26 February 2024

22 February 2024

Delyth waits outside the pharmacy . . .

Delyth is standing outside the pharmacy 

. . . .and looks across towards Colin's . . .

and looks across to number 21 

. . . where Anita is just leaving

to see Anita coming out of the door.   

Maya emerges from the pharmacy and wishes Delyth good morning, which surprises her.  “Sorry, I’m still hyped up after yesterday’s match!” she says.

"Are you happy with me, after everything?"

Delyth explains her lack of excitement by maintaining that she is tired;  “Are you are happy with me, after everything?” Delyth enquires, 

Jinx and Ffion approach

but then their conversation is interrupted by Ffion and Jinx, who are walking along the road.

"She was incredible yesterday!"

“Here she is – she was incredible yesterday – amazing!” exclaims Ffion 

"So you were the star player"

and Jinx describes Maya as the star player, 

"No – all the team were good"

while she points out that all the team were good.   “You should have seen her go down the wing – she was like a whippet!” Ffion continues, “See you at training tomorrow.”

"You were excellent at the game yesterday!"

Then Anita approaches, having heard that Maya was excellent at the game yesterday.   Maya is simply worried about Delyth;  

"You shouldn't have to grieve for her on your own"

“You know you shouldn’t have to grieve for her on your own.”   

"We can have a coffee later"

Delyth suggests that they can have a coffee later, then she sets off in the direction of number 21.

Jason likes his ketchup

Kelly and Jason are in the deli where Jason applies a squirt of ALDI ketchup to the last piece of his breakfast;  “You don’t have to go to the spa with Dani – phone her to cancel – say you’re ill,” he insists.

"I'm not going to be a snowflake"

Kelly replies, “I’m not going to be a snowflake – we live in the same village, so I don’t want things to be awkward – 

"Are you taking me or what?"

“are you taking me or what?”   He grumbles that he does not have much choice and she hurries him along.

Another of Siôn's 'amazing' facts

At Y Felin, Siôn is droning on and Iolo is doing his best to ignore him;  “Do you know that over 20% of bird species live in Ecuador?   Incredible!” his father remarks.

"I can take Greta this morning"

As there is no response, Siôn offers to take Greta this morning, as it will give them a chance to discuss this school project.   

"No, I'll take her"

Iolo however is adamant that he will take her, as he looks at his phone.

"Are things all right between you?"

“Are things all right between you after what happened last Monday?” Siôn goes on.   

"I apologised and we're fine"

Iolo answers that they have discussed it and he has apologised;  now they are fine.   “Well, if you want to talk, I’m here,” his father reminds him, “You know that, don’t you?”

"Tombola or splat-a-rat?"

Then he adds, “Oh, while I remember, tombola or splat-a-rat?”   

"What are you talking about?"

Iolo wonders what on earth he is talking about, so Siôn explains, “The Parent Teacher Association is looking for volunteers for the fair – and I said you’re available.”


“No!” snaps Iolo and his father points out that, if everyone had that attitude, there would not be a fair – 

"Greta's looking forward to it"

and Greta is looking forward to it.   “You take her, then,” Iolo tells him.

"Come on, Greta  – we're going!"

As Siôn protests that Greta will want her father, Iolo shouts upstairs to Greta that it is time to go to school.   Siôn is concerned.

Delyth comes into number 21

Colin invites Delyth into number 21 and assumes that she has heard about Yvonne;  

"You're here to tell me it was her body"

“You’re here to tell me that it was her body.”   

"No, we haven't got any more news"

She regrets that she has no more news, but is there as a friend, to see how Colin is.

Colin's phone has been left lying around . . .

He will make a cup of tea and while he is in the kitchen she sits down on the sofa, noticing his phone nearby;  

. . . so she has a nose into it

it does not appear to require a password, so she has a surreptitious look at it.   “Tea, coffee or herbal?” he asks 

"Tea with two sugars, please"

and she prefers tea with two sugars.

Kelly sits and waits

Amid the soothing music and incense at the Spa, Kelly is waiting for the arrival of Dani;  

"I was starting to think you weren't coming"

when she appears, Kelly comments, “I was starting to think that you weren’t coming.”

“Miss today?   I’ve been looking forward to it – are we having a foot massage?” asks Dani, 

"Jinx said you'd pick that"

“Jinx said that you’d pick that – I asked him because I wasn’t sure what you wanted to do.”   

Kelly feels awkward

Kelly feels rather awkward, but they go in;  Dani does not look very relaxed, either.

Iolo approaches the pharmacy

Iolo walks along the High Street, where he notices a poster for the School Fair in the window of the pharmacy;  

"Just the person I wanted to see"

Maya comes out and is just the person that he wanted to see.   

"The Costa Delyth Rehab suits me"

“The Costa del Rehab suits me,” he quips, “Look, Maya, I missed Greta, obviously, 

"It was a relief, being away from here"

but it was kind of a relief, being away from here.”

"Will you be there?"

She points to the poster, asking whether he will be there;  

"Not if I can help it!"

“No, not if I can help it!” he resolutely replies, “I used to run a stall with Tyler – 

"Just when I think I'm moving forward . . ."

“you know, just when I think I’m moving forward, there’s always something hiding round the corner, waiting for me!”

Maya suggests that is why they are mates;  

"I'm a clean slate"

she came into his life after Tyler, so no reminders there, “I’m a clean slate.”

"It's hard to believe what Gwyneth did"

“Listen, I know it’s hard to believe what Gwyneth did,” begins Delyth, but Colin cannot understand why she went so far.

"Yvonne meant everything to her!"

“Yvonne meant everything to her!”   

"More of a reason to get revenge?"

Delyth surmises that may be more of a reason to get revenge.   “She must have come back to the village – it doesn’t make sense – 

"Why didn't she tell me?"

“why didn’t she tell me?” he demands.

"Torturing yourself isn't going to help anyone"

Delyth warns, “Torturing yourself like this isn’t going to help anyone,” and he realises that she is right.   “What sort of person was she?” Delyth asks, as innocently as she can manage.

"Full of fun and mischief"

Colin replies, “She was always smiling – full of fun and mischief.”   She says that she can believe it and that Yvonne sounds like a very special lady.   Colin agrees that she was, definitely, and now he will make another cup of tea.   

Delyth has another snoop into the phone

Meanwhile Delyth has another crafty snoop at his phone.

The masseuses at work

At the spa, Kelly and Dani are having their feet massaged.   

"Jason wants you to stay away from Jinx"

“Listen, Kelly, I know Jason wants you to stay away from Jinx,” says Dani, “To be honest, I think that’s a good idea – for now, anyway.   I know you’re friends, all right, and after everything that’s happened, 

“it would avoid a lot of dramas, don’t you think?”

Kelly has dozed off

Apparently, all this relaxation has sent Kelly to sleep, but when Dani exclaims, “Kelly!” 

"Are you OK, Sleeping Beauty?"

she awakens with a start.   “Are you OK, Sleeping Beauty?”

"With me snoring like a prize pig!"

“Sorry, Dani – I always fall asleep when I have a massage, how are you supposed to relax with me snoring like a prize pig?” I

"The farting wasn't great"

Dani sarcastically adds, “The farting wasn’t great – but you can’t help that!”

"I hope you don't mind me asking . . ."

Colin comes back into the room and picks up an invitation to the memorial service;  “I hope you don’t mind me asking, 

". . . but I'd like you to come to the service"

“but I’d like you to come to the service.”   

"But I didn't know Yvonne"

Delyth tries to make the excuse that she did not know Yvonne.

"I feel you've come to know her . . ."

“No, but I feel you’ve come to know her – you’ve listened to me today – and over the last few weeks, 

". . . not many people have listened"

“which is more than most people have done,” he laments, “I’d really like you to be there – you and Maya – you’ve helped so much.”

"I'll see what I can do"

Delyth is close to tears as she takes the invitation 

She looks at the invitation

and says that she will see what she can do, as she looks, horrified, at the invitation.

"A dip now?"

The foot massage is completed and next, Dani and Kelly fancy a dip in the pool, 

"While you were snoring just now . . ."

but first Dani says, “When you were snoring just now, I was trying to talk to you . . .”   

"Do you have to, Dani?"

Kelly does not like being reminded of that, but Dani continues, “. . . about Jinx – I just want us to understand each other.”

"You came here to warn me off Jinx – I get it!"

“So you came here to warn me off Jinx – OK, I get it,” growls Kelly.   

"I really wanted the massage"

That is not quite true, as Dani really wanted the massage, but does not want things to be awkward.

"I have enjoyed myself"

“Yeah, perhaps I did come here to warn you off, but I have enjoyed myself with you – when you’ve been awake!”   

Kelly smiles

Kelly smiles.   

"You and Jinx have this bond"

“You and Jinx have this ‘bond’ – it makes me jealous sometimes.”

"It's not a romantic bond any more . . ."

Kelly sits up and assures Dani that she does not need to be jealous;  “It’s not a romantic bond any more, honest.   

"I'm not a threat, Dan"

“I’m not a threat, Dan, I’m really not.”   Dani appears to accept this and they will now go and have that dip.

Delyth looks at the invitation

In the Deri, Delyth looks at the invitation;  

"She was pretty"

when Maya joins her she comments that Yvonne was pretty.   “I’m checking up on you, actually,” she continues, 

"It's OK to be sad"

but Delyth maintains that she is fine.   “Well, you shouldn’t be – it’s OK to be sad.   Do you want me to come to the service with you?”

"I'm not going – I can't!"

Delyth has decided that she is not going, even though Maya insists that it will do her good.   “I just can’t.”

"You don't have to hide your tears for my sake"

“Listen, you don’t have to hide your tears for my sake,” says Maya, “Yeah, it was a shock to find out about you and her, but we all have a past, Dee.”

"Please don't be nice to me"

“Please don’t be nice to me – I don’t deserve it,” Delyth groans;  

"Sorry I wasn't nicer yesterday"

Maya apologises for not being nicer yesterday, 

"You don't understand, Maya"

but is told that she does not understand.

Jason is waiting

Jason has arrived at the spa to pick up Kelly and is sitting glumly, waiting for her;  then Jinx arrives.   

"You're the taxi as well, are you?"

“You’re the taxi as well, are you?” he remarks and notices the herbal teabags, 

"Want a herbal tea?"

asking if Jason wants a cup, which is of course refused.

"If I want one, I'll make it myself"

“If I want a cup, I’ll make it myself, all right?   

"You don't really expect us to have a cosy chat, do you?"

“You don’t really expect us to have a cosy chat over a cup of chamomile, do you?”

Jinx replies that he is simply being courteous;  

"I could have lost everything because of you"

“I don’t know why I’m bothering, after what you did!   I could have lost everything because of you.”

Jason is quick to point out that he did not lose everything;  

"You have no idea how that actually feels!

“You have no idea how losing everything actually feels!   

"Shame the house didn't burn to the ground!"

“The real shame is that the house you got didn’t burn to the ground!   Then you might have some idea . . .”

This really gets to Jinx . . .

This is enough for Jinx, who grabs Jason by the coat, 

. . . and a full-scale brawl looks imminent . . .

but fortunately the girls walk in on this unseemly struggle, forcing the two them apart.   

. . . until Dani and Kelly break it up

Jason snarls, “It’s about time he got what he deserved!”

Dani demands what is going on 

"Tell her what happened, Jason!"

and Jinx challenges Jason to tell them what happened;  “Don’t be shy!”

"Jason, get out – now!"

Kelly furiously pushes Jason out of the door, while Dani apologises to her, 

"What was that all about?"

then she turns to Jinx and wants to know what that was all about.

"It was more than just a fling"

Maya looks anxiously at Delyth, who admits that it has been too much;  “Yvonne and me – I should have told you the truth – it was more than just a fling.”   

"Thanks for being honest"

Maya thanks her for being honest, and she adds, 

"We had to keep it secret"

“We had to keep it secret – even Colin doesn’t know.”

"So why did he invite you?"

Maya cannot understand why he invited her to the memorial;  

"I went over to pay my respects"

“I just went over to pay my respects – and he invited me,” says Delyth, 

"You should go, then"

and in that case she is told that she should go.

“What if it gets too much for me?” demands Delyth, “Colin might get suspicious.”

“So?   I don’t see why your relationship has to be a secret.”   

"It was because of work"

Delyth tells her that it is because of work;  it is what Yvonne wanted and she respects her wishes.

“I would appreciate if you did so, too,” Delyth adds, and Maya agrees, if that is what she wants – but she still maintains that Delyth ought to go.

"You need this, Dee"

“Obviously you haven’t come to terms with what happened – you need this.”   

"What I need is to be home with you"

Delyth insists that what she needs is to be home with Maya;  “OK, if that’s what you want, that’s what we’ll do.”   

She looks again at the invitation

As she goes to get another drink, Delyth looks at the invitation.

"Well, I'm waiting, Jinx!"

Still at the spa, Dani tells Jinx, “Well, I’m waiting.”   

"Just forget about it"

Jinx replies that it was just a misunderstanding which she should forget about.   

"I've had years of Garry and his lies"

She has no intention of doing that;  “I’ve had years of Garry and his lies – I’m not doing this nonsense any more!   Tell me – what was it?   What did he say?”

"That Rohypnol business . . ."

Jinx answers, “You know that Rohypnol business?   I know who did it!”   


She immediately assumes that it was Jason, but he corrects her, “Kelly – but it wasn’t deliberate.”

"How can you drug someone by accident?"

Dani fails to understand, “How can you drug someone by accident?”   

"Howard was the target"

He explains that Howard was the target and that Cheryl and Rhys drank the drink by accident.   

"Why did you attack Jason?"

This raises the question, “Why did you attack Jason?   It’s nothing to do with him.”

"He planted Rohypnol in my pocket to frame me!"

“Because he planted the Rohypnol in my pocket to frame me!”   

She insists that he has to go to the police, but he argues that he cannot report Jason 

"That would land Kelly in it"

or he will land Kelly in it and that she does not deserve to be punished – it was Howard’s fault and she was not thinking straight.

"You have to report them!"

Dani is quite adamant, “You have to report them – think of Cheryl and Rhys!   I know you want to protect Kelly, but they deserve to know!”

"I've been out!"

Siôn is surprised to see that Iolo has been out so long and asks where he has been;  “Out!” Iolo gruffly replies, and is reminded that he was supposed to be collecting Greta from the club, 

That had slipped his mind

which he had completely forgotten about.

"Greta was very upset"

He apologises and Siôn stresses how upset Greta was when he picked her up.   

"Were you looking for more tablets?"

“Iolo, I’m starting to worry that you left the unit too early – is that where you were out looking for more tablets?”

"No, Dad – I'm clean!"

Iolo angrily replies, “No, I’m clean!” 

"This is not the Iolo I know . . ."

but his father maintains that this is not the Iolo he knows, 

". . . we can't carry on like this"

adding that they cannot carry on like this.

"You're right, Dad – we can't!"

“You’re right, Dad – we can’t carry on like this,” he says, which Siôn takes to mean that he is not all right.   

"It took me away from here and everything that's happened here"

“How can I be, Dad?   Tyler is everywhere – that clinic was more than just recovery – it took me away from here and everything that’s happened here.”

Siôn points out that there is no shame in going back to the unit.   

"I know exactly what I need . . ."

“You don’t understand, Dad – I know exactly what I need.   

". . . Greta and I are leaving Cwmderi!"

“Now, Greta and I are leaving Cwmderi!”   

Siôn is rendered speechless

He goes upstairs, leaving Siôn speechless.

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