn’t turn up for work – 

"Mathew's this close to sacking him"

Mathew’s this close to sacking him, apparently.”

Dani points out that he has been going through a bad patch since Christmas, and she thought that Jason and Mathew might understand that.   

Dani composes a terse text

As she walks off across the road she attempts once more to contact Tyler, 

"Phone me!"

sending him a text, demanding, ‘Phone me!’

Other fast food is available, besides MFC

With their fast food wrappers left in the car, Rhys and Tesni are standing on a beach, looking out across the water, 

"I regret not buying the use machine"

and Tesni regrets not buying the ice machine;  “Think about the strawberry daiquiris I could make – lush ones like in Lapland!”

"I can see you in a cool boutique bar"

Rhys suggests that they would give Mathew brain freeze, and wonders if she has ever thought of opening a real bar – he can really see her in a cool boutique bar.   

A particular song is playing in the car radio

Tesni however seems to be transfixed by something, and he assumes that it is the country music playing on the car radio.

"It was Mam's favourite song"

“It was Mam’s favourite song,” she tells him and he recalls that when his Gran died, he listened to ‘Ar Eich Cais’ [At Your Request] on Radio Cymru every Sunday night for about three years – and even sent a request in on her birthday.

“It made me feel close to her, listening to the things she liked – but perhaps you’re not there yet.”   

"I thought we were supposed to be having a laugh"

Tesni thought that they were supposed to be having a laugh.   

"The next song goes out to Tesni!"

He shouts, “DJ Rhysy Rhys in the house – this next song goes out to Tesni – enjoy it – yeah baby!”

Dani will not have a copy

In the High Street, outside the Antur, Arwen and Gwern are not having much success with handing out the flyers;  Dani already has one and will not accept another, 

"Cheap chicken in cheap grease!"

and Eileen’s reaction is, “Cheap chicken in cheap grease – not for me, thanks, love.”

Then she remarks to Dani that those two are always in each other’s pockets;  

"Cute, isn't it?"

Dani agrees, “Cute, isn’t it?   They do everything together – although I don’t think she likes football as much as Gwern.   That new Cae Glas chutney is nice – the rhubarb one.”   

"That chutney is very popular"

Eileen replies that it is very popular and she might do a new batch every season.   Dani assures her that she will buy some, emphasising that local businesses should stick together.

Kelly collides with Jinx

Kelly hurries into the Antur, bumping into Jinx who is coming out to inform them that the children are getting changed;  “We did some dressing up towards the end – 

"Huw didn't want the session to end"

“and Huwi didn’t want the session to end.”

"Every child likes dressing up"

Eileen is visibly worried, commenting that every child likes dressing up;  

"Some more than others"

“Some more than others,” Kelly tartly adds, and Eileen quickly goes in through the door, followed by Dani.

"Was it something I said?"
“Was it something I said?” asks Jinx, 

"Did you put nail varnish on Huwi?"

then Eileen reappears, demanding whether Jinx put the nail varnish on Huwi.

He denies this, but she snarls, “What’s the matter with you?”

Dani is surprised when she returns

When Dani returns to the Deri flat, Garry is reading to Gabriel;  

Garry was reading to Gabriel

“And the little one said, ‘But, Dadi, what if I’m a hedgehog who’s afraid of the night?’”   Dani stands in the doorway and watches, as he continues, “And the Dadi hedgehog answered, ‘You don’t have to be afraid, because you’ll be with me every step of the way.   

"Now it's time to start our adventure"

Now, come on, it’s time for us to start our adventure – and I’ll be here, keeping an eye on you’.”

Gabriel has certainly taken to Garry

Gabriel appears to be entranced by this 

"Has Tyler come back?"

and Dani is very pleased to see them bonding so well;  she asks if Tyler has returned, and Garry does not think so, informing her that he has moved his calls, 

Garry turns the phone to silent

while setting the phone to silent, as Dani is dialling the number again.

“We’re one family, aren’t we?” says Garry, as Gabriel is quite absorbed in one of the toys.

DJ brings in another young oak tree

DJ arrives at Penrhewl with another oak sapling in a pot, and Sioned wonders why;  he replies, “It’s for you – I thought we could put it by the baby’s tree – 

"In memory of your other baby"

“in memory of your other baby.”   

She wonders how he found out

She cannot believe what she is hearing.

Garry arrives in the rain . . .

Garry arrives outside some lock-up buildings, as the rain is pouring down, receives another message on the phone, 

. . . destroys Tyler's phone . . .

which he drops to the ground and stamps upon.   

. . . and goes inside

Then he lets himself in and we see that the white van is parked inside.

"Garry – let me out!"

He bangs on the door, and Tyler, incarcerated there, shouts, “Garry – I know it’s you!   Let me out, will you?   Garry, please!   I’m sorry – I’m sorry!   Please listen to me!   I’m sorry – do you hear me?   

"I'll do anything – just let me out!"

“I’ll do anything!   Just let me out of here!”   

Garry waits . . .

Garry stands, listening impassionately, 

. . . then opens the van doors
but eventually he opens the van doors and drags Tyler out, putting him on the floor;  

"Off you go – to the police"
“Go on, then – off you go.   Go to the police – that’s what you wanted to do, isn’t it?”   

"I was looking out for my sister"

Tyler replies that he was looking out for his sister, 

"Dani knows everything"

and Garry demands, “Why?   Dani knows everything.”

"What do you want from me?"

Tyler wonders what Garry wants from him, 

"Come and work for me"

and is told, “Come and work for me.”   

"You're joking?"

Tyler laughs at the mere suggestion, but Garry is quite serious;  “A couple of jobs, a couple of shifts at MFC, perhaps.”

“I’m working at APD,” is the angry response, and Garry warns that everyone in Cwmderi knows what he does at APD, which he describes as rather degrading.

"Pathetic little videos"

“You’d make more in a week with me that you would in a month, making those pathetic little videos.   I’m not holding a gun to your head – you’re either with me, or you’re against me.   I want an answer by tonight.”   

All of a sudden, the sun comes out

All this time the rain can be heard pounding on the roof, but as Garry walks out of the door, the sun appears to be shining.

"You should have told me, Sioned"

“I’m so sorry,” says DJ, “I didn’t know you’d lost a baby before – you should have told me.”

"It's nothing to do with you!"

She rather angrily replies that it is nothing to do with him;  “And do you think it’s your place to go out and buy that for me?”   

He merely thought that it would be a way of remembering, 

"Mam shouldn't have told you"

but she continues, “It’s not your place to take this from me – and Mam shouldn’t have told you!”

"Garry told me"

He reveals that he was told by Garry and was just trying to help, as they are going through this together;  

"You'll never understand how I feel!"

“But you don’t understand, do you?   You’ll never understand how I feel.”

"Because you won't talk to me!"

He shouts, “Because you won’t talk to me!”

She rages, I’m ashamed – all right?   I’m ashamed – are you happy now?”    

DJ hugs her

DJ hugs her, 

"Why can't I keep them safe?"

and she continues to wonder, “Why can’t I keep them safe?”

"If you ever want to talk, Tes"

As they stand on the beach, with a white house visible in the distant woods, [actually Cold Knap Beach, Barry] Rhys says, “Honestly, Tes, I know we like having a laugh together, but remember I’m here if you ever want to talk – and not a word to anyone about ‘At Your Request’.   

"Which song did you choose?"

She asks which song he requested, and he replies, “Trebor Edwards, ‘One Day at a Time’,” 

He shows off his singing voice 

and treats her to a spirited rendering of part of that song.

"Why do I find that weirdly sexy?"

Tesni gasps, “Why do I find that weirdly sexy?” and he imagines that it is because old men are her type – 

The inevitable kiss . . .

and they kiss 

. . . on the deserted beach

on the deserted beach.

"I thought it was Karma"

DJ and Sioned sit side by side in the farm kitchen, and she says, “I thought it was Karma, because Garry and I had an affair.”

"No-one deserves that"

“No-one deserves that, no matter what they’ve done,” DJ tells her, and she insists that she did try to look after their baby.   He is very much aware of that and assures her that no-one blames her for what happened.

"We need to talk more, Sioned"

“But if we’re going to get through this, we need to talk more – there’s no reason or explanation for what has happened – it’s just one of those cruel things.”   

"Why do I feel so guilty?"

Sioned demands why she feels so guilty, and he does not know the answer to that.   

"There's nothing we can do about it"

He simply feels angry that she is feeling like that, but there is nothing that the two of them can do about it

He is determined he wants to have a family with her

He goes on, “But I have realised one thing – how much I want to have a family with you.   Not now – only when you’re ready – 

"I'm going to look after you – if you'll come home"

“but until then, I’m going to look after you, at home at Deri Fawr – if you’ll come home.”

Sioned tries to smile

Sioned nods her head and tries to force a weak smile 

"You're the only thing that's important"

as he goes on, “I’m not always going to say or do the right things – but please remember that you’re the only thing that’s important to me.   

"You're going to be a fantastic mother"

“And you’re going to be a fantastic mother.”   Sioned puts her head on his shoulder, and he kisses her.

Garry comes round the corner . . .

Garry comes round the corner by the chip shop flat and, as he puts some litter in the newly installed bin, 

. . . and discovers his flyers in the bin . . .

he notices in there the pile of flyers which Arwen and Gwern was supposed to be distributing;  

. . . which does not please him

he looks very disapproving.

Tyler makes up a story

Tyler has somehow made his way back to the Deri flat, where he is being harangued by Dani;  “Why didn’t you answer?”   He manufactures a tale that he met a friend whom he has not seen for years.   

"So it doesn't matter about Gabriel, then?"

“Oh, it doesn’t matter about Gabriel, then?” she snarls.

"Are you and Garry . . ?"

He casually enquires, “Are you and Garry . . ?”   

"We're good"

Dani answers that they are good, and he realises that his sister really loves Garry.   

"I know this is difficult for you"

“I know this is difficult for you, Tyler, but, yes, I do love him.   We understand each other and we’re meant to be together – 

"If you can't accept that . . ."

“if you can’t accept that, there’s no point in us being in each other’s lives.”

He knows exactly what she means . . .

Tyler gets the message loud and clear, picks up his belongings 

. . . so makes his exit

and leaves the flat withot another word.

Garry has a bone to pick with Arwen 

Garry pays a visit to Cysgod y Glyn, and would like to see Arwen;  

"Why – what has she done?"

“Why – what has she done?” sighs Ffion.

“I found these, after I asked Arwen and Gwern to distribute them, in the bin.   I gave them a tenner as well – I want it back – and she can pay for the MFC she had.”   

Although Ffion insists that she ate in the flat, 

"I know where you live"

he threateningly informs her, “I’ll get the money tomorrow – I know where you live!”


As soon as he has gone, Ffion calls for Arwen, but there is no reply.

Tyler kicks aside an MFC box

Tyler walks along the road, kicking aside a discarded MFC box, 

Garry approaches . . .

as Garry approaches;  

. . . as does Tyler

they look at each other suspiciously.

Showdown at Cwmderi High Street

Well?” says Garry, 

"All right, I'll do it"

and Tyler agrees that he will do it.   “Wise decision,” he is told, 

Garry goes into his shop

and Garry goes into MFC smiling happily as Tyler walks away. 

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