28 September 2023

26 September 2023

"Don't you answer the door these days?"

Gaynor comes downstairs and picks up the post, which includes a card to say that a parcel could not be delivered.
  She reprimands Cheryl, “Hey, don’t you answer the door these days?” 

"I was out the back"

but she replies that she was out the back and did not hear.

"I'll pick it up tomorrow"

She will pick it up tomorrow and Gaynor wonders why she cannot do it today;  “It says to wait 24 hours,” Cheryl snaps, and Gaynor comes to the conclusion that something is wrong.

"You haven't left the house for days"

“You haven’t left the house for days – is everything all right?”   

"It's Mark . . ."

Cheryl indicates that it is Mark, and that they . . .   

"Oh, you and Mark?"

“Oh, you and Mark?” says Gaynor, and it is stressed that they did not do anything – but almost did.

“No wonder you don’t want to show your face!” Gaynor laughs, “Don’t hide in here just because you’re ashamed – 

"Come with me to the village . . ."

“I’m going to the village – come with me!   We need some things, so you can go to the shop while I go to the pharmacy.”   

". . . it will do you good"

She will not accept any excuses, arguing that it will do her good;  

Cheryl is reluctant

Cheryl does not seem to agree.

Maya is testing her Welsh . . .

Maya is looking at a Welsh language app on her phone and discovers that she has scored only four out of ten, which disappoints her.   

. . . and asks what 'Hen Dro' means

She asks Delyth, “What does ‘hen dro’ mean?”   The answer is that it literally means ‘old turn’, 

"Something like 'what a shame'"

but it is used as ‘what a shame’ or ‘what a pity’.   

"That doesn't make sense"

“That doesn’t make sense,” Maya groans.

"There's lot more that makes even less sense"

“There’s a lot more that makes even less sense,” Delyth goes on, “Like ‘bwrw hen wragedd a ffyn’.”   [Literally ‘cast old women and sticks’?   Apparently a term for ‘heavy rain’, like ‘cats and dogs’.]   She is anxious to help Maya, 

"Right, I'm late for work"

who gives the excuse that she is late for work.

Jason is talking paint to some customers

At APD, Jason is advising a couple of customers about paint;  “You can have any colour you like in matt or gloss – we can mix it up, no problem.”   

Howard comes in

Then he sees Howard coming in through the door;  “I wasn’t expecting to see you,” he growls, “But we have things to discuss.   

"I was angry and not thinking straight"

“About what we were discussing last night – I’d had a couple and I was angry and not thinking straight.”

"We can't talk now"

Howard insists that they cannot talk now, 

"There's nothing to talk about, Howard"

and Jason maintains that there is nothing to talk about;  

"One o'clock at Deri Fawr!"

“One o’clock at Deri Fawr!” Howard tells him, “And don’t be late!”

Mark has a parcel for Geraint

Mark is knocking at the door of number 12, to deliver a parcel to Geraint, 

Cheryl comes out of the shop

just as Cheryl emerges from the shop.   

He shouts . . .

She does not notice Mark until he calls to her, 

. . . and she makes a hasty retreat

then she hurries away.   

Mark has to wait for a signature

By the time he has obtained a signature for the parcel, she has disappeared from view.

In the pharmacy, Maya is speaking to an unknown man;  “If we do run out, I keep spare stock in the back room.”

"I see you've got new staff"

Gaynor enters and wonders who the man is;  “I see you’ve got new staff,” but Maya has not had the chance to go through the job applications yet 

"No – Douglas is a pharmacist"

and adds that Douglas is a pharmacist who will be looking after the place any time she is away.

"We might be working together"

Gaynor greets Douglas;  “We might be working together,” she says.   Maya will let her know as soon as possible the result of her application.   

"Are you going away?"

Gaynor produces a prescription and assumes that Maya is going away.

"I thought 'away' was 'bant'!"

This creates further confusion for Maya;  “‘Ffwrdd’ is ‘away’?   I thought away was ‘bant’.”   It is explained that Delyth is teaching her South Walian Welsh.

"I'll teach you proper Welsh"

“You stick with me and I will teach you proper Welsh, OK?” declares Gaynor.   

Maya needs some fresh air . . .

Maya asks Douglas to process the prescription for her, as she needs some air and dashes out.   

 . . .and Gaynor wonders what she said wrong

Gaynor looks concerned at this.

Kelly is obviously going somewhere

Bryntirion, Jason is surprised to see Kelly carrying a bag, as he had just popped home for a sandwich;  “Do you know what?   You don’t need a sandwich – cos I’ve booked us a spa afternoon with nibbles and champagne,” she announces, 

"We're leaving in twenty minutes"

“So put everything back in the fridge – we’re leaving in twenty minutes.”

"I can't just drop everything, Kelly . . ."

He protests that he cannot just drop everything and go out for the afternoon;  

". . . I'm busy with this hotel in Llanelli"

“I’m busy with this hotel in Llanelli – there are builders in, but I have to keep an eye on things.”   Kelly advises that she said they would be there at one o’clock, but Jason answers that he is pretty sure that Mathew under-quoted for the job.

"Well, tell Mathew to sort it out, then!"

She tells him, “Well, get Mathew to sort it out, then!”   He is very sorry but he has to do this and she complains, “I’ve taken the afternoon off – I’ve booked everything.”

"You should have checked with me first"

Jason suggests that she should have checked with him first, so she replies that it was a surprise;  “Doing something nice for you after the stress of the last few weeks.”   

"Look, you go and enjoy it"

He instructs her to go and enjoy it, 

"It's a couples' retreat"

but she explains, “It’s a couples’ retreat!”   Jason imagines that she will have two of everything, 

"Love you, Jase"

in that case and she leaves, disappointed.

Maya is depressed

When Gaynor arrives in the Deri, Maya is sitting alone and looking depressed.   

"Sorry for walking out like that"

She comes across and apologises for walking out like that;  

"I hope it was nothing I said"

Gaynor hopes that she did not say anything to upset her.   

"It was just me, being silly"

“No it was just me, being silly,” and she welcomes the chance to talk;  she would like coffee 

"Two coffees, please"

and so two coffees are ordered from Geraint, who is now on duty.

Mark knocks on the door . . .

Cheryl is now back in the relative safety of Maes-y-Deri, when Mark knocks on the door;  

. . . so Cheryl pretends not to be there

she tries to give the impression that the house is empty, but he peers through the window and spots her, 

"Just coming now, Mark"

so she has little alternative but to let him in.

"Why didn't you answer the phone?"

Jason has gone to Deri Fawr ;  “Why didn’t you answer the phone?   I was trying to get hold of you,” he snarls at Howard, 

"Want a cup of tea?"

who simply offers him a cup of tea.   “No, I’m not staying, Howard!” he insists, 

"I'm here to discuss the bill, that's all"

“I’m here to discuss the bill, that’s all.”

"I'm struggling as much as anyone"

Howard appreciates that money is tight, “And I’m struggling as much as anyone – unlike him, who has landed on his feet undeservedly without even trying!”   

"You're talking about Jinx now?"

Jason deduces that he is talking about Jinx.

“Who else has everything on a plate while the rest of us struggle?” Howard continues, “The Pizza business, a girlfriend, a new house – 

"No wonder Gwern wanted to set fire to the house"

“no wonder Gwern wanted to set fire to that house – and I think you would be happy if he’d succeeded!”

“Whoa – what are you talking about?   Of course not,” Jason rages, “Kelly was in that house!”   Howard demands how he would feel if she had not been there.   

"I don't want anyone to kill Jinx"

Jason makes it crystal clear, “Listen to me – I don’t want anyone to kill Jinx, or burn his house down, all right?”

"You said you wanted to teach him a lesson"

“Jason, said you wanted me to teach him a lesson – don’t you want to see him suffer after what he did to you?   What if I paid off my debt to you by doing just that?” demands Howard.

"I just feel so frustrated"

As they sit in the Deri, Maya reveals, “I just feel so frustrated – it feels like I take one step forward and two steps back I forget things – and every time I get a bit of confidence, I find that there’s something new to learn, like mutations – and Gog!” [different words in north Wales]

"Don't be so hard on yourself"

Gaynor advises her not to be so hard on herself;  “It’s difficult – ‘anodd’,” 

"Delyth just laughs at me"

but Maya feels that no-one appreciates that, not even Delyth, who simply laughs when she gets things wrong.

“I just want to crawl under a rock,” she moans, 

"No-one's going to die, are they?"

but Gaynor points out that no one is going to die, just because she has used the wrong Welsh word.   

"Unless it's on a prescription"

“Unless its on a prescription,” Maya groans.

She is told to stop putting so much pressure on herself;  “I was a teacher long enough and I’ve seen what happens when people get too serious and too critical – 

"You have to inject a bit of fun into it"

“you have to inject a bit of fun into things, you know, some ‘hwyl’,” which Maya believes is similar to ‘sbort’.

"How about something stronger than coffee?"

Gaynor has an idea and Maya will go and get something stronger than coffee.

"I know you'd never usually consider this . . ."

Howard is still going on, trying to persuade Jason, “I know you’d never usually consider something like this, 

". . . but you've been hurt a lot by this guy"

“but you’ve been hurt a lot – all by the same guy.”   Jason maintains that he has dealt with it.   

"Up all night, imagining those two together"

“Is that why you’re here now?   You obviously haven’t dealt with it – up all night, imagining those two together.”

"Right then, I'm going to leave now"

Jason smiles and says, “Right, then, I’m going to leave now, Howard.”   

"Everyone has see the videos"

He is reminded that everyone has seen the videos on Tik-Tok, 

"You need to drop this"

but points out, “You need to drop this now as well!”

"I'm just trying to help"

Howard insists that he is trying to help Jason but is told, “I don’t need your help, thanks.”   He is warned that he will be looking over his shoulder 

"That's my choice, isn't it?"

and answers, “That’s my choice, isn’t it?   I don’t need your help – and I certainly don’t need to get revenge on anyone, thanks!”

This is not going financially the way Howard wanted

Howard is very anxious to get his APD bill written off, pointing out that it would help him a lot to clear the debt.   Jason is about to leave, 

"The end of the week –OK?"

and stipulates, “The end of the week – I want you to pay that bill in full by the end of the week, OK?   I don’t care how you do it – bank transfer, a cheque in the post – but I want that money in APD’s account by the end of the week.”

"I don't have it!"

When Howard replies that he does not have it, he is told, “Then find it. Howard!   The end of the week!” and with that, Jason leaves Deri Fawr.

Cheryl brings the tea

Cheryl brings two mugs of tea;  “Listen, Cheryl,” Mark hesitantly begins, 

"I'm really sorry if I've been too much"

“I’m really sorry if I’ve been too much – knocking on your door, shouting at you in the street.   I’ve just been really worried.”

"It's not fair that I've been avoiding you"

She says that it is not fair that she has been ignoring him, 

"I should never have tried to kiss you"]

but he realises that he should never have tried to kiss her and is sorry.   

"You're not the problem"

“Don’t apologise, Mark – you’re not the problem.   It’s not you personally that made me feel uncomfortable – I would have responded the same with anyone.”

"You're just trying to make me feel better"

He thinks that she is just trying to make him feel better, but she denies this;  “I’m not ready for something like that – I’m still working through some things.   Just things that happened to me, things I did back in Wrexham – 

"I've got some dark things in my past"

“I’ve got some dark things in my past, Mark – things that have left their mark on me – but I’m not ready to talk about them, not yet.   

Trust me, that's the truth"[

“But, trust me, that’s the truth.”

Kelly can relieve my stress any time

At Bryntirion, Kelly is massaging Jason;  “You’ve got loads of tension in your shoulders, man,” she comments, 

"Have you been working extra hard?'

“I’m not going to be able to get all these knots out – have you been working extra hard on this hotel?”

He agrees that it is probably stress and he did sort out the quote, confirming that Mathew had made a mistake, but is sure, “We’ll sort that out, like we sort everything.”

"Are you sure that's the only thing?"

She is convinced that there is something else;  “Are you sure that’s the only thing stressing you out?”   

"A lot has happened recently"

He replies that a lot has happened recently, and things are getting better, but all this work is on his mind.

"Is the massaging over, then?"

He enquires if all this massaging is over and Kelly shakes her head.

Cheryl finds the red card

As Mark is about to leave, Cheryl finds the red card and he says that he took it back to the depot, pointing out that she should have opened the door.   

"As long as you promise to open the door"

“I’ll bring it tomorrow, as long as you promise to open the door.”   

"There will be coffee and a Hobnob"

She assures him that there will be a coffee and Hobnob waiting for him.

"Cheryl, if you ever need to talk . . ."

Just before he goes, he adds, “Cheryl, if you ever need to talk – and I’m not saying that you have to, all right?   I’ll never raise it if you don’t bring it up – but I’m here for you if you need me.”   

"See you, Mark"

She appreciates this.

Jason comes downstairs

Jason comes downstairs 

"How are the tense, manly shoulders?"

and Kelly asks him, “How are the tense, manly shoulders?”   He reports that they are like new and that she can do that every day from now on if she wants to, but she warns him not to push it.

"Who is 'H', then?"

A message arrives on his phone and Kelly can see that it is from someone with the initial ‘H’.   

"Just an APD customer"

He says that it is an APD customer, for whom they are doing some work 

"Right, I'll peel the potatoes"

and now he will start cooking the dinner by peeling the potatoes.   

"There is something he's not telling me"

She suspects that there is more going on than he is revealing.

Maya knows this one

Gaynor is trying some flashcards bearing Welsh words, such as ‘cacen[cake] and ‘moron[carrot]

"Moron – eh?"

which Maya regards as rather strange.   

Carrot cake

Delyth comes in and is surprised to see Maya laughing.

"Why did I have to help that lovely locum?"

“Tell me, why did I have to help that lovely locum from Carmarthen lock up the pharmacy?” Delyth asks, 

"Oh, I totally forgot!"

and Maya had totally forgotten the time.   

"Make the most of him while he's here"

Gaynor advises her to make the most of him while he is there.   Maya will go and order another bottle of wine for the three of them 

"I'll visit the ty bach at then same time"

and will visit the ‘ty bach[toilet] at the same time.

"I haven't seen her laugh like that for a while"

“I haven’t seen her laugh like that for a while,” Delyth comments, 

"I thought she needed charting up"

and Gaynor just thought that she needed cheering up.   

"I thought there was something wrong this morning"

“I thought there was something wrong this morning, Delyth adds, but Gaynor says that she is just being hard on herself with the learning, thinking she has hit a wall.

"I tried to introduce some fun"

“As a former headteacher, I can see how difficult it is for her, so I just tried to introduce some fun into the process.”

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