01 August 2022

27 July 2022 (2nd)

"I thought of walking part of the coastal path"

As they sit at the breakfast table, Siôn tells Cai that he had thought of walking part of the coastal path this weekend;  “Do you fancy coming?”   

"I don't think I will have time"

Cai replies that he would love to, but does not think he will have the time.

“You shouldn’t be busy – you haven’t started your new job yet,” says Siôn, but is informed that a deputy’s job is not 9:00am to 3:00pm with a three month holiday – Siôn should know that.

Iolo comes downstairs . . .

“I’ve got a mountain of preparation work to do,” he alleges, just as Iolo come downstairs, 

. . . and will not be staying for breakfast

and remarks that he will not be staying for breakfast.   His father assumes that he is too busy, and Iolo evasively replies that it is something like that.  “I don’t want to spend a second more than I have to in his company,” he pointedly explains, 

"Look, I'm sorry about last night"

and Cai apologises for last night.   

Iolo repeats what he said last night

“He accused Eifion of wanting to put his hands down his trousers,” continues Iolo and Siôn looks shocked, wondering why Cai would do that.

"I'm not that type of person"

“If I could take my words back, I would,” Cai groans, “And I’m sorry – I’m not that type of person.”

Iolo is quick to respond, “That ‘type of person’ is anyone who would say something like that!”   Siôn has to leave for the bookshop, and Iolo is surprised that he does not have more to say.

"I've promised to help Jinx load the van"

“I’ve promised to help Jinx load the books into the van before going to the Eisteddfod – we’ll discuss this later, all right?”

"Eifion's not going to the police"

When Siôn has gone, Iolo snarls, “Eifion’s not going to the police, if that’s what you want to know,” 

"He misunderstood the situation"

and Cai maintains that he misunderstood the whole situation, but Iolo does not want to hear it.   

"You made yourself quite clear last night!"

“You made yourself quite clear last night!”

Eifion arrives in the Deri

Eifion arrives in the Deri, and is reprimanded by Cassie, “I thought I told you to take a few days off.”   He insists that he is not going to let people like that tell him how to live, and that he did not do anything wrong.

Cassie agrees that he did not deserve that, 

"I'm not hiding from fascists like Cai!

and he continues, “The last thing I’m going to do is hide from fascists like Cai – right, where do you want me?”

"Anywhere but here"

Cassie mutters under her breath, “Anywhere but here,” but then thinks of something;  

"Check the pipes in the cellar"

“I’ll tell you what you can do – you can check the pipes for me in the cellar.”   

Eifion does precisely . . .nothing . . .

However, he does not move, instead continuing to read the Western Post, 

. . . much to Cassie's annoyance

and Cassie looks disgusted.

"This is the last box, Jinx"

Outside Cysgod y Glyn, Jinx is loading the campervan and Siôn  announces that he has the last of the books.   “Good,” says Jinx, “I was about to tell Ffion there wasn’t room for her in the van.”   

"I hope they won't move around"

Siôn hopes that the boxes will not move around while he is driving, as people will not buy battered books.   He is assured that they will be fine 

"Remember to send a photo of the stall"

and is told to remember to send a photo of the stall once he has set up.

Ffion has packed the case

Ffion comes out with a case, and Siôn is sorry that he cannot come with them;  “Impossible, Siôn – there’s no room in the van.”   Then he comments to Ffion that her case will have to go on the roof.

"I don't want my underwear scattered along the M4!"

“Shut up!” is her response, “I don’t want my underwear scattered along the M4!”   [They must be taking a very circuitous route to get to Tregaron!]

Kelly has all the 'bumf'

Kelly approaches with a file containing all the ‘bumf’, as she calls it;  

"Instructions, phone numbers . . ."

“Instructions, phone numbers – be careful with the blankets – they’re brand-new.”   

"The tools are in the toolbox"

Jinx thinks that it might be a good idea to bring a screwdriver and spanner, but she points out, “The tools you’ll need in case of a breakdown are in the tool box.”

"Thank you, Kelly"

Ffion is very grateful that Kelly has saved the Eisteddfod for them, and she is actually jealous;  

"Walking round the field in a nightie"

“I kind of like the idea of walking round the field in a nightie – cool.”   Ffion inform her that only the ‘Gorsedd’ [a community or meeting of modern-day bards] does that.

"I-fan – got it?"

“I’m expecting rave reviews for the I-fan – get it – I-fan?” [pronounced ‘I-van] she goes on, and Ffion had forgotten that homework was part of the bargain.   

"Five stars – no less!"

“Five stars – no less!” Kelly specifies, “Enjoy yourselves.”

"Cai could easily have broken his nose"

Hywel encounters Eileen in the alley and tells her, “Cai could easily have broken his nose.”   

"Eifion could make a saint punch him!"

She replies that Eifion could make even a saint punch him.   

"Eifion's attitude isn't important"

Hywel insists, “Eifion’s attitude isn’t important here – but what Cai did to him.”

Eileen explains that Cai has phoned to explain the situation and regrets it, but Hywel will not let the matter drop.   

"He shouldn't be near a school!"

“When a deputy punches someone for homophobic reasons, he shouldn’t be near a school, let alone running one!”   

"He denied any homophobia"

Eileen assures him that Cai has denied any homophobia, and is told, “He would say that, wouldn’t he?   There were plenty there last night ready to say the opposite.   If Eifion wanted to prosecute, he’d have plenty of witnesses.”

“Eifion’s said he’s not going to the police,” Eileen tells him, and will talk about it with Ffion.   

"Remember the school comes first"

Hywel urges her to remember that the school comes first, 

"I'm quite aware of that, Hywel"

and she replies that she is well aware of that.

Cai is sitting disconsolately on the stairs when Siôn returns to Y Felin;  again he maintains that last night was a misunderstanding.   “That’s no excuse for homophobia,” growls Siôn, 

"Eifion started flirting"

but Cai explains that Hywel had been winding him up and then Eifion started flirting.

"Why not tell him you weren't interested?"

“Why didn’t you tell him politely that you were not interested?”asks Siôn, and the answer is that he was drunk, which is not regarded as an excuse.   

"If that's what you think, you're not welcome here!"

“Listen, if that’s what you think of gay people, you’re not welcome here,” declares Siôn.

Cai protests that is the opposite of what he thinks, but but is reminded that he attacked Eifion.   “Nobody is allowed to make my son feel like that!” Siôn snarls at him, 

"Understand?   Nobody!"

“Understand?   Nobody!”

They are almost ready to leave

Ffion is about to get into the campervan when Eileen comes across;  “Ten days of freedom!” enthuses Ffion.   She is asked if she has heard about what happened in the Deri last night, when Cai punched Eifion.

"Eifion was flirting with him"

“From what I’ve heard, Eifion was flirting with him – we can’t be seen to give the deputy job to someone who’s homophobic.”   

"Cai's not like that"

Ffion denies that Cai is of that persuasion.   “He needs to come to his senses if he wants to keep his job – can you talk to him, please?” urges Eileen, 

"This needs to be sorted out"

“This needs to be sorted out.”

Ffion cannot do it at the moment, so it will have to wait:  

"I'll phone him when I get a chance"

“I’ll phone him when I get a chance.”   

This obviously does not satisfy Eileen 

Eileen is outraged.

"Out – now!"

Cai comes back into the Deri, and as soon as Eifion notices him, he is ordered out of the pub.   

"I want to apologise"

“I want to apologise,” Cai begins, but is told he should have thought about that before breaking Eifion’s nose.

"Your nose was not broken, Eifion"

Cassie points out that his nose was not broken, and perhaps he should give Cai the chance to apologise.   “Why?   So he can feel better about being a homophobe?” demands Eifion.   Cai alleges that he just wants to talk, but is reminded that talking got him into this mess.

"There's no place for bigots here!"

Just then, Eileen appears and exclaims, “Out – you’re banned!   There’s no place for bigots in here!”   

"Are you all right, Eifion?"

Cai gives up the attempt and leaves the Deri.

They reach their destination

The sun is shining brightly as the campervan reaches its parking place;  

"Right, here we are"

“Right, here we are,” Jinx announces, while Arwen and Gwern immediately decide to head for the beach.   Ffion warns them that the sea is too rough, so they should not go in.

"Beach first, unpack later"

“Beach first, unpack later,” insists Arwen, as she searches for her sunglasses.   

Gwern has a message from his Mam

Gwern receives a message from his Mam, ‘See you soon’, 

"We've only just arrived"

and Arwen complains that he has only just arrived.

"Don't go into the water"

Ffion shouts after them that they are not going into the water, 

They head towards the beach

so should leave their inflatables behind.   “Will you go down to the sea with them?   I don’t want to get wet,” she says.   

"Have you ever seen me swim?"

He does not want to do this, and asks if she has ever seen him swim.   “No, I haven’t, actually – don’t tell me you can’t?”

When he is forced to admit that he cannot, 

"Ah – poor thing!"

she laughs, “Poor thing!   How did you manage to hide that from me?”   He is very embarrassed, so she suggests he can borrow Arwen’s rubber ring.   

"I'm not going anywhere near that ugly unicorn!"

He is adamant that he inot going anywhere near that ugly unicorn, and suggests they ought to empty the van before they think of relaxing.

"The only thing missing is a cold glass of lemonade"

“This is so nice – nothing but sea, sun and fun – the only thing I'm missing is a cold glass of lemonade and strawberries.”   Jinx takes the hint 

Jinx has thought of everything

and goes to fetch the cool box, 

"I went to the shop"

revealing that he went to the shop while she was busy packing.   

"Ah – thank you, Jinx!"

She is very grateful.

"Don't forget, I'm off tonight"

Britt tells Cassie that she is off tonight;  “Eileen’s making me sweat for every penny,” she complains, 

"Don't overdo it, mind"

and Cassie advises her not to overdo things.   “I don’t have a choice – 

"Have you got some mixed herbs at home?"

“have you got some mixed herbs at home?   I need some for the soup.”   Cassie is sure that she has some, and will go home to get them.

Iolo is carrying frozen peas

Iolo comes in and enquires how Eifion is this morning;  

"I don't need another icepack"

“All right – I don’t need another icepack,” he says;  Iolo has been to the shop to get a replacement for Dani.   “There’ll be a pint on the house waiting for you,” Eifion promises.

"Is something going on between them?"

“Is there something going on between them?” Britt asks Cassie, 

"Eifion is giving everyone a free pint . . ."

who replies that Eifion is giving everyone a free pint.

". . . if he knew it all comes out of his wages . . ."

She adds, quietly, “If he knew it all comes out of his wages he wouldn’t be quite so generous.”

"I'm just looking at the sea"

As they sit, looking out across the sea, Ffion asks if Jinx is OK.  “Yes, I’m just looking at the sea – thinking how big it is,” he replies, 

"Seas do tend to be big"

and she confirms that seas tend to be big.   

"How trivial our concerns are"

“Makes you think how trivial our concerns are,” he adds.

"But it's important to acknowledge them."

“Yes, but it’s important to acknowledge them as well,” she says;  

"I didn't love Jaclyn"

Jinx admits that he did not love Jaclyn.   

"You have the right to grieve for her – and the baby"

“But you’ve still got the right to grieve – for Jaclyn – and the baby she was carrying,” Ffion points out.

“Do I, though?   Grieving for someone or something I didn’t really know – that didn’t really exist – and something I wasn’t looking for in my life right now.”

"Thanks for organising this trip, Ffion"

Ffion reminds him that feelings are complex things, and he thanks for organising the trip there.   She is very glad that he came;  

They kiss . . .

he leans forward and they kiss, 

. . . and this is witnessed by Arwen . . .

coincidentally just as Arwen happens to be approaching.   

. . . who seems disgusted

She looks disgusted by the sight, 

She grabs the 'unicorn' and the wetsuits

picks up her ‘unicorn’ and their wetsuits, then goes back towards the beach.

"Sorry I'm late, Eileen!"

Britt comes running into Penrhewl, apologising profusely for being late;  “Prioritising the Deri over Cae Glas?” Eileen accuses her, and Britt insists that she will make up the time.   

"You can work on tonight"

“Yes, tonight – you can work on,” she is instructed, “I might as well explain your working conditions, as you will be working longer hours.   

Eileen is becoming a slave-driver

“Listen now – you have a right to have a ten minute break every three and a half hours.”

"I'd prefer to finish earlier"

Britt would prefer to finish earlier, 

"They are the rules"

but is told that those are the rules;  “I don’t want to be accused of mistreating my staff just because you want to go home early.”

"Those labels are crooked"

Then Eileen notices that the labels Britt is sticking on boxes of biscuits are crooked;  

"It doesn't matter"

“It doesn’t matter – nobody is going to check if a label is straight,” is the reply, 

"Take them off and start again!"

and she is told to take them off and start again.

“I don’t want a Western Post judge receiving one of those,” she insists, but Britt points out that what is important is how the biscuits taste, not the label.

“No, that’s where you’re wrong,” she is told, “Everything is important!”   

"We won 'Chip Shop of the Year'"

Britt stresses that they won ‘Chip Shop of the Year,’ for the standard of their food, not because the label is wonky.

"You won't be winning this year, will you?"

“You won’t be winning that this year, will you,” Eileen comments, wryly.

“There’s twelve months in a year – that’s what Garry says – nothing’s impossible if you set your mind on it,” Britt goes on, 

"You set your mind on these biscuits"

and is recommended to set her mind on those biscuits, because Eileen wants the table clear by Huwi-John’s dinner time.   “Yes, boss!” says Britt.

Now they are hand-in-hand

They are still soaking up the sunshine by the campervan when Jinx decides that he had better start on the barbecue, but Ffion would rather wait for a while.   “You know those two will want food straightaway when they come back.” 

"The burgers were still mooing!"

Ffion agrees that he is probably right;  “But I’m in charge of the barbecue – remember the last time you did it – the burgers were still mooing!”

"Is there anything to eat?"

Right on time, Gwern appears, demanding if there is anything to eat, 

"Where's Arwen?"

and Ffion wants to know where Arwen is.   She is concerned that they have their wetsuits and that Arwen is still in the water.

"I'll go and get her"

“I’ll go and get her – you give this boy some food,” says Jinx, 

Jinx strides off across the field

and he heads towards the beach.   

He shouts Arwen's name

When he gets there he can see no sign of Arwen, so shouts her name.   

The 'unicorn' has become deflated . . .

Then he notices what appears to be the deflated unicorn, and fears that Arwen is in the water somewhere.

. . . and after shouting for her again . . .

He shouts again, 

. . . he selflessly dashes into the water

then dashes into the water, regardless of his own safety.

Cassie arrives home. . .

Cassie arrives at number 9 to pick up the mixed herbs 

. . . and hears music playing

and hears music playing, which she finds very strange.   Gwyneth is in the kitchen and greets her;  

"Fancy some chilli?"

“I didn’t expect you to be home so early – fancy some chilli?”   Gwyneth’s appearance comes as a complete surprise.

The wandering Arwen returns

Gwern is looking at the message from his mother, which reads, ‘See you soon,’ and Ffion promises him the first burger as he has been waiting so long.   

"You've been in the sea!"

Then Arwen returns, and her mother reprimands her for being in the sea, when she was told not to do so.

"We all do stupid things sometimes, don't we?"

“We all do stupid things sometimes, don’t we?” is Arwen’s response, and she has no idea where Jinx is.

“He went to get you because you were swimming when you shouldn’t be!” Ffion insists, and is told that swimming was boring, so Arwen went for a walk.

Ffion tries to contact Jinx . . .

Ffion immediately phones Jinx’s number, 

. . . but his phone has been left behind

but his phone has been left on the table.   

"Don't touch that barbecue"

Now she is really worried, and, warning them not to touch the barbecue, 

She goes in search of Jinx . . . 

she hurries down towards the beach.

. . . and looks along the beach

Emerging from the dunes, she looks along the beach 

She finds him, inert on the sand

and then spies Jinx, who is lying motionless on the sand.   


“Jinx!” she shouts helplessly. 

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