Eileen washes the blood from her hands |
Eileen washes her hands after having patched up Eifion, who is lying on the sofa with both his hands bandaged;
"How are you feeling now?" |
she asks how he is feeling now, but he simply stares and says nothing.
"I'm going tp phone the police" |
“I’m going to phone the police,” she says, but he forbids that.
“No cops, he said,” groans Eifion; Eileen wants to know who said that and what is going on. If he does not tell her, she will phone the police.
"Howard was training the dogs to fight" |
“Remember Howard – Sarn Isaf? He was allowed to use some sheds at Deri Fawr, to breed dogs – only he wasn’t breeding them – he was training them to fight.”
"He was the one who stole Fflam?" |
She concludes that he was the one who stole Fflam, and Eifion says that he is so sorry;
"He used Fflam as bait – and did the same to me!" |
“He used Fflam as bait – and he did the same thing with me!” Eileen is astonished, as he continues, “He said if I told the police, he’d find me and let the dogs finish the job properly.”
Eileen is going to Deri Fawr – with her shotgun |
Eileen immediately puts on her coat, declaring that she is going to Deri Fawr, but Eifion tries to stop her, pointing out that Howard is dangerous. “So am I!” snarls Eileen, as she picks up the shotgun,
"If I'm not back by morning . . ." |
“If I’m not back by morning, phone the police, all right?” and she storms from the house.
Mathew listens to the song 'Blodeuwedd' . . . |
Early in the morning, Mathew is listening on his phone to the song once again; “Hey, Blodeuwedd, you’re all smiles, you’re the most beautiful flower in the world. I stare, dumbfounded, between the pink, the yellow and the white,”
. . . and looks at Izzy's photo |
as he looks at a photo of Izzy.
Iolo has brought his father a coffee |
Iolo comes into the bookshop with two cups of coffee and his father is pleased to see him. Iolo asks how things are, and Siôn’s reply is that it is Tesni.
"If this is what's going on between the sheets . . ." |
“Dad, if it’s something to do with what’s going on between the sheets, I don’t want to know!” Iolo warns him.
"I offered her a place to stay" |
“I’ve been thinking perhaps I was too quick to ask her to move in,” Siôn begins, “I offered her a place to stay after she and Jaclyn had argued – I thought she’d move back home when they patched things up. We’re both very different.”
"You knew that before" |
Iolo reminds his father that he knew that before they started seeing each other, but Siôn complains, “We’re quarrelling over just about everything! I’m worried sometimes that she isn’t happy.”
"I just miss my freedom" |
When asked if he is happy, Siôn replies, “Yes – I think so – I just miss my freedom. Perhaps it would be easier if she moved back into number 10.”
"Well, tell her that, then" |
He is advised to talk to her, in that case, and tell her how he feels.
“But what if she misunderstands? I don’t want to finish with her,” worries Siôn, but Iolo tells him to simply be honest with her, and perhaps she will agree that they moved in together too soon.
"You're probably right" |
Siôn thinks that he is right.
Eifion is having a drink |
At Penrhewl, Eifion is now sitting at the table, drinking something to steady his nerves, when the door opens and Eileen returns, reporting that the place was empty and everything has been cleared away – apart from the blood.
"I don't think he'll come back" |
“I don’t think he’ll come back,” is her conclusion, “You’re safe for now, anyway. I’m going to phone the police.”
"No, don't do that, Eileen!" |
Again he urges her not to do that, but she insists that they have to know what is going on. “They won't be able to do anything – the best thing to do is stay quiet.” Eileen wonders why he does not want her to contact them, and he whines, “The first thing they’ll do is throw me in jail – say I’m a part of it!”
"Not if you tell them the truth" |
“Not if you tell them the truth,” Eileen argues,
"My prints are all over the place!" |
but he stresses that his prints are all over the place, and they will never believe anything he says.
"You're happy for them to get away with this?" |
“Oh, so you’re happy for Howard and John to get away with this?” she snarls,
"I have to look after myself, Eileen!" |
and he answers that he has to look after himself. Eileen does not want to hear any more of this and tells him to go. He begs her not to tell the police, as it will not help anyone, and will just make matters worse.
"I'm not going to tell you again – go!" |
“I’m not going to tell you again – go!” she instructs him,
Eifion follows instructions |
and he unsteadily makes his way out of the farmhouse.
Maes-y-Deri is still full of boxes |
At Maes-y-Deri, Kath is dismayed to see another lot of boxes strewn around the house;
Kath almost knocks over an ornament |
in the search for her purse, she almost knocks over one of Brynmor’s ornaments which are on the table. “Listen, Brynmor, I don’t want to start nagging, but you know all these boxes and the stuff you’ve got? I want you to feel at home here, because this is your home,
"There isn't much room here" |
“but there isn’t much room here – and the penthouse is already full. I was just thinking,
"Choose the things that are more important to you" |
“perhaps you could choose, and choose wisely, the things that are more important to you.”
He thinks that is a possibility, and then she suggests that she could help him shift the rest of the stuff;
"You could sell them on eBay" |
“You could sell them on eBay, perhaps.”
"Yes, I do have too much stuff" |
He agrees that he has too much stuff and does not need everything – he will choose, and choose wisely.
Kath is glad to have solved the problem . . . |
This pleases Kath,
. . . but Brynmor is not looking happy about it |
but he is already looking rather troubled.
Mathew sees Colin |
As Mathew is about to cross the road, he notices Colin coming towards him;
"I know we haven't talked in a while" |
“I know we haven’t talked in a while,” says Mathew,
"I'm busy!" |
but is told that Colin is busy. “Please stay – I’ve got something I think you’ll want to listen to – it’s a song that Jinx has written.”
Colin grumbles that he does not have time to listen to music,
"The song is about Izzy" |
but is informed that the song is about Izzy, which changes his attitude. “I’ll send it to you now, and it’s up to you what you do with it – but I think it will do you good to listen to it,” Mathew suggests, “Because it really helped me.”
Colin listens to it on his phone |
Colin takes out his phone and listens to the song.
Siôn practises his tone of voice . . . |
Siôn returns home to Y Felin, and practises in front of the mirror what he is going to tell Tesni; “Listen, Tesni!”
. . . but then he finds Tesni in distress . . . |
Then he finds that she is lying on the sofa
. . . as she is in pain |
in some pain,
He does not know what to do |
and does not know what to do.
"Hey, Anita!" |
Anita hurries across the road by APD and Mathew calls to her;
"I'm sorry – I didn't want to hurt you" |
she is sorry about what she said, protesting that she did not want to hurt him and should have thought. He says that he is the one who should apologise;
"It wasn't your fault" |
“It wasn’t your fault – I knew that coming back to work would be hard – I didn’t expect to be reminded of her everywhere.”
Anita quite understands this, as he adds, “And I’ve been thinking, the idea of washing machines is a good one – I’m kicking myself for not thinking of it sooner.”
"I'm going to start the business myself" |
Anita tells him not to worry about it, as she has decided to start the business herself.
"Could you work part-time here?" |
Mathew hopes that if she is not too busy, she would be interested in working part-time at APD; “You’d be doing me a favour – and I know Jason would appreciate it, too.”
Anita would be glad to do that |
She replies she would love to do that.
"Do you want me to call an ambulance" |
Siôn is panicking, “Do you want me to call an ambulance?” Tesni explains that it the colitis has flared up, but he thought that had been sorted out.
"I can deal with it, Siôn" |
Today is a really bad day, she tells him, but she can deal with it.
"Let me phone your mother, at least" |
“Let me phone your mother at least,” he says, but she replies that she just needs to take her tablets, and he is horrified by the situation, wondering what he can do.
"Just help me take my mind off it" |
“Just stay there – help me to take my mind off it,” she requests, “What were you going to say earlier?” He dismisses it as nothing important – she is the important one at the moment.
Colin is mesmerised by the music |
Colin is sitting in the chip shop flat, mesmerised by the song on his phone;
"Are you OK, Col?" |
Britt comes up from the shop and asks if he is OK.
"I'm sorry for putting pressure on Aaron" |
“I’m sorry for putting pressure on Aaron about his exams,” he says, and she understands that he just wants Aaron to do well and is helping him.
"Family's important as well, isn't it?" |
“I know that exams and ‘A stars’ are important, but family’s important as well, isn’t it?” Colin goes on;
"What has made you worry about that?" |
she wonders what has made him worry about that.
"The song was about Izzy" |
“Its just that Mathew has sent me a copy of a song that Jinx wrote – it’s about Izzy and got me thinking about . . . sorry – saying it out loud makes it sound like nonsense.”
Britt encourages him to explain;
"We don't want to regret things" |
“I don’t want him – or us – to look back and perhaps regret we haven’t done enough together,” he says,
"Yes, we need a balance, Col" |
and she agrees that they need a balance, so from now on, if Aaron is not revising, they should do more together.
Nothing appears to have changed |
When Kath returns to the house, she finds it in much the same state as when she left;
Brynmor says he has sorted things out |
“It’s taken a while, but I’ve chosen everything that means something to me,” Brynmor informs her, as he stands by one single box on the table.
She is very pleased and will help him go through all the other stuff to see what they can sell.
"These are what I want to keep" |
“Oh no!” he continues, pointing all the boxes around the room, “These are what I want to keep –
"This is what I can get rid of" |
“everything in this box is what I can get rid of. You were right, I need to streamline, and it wasn’t easy.
"I'll get us a slice of Victoria sponge" |
“You sit down and I’ll cut us each a slice of Victoria sponge, before we go through this box.”
Kath is not impressed . . . |
Now Kath’s look has changed to one of disbelief,
. . . and has to move a box to sit down |
as she moves one of the boxes aside, so that she can sit on the sofa.
They listen to Jinx's song |
Both Colin and Britt are listening to the song, and Britt says that it was lovely; again Colin stresses how much he misses Izzy. He puts his phone down on the table,
"I was a mediocre father at best" |
and sighs, “I was a mediocre father at best to her,” but is told that is not true.
Britt asks who put a roof over her head when she and Gaynor argued; “It was you – or us.
"You were always there for her" |
“You know what I mean – you were always there when she needed you.” He cannot help but think of all the things he did wrong, but Britt encourages him to think of all the good things, “Like when when we made those candles – remember the mess?”
"Remember getting the wax out of the carpet?" |
Colin recalls how Izzy had to go on the Internet to find out how to get wax out of the carpet. “Baking parchment and an iron!” laughs Britt. Colin spent hours scrubbing that carpet,
"She said it wasn't her fault" |
and Izzy insisted that it was not her fault.
"What are you doing now?"| |
Britt rushes into the kitchen and finds one of the candles in question;
"I knew I had one somewhere!" |
“I knew I had one somewhere,” she says, and as she lights it,
"Izzy knew that you loved her" |
she assures Colin, “Izzy knew that you loved her – and she loved you, too. OK, sometimes things weren’t easy between you,
"She was lucky to have someone like you" |
“but she was lucky to have someone like you as her father –
The candle in memory of Izzy |
“just like Aaron is.”
Eifion creeps back to Penrhewl |
Eileen is looking at the dog’s collar when Eifion returns to the house; “I was wondering when you would turn up,” she growls, “Don’t worry, I haven’t phoned the police.”
"Nothing's going to bring Fflam back" |
Eifion thanks her, but she adds, “Not because of what you said – but phoning the police isn’t going to bring Fflam back. Nothing’s going to do that.”
"You must believe I had nothing to do with it!" |
Again he insists that she must believe that he had nothing to do with what they were doing in those sheds.
"You wouldn't take pleasure in that" |
She replies, “Perhaps you are underhanded, but I know you wouldn’t take pleasure in that kind of cruelty – unlike those monsters!”
"What's going to happen now?" |
He wonders what is going to happen now, and Eileen says that is up to him; “You’ll have to live with what you allowed to happen in those sheds –
"Perhaps you'll do the right thing next time" |
“but there we go, perhaps those scars will help you to do the right thing next time.”
"I'm so sorry, Eileen" |
He whimpers that he is so sorry, and she shakes her head;
"I'll never forgive you for this!" |
“If you’ve come here to look for forgiveness, you’ve come to the wrong place – I’ll never forgive you for this!”
Eifion slinks away from the farmhouse |
He walks out of the farmhouse without another word.
"Thank you for that song, Mathew" |
Colin finds Mathew outside the Deri and thanks him for the song;
"It's Jinx you should thank" |
“It’s Jinx you should thank – he wrote it,” is the reply, and Colin will do that when he sees him.
“I just wanted to thank you for sharing it with me – it means a lot,” Colin says, “I know things haven’t been right between us for a while,
"If you ever want to talk about Izzy . . ." |
“but if you ever want to talk about Izzy – or anything, you know where I am.” Mathew appreciates that.
"It's nice just knowing you're there, Siôn" |
As Tesni dozes on the sofa, Siôn is working on the laptop; she says that it is nice just knowing that he is there,
"Perhaps you should go back to your mother's" |
and he wonders if Y Felin is the best place for her. “Perhaps it would be best if you went back to your mother, especially if these bouts are getting worse,” he suggests,
"Jaclyn knows what to do" |
“Jaclyn knows what to do.”
"What you're doing now is perfect" |
“She’ll just panic and fuss – what you’re doing now is perfect – I just need a bit of time to let this pass,” she murmurs,
"I don't know what I'd do without you" |
“This is the best place for me – I’m so grateful – I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
Not the intended outcome |
This is not exactly what Siôn had been hoping for.
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