16 May 2022

12 May 2022

Eileen and Sioned have been released

DJ is drinking a cup of tea when Eileen and Sioned return to the farm;  “I wasn’t charged – I told them everything about John,” says Eileen, and Sioned reports that she was given a warning.

"The police have been all over the farm"

He tells them that the police came back and he had to show them the house, the farm and the caravan.   

"They accepted that we looked after Alaz"

The police have accepted that they looked after Alaz, and DJ insists, “If you had listened to me . . .”   

"Don't you start again, DJ!"

Sioned growls at him not to start, but he warns, 

"You can't ignore me at Deri Fawr!"

“You can’t ignore me at Deri Fawr!” 

Eileen is puzzled by this

which comes as rather a shock to Eileen, but Sioned says she will explain later, and that Alaz is the important one now.

DJ will not be silenced, but grumbles, “You were stupid to hide him!”   

"This is not about us"

Eileen attempts to stop this bickering, pointing out that it is not about them;  she is going to call Jinx to see if he can help with the situation.

"Huwi has been calling for you"

“Huwi has been calling for you as well,” DJ informs her, 

Sioned glowers at him

and Sioned glowers at him.   

"Right, I've got work to do"

He walks out, saying that he has work to do.

At 7:31am . . .

It is 7:31am, and at number 10 

. . . Jaclyn is cwtching Osvaldo

Jaclyn is cuddling up contentedly with Osvaldo.

Jinx has been summoned to Penrhewl 

Jinx has come over to Penrhewl, where he is told, “If you’d seen his face when they put him in the back of the car – 

"He looked so scared"

“he looked so scared.”   He will make enquiries of a few friends to see they can help, to find out where he is and so on.   

"Some have been allowed to stay with foster families"

He has heard that some of them have been allowed to stay with foster families, so there may be hope, but Eieen should not get her hopes up.

Sioned regards this as possibly good news, 

"Especially as you're leaving"

and her mother comments, “It it would be nice to have Alaz back, especially as you’re leaving.”

"We've got the Deri Fawr tenancy"

“I was going to tell you yesterday, but . . . we’ve got the Deri Fawr tenancy,” Sioned tells her mother, “He offered and we accepted – he’s going to see his daughter in New Zealand 

"I don't think he'll be rushing back"

“and I don’t think he’ll rush back now that the police know what he did to Alaz.”

"You're going to pay rent to him, after what he did?"

Eileen cannot believe that her daughter is going to pay rent to John after what he did, but it is pointed out to her, “There’s no future for us here!”

Kelly brings Jason's coffee

Kelly comes into APD, calling for Jason;  she is followed by Anita.   “They didn’t have a Mocha Choca Latté, so I brought you this,” says Kelly, but Jason has more important things on his mind.

"The council has cancelled the contract!"

“The council has cancelled the contract!” he rages, “It’s Griffiths – why do you think?   APD is no longer a suitable company, apparently – 

Jason is going to 'have it out' with him

“I think I’m going to pop down there now to see what he has to say!”

"You don't really think Griffo would do that?"

Kelly is concerned;  “You don’t really think Griffo would do something like that, do you?” 

Anita is beginning to wonder

and Anita is sure that he would not be that childish, but she sounds doubtful.

"What's this about you opposing the contract?"

Jason marches purposefully along the street, past Beti, who is having a chat, and sees Griffiths, about to post a letter.   “What’s this about you opposing APD’s contract with the council?   We’re not good enough any more?   Why?”   

"We've got a cheaper tender"

The reply is that they have had a cheaper tender.

“It’s about what Kelly said, isn’t it?” Jason demands, and Griffiths admits that it did not help;  he would like Jason to give the letter to Anita, and he is in a hurry to get to a viewing.   

"I'm not a postman!"

“I’m not a postman!” snarls Jason, and Griffiths puts the letter on top of the postbox, from where it falls to the ground, and he answers his phone.   Jason picks up the letter and angrily walks away.

"Penrhewl?   Refugees?"

Griffiths’ phone call involves Penrhewl and refugees, which he finds quite disturbing.

Jinx takes a teddy bear from his seat

In the Deri, Ffion learns the news from Jinx;  “Arrested?” she says, and he explains, after removing a small teddy bear from his seat, that the charges have been dropped and he is still waiting for further information on Alaz.

Eifion is at the bar, and is eavesdropping on their conversation;  

"Secrets, secrets"

he mutters, “Secrets, secrets,” and Jaclyn wonders what he is talking about.    

Jaclyn walks over to them

Then she notices the teddy bear on the table and marches across to them.

"Are you laughing at me?"

“What’s that?’ she demands, “Are you laughing at me?   I told you about Osvaldo because I thought I could trust you!   It’s hard living alone – 

"It's fine for you – you've got each other!"

“it’s fine for you two – you’ve got each other!”

"Do people think we're together?"

When she has gone Ffion asks, “Do people think you and I are together?”  

Then he receives the expected  call

Then Jinx receives the expected phone call and asks for more information about Alaz.

"Well, I'm disappointed , Eileen!"

Griffiths has gone to Penrhewl, where he expresses his disappointment in Eileen;  “You’re the chair of the school governors – I can’t believe it happened here.   What came over you, letting someone like that stay here?”

"What do you mean – 'someone like that'?"

Eileen takes issue with this;  “What do you mean – ‘someone like that’?   He’s a person, and he’s on his own.”   Griffiths replies that may be the current position, but once he is settled, 

"His wife and children will turn up – and then . . ."

“his wife and children will turn up, then uncles, aunties and the whole family.

"He doesn't have a family"

Sioned points out that Alaz does not have a family, but he continues, “Cwmderi would be full of strangers – what would it do to our community?   

"House prices would fall!"

“House prices would fall – and where would I be after investing in a new business?”

"Is that all you care about?"

“Is that all you care about?” sneers Sioned, and he insists that everyone should think like that.   Eileen is keen to get rid of Griffiths, so suggests that everyone does not think like him, and if he does not have anything better to say, he should leave.

"I hope you don't have more, hiding in the shed"

He takes the hint, commenting, “I hope you don’t have more, hiding in the shed.”   

"People like that turn my stomach!"

Sioned growls that people like him turn her stomach, 

"Thanks for supporting me"

and her mother is appreciative of her support.   Sioned replies that they are still family, and that is not going to change.

"I'll throw that in the blinking' bin now!"

In the Deri, Eifion picks up the teddy bear and places it on the bar;  Jaclyn tells him, “I’ll throw that in the blinkin’ bin now!”   He is obviously feeling the effects of too much alcohol, but asks for another whisky.

She decides that he has had enough already, and he insists that it will be just ‘one for the road’.   

"Is he OK?"

Dani comes in, wondering if he is OK, and Jaclyn replies that he is just complaining that he has lost his job.   Then she notices the teddy bear;  

"Where did you find that"

“Where did you find this?” and Jaclyn says that it belongs to Ffion and Jinx.

“It’s Seren’s – she’s been looking for it!” Dani exclaims, 

Jaclyn feels a 'proper Charlie'

and Jaclyn suddenly feels extremely silly.

At APD, Jason reports back to Kelly, “He pretty much blamed you for all this!”

"All I did was, like, tell him a couple of home truths"

She cannot believe this;  “All I did was, like, tell him a couple of home truths – how petty can one man be?”   

"I think I can answer that . . ."

Anita has been reading the letter from Griffiths, and thinks she has the answer to Kelly’s question.

". . . he wants his money back for the presents!"

“He’s sent me a bill – he wants his money back for all the presents he bought me!”   Kelly wonders if he is for real, and Anita snarls, “If he thinks he can do this, he’s wrong!   

"He's going to regret crossing me!"

“Oh, he’s going to regret crossing me!”

Eifion is well and truly inebriated

Eifion is asleep on the sofa in the Deri, with a half-empty bottle in front of him;  Dani has called for the help of Mark to remove him from the pub.   

"Why is he in this state?"

“How is he in this state?” Mark wants to know, and Dani points out that he has been drinking, and has brought a bottle with him as well.

“Why did you phone me?   What you want me to do?” he asks, 

"I'm not a bouncer, Dani"

“I’m not a bouncer, Dani!”   

"There's a couple of pints behind the bar"

She knows that, but he is a friend, and she does not want him sleeping on the couch;  she will put a couple of pints behind the bar for him.

This is obviously going to be a difficult task

Mark attempts to wake Eifion, and Dani just wants him out of her pub.   He warns that he will want more than a couple of pints;  

"I'll want crisps – and a pasty, too"

“I’ll want crisps, too – and a pasty!”   Eifion does not seem to be showing much sign of waking up.

"Alaz is in either Swansea or Wrexham"

Jinx is back at Penrhewl, with good news and bad news;  “Alaz is safe, he’s in some centre either in Swansea or Wrexham.   He’s still a child, so he has the right to accommodation, education and healthcare.”   

"He looks a lot older than that"

Eileen is puzzled that he is a child, and is told that he is 17;  Sioned maintains that he looks a lot older than that.

“If you’d gone straight to the authorities he could have applied for refugee status and stayed in the country.   
"He's waiting for his application to be heard"

He’s waiting for his application to be heard – once his status changes from asylum seeker to refugee, he’ll be given somewhere to live – wherever he wants.   Eileen expresses hope that he could come back to the area, but apparently that is up to him.   
"I'm just glad he's safe"

Jinx leaves, and Eileen is pleased that Alaz is safe, which is all that matters.

Mark has taken Eifion to number 7 . . .

Mark has somehow managed to get Eifion to number 7, where he is now sleeping on the sofa.   

. . . but Tyler objects most strongly to his presence

Tyler comes downstairs, demanding why he is there.   “Your sister asked me to move him from the Deri,” says Mark, but Tyler is quite adamant, “I don’t want him here!”   Mark does not know where else to take him;  

"I don't care if he's on the street!"

“I don’t care if he’s on the street – I want him out!” shouts Tyler, “He lost his job after he stole from his cousin!”

Mark cannot believe that even Eifion would be that stupid, but Tyler maintains that he deserves everything he gets;  

"I want him out now!"

“Mark, I’m serious – right?   I want him out now!”

Now Mark has to do it all over again

Mark begins the lengthy process of rousing Eifion once more, as Tyler receives a phone call;  

"I'll meet you later"

“I’ll meet you later,” he says, enigmatically.

Eifion appears to be regaining consciousness, and tells Mark, “You’re a good boy – everyone else thinks the worst of me, but you’re always there – give me a kiss!”   

Tyler has a particular dislike of Eifion 

Mark attempts to get him off the sofa while Tyler looks at him with disgust.

Anita approaches Tomos ac Ellis . . .

Anita, looking quite composed, walks along the street with a large bag in her hand;  

. . . where Griffiths pretends she is not there

Griffiths is just returning to his shop, and tries to ignore her, but she does not intend to let him do that.

She drops her bag on the pavement

She drops the bag by his feet;  “There you go – everything you’ve bought me!”   

"I wanted the money"

He replies that he wanted the money, so she advises him to sell them on eBay.   He has consulted his lawyer, who maintains that she has to pay, 

"I'm not giving you a penny!"

but she promises, “I’m not giving you a penny!   And what about all those times you ate with us at Bryntirion?”

"Ah, that's 'hospitality',  Anita"

He says that was hospitality, and she was under the impression that the presents were ‘generosity’.   

"Mami said . . .

He begins, “Mami said . . .”

Anita makes it very clear, “Don’t you come near me again, or I’ll make sure everybody knows what sort of man you are – 

"Mami's Baby!"

“no, you’re not a man, ‘Mami’s baby’!”

He cannot get into the shop quickly enough

He hopes that no-one has been witnessing this, and hurries to unlock the door of the shop.

Jaclyn's abject apology

Jaclyn has gone to Cysgod y Glyn in order to apologise;  “I know you weren’t laughing at me, and I’m sorry for overreacting – it’s just so embarrassing.”   

"I've woken up with far worse!"

Ffion recalls that she has woken up with far worse, and Jaclyn describes the teddy bear as, “Just so cwtchy!   But he doesn’t talk much, of course.”   

"It might be time for you to start living,then"

Ffion maintains that they are often the best men, but Jaclyn has only known two men in that way, so Ffion advises, “It might be time for you to start living, then.”   

"Box set and meal for one tonight"

Jaclyn has a box set and a meal for one planned for tonight, 

"Why don't we pop over after dinner?"

and Ffion suggests that they could pop over to her house after dinner;  Jaclyn would welcome that.

"Sorry for telling your Mam about Deri Fawr"

The atmosphere is rather frosty at APD;  “Sorry for telling your Mam about Deri Fawr,” says DJ, but Sioned replies it is better for her to find out now, than when the removal vans turn up.   

"Shall I make you a sandwich?"

He will make her a sandwich, as she is starving.

"John Deri Fawr must have told the police"

“I’ve been thinking – John Deri Fawr must have called the police.   He left so quickly – 

"Only us and him knew about Alaz"

“only us and him knew about Alaz,” comments DJ.   

"Probably guilt kicking in"

She thinks that it was guilt kicking in, and DJ suspects that she may have something to tell him, but she denies this.

"What have you done, Sioned?"

“I know you better than that – what have you done?” he asks;  

"Don't worry about that now"

she tells him not to worry about that now, as John is a long way from there and they are moving into Deri Fawr.   

"No more lies" — Yeah, right!

“All right – but no more lies from now on – right?” he stipulates.

"The key was in the fridge!"

“I couldn’t find the key – I’d looked in the bins – it was in the fridge!” says Jaclyn, as Jinx comes downstairs in number 10, carrying the teddy bear.

"Follow the bear!"

“Follow the bear!” he shouts “The advert with the hat and the glasses.  [Hofmeister 1990s advert]”   Jaclyn points out that he lives upstairs, but Jinx maintains that he is missing the party;  

"He can keep me company"

“He can keep me company, as I’m outnumbered.”

Jaclyn is aware that Osvaldo makes her look rather weird.   Ffion adores him;  “The strong, silent type – 

"I might get one myself"

“I might get one myself.”   

"No need – you've got Jinx!"

Jaclyn says that there is no need, as she has Jinx.   

"Oh, no – we're not together!"

“Oh, no – we’re not together!” Ffion is quick to point out, and Jaclyn realises that she has misunderstood.

Jinx proposes a game of Dobble . . .

Jinx takes a tin from his pocket;  “Dobble – it’s Arwen’s favourite game, but I like it, too.”   

. . . and Jaclyn will deal

They decide that they will play the game.

In the Deri, Dani thanks Mark for dealing with Eifion, 

"Where did he end up, then?"

and Tyler wonders where he ended up;  “Do you care?” asks Mark, and Eifion is described as an idiot.   Dani reprimands Tyler for saying this, 

"What's wrong with you?"

and Mark wants to know what is wrong.

Tyler seems to be in need of 'Dutch courage'

“I’ve got a date,” Tyler replies, and knocks back another drink.   Dani warns him that he should keep a cool head, or he will be as drunk as Eifion.   “I’m nothing like that clown!” he growls, and Mark realises that he does not like him at all;  

"He doesn't know when he is being played"

“He’s a fool, Mark, who doesn’t know when he is being played,” is the answer.

After looking at his phone, Tyler says that he has to go;  “Are you going to drink that?” he asks, 

Then he drinks Mark's as well

picks up Mark’s drink and gulps it down, which Mark thinks is rather strange.

The game comes to an end . . .

After a rather frantic game of Dobble, Ffion decides that it is time they left, 

. . . and it is time to go

as she has school in the morning.   Jinx also has to work tomorrow, but Jaclyn is not keen for them to go, pointing out that she has plenty of wine, or tea.

"Are you free over the weekend?"

She asks if they are free over the weekend, 

"Come over to Cysgod y Glyn"

and they invite Jaclyn over to Cysgod y Glyn.   Jinx says that he has enjoyed Jaclyn’s company and they leave the house.   She looks rather pleased with herself.

A stranger walks past the shop . . . .

A stranger walks along the High Street in the darkness, turns into the alley, 

. . . and meets Tyler by a white van

and meets Tyler, who is standing by a white van at the other end.   He opens the back doors of the van;  

"They're all top of the range . . ."

“I’ve got pots of paint, paintbrushes, rollers – anything you want, really, and they’re all top of the range.   

". . . and I've got loads more"

“And I’ve got loads more if you’ve got mates looking for cheap tools.   You choose.”

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