11 January 2024

9 January 2024

A taxi arrives . . .

In the pouring rain, a taxi arrives outside the shop and Kelly gets out;  

. . . and something catches Kelly's eye

as she stands under the shop blind, she looks across to number 9, where there is a police officer on guard outside.   

What is happening in Jinx's house?

Someone comes out in forensics gear 

Kelly is very concerned

and Kelly is very worried.

The parting of the ways between 'Tamed' and Cae Glas 

At Penrhewl, Sioned picks up a notice intended for the window at ‘Tamed’ which reads ‘No Cae Glas produce’.   Her mother is rather scathing about this;  

"Without my coleslaw"

“I don’t know how you’ll make your sandwiches without my coleslaw.”

Sioned is confident that they will cope;  

"Your antics are bad for business!"

“Unfortunately, you and your antics are bad for business!   You’ve left me with no choice but to cut ties between Cae Glas and the deli!   Is today’s hunt still going on?”   

"I need your help this afternoon!"

Eileen confirms that it is and maintains that she needs her daughter’s help, as she is short of staff.   

"Well, cancel it, then"

“Well, you know what to do then – cancel it!” is Sioned’s advice.

"No – not for you or anyone else!"

Eileen is adamant, “No, I’m not going to put a stop to this enterprise – not for you or anyone else!”   

Sioned is about to snaffle a jar of chutney

She does notice that Sioned has surreptitiously picked up jar as she leaves, and sneers, “Is that my chutney?   

"Your boycott didn't last long"

“Your boycott didn’t last long.”   Sioned angrily bangs it down on the table and walks out.

Ieuan is just coming in

Ieuan Griffiths is just coming in and is greeted by Eileen;  

"I've got the menu here"

“I’ve got the menu for the food after the hunt,” she informs him, so he gets out his glasses to take a look.   “I’ve changed the buffet to canapés – 

"Do you think that will impress the councillors?"

“do you think that will impress the councillors?”  He agrees that it looks very nice.

Kelly hammers on the door of number 7 . . .

The rain appears to have abated slightly as Kelly knocks urgently on the door of number 7;  

. . . and is greatly relieved when Jinx opens it

“Oh, thank God you’re here!” she exclaims when Jinx opens the door, “Why is your house like a murder scene?”

He understood that she was only going away for a few days, 

"Why are the cops here?"

 she continues to demand, “Why are the cops here?”   

"Long story, Kelly"

He replies that it is a long story 

"I was afraid something had happened to you"

and she admits, “I was afraid something had happened to you.   Why’s your house a crime scene?”

He replies that they found something in the garden, 

"A body"

“A body.”

"An actual body?"

“An actual body?” she gasps, and he wonders why she has not heard about this.   “Because I haven’t been on my phone – whose body is it?”   

He says that the police do not know and that it is been there for a long time.

"I've got something important to talk to you about"

“I’ve got something I want to talk to you about – it’s important,” Jinx goes on, 

"More important than dead body?"

but Kelly cannot imagine anything being more important than finding a dead body in his garden.

"Let's go to the Deri"

“Not here – let’s go to the Deri – I don’t want Dani to hear.”   Kelly says that she has not been home yet, but will go with him to the Deri.

"Tackle – whatever the jargon is?"

Ieuan asks whether everything is arranged, “Hats, tackle – whatever the jargon is?”   

"I was keeping it quiet"

He reveals that he has not yet told the councillors that it is a hunt;  “I was keeping it quiet in case they had time to change their minds.   Well, this is some way to open your business and to have the county councillors there to see what you have to offer.   I shall see you later.”

Ieuan's impression of a hunting horn 

Before he leaves, he makes the sound of a hunting horn and exclaims, “Tally-ho!”

"I want to check that everything's legit"

Eileen immediately gets her phone to contact Howard;  “I want to check that everything is legit for today – 

"I don't want a fox within 20 miles!"

“I don’t want any trace of a fox within 20 miles of that path – understand?”

Jinx brings over some tea

Jinx brings over a pot of tea from Geraint behind the bar and asks Kelly if the break was beneficial, but she is only interested in what is going on.

"I found this in my pocket . . ."

He produces the box of Flunitrazepam;  “I found this in my pocket – that’s Rohypnol and, before you say anything, it’s got nothing to do with me.   

" . . .which I think Jason planted there"

“I think that Jason planted that in my pocket – he was acting strangely that day – and he has the motive.   I don’t know why he ‘spiked’ people’s drinks, unless he was trying to frame me.”

"Jason didn't do it"

Kelly is devastated, but assures him, “Jason didn’t do it.”   

"I'm considering going to the police"

He just wanted to warn her that he is considering going to the police – he does not have any choice.

"Don't do that, Jinx"

Kelly shakes her head, 

"If he's 'spiking' people's drinks . . ."

but he continues, “If he’s ‘spiking’ people’s drinks, he deserves to be caught.   You saw what what happened to Rhys and Cheryl – the village has been on tenterhooks for weeks.   I can’t afford to be framed for it!”

"I don't deny he put them in your pocket, but . . ."

Kelly replies, “OK, I don’t deny that Jason put them in your pocket – but Jason didn’t ‘spike’ people’s drinks – it wasn’t Jason!”   

"Well, who did, then?"

Jinx demands who did it in that case, 

He is dumbfounded when she replies . . .

and she shocks him 

. . . "I did!"

with her answer, “Me!”

Eileen goes to number 21

Eileen goes to number 21 to see Britt;  “Come in, I’ve tidied because our first foster child’s arriving on Thursday.   

"Her name's Kylie"

“Her name’s Kylie and she’s with us while her gran’s having an operation.”

"I've got a job for you up at Penrhewl"

Eileen is not at all interested, but announces, “I’ve got a job for you, up at Penrhewl, this afternoon – helping with the reception for the first hunt.”

"What?   After what you did with Colin's wages?"

“After what you did with Colin’s wages?   I don’t think so,” Britt tells her, “I don’t have time.”   

She is instructed that she will have to find time, but snarls, “I don’t want to, if I’m being honest!”

"I didn't want you top make fun of me, either!"

Eileen says that she did not want Colin to make fun of her in the Panto either, 

"It was just a bit of fun"

but Britt points out that was just a bit of fun.   “It wasn’t much fun for me!” Eileen snarls, 

"If Colin wants to keep his job . . ."

“So if Colin wants to keep his job, I’ll expect you at Penrhewl at 3 o’clock.”

“Are you threatening Colin with the sack?” Britt demands, 

"I don't like my staff laughing at me!"

and Eileen explains that she does not like her staff laughing at her in public.   

"All right, all right"

This has the desired effect and Britt agrees to be there this afternoon.

"Everything went wrong"

Kelly is making her explanation to Jinx;  “I was trying to ‘spike’ Howard – but everything went wrong.”   Jinx says that everyone thought it was Rhys 

"Why did you go so far, Kelly?"

and wonders why she went so far and why did she not stop after Rhys nearly drowned;  he stresses that he is just trying to understand.

"I don't think you'll ever understand"

She whispers, “I don’t think you’ll ever understand, Jinx,” 

"What a mess!"

and he realises this is a terrible mess.   

"I'm really sorry for dragging you into all this"

“I’m really sorry for dragging you into all this,” she goes on.

"Was Jason trying to get his own back?"

“Was Jason trying to get his own back after what happened between us?” Jinx asks, “Is that why he tried to frame me?”   

Kelly does not know the answer to that and wonders if he will be still going to the cops.

"If you do, I'll have to admit everything"

“If you do, I’ll have to admit everything,” she groans and Jinx decides that he does not want any more to do with this;  

"Do what you like with the tablets"

he invites her to do what she likes with the tablets.   

He has one stipulation, she must promise that Jason will leave him alone from now on;  “People around this place have suffered enough – if you want to make it right, then you know what you have to do.   

People deserve the truth.”   

Kelly is left alone with her thoughts

With that he gets up and walks out of the Deri, leaving Kelly very tearful

Hywel has been doing a spot of hunting

After the hunt, of which we do not see anything, people are gathering for the food and Hywel joins the festivities in a barn at Penrhewl;  

"Tally-ho, old chap!"

Diane greets him, “Tally-ho, old chap!”   He informs her that she missed a lot of fun.   “I don’t call chasing an innocent creature to death, fun!” she replies.

"Dogs and horses were the only creatures out there"

Eileen is quick to intervene, “Dogs and horses were the only creatures out there today.”   

"And also clowns on the horses!"

Diane points out that there were also clowns on the horses.   

The serving wench arrives

Britt is serving drinks and comments that she feels like ‘Upstairs Downstairs’.

"What an experience!"

Then Griffiths joins them;  “What an experience!   

"I haven't been on a horse since I was six"

“It’s the first time I’ve been on a horse since I was six in Pembrey.”   

"Perhaps it was a donkey, Ieuan!"

Hywel suggests that perhaps it was a donkey, 

"Man and animal at one with nature"

and he goes on, “There’s nothing like it – man and animal as one with nature.”

Hywel remarks that it was lovely on the common between Deri Fawr and there, which causes Diane to interrupt, “That’s common land – you need permission to go there.”   

Now Eileen is worried . . .

Eileen looks worried at this, but Griffiths comes to the rescue, 

. . . but Ieuan points out that it is all settled

assuring her that they sorted it out;  “Everything has to be correct.”   Now Eileen looks relieved and summons Britt to bring a drink for Ieuan.

Kelly is still sitting in the Deri

Kelly is still sitting in the Deri, staring into space, so Kath comes over;  

"Are you all right, love?"

“Are you all right, love?’ she asks and Kelly tries unsuccessfully to give the impression that she is.   

"Is this something to do with Jinx?"

“Is this something to do with Jinx?   I saw him leave,” is the next question;  “Listen I’m not going to say I understand what’s going on between you two – but if you’re supposed to be with Jinx . . .”

"The last thing I need is another rumour"

Kelly puts on her coat, insisting that it is nothing to do with Jinx – and the last thing she needs now is another rumour about an affair.   

"If you want someone to listen . . ."

Kath appreciates that, but if Kelly needs someone to talk to . . . 

Kelly is already rushing out

By this time Kelly is already on her way to the door.

"I'm not here for a drink"

Gaynor comes in and asks how Kath’s holiday went;  she says she is not there for a drink.   

"This is a pub, you know"

“Well, are you lost, then?   This is a pub,” Kath informs her.

"I'm here to pay the rent"

“No, I’m here to pay the rent,” Gaynor tells her, 

"I thought you'd moved back to Llwyncelyn"

which she finds confusing as the last thing she heard, Gaynor had moved back to Llwyncelyn, because she and Cheryl had argued.

“She’s off today, if you’ve come here for forgiveness,” 

"I haven't come to see Cheryl"

but Gaynor makes it clear that she has not come to see Cheryl.   

Kath continues, “It’s terrible that you stole her boyfriend like that – there’s not much forgiveness there.”

"I never thought women would fight over Mark"

Gaynor maintains that it was not like that, but Kath is not finished yet;  “You know, I never thought that women would fight to go out with Mark.”   Gaynor would not describe it as ‘going out’, but rather as a drunken night she bitterly regrets.

“But you didn’t think of that at the time?” Kath assumes, “Pity, that, because our Mark and Cheryl made a lovely couple.”

"Tell that to your Mark, then!"

“Well, you tell that to your Mark, then, because he is partly to blame!” growls Gaynor, 

She puts a cheque on the bar . . .

putting down a cheque on the bar for two months rent, which Kath considers strange, since she is not living there any more.   

. . . which Kath picks up

“Forgiveness doesn’t come cheap!” Gaynor snaps.

While the cat's away . . .

Rhys is sitting in the Tomos ac Ellis office with his feet up on the desk, obviously enjoying Griffiths’ absence, 

Kelly walks in 

when he is surprised to see Kelly walk in.   “I didn’t know you were back today,” he says and she confirms that she is not there to work.

"I was worried I'd scared you off . . ."

“I was worried that I’d scared you off – the last time I saw you . . . well, Cheryl had accused me of ‘spiking’ – you didn’t see me at my best.   I don’t think I thanked you – 

". . . but you just listened – I really needed that" 

“you didn’t doubt me, you just listened – and I really needed that.”

"How are you feeling?"

Now Kelly feels even more guilty;  she asks him how he is feeling 

"I want to leave it all in the past"

and he replies, “I’ve reached a point where I want to move on – leave it all in the past and make a new start.”   

"Clean slate, like?"

She appreciates that he wants a clean slate.

Jason tucks into his burger and chips

Meanwhile Jason is having his lunch in the Deri, burger and chips;  

"Kelly's in Merthyr"

Kath comes over and asks if he has seen Kelly.   “No – Kelly’s in Merthyr,” he says, but Kath continues that she was there earlier – 

"Unless she's got a twin"

unless of course she has a twin.

"Kelly – my wife?"

“My Kelly?   My wife?” he demands and now he is making Kath doubt herself.

"Jinx tried to comfort her"

“She was quite upset – Jinx tried to comfort her, but I don’t think he did a very good job of it.”   With the mention of Jinx, Jason has heard enough, 

Jason is in a tearing hurry to leave

puts on his jacket, as Kath insists that she is not one who spreads gossip and he hurries out of the pub.

"Don't be late – I want an early night"

At Llwyncelyn, Gaynor is on the phone to Esther, asking what time she needs to be picked up.   “Don’t be too late, because I want an early night.” 

"I've been wanting this for months"

Rhys comes downstairs, having found something which he has been wanting for months;  “Is there any reason why Dad’s stuff is in boxes in my old room?” he enquires.

"I want my room back"

Gaynor confirms that she moved it in there, as she wants her room back;  “And I do a lot for your father, but hardly get a word of thanks.   Anyway, I paid a fortune for that memory foam mattress.”

"Does Dad know about it?"

Rhys wonders if his father knows about it;  

"He does . . . now!"

“Well, he does now,” she replies as she sends a text message.   Rhys decides that he is keeping out of this and leaves the house.

Jason espies Kelly's bag

Jason gets home to Bryntirion, where he finds Kelly’s bag on the sofa.   


“Jase,” she says 

"Why didn't you say you were coming home today?"

and he demands why she did not say she was coming back today.   “I wanted to surprise you.”   He does not make any comment, as she goes on, “I intended to go to the shop to get Ifan some treats – 

"I got a bit sidetracked"

“but I got a bit sidetracked.”

"Yes, I heard – by Jinx!"

“Yes, I heard – by Jinx,” says Jason, “Kath said – 

"Kath Jones knew before I did"

“Kath Jones knew you were back before I did.   You said you’d only be away for couple of days.”

"It was only today I felt I could come back"

“That’s what I intended – but it was only today that I felt I could come back,” she adds.

"And you ignored my phone calls"

“So that explains why you ignored my phone calls,” Jason tells her 

"I haven't been thinking straight"

and she pleads that she has not been thinking straight.   

"You ran away, Kelly!"

“You ran away, Kelly,” he exclaims and she insists that she thought she was doing the right thing.

"Why did you plant Rohypnol on Jinx?"

“Why in God’s name did you think it was a good idea to plant Rohypnol on Jinx?” she demands 

Jason has no answer to that

and Jason does not reply.

Britt has a quick drink . . .

Britt is taking advantage of a lull in the proceedings to have a drink herself, 

. . . then is instructed by the mistress of the hunt

then is instructed, “Take the tablecloths off and then you can go.”   Britt curtsies and calls her ‘Mistress’ then receives a phone call from Colin.

"Lady Muck has said I'm free to go"

“Yeah, I’m on my way now – Lady Muck has said I’m free to go,” and she walks off without carrying out her orders, much to Britt’s annoyance.

"A highly successful day"

Griffiths comes across, remarking that it has been a highly successful day;  he asks when the next hunt will be.   

"Thanks for getting me out of a pickle"

Eileen has organised one for next week;  she also thanks him for getting her out of a pickle earlier.   He agrees that it would be a shame to avoid the common, as it is such a lovely place.

"I'll make sure you get the permission"

She assures him that she will apply for permission, while he, in turn, will make sure she gets it;  “We’ll scratch each other’s backs,” is how he puts it, 

"All you have to do is present your insurance forms . . ."

“All you have to do is present your insurance forms.”   At this, her expression changes 

"You do have insurance?"

and he asks, “You do have insurance?”   

"Oh – I must have forgotten"

Eileen’s excuses is that she must have forgotten.   “What if something had happened today?” he demands, 

"Nothing did happen, did it?"

but she points out that nothing did happen.

"There's plenty of opposition as it is"

“Look, there is plenty of opposition as it is, without you cutting corners! he scolds her and she promises to sort it out.   Then he suggests that perhaps a reduction in membership would help him with his support;  

"Keep the arrangement under your hat"

“What shall we say – half price?”   Eileen tells him to keep the arrangement under his hat.   “Yes, under my riding hat!” he quips.

Gaynor is sleeping

The scene shifts to a darkened bedroom where someone is asleep;  the door opens and we hear Hywel instructing, “Keep your voice down – we don’t want to wake anyone.”   

She finds Casanova with the latest of his conquests

Gaynor, in the bed, suddenly sits up and shouts, “Hywel!”   

"What are you doing here?"

He demands what she is doing there 

"This is my bedroom!"

and she informs him that this is her bedroom;  “Didn’t you get my text?”

Beca has had enough of this

Hywel’s potential bedmate has had enough of this and is about to make her exit;  he calls to her, “No, Beca, please,” but to no avail.   

"You can't throw me out of my own room!"

Then he turns on Gaynor;  “You can’t throw me out of my own room – where’s my stuff?”

"You'll have to move out!"

She shouts, “Do you know what?   I can’t carry on like this – I don’t have a choice –you’ll have to move out!   

"I don't want to live with you!"

“Esther can stay – but I don’t want to live with you!”

"I managed to get him back to sleep"

Jason come downstairs after settling Ifan;  “At least I managed to get him back to sleep,” he says.

"Jinx wants me to confess everything to Rhys"

“Jinx wants me to confess everything to Rhys about the ‘spiking’,” Kelly begins, “But I don’t think it would do him any good.”

"Your conscience is all that's important"

“No, as long as your conscience is clear, that’s all that is important,” Jason replies.

"Jinx wanted to report you to the cops"

“And Jinx also wants to report you to the cops – but I stopped him.   You could have been arrested.

"Thanks to you and thanks to Jinx"

“But I haven’t been, have I, Kelly?   Thanks to you and thanks to Jinx,” he says.   

"Why did you do it, Jase?"

Kelly wonders why he did it.

"Because I hate him – all right?"

“Because I hate him – all right?”   Kelly anticipates that they will never get over this.   

"You keep running back to Jinx"

“How do you expect us to get over it when you keep on running back to Jinx?   Sorry, Kelly – I’ve tried – 

"I've tried really hard, but . . ."

“I’ve tried really hard – but I don’t see how I can forgive you for this – 

Kelly is left devastated . . .

“can you?”

. . . weeping on the sofa

He goes upstairs, leaving Kelly weeping alone on the sofa.

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