15 February 2024

13 February 2024

Siôn is fearing the worst

Again we see the look on Siôn’s face as he gasps, “I know what you want to do you wanted to bring me here to get your revenge!”   

"Why would you think that, Siôn?"

Cai cannot understand why he thinks that 

"It's in that book!"

and Siôn replies that he has read what is written in that book, so it is obvious.

"You have misunderstood"

Siôn is accused of having misunderstood and, as he backs away from Cai, 

"Don't come near me!"

he picks up the knife, shouting, “Stay there – don’t come near me!   Now tell me the truth – what were you going to do?   Keep me here?   Why else would you bring me to this dump?”

"This is where I was the whole time"

Cai calmly answers, “Because this is where I was the whole time I was away – nice, isn’t it?”   Siôn protests that he heard Cai talking to that bloke last night and knew that he was plotting something.

"I wanted you to see for yourself"

“Yes, you’re right – I wanted you to see for yourself where I was over Christmas – stuck here with my feelings, 

"Knowing my family had betrayed me"

“knowing my family had betrayed me!” snarls Cai.

"Why the knife and the rope?"

Siôn wants to know why he had the knife and the rope;  

"They belong to Steve"

he is informed that they belong to Steve.   

"I don't believe you!"

“I don’t believe you!” says Siôn and is told to put the knife down and they will go . . .   He gets no further, 

"Stop talking, so that I can think!"

but is ordered to stand there and stop talking, “So that I can think!”

"I've got blisters everywhere"

In the Deri, Cheryl is behind the bar when Mark comes, complaining, “You know what?   I need new boots – I’ve got blisters everywhere!”   

"Ooh – sexy!"

She regards this as sexy;  “Talking of sexy – what are you doing later?” he continues, 

"My house is going to be empty . . ."

“My house is going to be empty.”

“Interesting – especially as I finish here in about an hour,” says Cheryl.   

". . . I'm going to treat you to a two-course meal"

He is going to treat her to a two-course meal, which is the least he can do, as she is always cooking for him.   He will see her later;  


“Perhaps,” she answers, teasingly.

Howard wants a second opinion on this contract

Then Howard comes in, wanting to talk to Cassie, but unfortunately she is in bed with a migraine.   

"You can't have a pint now!"

He is not pleased to see Eileen bringing in a box of vegetables;  “You can’t have a pint now – the hunt is about to start,” she instructs him.   He points out that he came to talk to Cassie, and Eileen demands whether he has signed his contract yet.

"No, not yet"

When he replies that he has not, she threatens, “You’d better do it today or you won’t get paid.”

"There was a time when you wanted revenge"

Still wielding the knife, Siôn goes on, “There was a time when you wanted revenge – more than anything, according to what you wrote in that book.   And now you say you’ve changed your mind?   What’s changed?”

"It was Steve's suggestion"

As he sits on the chair, Cai replies that writing things down in that book did it;  “It was Steve’s suggestion – to write things down to help me process things.   I’m still very angry with you, but I don’t want revenge now.”

"Why do you know this Steve bloke?"

Siôn asks why he knows this Steve bloke;  

"I met him when I was having treatment"

“I met him when I was having treatment – he’s the one who suggested I should start boxing.   Iolo and I were in his gym that day – he was the one who found me.”

“Why didn’t he take you to hospital?” Siôn demands.

"I wanted you to think something terrible had happened"

“Because I didn’t want you to find me – I wanted you to think something terrible had happened.   The only reason I wanted you to come here today was to see where I was – you’ve asked plenty of times.”

"And you've refused to answer, every time"

“And you’ve refused to answer, every time!” Siôn rages.   He is informed that Steve got Cai to realise that they have to try to draw a line under this before Iolo gets home, and that Steve is expected there today, as he wants Cai to clear out his stuff before he renovates the place.

"Are you going to help me pack?"

“Now, are you going to help me pack?”   Siôn still brandishes the knife and warns him not to move, 

Obviously not

so he sits down again.

"Aren't you hot in that coat?"

Having finished her shift, Cheryl arrives at number 7;  “Aren’t you hot in that coat?” Mark asks, 

"Completely boiling!"

and she replies that she is completely boiling,  revealing that she has changed into a dress.   

She pushes him into the kitchen . . .

They go into the kitchen, where they kiss.

. . . but meanwhile Jinx comes down . . .

At that moment Jinx come downstairs, clad in only his underpants, 

. . . and considers it wise to return from whence he came

but when he sees what is going on, he retreats quite rapidly.   

"What's that noise?"

Cheryl notices the stairs creaking, 

"You're imagining things"

but Mark insists that she is imagining things, stressing that there is no-one else there.   She suggests that he may have a mouse in that case and they resume what they were doing.

"This had better be important"

Howard goes to Penrhewl, but Eileen complains, “This had better be important – we're supposed to be in the field now!”   He advises that they have to take Bet out of the hunt as she is old and struggling, but Eileen  will not listen.

“We need to use a younger dog, before Bet falls apart!”   

"Who's the boss round here?"

Eileen demands who is the boss around there;  “It’s a simple question – even you should be able to answer it!”   

"You are"

Howard is forced to agree that she is.   “Now we have to stick to the business plan and use the dogs outside, whether they’re old or young – and we don’t show any weakness during the hunt.   

"Just do your job, Howard!"

Just do your job, Howard!   There’s a good boy – now take me up to the field in the 4x4 – now!”

"What are we having?"

“I’m starving – what are we having?” asks Cheryl and goes to investigate.

"And a big one, too!"

She is told, “Omelette a la Marco – and a big one, too,” and wonders if he is trying to talk dirty to her.   

"Chilli in an omelette?"

“You can’t rush a masterpiece,” he insists, as he adds some chilli sauce, which she thinks it is rather strange for an omelette.

He tells her to sit down and chop the carrots for him;  “Why are you putting carrots in an omelette?” she demands, “It’s bizarre!”   

"What's he doing with carrots?"

Meanwhile Dani and Jinx are creeping as quietly as possible downstairs and Jinx cannot understand either what Mark is doing with those carrots.

They do not close the door quietly enough

They leave by the front door and Cheryl hears it close;  

"I definitely heard something that time!"

“I definitely heard something that time!” she says and once again he assures her that there is no-one else there.   He tells her to relax and chop-chop with those carrots.   

She munches on a carrot to keep her going

Her response is to take a bite of one.

Siôn maintains the knife is for self-defence

Siôn is now maintaining that it would be self defence, as it says in the book that Cai wants to hurt him.   “I’ve already explained that,” Cai responds, but Siôn argues that excuse does not hold water.

"Iolo wanted to do then right thing"

“I’ll tell you what doesn’t hold water – you!   Iolo wanted to do the right thing – he wanted to phone the police and you stopped him!”

"It was my job to protect him!"

“I didn’t want him to go to prison and lose his little girl!” shouts Siôn, “It was my job to protect him!”   Cai is of the opinion that it was his job to support the decision made by his son.   “The whole time I’ve been back, you haven’t asked once if I’ve been taking my tablets – has it crossed your mind that I may have started self-harming again?”

"Don't shout at me!"

Siôn objects to being shouted at, 

"I came close – but I didn't"

but Cai continues, “In case you’re interested, I came close, but I didn’t.   What about my children?   Have you thought about them?   They’ve almost lost me once already – and, thanks to you, they had no idea where I was for three weeks.”

"Phone them, then!"

Siôn takes out his phone and invites Cai, “Phone them, then – I’m not stopping you!”

"I've had enough of you telling everyone what to do!"

Cai has had enough of this, “You telling everyone what to do – 

"Now give me that knife!"

“now give me that knife!”   

Siôn is forced to drop the knife . . .

In the ensuing struggle, Siôn is forced to drop it and when Cai picks it up, 

. . . and now the tables are turned

Siôn’s entire attitude changes to that of a whimpering victim.

"Please, Cai, no!"

He continues to plead for his life, 

Cai's reaction is to drop the knife . . .

but Cai simply drops the knife 

. . . and walk out

and walks out of the cabin.

"That was a close call"

“That was a close call,” sighs Dani, as she and Jinx on are now next door at number 9.   Jinx does not think that Mark would be been angry because she had forgotten.   

"Mark made a big deal of it"

“No – Mark made this big deal about wanting me out of the house all afternoon,” she replies 

"Is he going to ask Cheryl to marry him?"

and Jinx wonders if he is going to ask Cheryl to marry him or something – so what is the big deal?

He feels that we're always in the house"

“Well, Mark feels that we are always in the house, so he always has to go to Maes-y-Deri.   

"But you have children"

Jinx points out that she has children and Mark understands that.

“He just wanted one afternoon to entertain her,” Dani explains so Jinx regards that as fair enough. 

"I still think we should move in together"

He adds that he still thinks that they should move in together;  “Then we could have some fun without being disturbed.   I know it’s a huge step – and I only raised the topic a few weeks ago – but I honestly think we’re ready.”   

Dani appears reluctant

Dani is still looking hesitant.

"I've been looking for you everywhere"
Howard is washing his hands at the sink in Penrhewl when Eileen comes in;  “I’ve been looking everywhere for you,” she moans and he replies that he has been with the vet.   She accuses him of going soft in his old age.

"Come and see her"
He reports that the dog was suffering and whimpering as well, but when she is invited to go and see Bet, Eileen sneers, “No – those kennels stink!”   Howard points out that they will have no alternative but to put her down;  

"I'm taking her to the vet's now"

he has phoned the vet and will take her there now.

"You can'r go in the middle of a hunt!"

“You can’t go in the middle of a hunt!” Eileen protests, but he replies that he has an appointment.   

"You need to sign the contract first"

“Right, if you go, you need to sign the contract, because you still haven’t done it.   

"You have read it, haven't you?"

“I’m in the middle of a hunt, and if you do it, that will be one less thing for me to worry about.   I’ve printed another copy for you.   You can read it again if you want – you have read it, haven’t you?”   

Howard is unwilling to admit that he is not able to read it, 

He signs the unknown document

so he signs the document, which Eileen finds very gratifying.

"I do think it would work, but . . ."

On the sofa at number 9, Dani agrees, “Everything you say makes sense, I do think it would work – but, I don’t know – there’s something holding me back.”

"You think it's too early, don't you?"

“You think it’s too early, don’t you?” Jinx groans, 

"It's Kelly, isn't it?"

but she insists that it is not the problem and he realises that it is “Kelly – do you trust me?”   

"I do trust you"

When Dani confirms that she does, 

"Let's live together, then!"

he adds, “Let’s live together, then – we’ll have fun.”   He regards it as that easy – he is very happy that she trusts him, but thinks it is about time that she trusted herself.

“I’m not going to get down on my knees – only you know if you want us to live together or not,” he goes on.

"Yeah, OK, then"

“Do you really think we’d have fun?” she demands, and, after a moment, agrees, “OK – let’s live together.”   


Jinx looks very relieved.

Siôn joins Cai down by the lake

Siôn joins Cai who is sitting alongside the nearby lake;  there is the sound of a distant train passing.   

"Why didn't you contact the children?"

Siôn asks why Cai did not contact the children over Christmas;  

"I wasn't in a good place"

he replies that he could not as he was not in a good place;  he has talked to them now and has sent presents.

Siôn is very sorry for everything;  Cai does not agree with what he did but accepts that Iolo was his priority.   

"Where do we go from here?"

“Where do we go from here?” Siôn asks and Cai is not sure of the answer to that.

Dani is planning new furniture

Jinx comes downstairs with a spring in his step;  he finds Dani planning to put a corner sofa in the room, showing him a photo on her phone.   

"We only agreed to live together two minutes ago"

“I can’t believe you’ve started looking already – we only agree to live together two minutes ago,” he says.   

"You shouldn't have said I could decorate the place"

She points out that he should not have said that she could decorate the place, but does not want him to mention a word to Mark until she is ready to tell him.

“Are you still thinking of going on the spa day with Kelly?” he enquires, 

"A large mirror over there"

but she is more interested in placing a large mirror on the opposite wall.   

"Is it a good idea? – no, not the mirror"

“Do you think it’s a good idea?” he continues, “No, not the mirror.”

Dani simply wants to talk to Kelly, but he is not in favour of that;  

"We're in a good place, Dani"

“We’re in such a good place,” he says.   

"Yes – and I want her to understand that!"

Dani is eager that Kelly should understand that, and urges him to let her go ahead and do it.

"The vet was asking questions"

When Howard returns from the vet, Eileen asks if the job has been done;  “She looked pitiful – and the vet wasn’t too happy either,” he says, “He was asking awkward questions – and I don’t like this job – taking them there and watching them being put to sleep.”

"You had no problem forcing dogs to fight"

“You had no problem forcing dogs to fight,” she reminds him;  

"John forced me to do that"

he reiterates that John forced him to do that, and hands her the vet’s bill for £200.

"You're paying – it's in your contract"

“You’re paying that now,” she informs him, “You brought the dogs to Penrhewl, so you’re paying – it’s in your contract.   I paid for the bitch to be put down last week as a favour.”   

"I only get the minimum wage"

He protests that she only pays the minimum wage, so she confirms that she has transferred his pay to him today, stressing that everyone has to make sacrifices.

    "It's all in your contract . . ."

“And anyway, this is all in your new contract – you have read it, haven’t you?   There we are, then – 

". . . keep the dogs healthy and you won't have any problems"

“all you have to do is keep those dogs healthy and you won’t have any problems.”   He furiously picks up the bill and walks out of the farmhouse.

Ah – isn't it sweet?

As Mark amuses himself by feeding spoonfuls of crumble to Cheryl, 

"Sorry if we're disturbing anything"

the door opens and Dani and Jinx come in, apologising if they are disturbing anything.   Dani says that she has just come to get Seren’s trainers.

"Come and have some crumble"

Mark invites them both to come and have some food, as there is plenty of crumble;  they say that they are taking the kids to the park after the Urdd session.   “That doesn’t finish for an hour – have some crumble,” Mark encourages them, “Cheryl says that it’s nicer than Maes Gwyn Hall’s – a posh place in North Wales.”

Jinx has been tempted and sits down, 

"Oh, you've changed out of your dress"

but then he rather carelessly comments, “Oh, you’ve changed out of your dress,” then realises his error.

"You were here!"

“You were here!” gasps Cheryl, 

"Small confession, Mark – I forgot"

and Dani has a small confession to make.

“I forgot about our little arrangement – I’m sorry,” 

"So you were upstairs!"

and Mark realises that they were upstairs.

"We'll stick to my house from now on, yeah?"

“Right, we’ll stick to my house from now on, yeah?” suggests Cheryl.

"Where's Uncle Cai?"

Siôn arrives at Y Felin with Greta, who demands, “Where’s Uncle Cai?”   

"Staying with Auntie Ffion and Arwen"

Siôn replies that he has gone to stay with Auntie Ffion and Arwen for a while, but he will be back soon,

"Fish fingers!"

He asks what she would like for dinner, and she immediately answers, “Fish fingers!”   

"You'll turn into a fish if you're not careful!"

He says that she will turn into a fish if she is not careful.   Then someone comes downstairs and they discover that Iolo is back;  


“Dadi!” she exclaims and runs to him.

"We weren't expecting you"

He was not expected home for another week, but explains that they let him leave early.

"We've come to see Iolo Davies-White"

There is a knock at the door and Siôn discovers that there are two police officers;  

Iolo explains to Greta

meanwhile Iolo is explaining to Greta.   PC Lesley Thomas announces that they are there to see Iolo Davies-White.

"They know everything, Dad!"

“Don’t worry, Dad, I invited them here – they know everything about what I did to Cai.”   

Siôn is speechless

Siôn is dumbfounded. 

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