22 August 2022

18 August 2022

Cassie spots a shifty-looking character coming out of the Deri

Next morning, as Cassie is walking towards the Deri to unlock, she is concerned to see a stranger coming out of the pub, and is very angry.   

She goes to investigate

She hurries inside to find the place in a state of disarray and another stranger sleeping on one of the seats.   

Oi!   Out"

“Oi!   Out!” she shouts, just as Iolo is returning from the toilet, and Eifion urges her not to shout.

"You're lucky I'm not throttling you!"

“Shout?   You’re lucky I’m not throttling you!” she snarls, “So you had a ‘lock-in’,” 

"Just a small group of us"

and Iolo maintains that it was a just a small group of them;    him, Eifion, Kath, Brynmor, Gwyneth.

“Do you remember Brynmor singing ‘Myfanfy’?” says Eifion, 

"Kath doing an impression of that duck!"

“And Kath doing an impression of that duck?   It was hilarious!”

"You weren't supposed to be here"

Cassie does not regard it as funny;  “I wasn’t here – and you weren’t supposed to be here,” she admonishes them.   Iolo points out that it was not a proper ‘lock-in’, 

"I told you it was a stupid idea!"

and reminds Eifion that he said it was a stupid idea.   He takes his leave, as Cassie surveys the damage.

Kelly has an inoperative hairdryer

On the campsite, at least the rain has stopped, and Kelly is trying to make the hairdryer work.   “Jase!” she yells, and he, still half asleep in the driver’s seat, 

"I told you last night, Kelly"

explains that he told her last night that there is no electricity.

“We’re in the car park, remember?   There’s no hook up in the car park,” he says, and she reminds him they have solar panels on the roof.   “They don’t work,” he replies, 

"And the phone's not charging"

then she discovers that her phone is not charging either.   

"You need electricity to charge a phone"

“You need electricity to charge a phone,” Jason informs her.

"Does anything in this flipping' van work?"

“Does anything in this flippin’ van work?” she demands, “Do you know what?   Jason, I’ve got volumiser, frizz control, sleek serum and mousse on my hair – if I don’t dry it soon, 

"I'll look like a cockatoo!"

“I’ll look like a cockatoo!   So I’m going to wash it – again!”   She angrily leaves the van.

"Good morning, Gwyneth"

Gwyneth comes downstairs in number 9, feeling the after-effects of the night before;  Tesni is lying on the sofa and wishes her good morning.   

"Cassie said it was OK for me to stay"

“Cassie said it was OK for me to stay,” she says, and Gwyneth does not remember seeing her last night.

“I thought you might not – 

"You were quite smashed"

“you were, er, quite smashed when you got home,” Tesni comments, 

"'Lock-ins' at the Deri are not a good idea"

and Gwyneth confesses that ‘lock-ins’ in the Deri are not a good idea.

"I hope I didn't say anything stupid"

“I hope I didn’t say anything stupid,” she goes on, and is told that she went straight upstairs.   

"I don't sleep too well these days"

Tesni says that she does not sleep too well these days, and Gwyneth asks how she is coping.   “Listen, you can stay as long as you want – I’ll sort out the spare room for you.   And if you ever want to talk, I’m willing to listen.   

"The way Jaclyn went, and the baby"

“It must be hard, dealing with everything – the way Jaclyn went, and the baby.”


Tesni wonders whatever she means, and Gwyneth continues, “Jaclyn’s and Jinx’s baby.”   Tesni stares in disbelief.

An excuse to speak to Andrea

The door of the former salon opens, and Mark hesitantly walks in, with the post;  

"Just leave it there"

Andrea tells him to leave it there.   He looks at the rack of dresses and asks, “Did you make them all?   I saw that the door was open last night – were you working late?   Remember you’re not working in a sweat-shop.”

"I've got a lot to do"

She insists that she wanted to work, and that she has a lot to do, but Mark apologises for what happened the other night.   

"I had no right to answer your phone"

“I had no right to answer your phone the way I did.   I answered it without thinking I was being nosy – 

"I'm sorry"

“I’m sorry.”   

"Do you have time for a cup of tea?"

She looks very downhearted, and asks if he has time for a cup of tea.

"I can't believe I was stupid enough to trust you"

“I can’t believe I was stupid enough to trust you to close up,” growls Cassie, as she and Eifion tidy up the place, “What were you thinking, Eifion?”   He simply dismisses it as ‘a bit of fun’. 

"Where is everyone?"

Britt comes in, and it is obvious that she knew this was going on;  “I’ve just brought loads of bacon and sausages – I was going to sell baps – hangovers make people hungry.”

Eifion will have one, as he is starving, 

"You've got work to do!"

but is ordered by Cassie that he has work to do.   He wants bacon and sausage, with ketchup, 

"Do you want one, Cassie?"

and wonders if Cassie wants one;  

He is trying Cassie's patience

she looks as if she is going to throw something at him.

"Was Mam expecting your baby?"

Tesni goes to Cysgod y Glyn to speak to Jinx, and he is just approaching along the street;  she immediately demands, “Was Mam expecting your baby?   Answer me!”   

"Yes, she was"

He confesses that she was, and she says that it does not make sense, 

"Mam didn't say anything"

as her mother did not say anything.

He replies that it was early days, and wonders who told Tesni.   “Mam would have told me if she was pregnant,” she insists, 

"She was thinking of having an abortion"

and he says that she was thinking of having an abortion.   

“She was not sure what to do to start with – are you sure you don’t want to come in?” asks Jinx.   “Look, your mother didn’t tell me straightaway.”   

"Mam would never get rid of a baby!"

Tesni is quite adamant that her mother would never get rid of a baby, 

"But she changed her mind"

and he adds, “But she changed her mind.”

“It’s as if we’re talking about someone I didn’t know at all,” Tesni sighs, “What else was she hiding?” and she hurries away.

Iolo sees her walking away

Iolo is approaching along the back street and comments to Jinx, “She’s going through a hard time, isn’t she?   

"Should one of us go after her?"

“Do you think one of us should go after her?”   Jinx does not think that she would want him to do that, and he goes into Cysgod y Glyn.

Tesni has been 'breaking and entering'

Tesni has forced her way in through the back door of number 10 

She looks nervously around . . . 

and looks nervously around;  the place has been tidied up by Anita, 

. . . then goes upstairs 

and Tesni goes upstairs.

Kelly is not at all happy

Outside the camper van, where the weather has cleared up considerably, Jason sees Kelly returning from the showers, looking extremely angry and besmirched with mud;  

"Then I slipped in the mud!"

“I’ve had a shower – it was freezing!   And then I slipped in the mud!”

When he suggests that she needs another shower in that case, she screams, “No, Jason!   I’m fed up with going backwards and forwards to the shower all the time – 

"I just want to go home, Jase!"

“I just want to go home!   I can’t do this!   I want my showers hot, my hair blow-dried, my phone charged – and I want to stretch my legs out in bed, OK?   Sorry, but that’s the way it is – I’m not cut out for camping!”

"We realise that now"

Jason confirms they appreciate that now, and she wails, “I just wanted a lovely little adventure – 

"It's been torture!"

“but it’s been torture!   Seriously, I just want to go home.”

"I'm not part of that family any more"

As they drink their cups of tea, Andrea points out, “They haven’t been a part of my life for years – I’m not part of that family any more.”   

"So you have a brother and a sister?"

Mark is surprised that she has a brother and sister, 

"I don't need them, Mark"

but she is insistent that she does not need them, or her parents.

"I can't imagine that"

“I can’t imagine a complete cut-off like that from the family,” he groans, and she would appreciate it if he forgot that he talked to Alexander.   

"What if he has something important to tell you?"

“But what if he has something important to tell you?” Mark asks;  Andrea just wants him to leave it.   

"Shall I see you later?"

Now he has to continue on his post round, 

Andrea would like that

and hopes that he will see her later.

Tesni returns downstairs . . .

Tesni comes back downstairs in number 10, 

. . . and looks in the cupboards . . .

and looks in some drawers and cupboards which appear to be empty.   

. . . then turns to pictures on the wall

In desperation she goes to a corner of the room which we do not normally see where there are several family pictures hanging on the wall.

She selects one of her mother and Dylan . . .

She selects one of them, featuring her mother and Uncle Dylan outside the Deri, 

. . .and flings to to the floor

and after looking at it flings it to the floor, where the glass shatters.   

She is in tears

She sits on the sofa in tears.

"I want to offer a new service"

Jinx arrives at Penrhewl, and says that he has had a strange morning;  “I want to offer a new service,” he announces to Eileen, “Delivering Cae Glas produce on my bike – it’s a greener option and a way to keep the ‘carbon footprint’ down.”

"Can you carry all the produce on your bike?"

Eileen has doubts that he can carry all the produce on his bike, 

"I have a pizza-carrying contraption"

and he explains that he has a contraption to carry pizzas;  “I can invest more if I have to.”

Then she raises the subject of deliveries which are not local;  

"Not every delivery will be possible"

he concedes that not every delivery will be possible, obviously.   

"Then there is insurance to work out"

“You need to work out what you can carry on the bike, and we’ll have to work out some kind of inssurance between us, in case the produce doesn’t reach its destination,” Eileen tells him.

He stresses that he is a very careful cyclist, 

"Sorry I'm late, Eileen . . ."

and then Britt arrives, late again.   “I was expecting you ages ago!” complains Eileen.   

". . . I had to pop into the Deri"

She explains that she had to pop into the Deri, where there was a terrible mess, but now they have sorted everything out.

She is given explicit instructions

“Well, you’re working here now – start with the chutneys!” Eileen instructs her, “And then prepare the ingredients for those new quiches.”   

"Right, I'll leave you to your work"

Jinx will leave them to their work and is told that they could organise a trial period.

"Do you want to sort out the quiches, Eileen?"

Britt suggests that Eileen could sort out the quiches, while she does the chutneys, but is told quite emphatically that she will be doing both, starting with the chutneys.   

"I'm going out"

“I have to go out – I’m buying a school uniform for Huwi-John – that’s why you needed to be here on time today, OK?”

Cassie complains about Eifion 

Cassie is moaning to Mark at the bar, “And he didn’t even apologise for the mess they made!”   

"You're miles away!"

She can see that he is not listening, but continues, “Have you heard from your mother or Brynmor this morning?   You’re miles away!”

"Andrea has nothing to do with her family"

Mark apologises that he is;  “I was talking to Andrea earlier – she was talking about her family.   She’s had nothing to do with them for years.”   

"You know how complicated families can be"

Cassie says that he will know how complicated families can be, 

"Perhaps it's because she has HIV"

but he suspects that they have turned against her because she has HIV.

“You never know what’s going on behind someone else’s curtains,” remarks Cassie, “If I were you I’d stay out of Andrea’s family business.”   Then she serves a customer who has just arrived.

Britt  is not watching daytime TV today

As Britt is working at Penrhewl, she hears a voice and tells them to come in;  “Sorry to disturb you – I’m here from the Western Post,” says the man.

"You'll have to go somewhere else!"

“Oh no, you shouldn’t be here,” Britt tells him, “You’ll have to go somewhere else to find out Jaclyn’s secrets,” but he points out that he is not a journalist, but a judge from the Catering Competition.   

“I’ve got some good news – the Cae Glas produce has won.   

"Many congratulations, Eileen"

“I’ve come to give you the prize – this lovely trophy, many congratulations, Eileen.”   He will not listen to any protests from Britt, 

"You deserve it for the excellent produce"

but insists that she deserves it for the excellent produce.

"And this cheque for £1,000"

“I also have to present you with this cheque for £1,000,” he goes on and Britt does not know what to say.   

Britt is going to regret this photo

As she looks appreciatively at the cheque, he takes a photo on his phone.

"I think I feel a bit better"

“I think I feel a bit better after some fresh air,” says Eifion, as he and Iolo pass number 10, 

"Are you as hungover as me?"

and then they meet Gwyneth, who wonders if they are as hungover as she is.   “I think it is all Brynmor’s and Kath’s fault,” Eifion maintains, and they are asked if they have seen Tesni today.

"I saw her with Jinx earlier"

“Yes, I saw her with Jinx earlier,” replies Iolo, “She seemed upset.”   

"She's staying with us at the moment"

Gwyneth says that she is staying with them at the moment.   

“We’re going to see if Cassie has cooled down – and is willing to make a coffee for us,” Eifion remarks, “We’ll text you if Tesni is in the Deri.”

Gwyneth hears noises inside number 10

As Gwyneth continues along the street she hears noises and screams from inside number 10.   

"Open the door, Tesni"

She shouts for Tesni to open the door 

Tesni hesitates before she does

and eventually she does so.  

"Look at the mess I've made!"

“Look at the mess I’ve made – and I’ve broken the back door!” Tesni tells her, but is told not to worry, 

"I'll sort it"

as Gwyneth will sort it out;  she sends Tesni back across to number 9.

"I can't trust anyone!"

“I was just looking for – never mind . . . more secrets – I can’t trust anyone!”   

"You can trust me, Tesni"

Gwyneth insists that Tesni can trust her;  she will sort this out, and they will talk about everything.   

Tesni leaves the house

Tesni leaves the house.

Gwyneth notices that picture . . .

Gwyneth notices the picture on the floor, 

. . . and with a malicious look . . .

deliberately and maliciously 

. . . crushes it underfoot

stamping the photo of Dylan under her foot.

Anita unpacks her shopping

Anita has been shopping and is surprised to hear the front door open;  “You’re back!” she exclaims, “What happened to you?” as she sees Kelly’s state, in marked contrast to her usual flamboyant look.

"I went camping!"

“I went camping!” is the gloomy response, 

"It could have been worse, Kelly"

and Jason maintains that it could have been worse.   

"It was a disaster!"

Kelly declares, “It was a disaster – so we’ve opted for a staycation in Bryntirion.   Right, I’m going to have a bath, and then we’ll help you with your bags back to number 10 – 

"Jason's brilliant at carrying bags"

“because Jason’s brilliant at carrying bags, aren’t you?”

"I'll put the kettle on . . ."

Jason thinks that he will put the kettle on, but Anita insists that she can do that;  

". . . OK, I'll get the bags, then"

“I’ll go and to get the bags, then,” he says.   

Anita looks more apprehensive now 

She is not looking too happy about the prospect of going back to number 10.

Eileen is back at Penrhewl 

Britt has just taken the quiches out of the oven when Eileen reappears, with Huwi-John.   “It took longer than expected,” she says, but Britt assures her that everything is under control, and remarks that someone called in, but Eileen is too busy with Huwi-John to take any notice.

“I didn’t think you would finish so early,” she comments, “I thought you would stay on longer, as you arrived so late today.”   

"Of course I did"

Britt offers to come in earlier tomorrow.   “Did you follow the chutney recipĂ©?” is the next question, “I’ll be tasting it later – 

"You'll have to do it again tomorrow"

“and if it’s not right, you’ll have to do it again tomorrow.   Did anything exciting happen while I was out?”

Britt replies that it was very quiet, 

Huwi-John is taken back upstairs

and Eileen goes upstairs with Huwi-John.   

Picking up the cheque and the trophy . . .

Grabbing the cheque and the trophy, 

. . . Britt makes a quick exit

Britt marches out of the farmhouse.

"It feels as if it was all an act"

“It feels as if it was all an act,” moans Tesni, and Gwyneth asks if Dylan knew about the baby.   

"She deceived us all"

Tesni continues, “I know that she could keep secrets, because she had an affair – she deceived us all, and now this.”

She is handed a glass of wine and Gwyneth enquires, “Do you think she was hiding something else?”   

"I think things were more complicated"

Tesni recalls that Dylan said something, and is under the impression that things were more complicated than she could have imagined.

“Whatever it is, talking will help you make sense of things,” Gwyneth tells her, 

Cassie is glad to be home

and Tesni is about to mention something else when Cassie comes in.   

"I need a large glass of that"

She needs a large glass of whatever they are drinking after this afternoon.

"I'm here if you need me"

Again Gwyneth insists, “You don’t have to deal with this on your own, you know.   I’m here if you need me.”

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