04 December 2022

30 November 2022 (2nd)

"Biggest scoop since Tryweryn!"

Kelly is speaking on the phone to her boss;  “Exactly – I mean, this is going to be the biggest scoop since Tryweryn!”   She answers the door to Eifion, as she continues, “Perhaps not Tryweryn, but you know what I mean – I have to go, my informant’s arrived.”


Eifion is confused at being called her ‘informant’, and she maintains that it sounds more impressive than ‘friend’.   She invites him to sit down and will bring him a coffee;  

"What's this big story, then?"

he wants to know what this ‘big story’ is.

"I want the lowdown on Howard – so spill!"

“I want the lowdown on Howard – I’m writing an article exposing the dog-fighting scene and Iolo said you’ve got the info, so spill!”   

He does not want to do this

He does not look at all comfortable about discussing this.

Garry comes into the Deri . . .

As Garry walks into the Deri, Dani is sitting in front of the laptop, 

. . . where Dani is very stressed

shouting, “Come on!   It’s taken me three hours to write one page – the deadline’s coming up – I have to go Christmas shopping, make the costume for Seren – 

"You're here again – why?"

“and now you’re here again!   Why?” 

"I offered to look after the children, Dan"

He replies that he has offered to look after the children, but now she insists that she does not need help;  

"I'll just have to drop out of the course"

“You know what?   I’ll just have to drop out of this course.”

"Buy an essay off the internet"

He sits down opposite her and suggests, “If you’re really having problems with this essay, there is an answer.”   She is eager to learn what it is, and he goes on, “Buy one off the Internet.”

"Do you have any more fantastic ideas?"

“For a criminology course?” she demands, “Do you have any more fantastic ideas?” then she receives a text message from Gwyneth.   “She’s moaning that Gwern still doesn’t want to see her – or you, either.” 

"If he doesn't want to see her, leave him alone"

Garry cannot believe that a Monk is being bullied;  “If he doesn’t want to see his mother, leave him alone.”   

"That would suit you, wouldn't it?"

Dani thinks that would suit Garry, and proposes her solution to the problem, 

"Why don't you go back to Newcastle?"

that he should go back to Newcastle, 

Garry is amused

which makes him smile.

Esther is not happy

Esther has just been brought home from school and sits down on the sofa;   Gaynor asks if she had fun at school, and she glumly replies that she did.   

"Oh, you've got a new bobble"

“Oh, you’ve got a new bobble,” Gaynor notices, “Who gave you that?”

Esther replies that it was Mrs Price;  “She said I have to tie my hair back – I don’t know why.   

"Can I watch TV?"

“Can I watch TV before dinner?”   

Gaynor agrees that she can, and then immediately picks up her phone, but is unable to contact someone and complains, “Why are there so many unreliable people in this world?”   

"Your father is outside, painting the shed"

She decides to go out, telling Esther that her father is outside, painting the shed, if she needs anything.

"Iolo had no right to tell you that"

At Bryntirion, Eifion is adamant that Iolo had no right to tell Kelly, but she points out that he was trying to help.   “How – by reopening old wounds?”   

"Don't you want these people to be punished?"

Kelly wonders whether he wants these people to be punished, but he explains that things are not that simple.

"Tegwen is Howard's sister"

“Tegwen is Howard’s sister – please don’t tell anyone – I promised Mathew.”   This comes as a great surprise to Kelly, who realises that he does not want Howard to be exposed, as it would upset his cousin’s ex.

"I decided it wasn't worth it"

“No, look – I wanted revenge on Howard, but decided it wasn’t worth it!” says Eifion.   

"You're going to let him get away with it, scot-free?"

Kelly is amazed that he is going to let Howard get away with it – scot-free.   Eifion answers, “If you stop dog-fighting in one place, they’ll just move – these fights take place all the time – there’s one tonight.”

"Oh yeah – where exactly?"

This piques Kelly’s attention;  “Where exactly?”   He urges her to drop the matter, as those people are dangerous, 

He walks out of the house

then gets up and walks out of the house.   Kelly picks up her phone.

"Dropping out of the course?"

Dani is preparing a meal in the Deri flat, when Gaynor comes in;  “Sorry to disturb you – I won’t be long.   What’s this about you dropping out of the course?   You’re not serious?   

"After all the help – as well as the money"

“After all the support I’ve given you – as well as the money.”

"I don't have the head-space"

Dani appreciates that and apologises;  “It’s just with everything – and the children, I don’t have the head-space to study.”

"What about Izzy?"

Gaynor is most aggrieved;  “What about Izzy – this was all supposed to be in her memory?”   

"I can't see any other way, Gaynor"

Dani feels awful about it but cannot see any other way.   

"I'll write it for you"

“OK, why don’t you let me do some of the research for you – or even write the essay?” is Gaynor’s next suggestion, which is flatly refused.   “Just this time – after Christmas, when things are quieter, you could restart the course, and no one would be any the wiser – I’m sure it will be worth it in the end.”   

Is Dani's resistance crumbling?

Dani is perhaps being persuaded.

We used to see a lot of that in the salon

Downstairs, Garry is drinking coffee at the bar and notices that Dani has left her pen, with the pink, fluffy end, on the table where she was working.   He picks it up, recalling that it used to be a familiar sight in the salon.

Gwern scored the winning goal

Gwern comes in, excitedly reporting that they won the game 2-1 and he scored the last goal.   Garry congratulates him;  

"Top scorer right here!"

“You obviously take after your father – you remember I told you about the Newcastle Homes first XI – top scorer right here!”

"What was it like, being in a children's home?"

Gwern asks what it was like being in a children’s home, 

"It was all right"

and Garry replies, “It was all right – I had Britt and Brandon, so I wasn’t alone – why are you asking now?”   

"I'm just trying to understand you"

Gwern says that he is just trying to understand his father, and Garry admits, “I haven’t been easy to understand – and I’m sorry if you’ve suffered as a result.”

Dani watches this parental bonding 

Dani has just come downstairs and is watching this reunion, as Garry adds, “I don’t say this often enough – but I love you – and I’m proud of you.   Your mother’s proud of you as well.   

"If you could give us a second chance . . ."

“I know that we don’t deserve it, but if you could give us a second chance, that would make us very happy.   Just think about it, at least.”

"Man of the Match here"

Dani comes in, and Garry announces, “Man of the Match here.   I think your Mam would be pleased to hear the news – so, send her a text?”   

He hands Dani the pen

He hands back the pen to Dani, and she looks at him as he leaves.

"I've got an inspection"

Iolo is walking through the alley when he meets Ffion, with some bars of chocolate;  “I’ve got an inspection,” she informs him, and at that moment Garry joins them.

"Your daughter's bullying Gwern"

“What are you going to do about your daughter bullying Gwern?” he demands.   Iolo intends to continue on his way, 

"She's your relation as well"

but Garry points out that Arwen is also his relation.   Ffion has no idea what he is talking about, so he rather belligerently continues, “Don’t play games with me – 

"That's why Gwern ran away"

“Gwern ran away because Arwen is bullying him.”

Ffion points out that they are friends, and Garry growls, “Are you calling my son a liar?   I expect Arwen to be punished officially.”   

There will have to be an investigation"

She reminds him that there will have to be an investigation, so he tells her to get it done quickly.   

"Or I'll have to tell the governors"

“Or I’ll have to tell the governors you’re ignoring bullying.”

"Just what I needed!"

“Just what I needed!” Ffion sighs, as she continues towards home.

"We've booked a table at the new burger place"

In the Deri, Colin is talking to Eifion about the new burger place where he has booked a table for Britt and himself before going to the pictures tomorrow.   “Guaranteed she’ll want to watch a horror flick!   But you know what they say – happy wife, happy life.”

"Pint of cider, if you're offering"

Iolo comes in and orders a pint, also treating Colin to a pint of cider.   Eifion refuses the offer, moaning, “Why did you go behind my back?   

"Kelly wants to do a story about Howard"

“This Howard business – Kelly wants to do a story about it.   What did you expect?” 

He storms out of the Deri

and with that he storms out of the pub.

The dog-fight will soon begin . . .

The scene shifts to a dark and gloomy place, where several men with their dogs are heading towards the location of the latest dogfight.   

. . . and Kelly is doing her investigative journalism

Hiding behind one of the cars we see Kelly, and when the coast is clear, she also goes towards the door.   

She captures photographs evidence . . .

She is recording the scenes on her phone, 

. . . as the excitement mounts

as the sounds of shouting and barking can be heard.

Then she spots Howard

In the headlights of an approaching van, Howard can be seen, 


and Kelly triumphantly snarls, “Gotcha!”

Garry seems to be ignoring Britt 

As Garry sits in the Deri, looking at his phone, Britt tells him, “You’re lucky that Gwern’s talking to you at all.   Between you and Gwyneth, it’s a surprise he has turned out so well.   

"Life has been a lot easier without you"

“I know I didn’t want you to go away, but I must admit life has been a lot easier without you.”

"Are you going to say something nice before I go?"

He smiles at something on his phone and says, “Right – are you going to say something nice before I go?”    Britt goes on that she is glad that he has come back for a while, but she just does not want him making things worse while he is there.

He is on his way to the door

He is about to leave the Deri when Dani comes in;  

"I've got a meal to cook"

“I’m on my way out – I’ve got a meal to cook,” he says, 

"You – cooking?"

which rather surprises her.   “Yeah, I’ve got quite a repertoire now.   You can tell me what you think – I’ve asked Elinor to babysit the children.”   

"What if I don't want to come?"

She wonders what happens if she does not agree to this;  “A night off – no cooking – no children?   

"It's up to you, of course"

“Come over in an hour – or not.   It’s up to you, of course.”   

Britt looks at Dani

Britt looks suspiciously at Dani.

Kelly stays out of sight . . .

Kelly continues her reconnaissance, creeping out from behind a car when she sees that the coast is clear, and approaches the high corrugated iron fence, 

. . . then approaches the tall fence

but she is not tall enough.   She finds a convenient box on which to stand, 

On a box, she can just see over the top

and as the snarling of dogs grows louder, she manages to peer over the fence.

A figure comes towards her

A hooded figure approaches;  

"Isn't this a surprise?"

“Well, well, isn’t this a surprise?” says Howard.

"Problem, boss?"

The two ‘heavies’ who follow him out of the door ask, “Problem, boss?” and Howard replies that he can sort it.   

The dog barks menacingly

The dog which accompanies them barks viciously at Kelly.

"Boss?   You're running this place!"

“Boss?” she says, “You’re running this place!” 

Kelly is unable to break free

and she tries to force her way past him, but he easily prevents that.   She screams at him to let her go.

“So you can phone the police?” he sneers, and she insists that he will not get away with this.   

"I think you're the one who won't get away from here!"

“No, I think you’re the one who won’t get away from here,” he warns her.   

"Is this the end for Kelly?"

Kelly is terrified.

At Llwyncelyn, Hywel thinks that Gaynor is overreacting, 

"I don't want her in a school that stifles her"

but she stresses, “The school has to realise that hair isn’t just hair to Esther, but her identity – I don’t want her to be in a school that stifles that.”   He points out that she does not know exactly what happened.

"Can I have a hot chocolate?"

Esther comes in, asking for a hot chocolate;  Hywel agrees to this and goes to prepare it.   Meanwhile, Gaynor asks exactly what Mrs Price said about Esther’s hair.   

"We can talk about that tomorrow"

Hywel protests that they can talk about it tomorrow.

"If you won't tell me, I'll have to ask Mrs Price"

“If you won’t tell me, love, I’ll have to ask Mrs Price,” Gaynor threatens, but Esther forbids this and admits that she tied her hair back.

"I don't like my hair – I'm going to cut it all off!"

“I don’t like my hair – it’s not lovely – next time I go to the hairdresser, I’m going to cut it all off!” she stresses, 

Hywel is concerned

and returns upstairs without her hot chocolate.

"I know what you're trying to do, Garry"

As they finish their meal in the chip shop flat, Dani knows what Garry is trying to do;  

"Am I that predictable?"

he smiles, “Am I that predictable?”   She refers to the food, persuading Gwern to talk to Gwyneth, 

"It's not going to work"

and warns him that it is not going to work.

"We're meant  to be together, Dan"

He maintains, “We’re meant to be together – don’t you think that any more?”   Dani does not know the answer to that and he adds, “I don’t want to lose you, Dan, not again.   I’ve lost too many people in my life.   Since I heard about the fire, I’ve been thinking a lot about Brandon.”

Dani agrees that she has been doing that too.   

"Remember that pub in Newcastle?"

“Remember that pub we used to go to in Newcastle, that looked out over the river?” he goes on, 

"Where you and Brandon had your first drinks?"

and she recalls that was where he and Brandon had their first drinks.   

"We had lots of good nights there"

He has been there a lot recently, trying to feel close to him;  “And you – we had lots of good nights there.”

Dani tells him to stop, but he will not;  “I love you.”   

"What more do you want me to do?"

She has heard this all before, and he demands, “What do you want, Dan?   What more do you want me to do?”

Dani reels off quite a list

Her answer is comprehensive;  “You need to sort yourself out – you need to be a better father – find somewhere that’s a bit more homely.   Find a job, instead of hanging around the Deri all the time.   You need to change – but the thing is, Gar, you have to want to change.”   

"Thank you for the food – it was lovely"

She thanks him for the food, which was lovely, 

Garry has not succeeded – this time

and leaves the flat.

Howard is getting rough

Kelly is manhandled by Howard;  “I’ve got a soft spot for blondes – if you had kept your nose out of things, we could have had some fun.   Perhaps it’s not too late, after all.”   

"Are you playing hard to get?"

As he grabs her by the throat he asks, “Are you playing hard to get?   I like a woman who doesn’t put it on a plate for me!   I won’t say a word to that builder you call a boyfriend.”

PC Lesley Thomas to the rescue!

In the nick of time he hears a shout, “Hey, don’t you dare!” which comes from PC Lesley Thomas, who is running towards them.   Howard releases his grip on Kelly and hastens away as fast as he can.   

Police reinforcements arrive

A police car speeds towards them as the PC advises that the suspect is escaping on foot.   She assures Kelly that help is on the way.

A cheap evening out tomorrow

As Britt and Colin sit on the sofa, under the duvet, she says that she is looking forward to tomorrow night.   “It’s a good deal a burger and a soft drink for £8 before 6:00pm,” he says, 

"Snogging like teenagers in the cinema"

and she anticipates they will snog like teenagers in the cinema.   But then their evening is interrupted by a knock at the door;  

Garry pays a visit

Colin goes to open it and discovers that it is Garry.

“I thought you were entertaining Dani,” says Britt, 

"I want you to sell the chip shop back to me"

but he is only interested in demanding that she sell the chip shop back to him.   “How will you run the chip shop from Newcastle?” she asks, 

"I'm not going back to Newcastle"

but he replies that he is not going back to Newcastle.   

"What about Aaron?"

“What about Aaron?” she wants to know.

“Aaron will be fine – and anyway, you’re his mother,” Garry insists.   She wonders what that is supposed to mean.   

"It will be £10,000 less because of the loan"

“The price will be £10,000 less, because of the loan you got!” he says as he walks out of the house.

"I don't want to sell the chip shop, Col"

Britt protests to Colin that she does not want to sell the chip shop, 

"It would solve all our financial problems"

but he stresses that this would solve all their financial problems in a heartbeat, and this is what they agreed in the first place.   

"He's messing around with Dani again"

“No – you know what this is, don’t you?   He’s messing around with Dani again.   Has he forgotten that’s why he had to sell it in the first place?   No, we’re doing him a favour by not selling it!”   

There is no point in arguing

Colin gives up trying to argue with her.

"He can't have gone far"

Kelly is sitting, traumatised, when PC Thomas informs her that there is no sign of Howard, but she should not worry as they are still searching the woods and he cannot have gone far.   

"Oh – Eileen"

Kelly asks how the police knew they were there, and is told, “Eileen Probert.”

Kelly just wants to go home, 

"You will have to make a statement"

but the PC says she will have to go to the station to make a statement.   

This has had a huge impact on Kelly

Kelly appears completely exhausted.

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