28 December 2020

🎄Christmas Day, 25 December 2020 (2nd)


Cassie cannot finish her sausages

At number 9, Cassie has left some of her sausages, pointing out that Mark gave her four, 
and giving the excuse that she could not eat another thing;  he considers that the sausages are the best part.   

She needs a break . . . 

Then he suggests that they have a little break before pudding.   

. . . a break for a week

“Yes, Mark, a break for a week!” she exclaims, “Leave the dishes and I’ll do them later – I’m going for some fresh air.”

"I'll come with you"

“Yes – walk that turkey off,” he replies, “Let me just put this pudding in the oven, and I’ll come with you.”   

The last thing she wanted

This is the last thing that she wanted.

Tempers have cooled at Y Felin 

At Y Felin, relations appear to be more cordial now, as Siôn brings Anita a cup of tea;  “I shouldn’t have quarrelled with you today, of all days,” he admits, but she does not blame him, acknowledging that she has not been in a very good mood.

"Everything you do gets on my nerves"

“To be honest, Siôn, everything you do gets on my nerves,” she goes on.  He laughs and is glad they can be honest with each other, remarking that things have not been right for a while.   “It’s lockdown, isn’t it?” she says, 

"Everything's been so 'intense', as Kelly would say"

“Everything’s been so ‘intense’, as Kelly would say.”   

"That may be a good thing"

He thinks that may be a good thing;  “It’s made us realise something that might have taken years otherwise.”   

"What did we have in common to start with?"

Anita muses that they are so different and tries to remember what they had in common to start with.   

"We were both lonely"

He suggests the answer is, “We were both lonely, but perhaps that’s not enough now.”

"Is this over?"

“Is this over?” she asks.

Dylan appears to have overeaten

Dylan appears to be more than full, as he reclines on the sofa and Megan describes the meal as a feast;  Dylan hopes that she has some room left for cheese and crackers, and she thinks she might manage some, after a break.

"We have to go and pick up Ifan now"

However, Sara is obviously eager to get rid of Megan and says, “We have to go and pick up Ifan now – we are only having him for a few hours this year.”   

"i'll get out of you way, then"
Megan quite understands and will get out of their way, so they can be a little family.   

Dylan protests that they do not want Megan to be on her own for the rest of the day, 

"I'll give you some peace, then"

so Sara rather irritably proposes that she will get out of their way, and they can have some peace.   “It’s no problem – the crackers are in the cupboard and the cheese is in the fridge,” she tells them as she hurries out of the house.

"Sara's been under a lot of stress recently"

Dylan explains that Sara has been under a lot of stress recently, and offers Megan a sherry.

"Can we play Monopoly?"

In the Deri flat, Aled has just found the Cluedo game when Dani squeals, “Can we play Monopoly?”   Tyler says that he has always beaten Dani, and now she is determined to change that.   

"I'm convinced that he cheats"

“I’m convinced that he cheats, and has done for years,” she declares, “The years between 1996 and 2000 don’t count, because Mam helped you.”

"She wasn't much use after five G&Tesni"
Tyler maintains, “She wasn’t much use after five G&Ts, was she?”   

Then Iolo arrives

Then they hear someone coming up the stairs, and Iolo walks in;  

"Ooh – this is awkward!"

he is rather disturbed to see that Aled is there.

"Perhaps I was a bit thoughtless"

“Greta wanted to come over and see what Seren had for Christmas,” he explains, and Tyler is glad that he brought her over.   “Perhaps I was a bit thoughtless – you’re her father, after all,” Iolo concedes.   

Aled feels excluded

Tyler invites him to stay for a drink, much to the evident displeasure of Aled.

"We've just had a Christmas barbecue"

On their after-dinner walk, Mark and Cassie are just emerging from the alley when they see Kelly and Jason returning to the café;  “We’ve just had a Christmas barbecue,” Kelly informs them, and Jason comments that it was her idea and ‘a bit different’.

Mark is a real traditionalist

Mark cannot understand why people want to do different things on Christmas Day.   Cassie invites Kelly and Jason over for a drink later, and Mark boasts that he is an expert at making cocktails.   

"We're going over to see Auntie Anita and Siôn"

Kelly says they are unable to come, as they are going over to see Auntie Anita and Siôn.

"Do you want a pickled egg?"

Mark is eager to get back to have the pudding;  “Then we need to make turkey sandwiches – do you want a pickled egg?   Dad used to have one with his.”   

"I have to go to the Deri . . ."

Cassie quickly manufactures the excuse that she want to go to the Deri, to see the children, 

". . . it's hard for the children without Garry"

as it is hard for them, without Garry.   

"I'll see you over there"

He has a bottle of wine for Dani, so he will see her there.    

Cassie cannot stand much more of this

Cassie appears to be slowly going mad.

"Huwi is getting through his selection box"

Eileen and DJ are at the dinner table at Penrhewl, and Sioned reports that Huwi is watching Paw Patrol with his selection box.   Eileen protests that he has just eaten a plateful of dinner, and tells DJ, “He’s got a stomach like his Dad’s!   That stuffing was lovely – I shall have to have the recipe.”

"The bread sauce was a bit 'disappointing'!"

DJ is of the opinion that the bread sauce was a bit disappointing

"You'll be wearing the bread sauce in a minute!"

and is warned by Sioned, “You’ll be wearing the bread sauce in a minute!”   Eileen is very grateful to both of them and says that it was a perfect meal.   DJ will clear the table while they sit down.

"Are you all right, Mam?"

Eileen is looking rather tearful, which she explains is happiness for the two of them;  

"You remind me of Jim and me"

“You remind me of Jim and me – if you’re as happy as we were, you’ll be very lucky.”

"It's hard to believe how things have changed"

Sioned remarks that it is hard to believe how much things have changed in a year;  “Do you remember the surprise you got on Christmas morning last year?” and her mother says it is hard to forget it – Jim had thought of everything.

“The best Christmas ever!” was what he said;  

"I'd do anything to say goodbye properly"

then she sobs, “I’d do anything just to see him one more time – just to say goodbye properly.   But I’m lucky – I’ve got you and Huwi.”

"We've got a man to do the dirty jobs for us"

“And on top of that, we’ve got a man to do the dirty jobs for us,” adds Sioned, then addresses DJ;  “Do you fancy some bubbles?   

"Right, then, open the bottle!"

“Right, then, open the bottle!”

"I did something stupid – I kissed Colin!"

Before he does that, Eileen would like to apologise;  “I haven’t been the easiest person to live with these last few days – and I did something stupid at the beginning of the week.   I kissed Colin,”   

"So that's why he was running away!"

DJ realises that was why he was running away from there the other day – with his shirt inside out!”   Eileen is at pains to stress that nothing happened, and it was only a kiss, 

"It was all my fault"

but accepts responsibility, admitting it was all her fault.   

"There's no need to explain, Eileen"

DJ says there is no need to explain, but she maintains there is a need, because he is a member of the family now.

Mark approaches the Deri

Mark is walking towards the Deri, with the bottle in his hand, when he sees Dani sitting outside;  

"Have you seen Cassie?"

“Have you seen Cassie?” he asks, and Dani is very thankful that she has not.

"Why did she spend so much on the children?"

She wants to know, “Anyway, why has she spent so much on the children?”   He has no idea, except that perhaps she is a kind person.   “Oh – do you fancy her?” Dani enquires, and he tells her not to be soft, as they are just friends.   “Because you and I are friends, but you always take her side,” Dani continues.

"She might have a fancy man"

Mark is worried about Cassie, as she has just vanished;  Dani suggests that she might have a fancy man, which Mark finds rather troubling, then his phone sounds.   

"I'll go and check now"

It is one of his neighbours from Maes-y-Deri, who reports that someone is in his house.   “Are you sure?” he says, “OK, I’ll go and check now.”

He advises Dani, “The bloke next door says someone is trying to break into Maes-y-Deri – that’s for you, by the way,” he adds, 

He leaves the bottle for Dani . . .

as he puts down the bottle 

. . . as he hurries to Maes-y-Deri 

and dashes off home.

"At least we know where we stand"

As Anita is tidying up, she tells Siôn, “Things are a lot easier now that we know where we stand.   I’ll have to give the Parrys a month’s notice – 

"Is it all right if I stay until then?"

“is it all right if I stay until then?   I could always go and stay with Kelly, if you want.”

"Perhaps you could move to the spare room"

Siôn replies that she does not have to move out;  “Perhaps you could move to the spare room – we both want company, don’t we?   As you said, things are a lot easier, now we know where we stand.”

"We do know how to have fun, sometimes"

She recalls that they do know how to have fun, sometimes;  

"Why should that end because we're not in love?"

“Why should that end just because we’re not in love any more?” he asks, and she is surprised that he is proposing that they just live as friends.   “It’s much better than living on your own,” he points out, 

"I suppose you're right, Siôn"

and she has to agree.

"Apêl Maenan, I think – yeah?"
She picks up the scarf he gave her, and suggests, “Apêl Maenan, I think – yeah?”

"We had a lot of fun when Gareth and Rhian were little"

Megan regards Christmas as a day for the children;  “We had a lot of fun when Gareth and Rhian were little.”   Dylan is sure that she is having a lot of fun in Australia too.   “I haven’t heard from Gareth in years,” she sighs, “He’s obviously forgotten about his mother.”   

"A lot of people would love to have you as their mother"

Dylan maintains that a lot of people would love to have her as their mother;  she is not so sure about that.

"It's hard for a lot of families these days"

“It’s hard for a lot of families these days – it’s the children that suffer,” she muses.   His phone sounds, so she will leave him to answer it, convinced that it is Sara.   

"Can I give you a lift, Megan?"

He wonders if she needs a lift, but she thinks that she needs a walk, especially after that sherry.   

"Thank you for everything, Dylan"
She thanks him for everything and leaves the house.

Gwern is still trying to contact his father

He takes the phone out of his pocket, noticing that there are four missed calls from Gwern.

"It's terribly hot in here!"

“I’m going to get a drink – do you want anything?” says Jason, and notices that it is very hot in the flat;  “I’m roasting!” he complains.

"I turned up the heating to get the Australian feel"

“Oh, yeah – I turned the heating up to get the Australian feel,” Kelly informs him, “I could see how much you were missing it this morning.”   

"Would you fancy moving out there one day?"

He wonders if she would fancy moving out there one day, 

"It would be really difficult, Jase"

and she visualises, “Having a constant tan, being on the beach every day?   It would be really difficult, but I suppose I could try.   Are you serious?”

"I wouldn't be running away from my problems"

Jason has been thinking about it recently;  “Especially with all this trouble selling APD – and before you say anything, Kelly, I wouldn’t be running away from my problems, I’d just be . . . starting again.   A fresh start – of course with you – who else?”

"But what about Ifan?"
She raises the question, “What about Ifan?” and he says that they would have to see what was possible.   

"I'm serious about this, Kelly"

He emphasises again that he is serious about this.

"Tyler cheats at Monopoly!"

Iolo points out that Tyler cheats at Monopoly, and is about to leave;  

Tyler takes the present from the bottom drawer

Tyler has a gift for him, so goes to the bottom drawer and takes it out.   

Aled is not happy

As he presents it to Iolo, Aled is seriously upset.   

"Ty, there was no need"

“Ty, there was no need – this is lovely,” Iolo tells him, “I feel terrible now because I didn’t get you anything.”   

"I could really do with a nap"

Iolo refuses another drink, explaining that he could do with some sleep.   

No, he is definitely not happy

He and Tyler go to get Greta, leaving Aled feeling very uncomfortable.

Mark creeps into Maes-y-Deri . . . 

Mark cautiously enters Maes-y-Deri, and sees a figure reclining on the sofa;  

. . . and arms himself

he picks up a nearby vase, with which to protect himself, and lets out a bloodcurdling cry, 

Cassie has a rude awakening

only to discover that the intruder is Cassie.

"What are you doing here, you clown?"

“What are you doing here, you clown?   I thought a burglar had broken in!” she shouts, 

"What the hell are you doing here?"

and he wants to know what the hell she is doing there.   He suspects that she is meeting a fancy man there, 

"You've been fussing all day!"

so she explains, “I wanted some space – you’ve been fussing all day!”

"I've spoilt Christmas for you"

“Oh – I was just trying to make today special for you, that’s all,” he whimpers, “But I’ve spoilt Christmas for you.   Just go home if you want some peace – I’ll stay here.”

Cassie says that she is not used to having company over Christmas;  “I do appreciate what you’ve been doing, but I just wanted an hour to myself.   

"Promise me not to put a pickled egg in it!"

“Anyway, there we are, I’ve had my hour, so I’m ready to have one of your cocktails and a turkey sandwich – as long as you promise not to put a pickled egg in it!”

"How did you get into the house?"
He enquires how she got into the house, 

"Half the village knows where the key is"

and Cassie informs him, “Half the village knows where the key is.”   He complains that he has told his mother the brick is too obvious;  they both leave the house.

"It's been a lovely day"

Tyler announces his verdict on the day as lovely, but, by his expression, Aled does not agree.   Tyler says, “Thanks, Al, Dani’s really enjoyed herself – and seeing Iolo and Greta was a nice surprise, wasn’t it?”

"Are you still in love with Iolo?"

Aled does not mince his words;  “Are you still in love with Iolo?   You’re close, aren’t you?”   Tyler maintains that they will always be, as Greta is the connection between them, but there is nothing more than that.   

"This is because you haven't had your present"

He suspects this is because Aled has not had his Christmas present yet, and tells him to go and get it.

Aled is not impressed with socks

When Aled does so, he is seriously underwhelmed, as Tyler tells him, “You’re always moaning about holes in your socks, aren’t you?”   

"Thanks, Tyler"

Aled forces himself to say thank you, but is hugely disappointed.

"Is someone else coming over?"

Sara returns home and asks where Megan is;  Dylan replies that she has gone home, and Sara snarls, “Is someone else coming over tonight?   Iori or Brenda, perhaps?   

"I didn't want to bring Ifan here!"

“I took Ifan out – I didn’t want to bring him here, with all the tension that’s been here today!   He’s back with Jason now.”

"Megan looked sad, and . . ."

Dylan informs her that Megan enjoyed herself;  “She looked sad and . . .” he begins, but is interrupted by Sara.

"Do I look as if I've had a great Christmas?"

“And what?   Do I look like I’ve had a great Christmas?” she rails at him, “You know how much I was looking forward to today – and you know how important it was to have Ifan here with us!”   

"I don't think you've ever tried to do the right thing!"

He argues that he is trying to do the right thing, and she continues, “I don’t think you’ve ever tried to do the right thing!”

"You've got time after work to do stuff"

Jason is still selling the idea of Australia to Kelly;  “The best thing about it is that you’ve got time after work to do stuff.   

"Go to the beach, fishing, surfing"

“You don’t go home, sit in front of the telly and eat dinner – you go out, go to the beach, go fishing, surfing!   You can eat outside.”

"It sounds like heaven"

Kelly sighs, “It sounds like heaven.”   He honestly thought that she would be against the idea, 

"If you'd asked me 12 months ago . . ."

and she replies, “If you’d asked me 12 months ago, perhaps I would have said ‘no, no way’.   

Jason is encouraged by what he hears

“But a lot’s changed since then, hasn’t it?   Paul – Anita – lockdown.   I’ve got a lot of history in this place – perhaps it is time to move on – 

"I'm in it for the long haul"

“and I’m happy because of you, Jase – really, really happy.   And I’m in it for the long haul – and if that means moving to Australia, then so be it, because I know you’d do the same thing for me.”

"But you're never going to take the toffees!"

He assures her that of course he would;  she stipulates, “But you have to promise, OK, that you’re never going to take the toffees from every chocolate box we share!”   

"You're pushing it now, Kelly!"

He protests that she is pushing it now.

"This time next year – Bondi Beach"

Kelly dreams, “OK, who knows?   Perhaps this time next year we’ll be on Bondi Beach,” 

They will drink to that

and they both drink to that.

The box that Daf left . . .

Dylan again looks at the parcel given to him by Daf, and places it on a shelf;  

. . .  is preying on Dylan's mind

he is still looking extremely worried.

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