02 November 2021

1 November 2021

"Three o'clock at the latest"

Jason comes tearing downstairs and tells Kelly that he will be back mid-afternoon;  “Three o’clock at the latest – I want to be here before he arrives – 

"You're not tackling alone"

“you’re not tackling him alone.   You don’t have to do this at all, do you?   You never have to see Mickey again if you don’t want to.”

She is well aware of that, and he tells her not to expect too much out of today, as he is not likely to confess to anything.   

"I have to try"

“I have to try!” she says with determination, and he appreciates that is how she feels.

"I'm behind you 200%"

“Remember that I’m always here for you – behind you 200%!   

"Love you, Kelly!"

“Love you,” he says as he picks up his jacket and leaves the house.   

Kelly sends a message to Mickey . . .

Kelly takes her phone and scrolls to Mickey’s number;  

. . . and wears a worried look

she types a message, ‘10:30 still OK?’ and looks worried.

Beti has posted a letter

Out in the street, Beti has just posted a letter in the box as Mathew walks across the road to APD.   

Tyler sees that Mathew is back

He is greeted by Tyler, 

"Why are you wearing an APD top?"

and is surprised to see that he is wearing an APD top.   

Anita is also wearing one

Then Anita also comes out, similarly attired, to welcome him.   “Hasn’t Jason told you?” asks Tyler, 

"The mess with the accounts has been sorted"

and Anita makes it perfectly clear there is no need for Mathew to worry about the accounts, as the mess has been sorted.

Mathew is at a loss to know what is going on, 

"I'll show you where the new washing machines are going"

so she tells him, “Come in, and I’ll show you where the new washing machines are going.   He wonders if they are mixing cement in washing machines now, 

"We're going to offer a laundry service"

and she announces, “We’re going to offer a laundry service.”

Mathew wants a word with Jason – now

When Jason comes out of the door he is very sternly told that Mathew wants a word with him, right now.

Eileen wakes up

Eileen is still asleep on the sofa at the farm, and when Sioned walks in, 

"What time is it?"

she asks what time it is.   “Don’t worry, I’ve dressed Huwi – he’s out playing,” is the reply, 

"Accusing people of stealing is hard work!"

“You needed the sleep – accusing everyone of stealing a dog is tiring work.”

Eileen looks very repentant;  “You do remember, then?” Sioned remarks, and her mother says that she was not thinking straight, although that is no excuse.   

"You have to relax, Mam"

“You have to try and relax, Mam, or you’ll have no friends left,” she is told, “And you’re snappy with Huwi.”

“How can I relax when the farm isn’t safe?” Eileen demands, and it is pointed out to her that they have CCTV and an alarm system.   

"Phone DJ and give him his job back"

Sioned instructs her that the first thing she must do is to phone DJ, apologising to him and giving him his job back.

"How long have you cared so much about DJ?"

Eileen enquires how long she has cared so much about DJ, and Sioned informs her, “I don’t – I care about the farm. 

"We need him in the yard"

“You do that first, before coffee, because we need him in the yard ASAP.   And while you’re at it, you can phone Jaclyn to apologise as well.”   Eileen is not looking forward to the prospect.

Kelly takes Mickey a cup of tea

At Bryntirion, Kelly, looking very apprehensive, takes a cup of tea to Mickey, 

"I didn't know if you'd want to see me again"

who says, “Thanks for the invite – I didn’t know if you’d want to see me again.”

"I've been talking to your ex-wife"

“I wanted to see you again – there’s no doubt about that,” she replies, “I’ve been talking to your ex-wife – she’s nice.   

"She said that?"

“Relax – you had a glowing report – model husband.”   He finds it difficult to believe that Ellie said that.

"The string of affairs took the shine off things"

“The string of affairs took the shine off things – but apart from that, ten out of ten,” Kelly goes on, 

"Everyone makes mistakes"

and Mickey points out that everyone makes mistakes.   

"How many 'mistakes; did you make?"

“How many mistakes did you make?   I’m not judging – just wondering,” she says.

"I don't remember"

He maintains that it was not many and does not remember;  “You’ve got a really good memory, haven’t you?   Don’t worry, I’ll help you jog it – 

"Ellie's not the only one who remembers you"

“Ellie’s not the only one who remembers you back in the day.”   Mickey is beginning to look concerned.

"What's so important, Garry?"

Cassie has been summoned to come and see Garry at number 7;  “What’s so important that we can’t discuss it at the Deri?” she asks, “Come on, out with it!”

"I'm sacking you – I don't have a choice"

As he sits down awkwardly on the sofa, he advises, “I’m sacking you – I don’t have a choice.”   

"The Deri would be on its knees without me!"

She laughs and points out that the Deri would be on its knees without her.   He insists that he has to find money from somewhere, thanks her for everything, but will have to let her go.

"Stuff your thanks – I'm not going anywhere!"

She recalcitrantly tells him, “Stuff your thanks – I’m not going anywhere!”   Garry points out she cannot refuse to be sacked, but she is adamant, “I’ll tie myself to the bar if I have to – I’ve put my body and soul into that place – I doubt it would be open if it wasn’t for me.”

"Blame Dani, not me"

Garry snarls, “Blame Dani, not me – she’s the one who wants every penny out of me!”   

"Who will be running the place?"

Cassie wants to know who will be running the place, and he says he will do it himself.   “On those crutches?” she enquires, and he says he will not be using them for ever.

She says he cannot do everything, 

"I don't have a choice!"

but he shouts, “I don’t have a choice!”   

"Don't you shout at me!"

She warns him not to shout at her and insists that getting rid of her is not the answer to his problems – unless he wants to see the Deri close.   She orders him to fetch a pencil and paper and they will write down his options.   

Garry follows her instructions

He grudgingly follows instructions.

"I haven't agreed to anything, OK?"

Mathew and Jason have their high-level meeting over a cup of coffee in the Deri;  “Before you start, Mathew, I haven’t agreed to anything, OK?” says Jason.   He is told that the builders do not do laundry – it does not make sense.   

"You know what Anita's like"

“You know what Anita’s like when she gets an idea in her head,” Jason continues, “The accounts did need a little bit of TLC, but they’re sorted now, thanks to Anita.”

"You should have talked to me first"

“If you were struggling, you should have talked to me first,” Mathew insists, but Jason did not want to worry him.   “And why Tyler?” is the next question.

"Because I sacked Eifion"

“I offered Tyler the job because I sacked Eifion,” Jason answers, 

"I should have been consulted"

and again Mathew insists that he should have been consulted first, but the same reason is given – that he did not want to worry Mathew.

“Tyler is less trouble than Eifion, believe me – in terms of the laundrette . . .”   

"We're builders – end of!"

Mathew stops him there emphasising that they are builders and that is the end of the matter.   

"Could you tell Anita, then?"

“Do you think you could have a word with Anita, then?” Jason asks him.

“Yes, no problem – I’m the boss, not her!” emphasises Mathew;  he gets up and walks out of the pub.   

That is a weight off Jason's mind

Jason breathes a sigh of relief.

Our first glimpse of Deri Fawr 

At Deri Fawr, Eifion is watching Howard and his mate building a bonfire, which seems remarkably close to a building;  

"What are you burning?"

he asks what they are burning 

"Mind your own business!"

and is told by Howard to mind his own business.   “Make sure no-one sees you – 

"Don't want hassle from the green brigade!"

“we don’t want hassle from the green brigade,” says Eifion.   Howard intends to do what he likes and Eifion walks away.

"Is there anything you can sell in the garage?"

Garry has written down certain things and is asked by Cassie if there is anything he can sell in the garage, but he has already done that.   “Right, you have to go to Dani and ask her for a bit more slack,” she recommends, 

"I'm not going 'cap in hand' to Dani"

but Garry refuses to go ‘cap in hand’ to her.

"You should have a word with that ego of yours"

“You should have a word with that ego of yours,” she advises;  he groans that he used to run this village, but she corrects him, “You thought you did.”

"A divorcé in a terraced house"

“Now look at me – a divorcé in a terraced house!” he goes on, and she accuses him of being a snob.   “Where I live isn’t the problem – it’s who I am – 

"Mark Jones's sidekick on crutches!"

“Mark Jones’ sidekick on crutches!”

"Mark is a loyal friend"

Cassie points out that Mark is a loyal friend;  “You’re lucky to have him.”   

"Where did everything go wrong?"

Garry wants to know where everything went wrong, 

"The affair, perhaps?"

and it is suggested to him, “The affair, perhaps?   Your obsession with Dylan?”   He stresses that it is still not too late to sack her, so she gets up to return to the Deri, 

"The Deri, where I belong"

so she gets up to return to the Deri,where she says she belongs.

"Come over – I want a chat"

Garry gets out his phone and makes a call;  “Hiya – come over – I want a chat,” he says.

"A different woman every night?"

Kelly continues, “So, these hotels – a different woman every night?”   

"I'm not proud of my affairs"

Mickey sighs that he is not proud of his affairs.   “Affairs?   I know your trick – 

"Vodka for the lady, water for you"

“shot of vodka for the lady, water for you.”   

"And your 'date' was still on the booze"

He confesses that sometimes as the night went on, he would have a glass of water, and Kelly adds, “While your ‘date’ was still on the booze.   You misled them – her head was a bit hazy, a bit fuzzy – yours was crystal clear.   

"You made them vulnerable in order to sleep with them"

“You made them vulnerable in order to sleep with them.”

He protests that they were not Sunday school girls, and they knew the score, so in that case Kelly wonders why he got them drunk.   He argues that they got themselves drunk;  

"Couple of drinks and then sex – no strings"

“We had a couple of drinks and then sex – no strings.”

"And no consent!"

“And no consent! she shouts, and he says that women liked him;  they had a chat, some flirting and one thing led to another.   “You manipulated them – can’t you see that?” Kelly screams.   

"I respect women"

However, he insists that he respects women.

"Sat you're sorry for what you did to Mam!"

She snarls at him, “Say you’re sorry for what you did to every woman in that bar and say you’re sorry for what you did to Mam!”   

"Not for something I haven't done"

He insists that he cannot say sorry for something he has not done, and maintains that this does not have to spoil things.

"All I wanted was just a regular Dad"

“All I wanted was a Dad – no-one cool, no-one flash, just a regular Dad,” she tells him, “You can’t see it because it’s not black and white – 

"You're a rapist!"

“but you’re a rapist!   I am proof of that!   You’re vile, you’re manipulative, and you’re a monster!   

"I never want to see you again!"

“Don’t phone me and don’t come back!   I never want to see you again!”   

Mickey executes a very rapid exit

He rushes out of the house.

Mathew and Jason return to APD, where Anita intends to make coffee and then they can discuss the new venture.   

Mathew wants to see the accounts

“I’d like to see the accounts to make sure everything is in order,” Mathew tells her, 

"I've checked everything"

and she assures him that she has been through and checked everything.   

"And I want a copy of your CV"

“I want to see them with my own eyes – and I want a copy of your CV,” he insists, “I’m interviewing you and Tyler in the morning.”

"I already work here, Mathew"

When she points out that she already works there, 

"We like to do things properly – don't we, Jason?"

he goes on, “In APD we like to do things properly – don’t we, Jason?”   

"Who does he think he is?"

When he walks into the shop, Anita demands who he thinks he is;  

"The boss, Anita"

Jason predictably answers that he he is the boss.

"Cassie said you just tried to sack her . . ."

Britt comes over to number 7, remarking, “Cassie just said you tried to sack her!   

". . .now you're going to sack me instead"

“Oh – I see – you can’t sack her, so you’re going to sack me – after everything I’ve done for you!”

"I want you to buy the chippy"

“I want you to buy the chippy,” he replies, which comes as rather a shock to her.   “You were right – the answer was under my nose.”

Britt regards it as fantastic, but he grumbles, “Not from where I’m standing!”

"When you have £120,000 in your account"

She assures him he will not feel like that when he has £120,000 in his account, and he assumes that he will be putting the rest under his mattress.   

"Come on, Britt, it's worth a lot more than that"

“Come on, Britt, it’s worth a lot more that – you can add at least £30,000.”

"We don't have that much, Gar"

She admits that they do not have another £30,000, so he replies, “You don’t have a chip shop, then!”   She emphasises that the mortgage is ready to go, and the money could be in his account in a flash.   

"I'm too soft on you"

“I’m too soft on you,” he growls.

“So it’s all right to tell Colin to put fizz in the fridge?” she enquires, and he reluctantly agrees that it is;  

"I shall want it back for the same price"

however he stipulates that if he wants to buy it back, he wants it for the same price, and congratulates her on the deal, 

Britt has got a bargain here

stressing that it is a bargain.

"DJ will be back tomorrow – and Jaclyn"

Sioned is doing the washing-up when her mother comes into the room, advising that she has contacted DJ, who will be back at work tomorrow, and also Jaclyn.   “Great – we need them here,” says Sioned.   Eileen also has a little present for Huwi, 

"He needs a mother who doesn't lose her temper"

but Sioned tells her, “Huwi doesn’t need presents – he needs a mother who doesn’t lose her temper with him.   

"You might need a bit of perspective"

“I know the situation with Fflam is upsetting, but you might need a bit of perspective.”

"He was a small part of Jim as well"

Eileen says that she is trying, but Fflam was more than a sheepdog;  “He was a small part of Jim as well – they were so close – that dog worshipped Jim.   Where is he?”

Eifion takes the opportunity . . .

The bonfire at Deri Fawr has still not been lit, and, checking to make sure no-one is around, 

. . . to have a snoop around . . .

Eifion investigates to see what is being burned;  as he looks through the rubbish, 

. . . and discover something puzzling

he notices a dog’s collar, with the name ‘Fflam’ attached to it.

"Have you got any rubbish before I light it?"

“Have you got any rubbish to put on this before I light it?” asks Howard, “Get out of the way, then – you don’t want to burn your fingers!”

"Are we ready to do this, or what?"

Kelly is sitting, looking very pensive, when Jason returns home;  “Right – are we ready to do this or what?” he says.   She replies that Mickey has deleted his Facebook page, which smacks of panic.

"When he turns up – if he turns up"

“We’ll see when he turns up here – if he turns up at all,” Jason goes on, 

"He's already been here, Jase"

but she advises that he has already been there.   

"Mind games – he's messing with your head!"

“Mind games – that’s what this is – he’s playing with your head, Kelly!” Jason rages, “He enjoys the power!”

"I asked him to come early"

“I asked him to come early,” she confesses, “Because today was about him and me.”   

"Did you get anything out of him?"

Jason accepts this, asking if she got anything out of him;  “Denial,” she answers.

"I know you just want him to confess"

Jason knows that she just wants Mickey to confess, 

"I want a father who's not a rapist!"

but she replies, “That’s exactly what I don’t want –what I really want is a father who isn’t a rapist.   

She tells Jason what she had imagined

“I always imagined him – Dad – I closed my eyes and there he was – builder, favourite meal, mixed grill and a pint in the Golden Lion.   Football, not rugby – and when he watched the telly, I’d put my head on his chest.   

"A mother and father, but now I've lost both"

“All I wanted was a mother and father, but now I’ve lost both.”

"You can always put your head on my chest"

Jason is sure that Amanda will come round;  “And you can always put your head on my chest,” 

Kelly laughs

which makes her laugh.   

"Someone needs a cwtch  – now"

“Come on – looks like someone needs a cwtch, now – let’s go!”

He is told to have a shower first . . .

She instructs him to get out of his work clothes first and have a shower;  as he is about to go upstairs, 

. . . and Kelly promises she will not move

he instructs her, “Don’t you move from there – promise?”   

She looks at the laptop

Kelly sits, not quite knowing how she feels, picks up the laptop and looks at it. 

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