28 May 2022

25 May 2022

"It's not the end of the world, Brynmor"

Brynmor walks gloomily round the corner by the chippy, where Britt is cleaning the windows;  “Cheer up,” she tells him, “It’s not the end of the world!”

"Not for some, perhaps"

“Not for some, perhaps,” he groans, and she goes on about her ideas for these paranormal evenings, so he adds,  “Nice – tell me some other time,” and walks away.

Tyler is approaching

He sees Tyler approaching 

"Have you any idea how upset Kath is?"

and shouts to him, “Have you any idea how upset Kath is?”   Tyler is glad that she has confronted him, but Brynmor replies that he has done nothing wrong.

"That's not what Mark said"

“That’s not what Mark said!” Tyler snarls, but Brynmor does not care what he said.

"We're not all underhanded wasters like Iolo!"

“Listen, someone may have ‘done the dirty’ on you, but we’re not all underhanded wasters like Iolo,” he stresses, and Tyler sneers that of course he is going to deny it, but Kath has a right to know.   Brynmor emphasises, “I don’t have to justify myself to you or anyone else, but if I hear that you’re going around, talking about me . . .”

"Yeah, what are you going to do about it?"

“Yeah, what are you going to do about it?” Tyler demands, 

"Get lost!"

and he is told to get lost.

"What was that all about, Brynmor?"

Cassie has just emerged from the shop and asks Brynmor what that was all about;  

"It was nothing"

he dismisses it as nothing.

At Maes-y-Deri, Kath thanks Mark for staying last night, 

"I couldn't leave you on your own, could I?"

and he says that he could not leave her on her own;  he asks if Brynmor has been in contact yet.   

"What if he's telling the truth"

Kath shakes her head, and wonders, “What if he’s telling the truth?”   Mark stresses that he knows what he saw.   

"He said he didn't do anything"

“He said that he didn’t do anything,” she goes on.

"He would say that, wouldn't he?"

“He would say that, wouldn’t he?” Mark growls, “But you can’t forgive an affair, all right?”

“What choice do I have?” Kath points out, 

"I don't want to be on my own for the rest of my life"

“I don’t want to be on my own for the rest of my life,” but Mark is confident that she will find someone else.   

"Who will want me like this?"

“Who will want me like this?” she wails.

He promises that she will not be like this permanently, adding, “I’ll stay with you until you’re better – and afterwards.”   She points out that he has his own life, 

"I've only got one Mam though, haven't I?"

but he insists, “I’ve only got one Mam, though, haven’t I?”

"I love him, Mark!"

“I don’t want to lose him, Mark – because I love him!” she says and Mark is becoming exasperated, reminding her that Brynmor has been sleeping with one of her best friends.

"Don't you have an ounce of self-respect left, Mam?"

“Don’t you have an ounce of self-respect left, Mam?” he demands.

"I haven't got much time, Jinx"

Jinx has summoned Eileen to the Deri, where he has some good news for her.   

"This is where Alaz is"

Handing her a slip of paper, he announces that he has discovered that this is where Alaz is;  

"Do you know if he will be able to come back?"

“Do you know whether or not he will be able to return to Cwmderi?” he asks. 

Eileen says that she has been told by Social Services that it could take months;  

"I'm going to send Alaz a hamper"

“I’m going to send Alaz a hamper, so he knows we’re thinking about him.”

Some flowers are on the bar

When Britt come into the Deri she is surprised to see Dani with a large floral display;  “Got a new fancy man already?” she snarls, and it is pointed out that they are for Brandon, as it is his birthday.

"I can't believe it's almost ten years"

“Of course,” says Britt, “And the anniversary is coming up before long, isn’t it?   We’ll have to do something special – I can’t believe its almost ten years.”

Dani corrects her that it is over ten years;  

"It will be eleven years, Britt"

“2011 – it will be eleven years this time.”   This comes as quite a blow to Britt.

"The little toe rag!"

“I can’t believe that he filmed us – the little toe rag – I’ll strangle him!” exclaims Cassie, as she and Brynmor sit outside the Deri;  

"I didn't realise Mark was so underhanded"

Brynmor tells her that there is a queue to do that.   “I didn’t realise Mark was so underhanded,” she continues, “Right, I’ll go and see Kath and explain everything.”

"No, don't do that, Cassie"

Brynmor does not want her to do that, 

"I'm not putting up with this nonsense!"

but she insists, “I’m not putting up with this nonsense – it isn’t right!”   He predicts that it will make matters even worse, and she snaps, “I haven’t done anything wrong – for once!”

"This jealousy is never-ending"

“You know that and I know that, but Kath doesn’t – and this jealousy, it’s never-ending,” Brynmor tells her.   

"Well, what are you going to do about it?"

She demands what he is going to do about it, and he says that he has been given an ultimatum that there is a chance for them if he confesses, 

"I can't confess to something I haven't done"

but he cannot confess to something he has not done.

“Are you sure you want her back?” Cassie enquires, “You’re having a rough ride, from what I can see.”   Brynmor stresses that he loves her – but if Kath does not believe him, there is no point carrying on.   “And if you love her, well, you won’t give up either,” Cassie concludes, 

"You'll just have to convince her"

“If she wont listen, you’ll have to convince her how much she means to you.   

"Use your head – you have to do something"

Use your head – you have to do something.”

The move is imminent

DJ walks into the farmhouse kitchen, carrying a heavy bag;  there are boxes strewn all over the place, 

"Not having cold feet, are you?"

and Sioned hopes that he is not having cold feet.   

"I don't know why the rush"

No, but I don’t know why the rush,” he says.   She points out that it is easier to look after the stock at Deri Fawr if they live there.

"Jinx has found Alaz!"

Then Eileen comes rushing in with the news, “Jinx has found Alaz – he’s outside Bristol.   Jinx hasn’t spoken to him, but we can get in touch with him now.   There is just an address – 

"I want to send him a hamper"

I want to send him a hamper full of jams and chutneys.”

Sioned tells her to include some Welsh cakes, as he enjoyed them;  she adds, “I’d love to help, but we’re packing.”   Eileen is sure that they do not have to go today, and DJ agrees with this, and wonders if Sioned could stay for a while just to help with the hamper.

"You know what you need to coif you want us to stay"

Sioned agrees that she will, adding, “But you know what you need to do if you want us to stay.”   

"I'm not changing the will, Sioned!"

She is informed in no uncertain terms that her mother will not be changing the will.

In a country churchyard . . .

The scene shifts to a churchyard, 

. . . Britt approaches Brandon's grave

where Britt is approaching Brandon’s grave;  “Hiya, Brand,” she says, 

"You must think I'm a right idiot"

“I’m sorry I missed the ten years – you must think I’m a real idiot, messing things up like that.   There we are – I’ve got loads to tell you.”   She tosses the flowers down on the grave.

"Look what I've brought us"

“And – look what I bought us,” she goes on, taking a bottle of Newcastle Brown from her pocket.   Do you remember stealing these from the kitchen at the home?  And the time Mrs Bennett chased us and twisted her ankle in the back garden?”   

She takes a swig

She takes a swig;  

"I'd like it if the three of us were back together"

“I’d like it if the three of us were together again – what did we used to say?   

"One for all and all for one"

“One for all and all for one – I miss the Three Musketeers.”   

Britt finishes off the bottle

She continues drinking under the midday sun.

Here comes the little shoplifter

Arwen emerges from the shop and crosses the road to where Gwern is sitting outside APD;  “Well – did you get them?”   

"It was easy"

She says that it was  easy, and shows him the stolen packet of cigarettes.   When they see Tyler approaching they hurry away.

Tyler is walking towards Mark

He is continuing past APD and meets Mark walking in the other direction;  

"Oi, Judas!"

“Oi, Judas!   Mark shouts, “Why tell Mam about Brynmor after I warned you not to?”

"Your Mam is better off knowing"

Tyler insists that his mother is better off knowing what a scumbag Brynmor is, but is told, “It wasn’t your place to tell her!”   He points out that he could not hide it from her that Brynmor has been making a fool of her, but he does not want to fall out with Mark over this.

"You were out of order, Ty!" 

“You were out of order, Ty!” growls Mark, but Tyler insists that he was doing it for the right reasons.   Mark walks away in disgust.

"Take it to the car, DJ"

Sioned tosses the last few books into a box;  “Take it to the car, and we’ll be ready to go,” she instructs DJ, 

Sioned takes the teddy bear she is holding

then takes a teddy bear across to where Huwi-John is sitting.

"If you miss me . . ."

“Right, mister - I know I’m not going far, but if you miss me, 

". . . I want you to ctwtch Bendigeidigfran really tightly"

“I want you to cwtch Bendigeidfran really tightly – and I’ll know you’re missing me.   

"I'll send you a big kiss, like this"

“I’ll send you a big kiss – like this.”

"You've had that teddy since you were three"

Eileen has walked in with the washing and witnesses this;  she reminds Sioned that she has had Bendigeidfran since she was three, and Sioned recalls, “Yes, a Christmas present from Auntie Marian – 

"I might as well give it to him – he gets everything else!"

I might as well give it to Huwi – he gets everything else!”   Eileen looks very downhearted.

DJ comes in to see if Sioned is ready, and she replies, “As ready as I ever will be.   See you, Mam,” and they leave the farmhouse, 

"Thanks for everything, Eileen"

with DJ thanking Eileen for everything.

Brandon's picture takes pride of place

Britt has put up a picture of Brandon on the wall of the chip shop;  “Do you like it?   I’ve put it there to keep me company.   

"I had a lovely chat with him"

“I went to the cemetery and had a lovely chat with him.”   Dani has also been there 

"We were really lucky to have him in our lives"

and was thinking on her way back that they were really lucky to have him in their lives.

“He worshipped you, Dan,” says Britt, and is told that he thought that Britt was the best sister in the world – at least when they were not arguing.

"I was thinking about getting him a new gravestone . . ."

Britt continues, “I was thinking about getting him a new gravestone – 

". . . a posh one with a picture of him"

“a posh one with a picture of him, like the woman with the grave behind him has.”   

Dani thinks that there is nothing wrong with the one that he has got, and is told that the writing has faded a bit, and that she wants to do something nice.

"How much would that cost?"

Dani does not consider that is a reason to get a new headstone, and wonders how much it would cost;  

"Money isn't a problem, Dani!"

“Money isn’t a problem, Dani!” snarls Britt, “I wasn’t asking for permission anyway!”   Her raised voice awakens Gabriel.

"Are you doing this because you feel guilty?"

“Are you doing this because you feel guilty?   Because you missed the tenth anniversary?” asks Dani and Britt admits that it was a big mistake.

"Ten years is a big milestone, isn't it?"

“Ten years is a big milestone, isn’t it?   And that’s why I want to do something nice for him,” says Britt, 

She looks lovingly at the picture

looking lovingly at the picture.   Dani thinks that this is not quite right.

Colin has been out, possibly bird-watching

Colin arrives back in the chip shop flat with his rucksack and binoculars, then sits down on the sofa;  

He finds a letter . . .

he notices a letter on the table, from the Lexingdale Building Society, 

. . . approving a loan to Britt . . .

confirming that they are approving a £7,000 loan to Britt.   

. . . which raises concerns

He looks concerned about this.

They have arrived at their new home . . . 

Sioned and DJ have arrived at Deri Fawr, and DJ is querying why Sioned has more bags than he has.   “Shoes,” she replies, “Every woman needs plenty of shoes.   Come on – home, sweet home!”   He reassures her that he will carry all the bags, and she maintains that his muscles need a workout.

. . . but it is not idyllic

Then they make the discovery of piles of rotting rubbish lying around;  “Typical John, the pig!” growls DJ, “What’s that smell?   It’s like something’s died there!”   

"It won't take us long to clear this up"

Sioned points out that it will not take them long to clear it up, but DJ protests that John should have done it before he left.   She insists that it is not that bad, 

"Inside will be far better"

and is sure that inside will be much better.

Colin studies the details of this loan

As Colin peruses the contents of the letter, Britt comes upstairs and was not expecting to see him until tonight.   

"Do you want to explain this?"

“Do you want to explain this?” he demands, brandishing the letter.   

She regards it as, “Fab!   It arrived this morning after you left.”   

"I thought you'd given up the idea"

He thought that she had given up the idea of finding a loan, and she agrees that she had;  “I never thought they’d agree!”   

"I've never heard of them"

Colin has never heard of the Lexingdale Building Society.

“I saw them online – don’t worry – they’re a legit building society,” she assures him, 

"I've checked them out"

“I’ve checked them out.   They think the paranormal nights are a fantastic idea.”   

"So you're going ahead with it?"

Colin realises that she is going ahead with it anyway, even when she knows how he feels.

“Col, I know it’s not for you, love, but . . . I respect that, 

"There's big money to be made, Col"

“but there’s money to be made, you see – big money!   And I was just telling Brandon – I took flowers up to his grave – I could hear his voice was saying, ‘Top idea, Britt, top idea!’   Do you know what, Col?   

Britt has very high expectations

“If everything goes the way I want them to, Brynmor and Kath won’t be the only ones going on cruises, oh, no.   You and I will be sipping cocktails at the captain’s table this time next year, you’ll see.”   

Now he is getting really worried

Now Colin is extremely concerned

"Just light it, Gwern!"

“Just light it, Gwern!” Arwen encourages him, but he points out there will be smoke in the room.   “I’m not thick – 

"I'm going to open a window"

“I’m going to open a window,” she tells him.

"What have you been doing?"

Then they hear Jinx’s voice and quickly hide the cigarettes;  he wonders what they have been doing, and when Arwen replies that they have been doing nothing, 

"They're usually up to no good"

comments, “When children say ‘nothing’, they’re usually up to no good.”   She dismisses this suspicion, but he points out that he has been a child himself.

"Tes, about a century ago"

“Yes, about a century ago,” Arwen sneers, and he tells her he wants less of the cheek, informing her that dinner will be ready in an hour, and that he is going to get changed.   

They dash from the flat

Arwen and Gwern make a hasty exit from the flat.

"Can you get a sharper knife, Mark?"

At Maes-y-Deri, Kath is attempting to peel potatoes and asks Mark to get another knife, as the one she is using is blunt.   He has been doing the vacuuming, and invites her to come and have dinner with them at number 7;  

"I bit of fresh air will do you good"

“A bit of fresh air will do you good – you’ve been stuck in here all day.”

Kath does not want to see anyone;  “They probably know my partner’s walked out on me.”   

"Where is the woman who won't take any nonsense?"

He wonders where is the woman who does not take any nonsense from anyone, and then they hear the front door open.

"I want to talk to your mother"

Mark immediately instructs Brynmor to get out, but is told, “I want to talk to your mother.”   

"I want to hear what he has to say"

Kath overrules Mark, wanting to hear what Brynmor has to say, and is warned that it will be lies, but she is insistent.   

He does not quite close the door

Brynmor almost closes the door.

Deri Fawr's interior is not much better

At Deri Fawr, DJ moans, “The tiles are brown, and Mathew needs to look at the damp in the parlour.”   Sioned proposes that they could use anti-damp paint, but he insists that it needs a new damp course, and that will cost a fortune.   

"Why don't we move back to Penrhewl?"

“Why don’t we move back to Penrhewl, while the work is done?”

"I'm not moving back there!"

Sioned is determined that she is not moving back;  “Because you’re too proud?” he assumes, and Sioned knows that her mother would love that.   

"Would you rather live in a dump?"

“Would you rather live in a dump?” DJ asks, and she admits that it is a bit of a dump, 

"But it's our dump, DJ!"

but it is their dump.

“It’s our first home – I want you to be excited!”, she exclaims, “Please DJ, it will be like a palace where we’ve finished with it!”   

"I hope there's magic wand in one of those bags!"

He hopes that she has a magic wand in one of those bags.

"I've thought long and hard about this"

“I’ve thought long and hard about this,” says Brynmor, “And if my word isn’t enough to put a stop to your silly doubts . . .”   

"But Brynmor . . ."

Kath interrupts, but he demands to be allowed to finish.   

"Cassie is a mate – and that's all she is!"

“Cassie is a mate – a good mate – and that’s all she is – a mate!   It doesn’t matter what Mark says – 

"I want to show that I'm serious about you"

’I want to show once and for all that Im serious about you – you and no-one else.”

Mark is taking an interest

Mark is sitting at the foot of the stairs, listening to this.   

"I've booked us a wedding in the Glyndwr"

“I’ve booked us a wedding in the Glyndwr, six weeks today,” Brynmor continues, 

He puts down the wedding brochure

putting a wedding brochure on the table.   

Mark was not expecting that

Mark’s expression is now one of extreme surprise.

"What do you say?"

“What do you say?” Brynmor asks, 

"Of course I want to marry you!"

and Kath answers that of course she wants to marry him, something which Mark cannot understand.   

They embrace . . .

Brynmor and Kath embrace, 

. . . and Mark storms out

while Mark walks out of the house, disgusted.

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