19 November 2021

17 November 2021

Mark, in his kidnapper's uniform

Mark comes round the corner towards the garage, dressed in black and wearing dark glasses;  he looks around to make sure no-one is watching.   He goes into the garage, 

"Who are you supposed to be?"

and Garry demands, “Who are you supposed to be?”   Mark explains that this is what everyone wears in films when they kidnap people.   “It’s broad daylight outside,” Garry advises him, 

"You look like a middle-aged 'emo'!"

“You look like a middle-aged ‘emo’ – take that hat off, please.”   

"What's the plan, then, Gar?"

Mark wants to know what is the plan, and is told, “Dani lets Tedi out behind the Deri a couple of times a day – that’s your chance to grab him.   

"Tedi will do anything for sausages"

“Take a packet of sausages with you – Tedi will do anything for sausages.”

Mark asks where he is to take the dog and is told to use his initiative;  he holds out his hand for some money to buy sausages 

Garry has to pay for the sausages

and Garry sorts out some change.

At last Arwen is ready for school

At Cysgod y Glyn, Jinx shouts to Arwen that she will be late for school, and she comes in wearing a sequin-covered jumper;  “Although you look like the sparkliest girl in the world, that’s not your school coat,” he comments.  

"Please can I wear it?"

Arwen pleads with him to be allowed to wear it, and he replies, “I don’t know – what would your mother say?”

She points out, “You’re not Mam!” and he agrees to her request, 

"All right – but only because we're running late"

but only because they are running late.   “Thanks – I’ll buy you a special Christmas present,” she tells him.   

"I won't be here at Christmas"

Jinx says that he will not be there at Christmas, so she can save her money

This troubles Arwen 

Arwen upset by this, but he says that it is time to move on;  “You and your mother don’t want me here for ever.”   

Off they go to school

They leave for school.

"Why haven't you opened the salon?"

Dani goes to number 10 and demands from Aled why he has not opened the salon;  “Are you sick?”   He says that he cannot think straight, and she would like an explanation.

"You probably know what Tyler said to me"

“You probably know what Tyler said to me – that he used me – that he sexually abused me,” he replies, 

"You're not serious?"

and Dani did not know, neither can she believe it.   “I’d never joke about that!” Aled snarls, 

"I'd prefer it if he hadn't said anything"

“I’d prefer it if he hadn’t said anything”

Dani is dumbstruck

Dani is lost for words and does not know what to say except that she is sorry.   

"You're a lovely boy and you're strong"

“All I know is you’re a lovely boy, you’re strong.” 

He takes issue with this, maintaining that he is no longer;  

"I've had enough of all the Tyler drama"

“I’ve had enough of all the Tyler drama – I just want to forget it and move on, but I don’t know how to do that when he brings it up like this!” he continues.

Siôn wants to talk to Jaclyn

Jaclyn is carrying a box of Cae Glas produce past the shop when Siôn runs after her;  

"Tesni's colitis has flared up again"

“I’m worried about Tesni – her colitis has flared up again,” he says, and Jaclyn did not know anything about that, 

"Typical Tes – hiding everything"

regarding it as typical Tes, trying to hide everything.   He does not know how to help her.

Her mother he maintains that it would be best for her to move back to number 10;  

"Britt I don't want to upset her"

Siôn agrees that would be best, “But I don’t want to upset her.”   Jaclyn knows very well that she will just refuse out of stubbornness, and advises him to make sure she takes her medication, and a warm bath can help.

As she turns to go, she adds, “And egg on toast – but make sure it’s sourdough.”   

"Can you mind the shop this morning?"

Siôn goes into the bookshop and apologises to Jinx for being late;  he asks if Jinx will be all right on his own this morning, as Tesni is not well.

"I'll have to hand in my notice"

Then Jinx gives Siôn the bad news that he will have to hand in his notice;  “It’s nothing personal – I love working here – 

"It's time for me to move on"

“it’s just time for me to move on from Cwmderi.”   

"I shall miss you – and Arwen will as well"

Siôn says that is a shame;  “I shall miss you – and Arwen will as well.”   

"She'll forget me when Ffion comes back"

Jinx predicts that she will forget about him as soon as Ffion comes back.   “I don’t know about that, but I don’t think it will come as a shock to her, though,” Siôn goes on, “You’re not the type to put down roots, are you?   

"Anyway, good luck"

“Anyway, good luck with whatever and wherever you end up next.”   As he hurries back to Tesni, Jinx thinks about what he has said.

Gaynor is 'crypto-tracking'

Gaynor is avidly studying the ‘crypto-tracker’ to see the progress of her ‘investment’;  she ignores Hywel when he comes in, 

"Have you made lunch?"

so he says, “The meeting went well, thanks for asking.   Have you made lunch?”   

Gaynor has been otherwise engaged

She replies that she has been too busy.

"My investment has gone up in value!"

Then she suddenly exclaims, “Yes!   I knew it!   My first crypto investment has gone up in value – I told you I was going to do it, and I know you’re not happy about it, but you have to take risks sometimes.   My investment has gone up in value already – look!” 

"What – £40?"

He seems unimpressed that it is now £40 higher, but she points out that is just in a few hours;  

"Imagine what it could do in a month – or a year"

“Imagine what I could do in a month – or a year.”   He agrees that she could double it – or halve it – or worse.   “Do you have to be so negative?” she growls, “You’re spoiling my fun!”

"£5,000 is a lot to have fun with"

He stresses that £5,000 is a lot to have fun with, but she protests, 

"I'm serious about this, Hywel!"

“I’m interested in this!”   He reminds her that it is not a hobby or a game, and she is completely aware of that, but is also serious about it.

"You don't know what you're doing!"

“You don’t know what you’re doing,” Hywel snarls, so she warns him, 

"If you're not going to support me, don't say anything!"

if he is not going to support her, not to say anything.

"Eggs on toast, Tesni"

Siôn has prepared eggs on toast at Y Felin;  “I know you said you didn’t want food, but this could help – and I could run a warm bath for you later,” he says.

"You've been talking to Mam, haven't you?"

Tesni immediately knows, “You’ve been talking to Mam, haven’t you?” and he replies it is only because he is worried about her.   Something else is also worrying him;  

"Why didn't you say it was worse?"

why she did not admit that the colitis had got worse.   

"It's not the sexiest pillow-talk, is it?"

“It’s not the sexiest pillow talk, is it?” she sighs.

He points out that by not saying anything she has made things worse;  

"I think you need to move back in with your mother"

“I think you need to move back in with your mother.”   As a tear runs down her cheek, 

"You don't want me here, now I'm ill"

she realises that he does not want her there now she is ill.   “Please believe me when I say that’s not what it is,” Siôn tells her, but she insists that she wants to stay with him.

"I don't know how to help you"

“You need your mother now – I don’t know how to help you – but it’s not for ever.”   

"Isn't it?"

Tesni does not believe that, and he invites her to come and eat.   She bursts into tears.

Dani shouts Tedi's name

Dani strides across the street, shouting Tedi’s name, 

"He's gone missing!"

and informs Rhys that she cannot find her dog;  “I opened the back door for him, but he’s not in the flat.”   Garry approaches and she tells him what has happened;  

"Have you looked behind the bins?"

he suggests looking behind the bins, 

"Of course I have – he's run away`!"

but she has already done that and is convinced that he has run away.

"He may have been stolen"

Rhys suggests that he may have been stolen;  “There was an article in the Western Post about dogs being stolen,” 

Dan is straight on to the police . . . 

so she immediately takes out her phone to contact the police, convinced that he has been ‘dognapped’.

. . . and receives an uncommonly fast response

In the Deri, DI Wilkinson is taking the details, and reprimands Dani for never locking the back gate.   “They probably came in that way – a gang is stealing dogs – to sell them, or breed them.   Or use them as bait in  dogfighting.”   

The thought of Tedi being torn apart horrifies Dani

This absolutely horrifies Dani, 

"He's just wandered off on an adventure"

but Garry is sure that Tedi has just wandered off on an adventure;  Wilko does not share his optimism.

"I'm going to find Tedi – OK?"

“Hey, I’m going to find Tedi – OK?” Garry confidently asserts, and leaves the pub.

Jinx sits in the Deri

Jinx is sitting in the corner when Rhys and Mathew come in, having been looking for him;  “Listen, we feel awful about what we did with that video,” says Mathew.

They want to show how sorry they are . . . 

Rhys adds that they have been thinking of ways to show him how sorry they are;  “A gift perhaps – a cake or something.”   

. . . and it has to be very embarrassing

Mathew says that it must be something which would cause them the same sort of embarrassment.   “But we couldn’t decide, so we did both,” announces Rhys, and unveils the cake he is carrying.

A cake with photos of them, years ago

It carries historic photographs of the two of them;  

"It was an 'emo' phase at school"

“It was an ‘emo’ phase at school when I was trying to impress Amy Conway,” confesses Mathew.

"I got a place in Twelfth Night"

Apparently Rhys got a part in Twelfth Night, just to make an impression on Ceri Jones, who was a year older than him and had the main part.   “The point is, we’ve all made a fool of ourselves for a girl – so are we forgiven?” Mathew asks.

"It's only me who will see that cake"

Jinx cannot make his mind up;  “It’s only me who will see that cake – everyone saw the video of me.   If you put a photo of the cake on Twitter and Instagram for a week, we might be even.   

"It would show how 'sorry' you are"

It’s only fair – and it would show me how ‘sorry’ you are.”   

Mathew takes a photo of the cake

Mathew agrees and gets out his phone to photograph the cake.   “Now, who’s going to cut a piece of the cake for me?” Jinx demands.

Obviously little Tedi put up a struggle . . .

Having perpetrated the dastardly deed, Mark is nursing his battle scars;  

. . . and is anxious to savage Mark again

Tedi is being confined behind a makeshift barrier in the garage, eager to escape, and Mark appears to be scared stiff of him.   

"What are you doing here?"

Garry comes in and is surprised to see him there.

“You didn’t say Tedi could be nasty – look!” Mark complains, but Garry dismisses it as merely a scratch.   

"He almost ripped my arm off!"

“He almost ripped my arm off!” Mark wails, “Listen, you need to stay here for a while – 

"Do you want me to bleed to death?"

“you don’t have any choice unless you want me to bleed to death!”   Garry objects that he is supposed to be out looking for the dog.

“The sausages are there, in case he starts playing up again,” adds Mark as he nervously leaves.

Dani is offering a £4,000 reward

Dani is already putting up a poster, offering £4,000 for the return of the dog;  she notices Eileen across the street, who has not seen anything suspicious.   

"The police think a gang 'dognapped' him"

“The police think a gang ‘dognapped’ him,” Dani says, and Eileen has heard about that, 

"£4,000 is rather extreme!"

but is astonished at the £4,000 reward, regarding it as rather extreme.

Dani is adamant that the dog is family;  “She is cautioned, “If the gang see that reward, they’ll do it again.   

"I just want my dog back!"

Dani does not care about that, but just wants her dog back, which Eileen says is a very selfish attitude.

Mark denies any knowledge of the dog

Then Dani shouts to Mark, who also says he has not seen the dog and she stalks off along the street;  

"Where did you injure your hand, then?"

Eileen enquires where Mark injured his hand;  he makes up a story about chopping logs.   

His conscience is troubling him

He looks guiltily at the poster.

At Cysgod y Glyn, Jinx informs Arwen that food will not be long;  

"Jinx, are you my Dad?"

she asks him, “Jinx, are you my Dad?   Your name is on my birth certificate – I found it – I was looking for Granny Val’s address to send her a card.   And it’s you I remember when I was young.”

Was it ever proven that Macs was her father?

Jinx finds this rather awkward;  “You do you know that Macs is your father, don’t you?   That’s why Siôn’s your grandfather and Iolo’s your uncle.”

"Why is your name on my birth certificate?"

She wants to know why Jinx’s name is on it, and after some thought, 

"When you were a baby, I wanted to be your father"

he admits, “When you were baby, I wanted to be your father.”

"But you don't now?"

“But you don’t now?” she disappointedly demands.   

"I'll always be there for you, Arwen"

He confirms that he will always be there for her, but Macs is her biological father.   

"Where is he, then?"

“Where is he, then?” is Arwen’s next question, “Mam never wants to talk about him!”   

"Adults are complicated"

Jinx points out that adults are complicated.

Then she wants to know if Jinx is her uncle, and he agrees that he is, sort of.   

"So you're going to leave me, too, are you?"

“So you’re going to leave me too, like Uncle Geth and Uncle Rhys?” she predicts.   

"I'll always be around"

He answers that he will always be there for her;  he may not live there, but he will be around.

“Nobody wants to be my Dad,” Arwen moans, “Everyone just lies and leaves.   Mali’s and Bethan’s Dad has never them!”   Jinx asks if she really want him to stay, she confirms that she does.’

Jinx has a change of mind . . .

“OK – I’m not going anywhere, then, you’re stuck with me,” he declares;  

. . . which pleases Arwen . . .

this makes Arwen smile.   Jinx decides there is only one way to celebrate – 

. . . and they celebrate with a 'kitchen disco'

they will have a kitchen disco.

"Siôn says he doesn't want to finish with you"

Tesni is now back at number 10;  “Don’t worry about Siôn – he said he doesn’t want to finish with you,” Aled tries to reassure her, but she cannot help worrying.

"We've been arguing a lot recently"

“We’ve been arguing a lot recently,” she groans, but Aled predicts that it will be fine, and that she just has to get better now.   

"I have to move on from Tyler"

He has been thinking all day about how to move on from Tyler and has come to the conclusion that he is going to move to London.


This news horrifies Tesni, but he says, “My auntie has got a pub there, and she says I can stay with her and work in the pub.   I don’t want to be here any more – and I don’t want to spend the rest of my life as ‘the boy who was used by his teacher’!”

Tesni whimpers, “What am I going to do?” 

"I need to do this, Tes"

and he does not want her to ask him not to go, insisting that he needs to do this.   

'I'm going to miss you"

“I’m going to miss you,” she miserably tells him.

Gaynor is still 'crypto-tracking'

Gaynor is still intently watching the iPad screen and making notes when Hywel comes into the house again;  “Haven’t you been to get Esther?” she asks, 

"Esther has a sleepover tonight"

and he points out that she has a sleepover with Ela tonight, but Gaynor had forgotten.

“You’ve always got your head in that!” he moans, 

"I'm not going to interfere"

“I don’t want to argue – I’ve had my say and I’m not going to interfere.”   

She regards that as a good things, 

"I've invested the rest of my money"

and then announces, “I’ve invested the rest of my money,” 

Hywel is astounded

which he finds absolutely shocking.

Mark returns with a bandaged hand

In the garage, Garry is still dog-watching when Mark returns, pointing out that he needed a bandage for his hand.   “If you’re so badly hurt, why do you smell of fish and chips?” demands Garry, “And you’ve changed your clothes!”

"Dani's offering a £4,000 reward"

Mark relates that he saw Dani in the village;  “She’s putting up posters, offering a £4,000 reward.”

"She's willing to pay £4,000 for Tedi!"

Garry finds this unbelievable;   “She’s willing to pay £4,000 for Tedi – while trying to get every penny out of me!”   

"She's not going to give you the money, is she?"

Mark has been thinking that she will not give Garry the money if he finds the dog, so it is suggested that they say they both found him, and can share the money.

Mark understood that he was getting all of it, but it is pointed out that was before he used ‘Monk’s Motors’ to hide the dog.   

"Dani can suffer a bit more"

“We won’t take him back now – Dani can suffer a bit more!” decides Garry, “We’ll take him back tomorrow.   I’m going now – I can’t stay with him – I need to be there for Dani.”

"I'm not staying here all night with Hannibal Lecter!"

“I’m not staying here all night with Hannibal Lecter!” Mark complains, 

"You're not doing it for free"

but is reminded that he is not doing it for free.   “Right, just bring the food, then,” says Mark, 

"You've just had fish and chips!"

but is rather forcibly told that he has just had fish and chips.   

Mark views little Tedi . . .

Tedi suddenly barks, 

. . . with considerable apprehension

making Mark panic.

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