07 May 2022

4 May 2022

Colin has not had a god night

Next morning, when Britt gets up, she finds that Colin has suffered a very disturbed night on the sofa;  

"How are you feeling this morning?"

“How are you feeling this morning?” he asks her, “Did you sleep?”

She replies that she did not sleep a wink;  

"I'm trying to work out why you would turn it down!"

“I’ve been going over everything, trying to work out why you would turn down such a really exciting business proposal for us!”   

"I don't want to be part of something paranormal'

He explains that he does not want to be part of some paranormal venture that takes advantage of people who are grieving.

Britt argues that it would not to be like that;  “Tom has got a franchise, not unlike the Ghost Tours we’ve been doing – 

"He's got everything set up"

“but he’s got everything set up – marketing, branding – everything!   We’d be stupid to turn down his business proposal.”

"More like a charlatan!"

Colin would rather describe him as, “A charlatan!” but Britt still insists that it is easy money.   He wonders how she can be so cruel, but she is adamant that it is entertainment and a bit of fun.   

"I'll have to do it on my own, Col"

She is convinced that apart from him, everyone will see it that way;  “If you won’t help me with this business, I’ll have to do it on my own!” she growls.

"Is this too much for a day ay Y Winllan?"

Eifion is looking miserable over his toast at Y Felin when Siôn comes downstairs, in rather unfamiliar garb.   “What do you think?   Too much for a day in Y Winllan?” he asks.   

"I'm ashamed of myself"

Eifion says that he is ashamed of himself, but is assured by Siôn that there is no need to be;  “Remember, you can always talk to me about Izzy or anything else.”

Iolo comes downstairs

When Iolo comes down, he looks awkwardly at Eifion, 

. . . and Eifion is going for a shower

who is going for a shower.

Gaynor has some things to help Dani with her course

In the Deri, Gaynor sees Dani, with some podcasts and documentaries that might be useful for her course.   

"I haven't been accepted on the course yet"

“I haven’t been accepted on the course yet – and I might not be,” Dani warns, but Gaynor has high hopes for her.   Dani is in a hurry as Seren has forgotten a form for school, 

"I found this outside the shop"

and Gaynor alleges that she has found Gabriel’s shoe on the ground outside the shop.

"I really must go, Gaynor"

Dani had not realised that she had lost it, and does not want to be rude, but must go straight away.   

Gaynor leaves the shoe on the bar

Gaynor puts down the shoe on the bar.

Over breakfast, Siôn remarks that Eifion looks upset, and he is worried;  

"I was thinking of asking him to move in"

“It’s strange that he didn’t stay up for a drink, isn’t it?   I was thinking of asking if he wants to move in with us.”

"You're not serious?"

“You’re not serious?” Iolo demands, 

"When did you become so cynical?"

and his father wonders when he became so cynical.   

"When you became so naïve and childish"

“When you became so naïve and childish, perhaps!” snarls Iolo, “Since Tesni, all you do is go out partying – its embarrassing.”

“At least I can enjoy myself,” Siôn replies, and Iolo thinks that he is going through a mid-life crisis.   

"Are you jealous that we're such good friends?"

“Are you jealous that Eifion and I are such good friends?” says Siôn, as he picks up his bag to go to the bookshop, “You have slept together – there must be some sort of attraction – do you still fancy him?”

"It was a 'one-night-stand, – a mistake!"

Iolo vehemently denies that he ever fancied Eifion, calling it a ‘one-night-stand’ and a mistake.   “He’s getting on my nerves, with this nonsense that he’s grieving for Izzy!   He just wants attention – come on, Dad, 

"If he can steal from his cousin . . ."

“if he can steal from his cousin, what could he do to us?”

Eifion says he will leave

Eifion has been on the way downstairs during this tirade, and urges them, “Don’t argue because of me – I’ll leave.”   Despite Siôn’s objections, he decides that he will go today, and Siôn looks furious at Iolo.

"Did you find out what was wrong with Colin?"

When Britt goes to number 7, Mark asks her, “Did you find out what was wrong with Colin?”   She tells him to forget about Colin and has a business proposition for him.

"How do you fancy running paranormal events?"

“How do you fancy running paranormal events, overnight?   We stay in spooky buildings and do seances,” she says, but Mark is definitely not sure about that.   

"I've seen a ghost and I don't want to see another one"

“He is aware that nobody believes him, but he insists that he has seen a ghost and he does not want to see another one.

“Ghosts don’t exist!” laughs Britt, and he makes it clear that he does not mind going on with the tours, but does not want anything to do with seances.   

"You're as bad as Colin!"

“You’re as bad as Colin!” she exclaims, but his mind is made up.

Siôn tries to stop Eifion from leaving

Eifion has packed his bag and is on his way out of the house as Siôn begs him to rethink;  “Don’t let Iolo wind you up,” he says, “I think he’s jealous – has something happened between you?”

He is on about 'homophobic stereotypes' again

Eifion confesses, “He accused me of fancying you – I think it’s sad that a gay man can feed into the negative homophobic stereotype.”   

"We're friends, Eifion!"

Siôn is shocked and again insists that they are friends, but Eifion does not want to come between them.   “Don’t worry about me – I’ll be fine,” he says, 

"Thanks for your generosity"

“Thank you for your generosity – it means a lot,” and he walks out of the house.

"I've brought last week's takings"

Andrea visits Dani in the Deri flat;  ostensibly she is bringing last week’s takings for the shop, and Dani comments that she looks shattered.   

"I haven't been sleeping since Harry leftG

“Well, I haven’t been sleeping too well since . . . well, since Garry disappeared,” is her reply.

"We'd better clear the air"

“Look, I know things have been awkward between us this week, but we have to work together, so we’d better clear the air.”   Dani wonders what exactly is on her mind, so Andrea goes on, “Sorry for putting you in a difficult position, asking for Garry’s number – its just – finishing with Garry has been tough, that’s all.   

"I need a few days off to go to Newcastle"

“I thought things were going well between us.   He was the first man I’ve been in a relationship with who accepted me as I am, HIV and everything.   And I want you to know I’ve decided to go to Newcastle to look for him, so I need a few days off, if that’s OK.   I know it's a bit short notice.”

"It's not a good idea to go after him"

“Hold on, hold on,” interrupts Dani, “It’s not a good idea to go after him.” 

"I have to find out why he left like that"

Andrea insists that she has to, in order to find out why he left her like that, 

"That's the kind of man he is"

and Dani points out, “Because that’s the kind of man he is – that’s all you need to know.”

Andrea replies that is not the Garry she knows;  she cannot sleep, she cannot stop thinking about him – 

"I'm desperate to talk to him"

she is desperate to talk to him.   “Trust me, don’t go after him,” says Dani, and Andrea naturally wants to know why.

"Because I know why he left . . ."

“Because I know why he left,” Dani begins, “OK, this is a bit awkward, but you deserve to know the truth, so . . . I asked him to leave.   

". . . we still have feelings for each other"

“He still has feelings for me and I have feelings for him.”

"I don't understand"

There are tears in Andrea’s eyes, and she does not understand.   “I knew your relationship wouldn’t work because of that,” Dani tells her.

"So you don't want him, and don't want me to have him?"

“So you don’t want him, but you don’t want anyone else to have him!” Andrea rages, 

"We've got history . . ."

but it is pointed out to her that they have history, they are married, they have kids.   Andrea imagines, “Is that why you gave me the job and the flat – out of guilt?   I can’t believe that I placed myself in this domestic drama!   

"I though you were a friend"

“I thought you were a friend,” and she storms out of the flat.

Jaclyn is loading something into her car . . .

On his way to Cysgod y Glyn, Jinx happens to be striding past the back street when he notices Jaclyn loading a large bundle, 

. . . something large and bulky . . .

which appears to be rather heavy, into the back of her car.   She closes the boot, 

. . . and Jinx is intrigued

and he looks very puzzled as he opens the door to the house.

"Has Eifion gone?"

When Iolo returns to Y Felin, he asks his father, “Has Eifion gone?   I’m sorry things got awkward.”

"You accused him of fancying me"

“Awkward?   You accused him of fancying me,” says Siôn, and he admits that it was a mistake – he is sorry.   He wonders if he is also due an apology, 

"You called me boring"

as his father called him boring;  

Siôn simply walks out

Siôn simply gets up and leaves for Y Winllan.

"You'll never guess what I've just seen"

Jinx hurries into Cysgod y Glyn and exclaims, “You’ll never guess what I’ve just seen!   You’ll think I’m daft – Jaclyn, dragging something quite big into the boot of her car.   

"Wrapped in a massive rug"

“I don’t know what it was, but it was wrapped in a massive rug – like you see in films when they dispose of a body!”

"I don't have time for your silly jokes"

She bursts out laughing, and he tries to convince her that he is serious;  “I don’t have time for your silly jokes,” she chides him, 

"Arwen forgot her PE kit"

“I’m only home because Arwen forgot her PE kit.”

"But what if it was a body?"

“But what if it was a body?” he demands, and she tells him to stop this nonsense.

"What's the story of this black figure, then?"

Mark goes to the chip shop flat to ask Colin, “What’s the story of this black figure, then?”   

"Some guy trying to sell a franchise"

He is told that it was some guy trying to sell a franchise – Tom something.   He was following them because he wanted then to join his business.   

"So that was what Britt was going on about"

“So that was what Britt was going on about this morning,” realises Mark, “She wants us to start some overnight events where we talk to ghosts – I’m not keen, Col.”   

"She won't listen to me"

Colin is in wholehearted agreement with that, but reports that she will not listen to him.

“Yeah, she’s getting a bit full-on with it, isn’t she?” says Mark, and Colin will fetch a box of chocolates, which he only gets out when they have special visitors, like Mark.   

This has definitely troubled Colin

He is still looking very worried.

The 'workmen' do not appear to be working

Outside the shop, the pavement is blocked by three workmen, who appear to carrying out some repairs;  

"They don't think about wheelchair users"

when Brynmor comes round the corner, pushing Kath in her wheelchair, he mutters, “Typical of the council – they don’t think about wheelchair users!”

The wheelchair bumps dos the kerb

He manhandles the wheelchair off the kerb, causing Kath some pain, and she drops her bag on the road.   

Brynmor picks up the bag . . .

He bends down to pick it up, and meanwhile the wheelchair continues its trajectory into the road, 

. . . and Kath is in the path of an oncoming car

where she sees that a car is approaching.   

"Brynmor!   Brynmor!"

It is fortunate that it stops in time, and Brynmor quickly pulls the wheelchair out of harm’s way.

They are both very shaken by the experience, and she maintains that he needs ‘L plates’;  

"I need a drink after that'

he, on the other hand maintains that he needs a drink and they head towards the Deri, where Cassie is outside.   

"We'll have a drink alfresco"

Kath does not want any fuss, and says they will have a drink there alfresco.

'I can't push her a step further"

Brynmor sighs, “I don’t have the energy to push her a step further.”   

Jinx is puzzling over his dilemma . . .

Inside the pub, Jinx is looking pensive;  “Cassie, what look like a body wrapped in a carpet – 

. . . but is ignored by Cassie

“which isn’t a body wrapped in a carpet?   It’s not a joke.”

"Will you keep an eye on the bar?"

Cassie asks Gaynor if she will keep an eye on the bar while she goes outside with the drinks for Kath and Brynmor.   

Gaynor seizes her opportunity . . .

As the place appears to be pretty well deserted, Gaynor takes the opportunity of slipping behind the bar 

 . . . to help herself to a bottle . . .

and helping herself to a bottle, rearranging the others to fill the gap.   

. . . and secrete it in her bag . . .

She then places the bottle in her bag, 

. . . before resuming her coffee

and sits down nonchalantly to drink her coffee.

"If you want to give me another lecture . . ."

When Britt comes back to the chippy flat, Colin says that he wanted to talk to her;  “If you want to give me another lecture on how I shouldn’t take advantage of grieving people, I don’t want to hear it!” she snaps.

"Why can't you see things from my point of view?"

“Why can’t you see things from my point of view?” he asks, “I’m still grieving for Izzy.   Being part of those Ghost Tours was bad enough, let alone trying to contact or speak to the dead.”

She insists that there is nothing to be afraid of, because Izzy is still there with them;  

"They're all still here 

“They’re all still here with us – that should comfort you.”   

"Not everyone will see it like you do"

He points out that not everyone will see these paranormal nights like she does.

"They could be a lot of fun"

She is not going to argue with him about that now, but maintains that the paranormal nights could be a lot of fun for many people;  “And could be a comfort for some people, I don’t deny that, but you’ve made your feelings clear now, and I’m not going to try to persuade you otherwise.”   

Colin walks out in disgust

He angrily walks out of the flat.

Britt dials Tom's number

She immediately takes out Tom’s card and dials his number;  

"I just want some more information"

“Oh, hiya, Tom – I just want more information about this franchise, to be honest – how much it costs, for a start.   

"How much?   £7,000?"

“£7,000?”   She looks rather taken aback.

"The fresh air has really tired her out"

Kath has fallen asleep in the wheelchair, and Brynmor can see that the fresh air has really tired her out.   Cassie is glad about that they have come inside, as she was worried they would catch a chill out there.

"It's like having a child in the house"

“She’s doing well,” he says, “It’s like having a child in the house – cooking for her, helping her get dressed.   

"Keep an eye on her, while I go to the toilet"

“Keep an eye on her, will you, while I go to the toilet?”   

However, she is not asleep

We then see that Kath was only pretending to be asleep.

"I feel so stupid, Mark!"

Andrea is at number 7, venting her anger with Dani;  “I can’t believe I thought she was a friend – she asked Garry to leave, because they still have feelings for each other!   I feel so stupid, Mark – I’ve even applied for a job at Newcastle airport to be with him.”

"He's the stupid one, f you ask me"

Mark reckons that Garry is the stupid one, but Andrea does not know what to do;  “Should I still try to find him?”   Mark says that it does not matter what he thinks, or anyone else – she must do what she thinks is right.

"I think about him all the time!"

“I’m just knackered because I think about him all the time!” she rages, 

"That's what happens when you're in love"

and Mark appreciates that is what happens sometimes when someone is in love.   

"I know something that will cheer you up"

He has an idea for something that will cheer her up, and goes upstairs.

Gaynor takes out her 'acquisition' . . .

Gaynor returns home to Llwyncelyn and takes out the bottle of Gin which she has purloined, 

. . . a bottle of gin . . .

placing it on the table 

. . . and looks at it

and looking at it.

Andrea has fallen asleep . . .

Andrea has fallen asleep on the sofa when Mark comes back downstairs, 

. . . when 'Super Postman' appears

dressed in his ‘Super Postman’ uniform;  

He takes off his cape . . .

he takes off his red cape 

. . . and covers her

and carefully places it over her.

"You're not still thinking about that?"

As they walk along the High Street, Jinx is not still not sure about this Jaclyn business, and Ffion is surprised that he is still thinking about that.   “If you’d seen what I saw, you’d have your suspicions too,” he maintains.   

"Knowing who her brother is . . ."

Ffion cannot believe that Jaclyn would be dragging a body, “But knowing who her brother is, I wouldn’t be surprised.”   

They see Jaclyn's car returning

When they reach the corner, Jaclyn’s car is just pulling into the back street and they hurry to investigate.

This time the bundle comes out of the car . . .

The bundle is pulled out of the car this time, 

. . . and falls to the road

and falls to the road with a thud.   

The mystery deepens . . .

As they watch, mystified, 

. . . and now Ffion is also suspicious

Jaclyn drags the package in through the back gate.

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