27 January 2025

23 January 2025

Tom has spent the night in the site office . . . 

Tom wakes up with a start on the floor of the site office;  he realises where he is and appears to be in a state of confusion, 

. . . and seems too be fixed on this spot, for some reason

. .then looks up at the monitor of the CCTV, which is focused on the junction of two paths.   He looks intently at it, as if there is some particular significance.

"What are you doing here?"

When DJ comes into the farmhouse, Sioned is trying to assemble something and angrily demands, “What are you doing here?”   

"I'm afraid it's a little short"

He has brought her a small brown envelope, explaining that it is a little short, but he cannot help that.

"A little short is not good enough!"

“A little short is not good enough!” she snarls, “Jac and Lili need new clothes.”   DJ assures her that she will get the rest, but she wants to know when.   

"Let me do that"

He can see that her little job is not going well;  he will do it for her, while she decides to go and check on the cows.

“Where’s Howard?” he wonders;  

"I think it's something personal"

Sioned believes that he is dealing with something personal.   

"You're better off without him"

DJ sneers, “I’d say you’re better off without him.”

"That's none of your business!"

“That’s none of your business,” she snaps and he replies that she cannot carry on like this.   

It is his opinion that he should move back in, just until she finds a new farmhand.   “Do you think I can’t cope because I’m a woman?”

"You need help because you're a mother"

He stresses that he is saying that she needs help because she is a mother.  

"I don't want you here!"

“Just finish that and go, will you?   I don’t want you here,” she tells him.

Anita is practising . . .

Anita is practising a simple tune, but seems to be getting into difficulties;  

. . . and is becoming very frustrated

this causes her to become angry and she wonders what is happening to her.   

She decides to go out

She puts on her coat and leaves the house.

What is it about that spot?

In the site office, Tom is again staring at that same spot of woodland on the CCTV when there is a knock at the door, which surprises him.   

He tries to hide his sleeping bag

 closing the laptop and attempting to hide his sleeping bag, he unlocks the door to find that it is Gaynor.   

He is visited by Gaynor

“I thought you’d like a cup of tea some time today,” she suggests and he maintains that she could have phoned.

“Sorry – I didn’t see you this morning and I was out stretching my legs anyway, so – I haven’t seen much of you this week.”   

"Things have been a bit tense on the site"

He makes the excuse that things are a bit tense on the site since people found out what is what with the company.

"Are you worried people will attach the site?"

“Are you worried that people are going to attack the site?” she wonders and he regards that as a possibility.   As she looks around the office, he is getting worried 

"Tamed in half an hour sounds good"

and agrees that a cup of tea at Tamed in half an hour sounds good.

He appears eager to get rid of Gaynor

“I’ll see you later then,” he says, shepherding her out of the door and giving her a farewell kiss.   Now he resumes looking worried.

"You m just have something – please"

Anita has gone to APD, where she is asking Jason for something to do;  “You must have something – please.   I’m sick of being in the house on my own all day.”   Jason points out that she will have to ask Mathew, 

"Things are difficult at the moment, Anita"

but things are difficult at the moment because Quantum Hydro Works will not give work to local companies.

Sioned arrives 

Sioned appears, also wanting to talk to Jason, 

"Hey, Sioned – is DJ with you?"

who asks, “Isn’t DJ with you?   I really need his help today.”   

"You said there was no work"

Anita reminds him that he just said there was no work, so he explains that they are fitting a kitchen and wonders whether she has any experience with that.

Sioned is quick to point out that DJ is not with her, so he enquires where the twins are and she advises that they are at the crèche in Yr Antur.   

"You can afford a crèche, can you?"

“Oh, you can afford a crèche, can you?   Nice,” Jason comments, but Sioned was hoping for a word with Howard – in private.

He tells her to carry on, as he is busy anyway, then turns to Anita, advising that she should talk to Griffiths, to see if she can take some of his shifts instead.

"What do you want?"

Sioned goes to talk to Howard, who seems rather distant at the moment, demanding what she wants.   

"I want to apologise"

“I want to apologise,” she begins, but he is convinced that she wants to laugh at him.   “Not at all – I just don’t understand it – I don’t understand how a kind man like you hasn’t found anyone.”

"You're just buttering me up"

“You’re just buttering me up because you want someone to help on the farm,” he growls, 

"Don't be like that, Howard"

but she urges him not to be like that.   He simply walks away.

"Do you want a hand?"

is taking a couple of boxes of stock to Fflamingos, when he finds that he is being followed by Ioan, who offers to help, pointing out that they are friends.   

"You're no friend of mine, right?"

DJ is emphatic, “You’re no friend of mine, right?   Before you ask, I’m not doing another one.”

"I pay well – but you already know that"

Ioan reminds him, “I pay well, but you know that already, good boy.”   DJ says that what he has done is a ‘one-off’, but Ioan thought that he would welcome the chance to make more money — as he did such a good job.

DJ still insists that he is not interested.   

"Are you sure I can't tempt you?"

Ioan pulls out a tight roll of notes, asking, “Are you sure I can’t tempt you?   

"Right, I'll see you about"

“It’s a shame to miss out on an opportunity, but it’s your choice and I respect that, honest.   Right, I’ll see you about – as they like to say round here.”   Of course, DJ is sorely tempted, as usual.

"I could come over to give you a quote"

Jason is speaking to Gaynor in the deli;  “Yes, I could come over to give you a quote if you like – just remember, there is a discount for customers who make a cup of tea.”   

Tom is keeping watch

Tom is keeping a careful eye on Jason, 

"Right, I'll be I touch, then"

who leaves the deli and says he will be in touch with Gaynor.

"I want the back garden cleared"

She explains to Tom that she has asked for a quote to clear the back garden, so he comments, “You don’t have to pay, do you?   I can do it.”   She tells him that he is busy, stopping riots, but he points out that he is not too busy to help.

"And I'm a dab hand with a spade" — has he had some recent practice?

“And I’m a dab hand with a spade, you know,” he adds, which may be a careless clue to Cheryl’s disappearance.   The drinks are brought over and Tom says that he did not order carrot cake, but Gaynor has been looking forward to that.

"I'm taking you for an early dinner"

“I’m taking you for an early dinner, to thank you for letting me stay, so you need to save room for it.”   

"Where are we going?"

She wonders where they are going and he tells her she will find out later.

"Wash your hands if you touch that dog"

Ffion instructs Arwen, “Make sure you wash your hands if you touch that dog – it’s important that you do.”   At that moment, Howard arrives and Arwen demands what he wants.

"You've taught her good manners, fair play"

“You’ve taught her good manners, fair play,” Howard remarks;  Ffion explains that he is coming with them to see Buster, because he understands animals.   

"There's no time – Buster is waiting!"

Arwen insists that there is no time for a cup of tea, because Buster is waiting.

Ffion wants a word with Howard

Before they leave the house, Ffion wants a quiet word with Howard;  

"I don't want to be stuck with an ailing dog!"

“Be careful what you say later – I don’t want to be stuck with an ailing dog that will cost a fortune!”   He assures her that she should not worry;  

"You have an expert with you now"

she has an expert with her now.

Ioan is keeping watch . . .

In MFC, Ioan is tucking into his food when he sees DJ across the road, 

. . . as DJ leaves Fflamingos . . .

locking up the Fflamingos van 

. . . and goes into the Deri

and heading to the Deri.

Arwen is far from happy

They are back from looking at the dog and Arwen is not happy;  “Don’t you dare go upstairs!” orders her mother, but Arwen is in no mood to talk.

"That dog was on his deathbed!"

“That dog was on his deathbed!” she continues, which Arwen regards as more reason to take him.   “And there were no plans to put him down!” Ffion adds, “You lied, to try and get your own way!”

"Where do you want this?"

Howard comes in, carrying a small aquarium-like box and ask where they want it.   Ffion suggests Arwen’s bedroom, 

"I don't want it!"

but she is adamant that she does not want it.

"You know the deal, Arwen"

“You know the deal – prove that you can look after this stick insect and you can have a healthy dog,” Ffion tells her daughter, but she still insists that she wants Buster.

"He had hardly any teeth"

Howard points out that he had hardly any teeth and he was not well.   

"I never want to grow up!"

Arwen’s reaction to this is, “I never want to grow up because all adults are the same!”

"I have sisters – I'm used to it"

She storms off upstairs and Ffion apologises to Howard;  “I have sisters – I’m used to it,” he replies.   

Ffion gives him a box of chocolates

She hands him a box of chocolates to thank him for his help;  

"I'll end up with teeth like Buster's"

“I’ll end up with teeth like Buster’s,” he jokes.

"I'm glad I had someone who knows what's what"

Ffion was pleased to have someone who knew what was what;  he says that the country is his world;  

"People like you are getting rarer by the day"

“People like you are getting rarer by the day,” she comments, wistfully.

"You look as if you could do with another pint"

DJ is sitting outside the Deri with his pint as Ioan continues to tempt him;  “You look as if you could do with another pint – I’m a good listener, too – well, I can stay quiet, if you prefer.”

"I assume the ex is the problem"

DJ decides he will go and Ioan remarks, “I assume the ex is the problem – whenever I look like that, the ex has been getting to me.   Blaming me for this – accusing me of something else.”

"My ex an I understand each other"

“My ex and I understand each,” DJ maintains, 

"Not enough to be together'

but Ioan points out that it is obvious they do not understand each other enough to be together.   

"It's complicated"

“It’s complicated,” DJ sighs and is told that it is like every other relationship, at least from, Ioan’s experience.

"Shower money on them"

“Do you know what works?   Showering money on them – buy them things they don’t even know they want.”   DJ groans that not everyone has a pocket full of money.   

"I'm more than happy to help"

“I’m more than happy to help – it’s one job, two weeks’ time, a food festival in Tre Myrddin.”

"I don't want to know"

DJ repeats that he does not want to know, 

"No-one will suspect anything, like last time"

but Ioan goes on, “Take it in, pass it on, no one will suspect anything, like last time.”   He can see that DJ’s resolve is weakening, so explains, “It’s not the most conventional job, but it gets easier – and I wouldn’t ask you to do anything I wouldn’t do, I promise.”

"I need time to think about it"

Now DJ agrees to think about it, but will need time;  now Ioan judges that the time is right for the final stage in his approach.   

"Take half now, then"

Yet another envelope is pushed across the table;  “Take half now, then – and think about it – but I know you’ll accept.”   DJ looks down at the envelope.

"How do I look?"

Gaynor comes downstairs and asks Tom if she looks all right;  predictably, he replies that she looks perfect.   “Right, where are we going?” she eagerly asks and is told that it is somewhere local.

"Oh – the Deri"

“Oh – the Deri,” she gloomily concludes, but he says that it is a little more local than that 

The meal is there

and leads her to where the table is prepared, complete with a couple of candles.

He invites her to sit down and realises that she is disappointed;  

"I was looking forward to going out"

“Well, I was looking forward to going out,” she admits, “But I do appreciate the effort.”

"So it's 'thanks but no thanks', then"

“That’s another way of saying ‘thanks, but no thanks’, isn’t it?” he grumbles, 

"Yes, you're right – it's a silly idea"

“Yes you’re right – it’s a silly idea!”   

The candles are extinguished . . .

He blows out the candles 

. . . and he walks out

and walks away.

"I want to apologise, Sioned"

Sioned returns to Penrhewl, followed by Howard, who wants to apologise to her.   

"I was stressed about a job"

“I was stressed about a job I needed to finish at APD,” he says, 

"That's an excuse, not an apology"

but she regards that as an excuse rather than an apology.   

"I don't know what else to say"

“I’m sorry – I don’t know what else to say,” he goes on.

"I didn't try to overhear"

Sioned is also sorry;  she emphasises that she did not try to overhear, 

"I forgive you"

but he says that does not matter and he forgives her.   She is very glad to hear that, 

"I need you here"

“Because I need you here – until Mam gets home, anyway.”

Howard groans, “There won’t be much of a welcome for me then.   

"How do you feel about your mother coming back?"

How do you feel about your mother coming back in two weeks’ time?”

"If you'd asked me that two weeks ago . . ."

“If you had asked me that a couple of weeks ago, I would have said I was desperate for her help – but I’ve got used to the routine we have now.”   

"Eileen will want to take over"

He is very much aware that Eileen will want to take over.   

"I don't think I'm ready to have her interfere"

“I don’t think I’m ready to have her interfere and question every decision I make with Jac and Lili,” agrees Sioned.

"Don't let her, then"

“Don’t let her, then,” urges Howard, 

"Easier said than done"

but Sioned knows very well that is easier said than done.

They have a couple of weeks before she comes out, so Sioned has a chance to adapt.  


"You might have had enough of farming by then"

“And you might have had enough of farming by then,” she suggests, 

"I'll never be fed up with farming"

but he is adamant that he would never be fed up with farming, although Sioned feels fed up every day.

"There's nothing better than being out in the outdoors!"

“There’s nothing better than being out in the outdoors,” he insists, but she does not think that they feel the same in the middle of winter when there is pouring rain.   He still maintains that he enjoys being out there, so she suspects there is something wrong with him.

He gives Sioned the chocolates

He has brought her a gift – the box of chocolates given to him by Ffion;  “Just a little something to say sorry for earlier – I wanted to – and you don’t have to thank me.”   He appears to be enjoying Sioned’s company.

DJ is counting the money

Back at Bryntirion, DJ looks at the contents of the envelope he was given, just as Jason comes in and wants to know what he has there.   “It’s money for the kids,” DJ replies.

"You haven't been stealing again?"

“You haven’t been stealing again, have you?” demands Jason, “You look pretty guilty.”    

"I had a bit of luck on the horses"

He is told that DJ had a bit of luck on the horses;  Jason is shocked to hear that he has been betting, but is assured that it was a dead cert tip from his Dad.

"I'll see you at Fflamingos later"

Now DJ has to go and will see Jason at Fflamingos later;  he did not have a chance to put the stock away earlier.

"I'm glad Jac and Lili will grow up here"

At the meal table in Penrhewl, Sioned says that she is glad Jac and Lili get to grow up there, “Safe and free to do what they like.”   

"Just like you"

Howard remarks that is just like her.   She recalls that she spent a lot of her child in Aberystwyth;  “Mam and I lived in a dark, old house – there’s a lot you don’t know about me.”

"I don't want to bore you with stories"

He wonders about that, but she does not want to bore him with stories;  

"Come on – try me!"

“Come on – try me!” he urges.

"I always used to 

“Firstly, I always used to run away from home – I wanted to come here to Dad and Auntie Marian.”   

"And you could wrap them around your little finger"

Howard imagines that she used to wrap them around her little finger;  she confirms that was the case with her father, but Auntie Marian, no.   “She could see straight through me.   

"She would be standing by the sink"

“I miss her – she would be standing there by the sink, asking about any boyfriend I had at the time.”

All of a sudden DJ marches in, looking disparagingly at Howard;  

"What are you doing here?"

again Sioned demands what he is doing there.   

"Not disturbing anything, am I?"

“I’m not disturbing anything, am I?” he sarcastically asks.   Howard thinks that it is time he left, 

"You haven't finished yet"

but Sioned tell him he has not finished his meal yet.

Then she turns to DJ;  “You haven’t said why you are here?”   He has brought some money as she complained he was short earlier, plus there is a little extra.   “I’m not going to do anything with it today, am I?” she snaps 

Sioned has a phone call

and then her phone sounds.

"I thought you were here to work"

Howard enquires whether DJ has won the lottery or something;  “It’s none of your business, good boy – I thought you were here to work!”   Howard replies that he and Sioned understand each other.

"She's not interested in someone like you"

“I’m sure you do, but she’s not interested in someone like you!” exclaims DJ.

"Nor you, by the look of things"

“Nor you, either, by the look of things,” is Howard’s retort.

"Someone's taken Lili from the crèche 

Sioned looks extremely upset and tells them, “It’s Lili – someone’s taken her from the créche!”   Both she and DJ rush from the farm, 

"Can you look after Huwi?"

with Sioned asking Howard to stay here so that there is someone with Huwi.   

Before he leaves the farmhouse, 

"Ioan, if you've touched my daughter . . . 

DJ makes a quick phone call, “Ioan, if you’ve touched my daughter, I’ll kill you – right?   Phone me back!”

Anita sings a lullaby . . .

At number 7, Anita is singing a lullaby, “Sleep, sleep, little children,” 

. . . to a baby . . .

and we see that she has a young child on her lap.   

. . . who she thinks cannot sleep

“What’s wrong?   You’re supposed to sleep – can’t you sleep?” she asks the baby, 

Lili does not seem to mind

“Oh dear.” 

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