08 February 2025

5 February 2025

Howard arrives with his little luggage

Howard comes into the farmhouse with his small bag of belongings;  Sioned is surprised that is all he has and he advises that Mathew is on the way with a car full of stuff.

"I've been up for hours"

“I’ve been up for hours,” she complains, “Once one settles, the other one wakes up, wanting milk.”   He says that she should consider herself lucky;  one of those sheep had three.   Now he will go and check if more have arrived during the night.

Eileen tries to ignore him

As he turns to leave the room, he meets Eileen;  “You should have woken me up,” she moans to Sioned, “I’ve got a lot to do today.”   Sioned asks when she will be moving her stuff;  

"Give me a chance – I've only just got up!"

“Give me a chance – I’ve only just got up,” is her irritable reply.   

"What's wrong, Mam?"

Sioned gets the impression that something is wrong, but this is denied by her mother.

"Huwi asked if he can stay here tonight . . ."

Huwi has asked whether he can stay here tonight instead of the flat,” says Eileen, “I assume you don’t mind.”   Sioned has no objections at all, wondering why he does not want to go with his mother.

". . . he's heard those two are here"

“Well, he’s heard that those two are here – he’ll have more fun with them than his mother!   But only tonight – it will give me a chance to tidy the flat.”   

"What's this?"

Then she sees the small black bin bag and wonders what it is;  

"Howard's stuff"

upon being told that it is Howard’s stuff, she throws it back down on the floor with distaste and walks out.

Ffion passes what might be Cheryl's burial site . . .

That CCTV camera in the site office is still trained on the junction of two paths in the woodland, where Ffion can be seen running again.   

. . . but then suffers an injury

As she proceeds along the right-hand path, she experiences a sudden pain in her right leg 

She supports herself on a tree . . . 

and hobbles towards the support of a nearby tree.   She is not at all happy, but begins her long trek back to Deri Fawr.

Mathew has a lot of belongings . . . 

Mathew arrives at Penrhewl with some of his stuff, which he adds to the pile which is already there.   Sioned wonders how much more there is and he assures her that this is all.   She jokes that they are going to need an extension, 

. . . which are disorganised and the moment

but he snaps that he just threw everything in and it is not organised.

She comes to the conclusion that he should have the big bedroom in that case.   

"I was here first!"

Howard has just walked in and contests that decision;  “I was here first – why is he having the big room?”

"You have a pair of trousers and two pairs of pants!"

“Because you have a pair of trousers and two pairs of pants!” Mathew replies.   Howard protests that he is part of the farm.   

"Sort it out between yourselves"

Sioned tells them to sort it out between themselves, as she has got enough to do.

"Because I work here!"

Howard is still insistent that he should have the big room, “Because I work here!” 

However, Mathew has other ideas;  “Do you think after spending months in a tiny room because of you, the owner of Penrhewl wants you to have the biggest room?”   

"You make it sound as if I shot Eileen"

Howard snarls that Mathew is making it sound as if he shot Eileen.   

Sioned informs them that the smallest room is warmer, so Mathew wants to change his mind now, but is told that it is too late.   Sioned takes charge;  “That’s enough – this isn’t going to work if you keep bickering!”   

"You take Huwi to school . . ."

She instructs Howard, “You take Huwi to school,” 

". . . and you take this stuff upstairs!"

then turns to Mathew, “And you take this stuff upstairs, please!”

"Takes after her Mam, doesn't she?"

“She takes after her Mam, doesn’t she?” comments Howard;  she shouts from upstairs that she heard what he said.   Mathew is not looking forward to this experience.

Eleri happens to be jogging on the same route

As Ffion limps painfully along, she meets Eleri again, but will not admit that she is in trouble;  

"Avoid injuries as you age"

“Perhaps you should work on your core muscles to avoid injuries as you age,” says Eleri, “Do you want help?   I can take you home,” she offers, 

"I'm absolutely fine!"

but Ffion insists that she is absolutely fine.

Before she resumes her jog, Eleri remarks, “I hope the locust was all right.”   

"Jinx has told you"

Ffion realises that Jinx has told her about the stick insect.   

"I smashed the box"

“Told me?   I smashed the box – I don’t understand anyone who keeps insects – they give me the creeps.   

Ffion heads homewards

Ffion continues her slow progress.

Siôn is helping with Eileen s move

In the shop flat, Siôn brings in another box of Eileen’s belongings, while she continues her habitual moaning;  “You would have thought that Mathew could give this place a coat of paint – but there we are, typical man – blind to work!”   Then she is quick to point out that she does not include Siôn in that.

"Are you coming with us"

His phone sounds and is informed that Ffion wants to meet later to discuss the campaign;  “Are you going to come with us?” he asks.   Eileen says that she has a lot to do there, so Siôn points so that she will need a break by then.

"It doesn't seem like a break to me"

“Discussing campaign plans doesn’t seem like a break to me,” she grumbles, “Listen, Siôn, I’m not as enthusiastic in my opposition – 

"It might benefit the area"

“to be honest, I think the dam might benefit the area.”

"So that's how it is"

Siôn is astonished at this revelation;  “So that’s how it is!” he exclaims, 

"I hope this won't come between us"

but she hopes that will not come between them and he confirms that it will not, 

"When's the house-warming party?"

then wonders when she will be holding her house-warming party.

“Party?   I am an older woman now,” she answers, but he does not regard that as a reason not to have a party.   

"It may lift your spirits"

“I don’t feel like having a party,” she goes on and he suggest that it may lift her spirits.   “Who says I need that?” she demands.

"Well, you have been a bit . . ."

“Well, you have been a bit . . .” he begins, then rephrases that; “You haven’t been the same person since walking through that door.”

"Thinking about that idiot in my house!"

Eileen concedes that is true, groaning, “Thinking about that idiot in my house!   I should have put my foot down.”   Siôn reminds her that it is rather late for that now.

"My whole life was at Penrhewl"

“My whole life was at Penrhewl – all those years, all those memories, are at Penrhewl, not here.”   

You were the one who wanted to move"

Siôn points out to her that she was the one who wanted to move.

Ffion has reached home

Ffion has finally reached home at Deri Fawr and appears to be walking more easily.   Jinx apologises for waking her last night;  

"I had a terrible nightmare about stick insects"

“I was having terrible nightmares about stick insects.”

"When were you going to admit it?"

Ffion bursts out with, “When were you going to admit that you didn’t smash Buster’s box?   You had a go at me for lying!   And to hear it from her as well!”   

"I think I'd better go home"

Jinx suggest that he will go home, with Ffion wholeheartedly in favour of that;  

"The sooner the better!"

“The sooner the better!” she growls, then having taken off her shoes, 

"There's still glass on this carpet!"

discovers with alarm that there is still glass on the carpet.

She stoops to pick it up and discovers . . .

As she picks up a piece, she notices something else, 

. . . something else . . . 

an earring;  Jinx offers to clear up the glass but she insists that she will do it and tells him, “Just leave now!”

. . . the missing earring . . .

He does so, while Ffion looks with intense hatred at the earring, 

. . . which goes straight in the bin

then decisively flings it into the bin.

"It's looking better already"

The cleaning process at the shop flat is proceeding, with Siôn remarking that it is looking better already;  she apologises for her attitude earlier, 

"I had a bit of a wobble"

explaining, “I had a bit of a wobble,” which he regards as completely natural, it is a big change.   “Yes – and I don’t regret it,” she stresses.

“I’m glad to hear it – the thought of carrying everything downstairs again!” he says.

"I never want to go back to farming"

Eileen has had time to think in jail and has decided that she never wants to go back to farming.   Neither does she wants to live in a house with two babies;  

"Howard and Matthew, you mean"

Siôn jokingly suggests that she is referring to Howard and Mathew.

"Do you think I'm selfish, Siôn?"

“Do you think I’m being selfish?” she asks, but he assures her that he does not.   “I feel that I’ve just been through that with Huwi – and I want to spend time with the twins, but . . .”

“But you want to be able to give them back – I know the feeling,” says Siôn.   Eileen maintains that the only thing that kept her going in jail was thinking she could put it all behind her and break free from Penrhewl.

"You can play a bigger part in village life now"

Siôn confirms, “And you’ve done exactly that,” with which she agrees.   He imagines that she can now play a bigger part in village life, now that she lives there.

"It's about time, I tried to fit in"

She thinks that it is about time she tried to fit in;  “I thought I’d never hear you say that,” he remarks, “Prison has changed you.”   She points out that it is not just prison that has done that, 

She reaches out for his hand

as she reaches out and takes his hand.

“What next, then?” he enquires, and she in turn asks what he thinks.   

"Vacuuming, emptying boxes?"

“Vacuuming – emptying boxes?” he suggests, but obviously that is not quite what she had in mind.

Sioned wants to lay down some ground rules

Around the table in Penrhewl, Sioned wants to make a few things clear;  “I’m not your maid – and more importantly, I expect you to help.”   Howard points out that he helps already, 

"You're in the way most of the time"

but Mathew is of the opinion that he is in the way most of the time.

Sioned continues, “I’m not cooking for you, either – every man for himself in the kitchen.”

"That blue thing behind you is a cooker"

Mathew explains to Howard, “That blue thing behind you is a cooker,” 

"Shut up, Math!"

so is told to shut up.   Sioned wants them not to make a mess, 

"What's that over there, then?"

but Howard looks across at the sink and can see three plates, knives and forks waiting there.   She enlightens him that they are hers and she was about to wash them now.

"You'll have to find somewhere else to live"

“If that’s not OK, now is the time to find somewhere else to live,” she stipulates, “Look, I know this isn’t ideal, but at least you have a roof over your head,” she tells Mathew.

"A bit more time would have been nice"

He replies that a bit more time would have been nice;  Sioned is sorry about that, 

"You know what Mam's like when she gets an idea into her head"

but explains, “You know what Mam is like what she gets an idea into her head.   

"It doesn't mean we can't work it out"

“This has happened quickly, but it doesn’t mean we can’t work it out.”

"I'm willing to give it a shot"

Howard, for one, is willing to give it a shot and Mathew, 

"Yeah, OK then"

rather reluctantly, agrees.

Ffion prepares Buster's habitat

Ffion is furnishing Buster’s new home with moss and suchlike when Jinx returns to Deri Fawr, 

"Sorry, I shouldn't have hidden things"

acknowledging that he should not have hidden things.   “Lied, you mean,” she corrects him, and he alleges that now they are quits.

"What I said, was a white lie"

She insists that what she said was a ‘white’ lie, which is different.   He will be clearing his things tonight after the shift and he will move home first thing tomorrow.

"There's no need to – you don't have to"

“There’s no need – you don’t have to,” she protests, but he maintains that it is for the best.   

She puts Buster into his new home

She prepares to introduce Buster to his new home, lifting the creature from his food container into the newly-provided tank.

Hey, you've got a lovely place here. boy"

“Hey, you’ve got a lovely place here, boy – everything you need,” Jinx tells the insect.   

"And you don't have to pay a penny in rent"

Ffion add that he does not have to pay a penny in rent, which Jinx realises is aimed at him.   

"I don't have to collect leaves for you every day"

She continues that she does not have to collect leaves for Jinx every day.

We can have a Last Supper"

“I’ve arranged to meet Siôn in the Deri later – I’ll drop by after, if you want, she volunteers, “We can have a last supper,” 

"I'm only going to the village, Ffion"

but he laughs that he is only going to the village.

There's something about Eleri that brings out the worst in me!"

“There’s something about her that brings out the worst in me!” growls Ffion;  Jinx wishes that Eleri did not do that.   “I want what’s best for you  – you’re so different.”

He replies, “It’s ying and yang – that’s why it works.”

“In bed, perhaps!” she sneers, but he thinks it is more than that.   

"Don't you think you should be on the same page?"

Ffion is unconvinced, “Don’t you think you should be on the same page on some things?”   Jinx wonders what she is trying to say;  “She’s caused you a lot of problems already,” and he assumes that Ffion is talking about the dam.

“Think of the good you could do if you changed her mind,” continues Ffion, “For everyone – including yourself.”

"You want me to influence her?"

“So you want me to use the fact we are close to influence her?” he realises.

The cushions are now on the sofa

As the cushions are placed on the sofa, 

"I couldn't have managed it on my own"

Eileen thanks Siôn for his help, sure that she could not have managed it on her own.   As he picks up his jacket, she is surprised that he is going, 

"I'll let you settle into your new home"

but he intends to let her settle into her new home.

"I would welcome some company"

She says that she would welcome some company, as Huwi is not there tonight;  “He’s more interested in Howard and Mathew at Penrhewl than his mother!”   Siôn replies that is what they are like at that age 

"I could make dinner for us"

and she suggests that she could make dinner for them, but he points out that Cai is cooking tonight.

Then she proposes that he could stay there;  “If you want to.”   

"I have to meet Ffion "

He has already promised to meet Ffion and has a lot to discuss with her.   He is not sure how late he will be.

"All right – if you don't want to"

“If you don’t want to,” she snarls, but he assures her it is not that;  

"Perhaps some other time"

perhaps some other time, which obviously does not meet with her approval, 

"You'd better go now, Siôn"

so she wants him to go.

"I expect the stick insect had a bigger fright than you"

At The Pizza Place, Eleri explains to Jinx, “I saw something move and lashed out – I had a fright.”   He is sure that the stick insect had a bigger fright than she did.   

"Oh, you Gogs!"

She regards the Welsh term, ‘Pry Pric’, which he used, as very amusing;  “You Gogs!” she laughs.   

Trade has been reasonable today and he is glad that not everyone in the village hates him.   “Which is more than you can say about me,” she answers.

"You can choose a different path"

He maintains that they can change that;  “Your father has gone now – you can choose a different path to the one he had in mind.”

"You're joking!"

“You’re joking!   You think I’d change my mind the second he disappears?” she exclaims, “I don’t want to – s is the best investment that’s ever come my way.”   

"You said there would be work for local people"

He reminds her that she said there would be work for local people.

“After looking into things properly, it doesn’t make any business sense – come on, finish up and we’ll go for a drink.”   He says that he cannot as he has promised to go for dinner with Ffion in the Deri, so she suggests they can go for a drink first and then the three of them can have dinner together.

"I was only pulling your leg, you 'stick insect'!"

He does not consider that to be a good idea and she says, “I was only pulling your leg, you ‘stick insect’!”

"Are you all right for dinner?"

At that moment, Ffion is walking in through the door;  “Oh, we were just talking about your stick insect,” comments Eleri, and when Ffion asks Jinx if he is all all right for dinner, protests, “I thought you were having a drink with me!   

"Jinx is a big boy"

“Jinx is a big boy – sure he can fit us both into his schedule.   You’re welcome to join us for a drink.”

“No – I wouldn’t want to impose on you, enjoying your red wine,” Ffion tells her, then, when about to walk out, 

"I couldn't find your earring"

she adds, “I couldn’t find your earring – I hope it wasn’t expensive.”

"I've got curry for everyone"

Mathew comes into Penrhewl with the food;  “I hope you don’t mind, but I’ve got curry for everyone.”   Sioned has not had curry for ages and asks them to set the table while she takes the washing upstairs.  

"You get them, Howard"

Mathew does not know where the plates are kept, so tells Howard to get them.

"You may be the boss at APD . . ."

“You might be the boss at APD, but I’m the boss around here,” Howard insists;  Mathew replies that they will have to see what Sioned has to say about that.   “You may think I’m a bit of a joke, but you’ll see!”

"What's wrong with you, Howard?"

Mathew wonders what is wrong with him;  “You’ve been very prickly recently – is everything all all right?”

"I saw you making fun of me!"

“Do you want to know why I’m angry?   I saw you making fun of me at the Plygain – I trusted you!”   Mathew cannot believe that he is serious and denies he did any such thing.   

"I saw you talking to Jason and DJ"

“You did – I saw you talking to Jason and DJ.”

“Why would I want to discuss your sex life with anyone?” Mathew demands, but Howard insists that he is doing it again, dragging him down.

Mathew is beginning to raise his voice . . .

“One – I can’t believe that you’ve been sitting on this for weeks, two – it’s not true!” Mathew shouts, 

. . . but is soon stopped by Sioned 

but is prevented from going any further by Sioned, who threatens that if they wake Jac and Lili, they will be out, which immediately calms matters.

"We can meet again next week"

In the Deri at the end of their meeting, Siôn suggests that they can meet again next week.   Ffion informs him that she did mention to Jinx what they were talking about the other day;  

"I think he's going to work on Eleri"

“I think he’s going to work on Eleri.   I asked him to try and change her mind – I can’t hide anything from Jinx.”

"You're fortunate that you can be so honest"

Siôn considers her fortunate to be able to be so honest;  

"Speaking plainly saves a lot of time and worry"

“Speaking plainly saves a lot of time and worry,” Ffion tells him.   He wishes that he could do that 

"I would say that you wrote the book on plain-speaking"

and she laughs, “I would say that you, Siôn White, wrote the book on plain-speaking.”   He maintains that she would be surprised.

Siôn crosses the road . . .

He walks out of the pub and across the road;  outside the shop, Llinos can be seen rearranging the flowers in the display, which gives him an idea.   

. . . and purchases and flowers from Llinos

“Can I have them, please,” he asks and pays her in cash.   Then he proceeds through the alley to the door of the shop flat.

He presses the buzzer, but there is no reply

He presses the buzzer, but there is no response, 

His second attempt has the same result

so he tries again with the same result, so he walks sadly away.

"Honestly, she won't change her mind"

Ffion is back at Deri Fawr, as Jinx assures her, “Honestly, she won’t change her mind.”   

"Are you sure you tried hard enough?"

Ffion doubts whether he tried hard enough, but he is adamant, “She won’t budge – she has decided.”

Ffion queries whether it is Eleri or Jinx that has decided;  “Is this how it’s going to be?   You taking her side?”   

"You're like an anchor to me, Ffion"

He takes her hand, saying, “I don’t think you realise, Ffion, you’re like an anchor to me – I consider myself very lucky to have you in my life.”   

He kisses her hand . . .

He kisses her hand 

. . . perhaps something is happening here 

and she believes that there may be some romantic rekindling happening.

"I'll take Huwi to school tomorrow"

At Penrhewl, Mathew offers to take Huwi-John to school on his way to work tomorrow, but Howard also volunteers to take him;  “He’s used to me taking him.”   Sioned points out that there is no sense in taking two cars to one place, recommending that they share.

“No, because Howard’s car smells,” alleges Mathew, 

"My car is better than your old banger!"

while Howard maintains that his car is better than Mathew’s banger, which has to be put in second gear just to go uphill,

Sioned reaches the conclusion that Huwi is more mature than either of them 

Eileen comes in, unnoticed, through the front door . . .

and at that moment, Eileen comes in through the front door.   Huwi wants to play another game, but is told by his sister that it is time for bed.

“Can I stay tomorrow night as well?” he asks, 

. . . and listens to the conversation

as Eileen stands there, listening.   He is told that he has to go back to their mother;  

"I don't want to live with Mam"

“I don’t want to live with Mam,” he says and Eileen’s face falls.

"Boys like you should be with their mothers"

Sioned explains, “Boys like you should be with their mothers,” while Mathew suggests that he could come to APD one day and play with the drills.

After hearing this, Eileen slinks away

Meanwhile, Eileen silently turns and creeps out of the farmhouse.

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