13 June 2022

10 June 2022

Gaynor's stentorian voice

“What are you two doing here?” Gaynor sternly demands, in her school mistress voice, “It’s pretty obvious what you were planning to do!”  

"We weren't going to smoke them"

Arwen makes the rather lame excuse that they were not going to smoke them.   “I’m not interested in your lies – right, give those to me, please!” Gaynor orders.

Arwen throws down the cigarettes on the sofa, and instructs Gwern to get out quickly; 

The pair of them 'do a runner' . . .

they ignore Gaynor’s shouts, run from the door of the house 

. . . and disappear from view

and disappear into the alley.

"I'm finishing early for APD's sake"

At APD, Anita informs Jason, “You do you realise that I’m finishing early for APD’s sake, don’t you?”   

"Taking one for the team, Anita?"

He sarcastically regards it as ‘taking one for the team’, to get her hair and nails done.   

"Mathew and I are the official face of the company"

“Mathew and I are the official face of the company at this ceremony,” she reminds him.

Jason hopes that they enjoy themselves, 

"You're angry that I'm taking your place"

but she goes on, “You’re angry that I’m taking your place, aren’t you?   You chose to go and watch Ifan in the play.”

He groans that it has been pushed back two weeks now, so he could have gone;  

"I could still go"

“I could still go,” he suggests, with a smirk on his face.   Anita does not like the sound of this, arguing that she and Mathew are now on the  guest list.

He turns and reveals to her, “I’m pulling your leg, Auntie Neet – 

"It takes me more that two hours to do my hair"

it takes me more than two hours to do my hair anyway!”   She sarcastically agrees with that evaluation, 


which he regards as cheek.

Gaynor produces the evidence

Putting down the cigarettes and lighter on the table, Gaynor tells Dani, “I just felt I had a duty to let you know.”   

"Did you see where they went?"

Dani wonders where they ran off to, and is told that they have probably not gone far.

"Once he gets back, he's not leaving the flat!"

“I hope Gwern’s enjoying himself, because once he gets back, he’s not leaving this flat,” she growls.   Gaynor wonders if that is the right punishment;  

"Don't you think I should ground him?"

“Don’t you think I should ground him?” asks Dani.

Gaynor says she does not want to scaremonger;  “I’m sure that this has nothing to do with the . . . you know.   Part of me thinks that they did this deliberately, 

"Accidents can happen, can't they?"

“but accidents can happen, can’t they?   They’re young, they’re not used to lighters and matches – but I’m probably overthinking things.”   

"I certainly hope you are"

Dani is really worried now.

"So you are good for something"

In the Deri, Cassie is looking askance at Eifion;  she realises now that he is good for something.   

"It makes sense that I move the barrels"

“It makes sense that I move the barrels in the cellar, not you,” he says, “What next?” and she describes him as keen, 

"Fetch two boxes of crisps"

sending him to fetch some boxes of crisps from the back, one plain and one salt and vinegar.

"Plain crisps – boring!"

“Who eats plain crisps?   Boring!” he sneers, and she enlightens him that a lot of her customers must be boring as they sell well.   He suggests that she could pull him a pint, until things get more lively, 

"You never drink behind the bar"

but he is instructed that he is never to drink behind the bar.   

“That’s not a rule, though, is it?” he maintains;  she calls it ‘good advice’, 

"I'll have a packet of salt and vinegar instead"

so he decides that he will have a packet of salt and vinegar crisps instead.

Eileen cannot decide what to wear

At Penrhewl, Eileen is trying to decide which dress to wear for the occasion when Sioned comes in, looking very smart;  “I thought you’d be ready by now,” she says.   Eileen is torn between one outfit which she describes as rather showy, and another, more sedate.

"We don't want to be late!"

“Just pick one – we don’t want to be late!” snaps Sioned, and her mother says that she could have changed at Penrhewl, adding that DJ has said that it is damp at Deri Fawr, but Sioned protests that it is fine.

"Don't pretend everything is all right"

“Don’t be like this – pretending everything is all right,” Sioned continues, and Eileen had hoped that they could enjoy a night out together.   “It will be good publicity for Cae Glas,” Sioned reminds her, 

Sioned has a nasty cough

and seems to have developed a cough.

Eileen is hopeful of beating APD, maintaining, “There is more skill to mixing a cake than mixing cement.”   Sioned is certain that Mathew would disagree with that, and her coughing worries her mother that she has caught something at Deri Fawr.

"Put this on . . ."

“The only thing wrong with me is this headache because you’re not dressed,” snarls Sioned, “Put this on– 

". . . you've worn the other one loads of times"

“you’ve worn the other one lots of times.”

Dani is waiting for the showdown

Dani is looking very serious in the Deri flat and is toying with the cigarette packet when Gwern come in;  

"It was Arwen's idea"

she holds it up and he points out that it was Arwen’s idea.

"Don't tell me you set the chip shop on fire"

He flops down on the sofa and Dani says, “Please don’t tell me that you set the chip shop on fire.”   He emphatically denies that, 

"Have you been smoking or burning things?"

and she goes on, “Have you been smoking or burning things there?   Gwern, are you listening to me?   

"Britt could have died in there"

“Britt could have died in there – we lost Brandon in a fire – I lost a baby in a fire.”

"This is upsetting Gwern

Gwern is now becoming upset, 

"I just want the truth, Gwern"

but Dani just wants the truth;  

"I don't know anything about the fire"

“I promise, I don’t know anything about the fire, and we haven’t been smoking – just burning cushions and paper in Hywel’s house.”   

"Thank you for telling the truth"

She is relieved to hear that and thanks him for telling the truth.

"Can I play with the PlayStation now?"

He gets up from the sofa and asks if he can play with the PlayStation now;  “No – you’re grounded for three months!” Dani tells him, 

"You broke into Hywel's house!"

“You broke into Hywel’s house and burned furniture – is that OK?”   He goes to his room, slamming the door behind him.

Mathew is uncomfortable

At the Glyndwr Hotel the guests are arriving for the ceremony, and Mathew looks extremely out of his depth;  “I’m not keen on champagne and I hate wearing suits,” he grumbles to Anita.   She urges him to stop complaining, and asks if he has prepared a speech.

"Speech?   What speech?"

“A speech?   What speech?   I don’t know what to say if we win!” he gasps, panic-stricken.   

"Just as well that I've prepared something, then"

Fortuitously, Anita has prepared something, 

"You collect the award then – if we win"

so he tells her to collect the award if they win, which of course is exactly what she had planned.

"You know how close APD is to my heart"

She rather extravagantly claims, “You know how close APD is to my heart.”   

Mathew escapes for some fresh air

Mathew turns and rapidly walks out of the room;  at that moment Anita notices Ieuan Griffiths and wonders what he is doing there.

"Oh, Anita – I'm 'Huw Edwards'!"

“Oh – I’m ‘Huw Edwards’,” he informs her, 

This causes Anita some concern

and she is beginning to look concerned.

Out in the garden . . . 

Outside in the garden, 

. . . Mathew gets rid of the champagne

Mathew takes the opportunity to pour his champagne into an urn containing a plant.   

"You haven;t been to a do like this before, have you?"                                            

A waitress comes up behind him, commenting, “You haven’t been to a do like this before, have you?   I saw you throw it away just now.”

"I don't like champagne . . ."

He explains that he does not like champagne, even if it is on the house;  

". . . do you sell lager?"

“Do you sell lager?   And if you do, do I have to pay a fortune?”

"It's really overpriced here"

She concedes that it is really overpriced there, and does not think that anyone really likes champagne;  “People pretend they do to give the impression they’re posh!   100% – 

"It's the same with oysters"

“the same with oysters – as if people actually enjoy them!   We serve them here and I see people forcing them down.   What’s wrong with saying, ‘No thanks, I’ll have a beef lasagne’?”

"I'm Mathew"

He introduces himself as Mathew, 

"Tegwen, at your service . . ."

and the waitress replies, “Tegwen, at your service – 

". . . sorry, I don't know why I did that!"

“sorry, I don’t know why I did that!”   He is pleased to meet her and replaces the empty glass on her tray.   

At the moment, she does not seem very impressed by Mathew 

As she turns, the expression on her face is one of disbelief.

"Here?   You're joking?"

In Hywel’s house, Colin is speaking on the phone;  “What?   Here?   You’re joking?   In the lounge?   Well, thank you for letting us know, Gaynor.”

Aaron is puzzled by picnic furniture

Meanwhile, Aaron is opening up a folding table and his mother is sitting on a folding chair.   

"Gaynor caught Arwen and Gwerrn playing with cigarettes"

“Gaynor caught Gwern and Arwen playing with matches and cigarettes in here – they could have been involved in the fire!” says Colin.   

"What do you think, Aaron?"

Britt does not think that it is possible, and asks Aaron what he thinks.

"The fire was my fault"

He mutters, “Dad, I need to tell her the truth – Mam, I’m sorry, OK?   The fire was my fault – 

". . . my dangerous enemies online wanted revenge!"

“my dangerous enemies online wanted revenge!”  

"There's no evidence for that, Britt"

Britt is very upset about this, but Colin insists that there is no evidence;  

"You can't prove it's not true either"

“You haven’t got any evidence to prove it’s not true either, have you?” exclaims Aaron, “Sorry, Mam.”

Mathew is a bit happier with a lager

Mathew feels more at home now, as he is equipped with a glass of lager, and in the background we see that Eileen and Sioned have just arrived.   Eileen tells him she does not care who wins tonight, as long as the award comes to Cwmderi.

"Don't lie, Mam!"

Sioned urges her not to lie;  “You don’t have to be so two-faced – remember, it’s the Carmarthenshire Small Business Awards – not the Oscars!”   

"Have you seen Anita anywhere?"

Mathew wonders if they have seen Anita anywhere, but they cannot help.

"I'm so sorry, Gaynor"

Out in the street, Ffion is very surprised to hear the news;  “I don’t know what to say – I’m so sorry, Gaynor.”    She is told that it is not her fault.  

"You really think they were going there to smoke?"

 “Do you really think they were going there to smoke?” she asks.

"Well, that and burning cushions"

Gaynor’s reply is that they were – that and to burn cushions.   Ffion demands whether she is sure that the cigarettes and lighter were in Arwen’s hand, 

"Gwern must have got them from the Deri"

insisting, “Well, Gwern must have got them from the Deri or something,” but Gaynor is not saying anything.

"You think Arwen can do no wrong in my eyes"

“You think that Arwen can do no wrong in my eyes,” says Ffion, and is told that Gaynor is just reporting back to the parents, 

"There was a fire in the village"

and drawing attention to the fact that there was a fire in the village.   

"But that was nothing to do with them!"

“But that was nothing to do with them!” Ffion insists.

She is advised to talk to Arwen, and reminded they want the key to Hywel’s house returned;  “Arwen had that too – 

"I'm sure she got that from Gwern, too"

“mind you, I’m sure she got that from Gwern, too,” Gaynor remarks, 

Ffion is concerned

and Ffion is troubled.

Anita comes back just in time

There is a round of applause for one of the winners, and then the master of ceremonies, Ieuan Griffiths, is about to announce the next award when Anita rejoins Mathew.   He demands where she has been, 

Seeing Ieuan has unsettled her

and she says, “I had to get some fresh air after seeing him up there!”

"Small Business of the Year"

“The next award is Carmarthenshire’s Small Business of the Year – it was a pleasure to see that two companies from my ward, the Cwmderi area, made the short list.   Before you say anything, it was nothing to do with me.”

"The winer is . . . APD!"

He takes a card from the envelope, announcing, “The winner is the APD construction company in Cwmderi – excellent!”   Anita and Mathew look at each other, but Eileen, in front of them, is wearing a sour expression.

"Go on, Anita, please!"

“Go on, Anita, please!” begs Mathew, but she does not want to accept the award;  however, he persuades her and she hurries to the rostrum, where Griffiths advises that Mrs Pierce is going to accept the award.

"You have a tendency to let things slip through your fingers . . ."

“Don’t drop it, Anita – you have a tendency to let good things slip through your fingers – 

". . . like me!"

“like me,” he comments, and she takes the microphone.

Anita begins her speech of 

“I have prepared a speech, although I didn’t think I’d need to.   The only thing I’d like to say is thank you to the panel for acknowledging APD’s hard work.   

"Thanks to the hard work . . ."

“Thanks to that hard work, we’ve won a number of very lucrative contracts – 

". . . of Mathew, Jason and the whole gang . . ."

“and that’s thanks to Mathew, Jason and the whole gang – 

". . . and no-one else!"

“and no-one else!”   This last comment is aimed squarely at Griffiths, who is anxious to move onto the next award.

Mathew is very pleased . . .

is jubilant at their achievement, 

. . . Eileen obviously less so

but Eileen is still looking displeased.

"Should we be worried about what Aaron said?"

At Hywel’s house, Colin is studying his tablet, as Britt wonders if they should be worried about what Aaron was saying earlier.   He says that they will find out now, as there is an e-mail from the Fire Service.   

"Was it a petrol bomb?"

Aaron comes downstairs and sits down, wanting to know what they say;  “Was it a petrol bomb?”

"A polystyrene packet fell in the fryer"

Colin reads, “A polystyrene packet fell into the fryer and that caused a flame.”   

"I remember going out to get a better signal"

Britt remarks that it makes sense, as she remembers going out to get a better phone signal.

"You're not supposed to leave the fryers unattended!"

“You’re not supposed to leave the fryers unattended,” Aaron reminds her, “That’s what you always say.”   Her excuse is that she did not expect to be out there for long, 

"How could you be so stupid?   It was your fault!"

and he demands, “Oh no, Mam – how could you be so stupid?   You have no idea how guilty I’ve been feeling – it was your fault!”

"An accident is an accident"

“Sorry, love, but an accident is an accident,” his mother maintains.   

"The insurers won't pay out!"

Aaron is certain that the insurers will not pay out if it was her fault.   

"We'll sort it out"

Colin tries unsuccessfully to calm things down, insisting that they will sort it out.

"You're just an idiot, Mam!"

Aaron sighs, “You know what, Mam?   You’re just an idiot!” and he goes back upstairs.

Jason is celebrating

In the Deri, Cassie gives Jason a bottle of Prosecco and assumes that he is celebrating something.   “We’ve just won Small Business of the Year,” he proudly informs her, and Eifion, who happens to be passing, says that he is celebrating the fact that he left.  

"You were sacked, if you remember"

Jason corrects him, “You were sacked, if you remember.” 

Eifion is adamant that he was wrongly accused, but is now far better off;  

"Clean hands at the end of every shift"

“A free lunch every day, clean hands at the end of each shift.”   

"Light fingers are never clean!"

Jason makes the observation that light fingers are never clean, and pays £10 contactlessly.


When Jason leaves, Eifion mutters, “Clown!” and is warned by Cassie not to speak about customers like that.   

"I'm off on a month's holiday"

“I’m off now, on a month’s holiday,” he tells her, and she reminds him that he has only just started.   “I know – Garry’s a generous boss, isn’t he?” is Eifion’s parting comment 

Cassie is incredulous

as he walks out of the door.

Mathew takes a selfie

In the garden of the Glyndwr, Mathew is preparing to take a selfie with the award when Tegwen is on her way home after finishing her shift.   She congratulates him;  

"Big party in the Deri Arms, is it?"

“A big party in the Deri Arms tonight, is it?” and he says he will rather be going home to take the suit off.

"I look like Jac y Jwc!"

“I just saw myself in the mirror, and I look like Jac y Jwc,” [a character from the S4C children’s programme, ‘Sali Mali’]  he complains, 

"I can't wait to take these heels off"

and she, in turn, cannot wait to take her heels off, maintaining that he is lucky not to have been wearing them for eight hours.

"Do you fancy a drink?"

“I’ve finished if you fancy a drink before going home – separately,” she invites him, and he would love to.   

"Sorry – I'll only be two minutes"

Her phone sounds and she says she will only be two minutes.

"She looks like a nice girl"

Anita approaches, remarking, “Yeah – she looks like a nice girl,” 

"I'm staying for a drink with Tegwen"

and he advises that he will not be coming home in the taxi with her, because he is staying for drink with Tegwen.   

Unfortunately, Tegwen walks away

Then he is very disappointed to see that her call must have brought bad news, because she walks away, and Anita suggests that he can text her, 

"I didn't get her number"

but he regrets he did not get her number.

"Oh well, it's her loss"

“Oh well, it’s her loss,” Anita tries to console him.

Britt is clearing up . . .

In Hywel’s house, Britt is clearing up some rubbish, then notices the pharmacy bag on the kitchen table.   

. . . looks at her tablets . . .

She takes out the box of tablets, looks at it, 

. . . wraps them up . . . 

then wraps it in a black cloth and adds it to the rubbish sack, 

. . . and hides them away

which is put away under the sink.   She checks to make sure that no-one is around.

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