06 November 2023

2 November 2023

Britt is expecting someone

Britt looks out of the door of MFC as a customer leaves, then returns inside and Iolo comments, “He’s got a guilty conscience, hasn’t he?   That’s why he’s hiding from us.   

"How did you manage to get him to meet us?"

“How did you manage to get him to meet us?”

"I left him 20 voicemails every day"

She replies that she has left him about 20 voicemails every day;  “I’m looking forward to watching him trying to get out of this one.”   MFC must be doing well, as they have a new member of staff.

Iolo is looking forward to getting his business back;  

"No-one will let me go near a boiler"

“No-one will let me go near a boiler after what Hywel’s been saying,” he moans, “I can’t carry on like this – my business is suffering!”

Britt tells him not to worry, as she is going to make sure that he pays for this, 

"Everything all right?"

and then Hywel actually arrives, asking if everything is all right.   

"We know what you did, Hywel"

“No, it isn’t – we know what you did, Hywel!” she snarls, “You’ve deceived us all – we know there was no carbon monoxide alarm in the house,” while Iolo nods his head in agreement.

"It's been there the whole time"

Hywel insists that the alarm has been there the whole time and she points out, “The alarm would have worked, if it was there – wouldn’t it, Iolo?   

"You've deceived everyone"

“No – you’ve deceived everyone to save your own skin!”

"And I'm being wrongly blamed for this"

Then Iolo pipes up, “And it’s not fair I’m being wrongly blamed for this, either.”   Britt tells him that there is no point denying it.

“It’s not my fault you and Colin were drunk and slept through the alarm,” Hywel maintains.   She angrily points out that he could have killed them, while Iolo complains that Hywel has killed his business as well.

"Listen here, good boy!"

“You should be in jail!” Britt snarls, and Hywel advises that she should cool down.   “Cool down!” she shouts, “You listen here, good boy, I’m going to make damn sure you go down for attempted murder!”

Iolo attempts to calm matters down by insisting that the three of them are going to sit down and discuss this sensibly.

"Just checking that you're coming to the meeting"

Eileen comes into the deli, where Sioned is at work;  “Just checking that you’re coming to the meeting tonight,” she says.   DJ had not realised that it was tonight.   “And I was hoping that you’d speak,” Eileen tells her daughter, “It was your idea, and you’ve let me do the hard work up until now.”

"I hoped we could stay open a bit longer"

Sioned replies that she had hoped that could stay open a bit longer tonight to try and get a few more customers;  DJ maintains that they do not have to do that tonight.

"This is important to all our businesses"

Eileen is becoming angry, “Listen, Sioned, the chicken project is important, not just to me, but to all our businesses, including the deli.”   

"Well be there, Eileen"

DJ assures her that they will both be there, clapping and nodding in the right places.

"Why have you changed your mind?"

When her mother has gone, DJ wonders why Sioned has changed her mind about the chickens.   

“Have you seen what those posters say?” she demands, “People think those sheds will hold battery hens.”   DJ was under the impression that her mother wanted to do eggs and meat.

"Mam's taken over"

“Since Mam’s taken over, the whole thing’s got bigger than I intended,” she groans, “I’m not sure that it fits in with the deli’s image.”

"The alarm must have been faulty"

Now Hywel is arguing that the alarm must have been faulty, but Iolo complains that they are going round in circles;  

"Just tell the truth, Hywel"

“Just tell the truth, so we can move on.”   Hywel insists that he is telling the truth.

"It's like talking to a brick wall"

Britt sighs, “I give up – it’s like talking to a brick wall,” 

"You can move out if you want to"

and he informs her that she and Colin have the option of moving out if they want to.   “No – you know we need that house for the fostering,” she replies.

“Right, you have the choice, either to move out or stay and forget everything about this,” he points out.

"Why are you blackmailing Britt?"

Iolo objects to him blackmailing Britt like this, but he denies that he is so doing, merely giving her the option;  she realises that she is in rather a dilemma here and does not make any comment.   Hywel summarises. “Right, that’s sorted then.”

“What about me?   I’ve lost customers because of this!” growls Iolo, but Hywel regards it as a misunderstanding and nothing more.   

"I know you'll be there, Hywel"

He is about to leave the shop when Eileen comes in;  “Are you coming to the meeting tonight?” she wants to know, “I know you’ll be there, Hywel.

Britt does not feel like going to any meeting, 

"Cheap meat for MFC"

but Eileen protests, “Colin said you’d be there – and I’ve explained to him, if I get planning permission, I’m going to develop partnerships with local businesses –cheap meat for MFC.   It’s important that we support each other I’ll see you there.”   

They look at each other

Britt turns to Iolo and they both shake their heads.

"I know the online photos have frightened you"

Cai arrives at Cysgod y Glyn;  “I can understand the online photos of me boxing, with the bruises, has frightened you, but look at these.”   

He shows her his phone

He hands Ffion his phone, with its comments;  “I’m a hit with the boys in year nine – ‘Mr Bossiter’ – 

"I thought you would understand"

“some of them call me a ‘lej!’   Some of the children go to the gym as well – I thought you, as a PE teacher, would understand better than anyone how boxing can help.”

"Are you using this as a way of coping?"

Ffion makes it clear that is not what is bothering her;  “I’m worried you’re just using this as a way of coping.”   

"It's a healthy one, for once"

He agrees that it is a way of coping, but a healthy one, for once;  “I appreciate that you’re worried about me, Ffion, but you can’t wrap me up in cotton wool for ever.   This is part of my journey to get better – please, Ffion, trust me, all right?”

"It's nice to have the support of local businesses"

Eileen’s next call is at APD, where Jason assures her that he will be there tonight;  “It’s nice to have the support of local businesses,” she says, “Especially those who will benefit from the enterprise.   

"Is you mother going to be there?"

“Tell me, as a councillor, is your mother going to be there?”

He replies, “As a councillor, I happen to know that Mam intends to stay away – she doesn’t want to upset anyone.   

"She does intend to support the application"

“But between you and me, she does intend to support the application when it goes before the council.”

"That's good"

Eileen greets this with relief, but before she hurries away, there is one more thing;  

"No, Kelly won't be there . . ."

“Kelly won’t be there, either,” Jason advises, 

". . . she's keeping her opinions to herself"

“She intends to keep her opinions to herself from now on.”   Eileen describes that as very wise.

Iolo opens his toolbox . . .

Iolo returns home to Y Felin, throwing his keys down on the table;  he looks round to check that no-one is about, then opens his toolbox 

. . . and takes out some tablets

and takes out a packet of tablets, 

He has to quickly hide them in a. drawer

some of which he quickly hides in a drawer when he hears footsteps.

"I wasn't expecting you to be home"

“I wasn’t expecting you to be home,” he tells Cai and wonders what happened to his face.   

"You should have seen the other bloke!"

Cai explains that he has been sparring in the gym;  “With who – Joe Calzaghe?”   Cai asks if he fancies going out for some food, 

Iolo is less than keen

but Iolo is not very keen on that.

"I don't want another night of Jenga"

Cai continues that he does not want another night of Jenga and idle talk with Siôn, so Iolo agrees that he will come.   Cai collects his coat and suggests that they could go to Tamed, who are apparently open late tonight.

"Not a very good turnout"

In the Deri, Eileen is disappointed by the poor turnout for the meeting, but Hywel says that it is early yet.   Cassie complains that she had to cancel the domino team meeting tonight, and Eileen is concerned that people will think there is no support for the venture.   She also wants to know where DJ and Sioned are.

"It may be better there is only a small crowd"

Hywel suggests that it may be better that they only have a small crowd;  “Perhaps the lack of interest shows that there is no opposition to the plan.   Anyway, we’d better get started.”   

"Thank you all for coming"

He greets everyone and thanks them for coming.

Sioned is still working

In the deli, Sioned is still working and DJ is anxious that they will be late for the meeting.   

"No, DJ – come in, boys"

When Cai and Iolo walk in through the door, they are told by DJ that the place is closed, but Sioned overrules this and invites them in.

"We can't turn customers away"

“We can’t turn customers away,” Sioned insists, “Mam’s a businesswoman – she’ll understand.   You go and I’ll stay here.”

"Huge economic advantages"

Eileen gives her prepared speech in the Deri;  “The scheme will bring huge economic advantages to the area – and small local businesses will benefit significantly.   

"Remember the three 'C's!"

“So, friends, remember the three ‘C’s – Chickens, Community, Cash!”

"Are there any comments?"

Hywel enquires if there are any comments from the floor;  

Colin seems engrossed in his phone

Colin is studying his phone 

"You have a question, don't you, Colin?"

and is prompted by Eileen that he has a question.   

"The shops and . . ."

“Yes, of course,” he replies, “How would the – what do you call them? – shops and . . .”

Eileen is annoyed that she has to supply the missing word, “Suppliers!”

“Yes, how would they benefit from the plan?” he goes on, 

"That's a very good question, Colin"

and she congratulates him on a very good question, although by now Hywel is looking very suspicious.

"Eggs and meat – at a reduced price"

Eileen launches into another speech, “This scheme will provide local businesses with eggs and meat of a very highest standard – places like shops, pubs, restaurants like MFC – for a reduced price.”

"Any more comments?"

Hywel imagines that will probably be the end of the meeting, but asks whether there are any more questions.

"I've got a couple of comments . . ."

Someone has just come in through the door;  “Yeah, I’ve got a couple of comments,” says Kelly, 

". . . well, a lot, actually"

“Well, a lot, actually.”   

"We are running short of time"

Eileen is not happy to see her and Hywel remarks that they are running short on time.   

"No, plenty of time, Hywel!"

Cassie, on the other hand, assures them that they have plenty of time.

"Ta, Cas"

“Ta, Cas,” Kelly goes on, “OK, well, this scheme looks really innocent on paper, doesn’t it?   Build a couple of sheds – what’s the harm in that?   

"A lot of harm, if you're a chicken!"

“A lot of harm, if you’re a chicken!”   The assembled people look stunned, including Hywel and Eileen.

“Here’s a photo of chickens in a shed, exactly like the one Penrhewl wants to build – as you can see, they’re cramped.   

"They live and die in their one poo!"

“They live and die in their own poo, without ever seeing the light of day.”

"That is a very extreme picture!"

Eileen points out that is a very extreme picture;  “Penrhewl’s sheds would operate within legal animal welfare guidelines.”

"Anything about selling cheap meat?"

Undeterred, Kelly continues, “Is there anything in the legal guidelines about selling cheap meat to local businesses, Mr Chairman?”   Hywel is rather caught on the hop and does not believe that there is.

"It's true – I said so!"

“But it’s true – I said so!” Eileen protests;  however Kelly points out that she could change her mind and increase the prices.   Eileen insists that she would never do that, but then Kelly moves on to the increased traffic.

"500 tonnes of carbon monoxide!"

“Lorries driving through the village every week, releasing 500 tonnes of carbon monoxide every year!”   

They know what carbon monoxide can do

This concerns Britt and Colin, after their recent experience.

“It feels like a huge cost for the possibility of cheap chickens,” Kelly sums up, but Howard interrupts to say that Eileen will provide jobs for local people.

"What have you ever done for this village?"

“What have you ever done for this village?” he demands, and the chairman of the meeting wishes to keep it civil.   

"What about a fair wage for the workers – eh, Col?"

Kelly answers that it may provide jobs, “But what about a fair wage for the workers, eh, Col?”   Eileen demands what she means by that and Colin is looking worried.

"Ask the right questions – even if you don't like the answers"

“You know!” snarls Kelly, “And anyway, this isn’t about personalities – it’s about what’s right for the community.   In a democracy, it’s important to ask the right questions – even if you don’t like the answers.”   Eileen is now becoming even more angry.

"I may have overreacted yesterday"

Ffion comes into the deli and says that she was just passing and saw them there;  she confesses that she may have overreacted yesterday.   

"Perhaps it's just my opinion"

“I admit I don’t like the idea of boxing – but perhaps that’s just my opinion.   If you think it helps . . .”

"It's a lot better than the other things I've tried"

Cai confirms that it does help and that it is a lot better than the other things he has tried.   She continues, “I’ve done a bit of research into the gym and the people are respectable and from all kinds of backgrounds – so I’m sorry for the way I reacted.   

"I'm happy for you to come back to school"

“When you’re ready to return to school, I’m happy for you to come back.”

"I'm not quite there yet"

Cai admits that he is not quite there yet, but when he is, he will let her know.   She tells him to look after himself and leaves.

"Health and the environment"

Kelly has not finished yet;  “There’s one thing we haven’t mentioned – the effect on health and the environment.   Chicken feathers cause asthma in children, and chicken poo is full of phosphates and can poison rivers.”

"Talking of chicken poo – it absolutely stinks!"

Then she stoops down to pick something up;  “And talking of chicken poo – it absolutely stinks!”   

"Come on – it's not that bad!"

Eileen regards this charade as ridiculous, maintaining that it will not smell that bad.

"OK, really?   Here we go!"

“OK, really?   Here we go!” Kelly takes out a container from her bag and Hywel wonders what it contains.   “A sample from a chicken farm like the one Eileen wants to build at Penrhewl,” is the reply.

"Hey, put that away!"

Despite protests from Eileen, 

Kelly wafts the container around . . .

she removes the lid from the container, 

. . . with predictable results

and the people recoil from the smell.   Colin dashes from the room as Kelly remarks, “I don’t think anyone in the village wants to live with this smell.   

"I don't think the smell's worth it for cheap chickens"

“I don’t think the smell’s worth it for cheap chickens, is it?”

Jason shields his pint from being contaminated

Jason covers his pint of beer to avoid it becoming contaminated 

Cassie is keen to get rid of it

and Cassie is eager to dispose of the malodorous substance.   Hywel declares that if there are no more questions, the meeting is closed.   “Ta, Mr Chairman!” says Kelly and walks out of the pub.   

"That's the job gone, then!"

Jason is not looking particularly happy, and neither is Eileen.

"What's worrying you, Iol?"

Iolo is sitting on the sofa at Y Felin, watching television;  when Cai switches it off, he can see that something is obviously worrying Iolo.

"This business with Hywel and the boiler . . ."

“It’s just this business with Hywel and the boiler – I’ve lost so much business because of his lies.”   Cai predicts that will be old news by next week;  “But carbon monoxide is serious, isn’t it?   

"People are worried I'll cause a leak in their home"

“People are scared that I’ll cause a leak in their home next.   It will take ages for me to regain the trust of my customers – and that’s if they don’t go to someone else.”

"You must find a way of teaching him a lesson"

Cai replies that he knows Hywel well;  “What you need to do is find a nice little way of teaching him a lesson – I don’t know how – that’s up to you!   But sometimes, with Hywel, you have to use tactics that are a bit more . . . unconventional.   

"I know what you need"

“I know what you need,” and he heads across to the drawer where Iolo hid his tablets.

“I’m looking for the key to your father’s drinks cabinet,” Cai goes on, “That’s where he keeps the nice chocolate.”   

"Try the kitchen, under the spoons"

Iolo is worried about his tablets being discovered, so suggests that Cai should try the drawer in the kitchen, under the spoons.   

Iolo seems to have quite a stock of Diaxepam

While he is doing that, Iolo removes the tablets and replaces them in his toolbox, where we can see that he has quite a collection of Diazepam tablets.

"There – it was in the drawer!"

Cai returns to that drawer, where indeed he does find the key.

"Cassie will need a fumigator!"

Britt and Colin are back at number 21;  “Blinking heck – Cassie will need a fumigator to get rid of that stink!” says Colin.   

"That Hywel Llywelyn is so smug!"

“His face is just so smug, isn’t it – that Hywel Llywelyn?” she growls, and Colin is not happy with him either, but if they want to foster, they know what they have to do.

"Think about the children, Britt"

“Think about the children we’ll be helping – do it for their sake,” he adds 

"Sometimes you talk sense, Colin Evans"

and Britt says that sometimes Colin talks sense.   Now she is going for a shower to get rid of that terrible smell.

"What was Kelly talking about – a fair wage?"

As she is about to go upstairs, she wonders what Kelly was talking about;  “Something about paying a fair wage?”   He replies that he does not know.   

"Eileen pays you fairly, doesn't she?"

“Eileen pays you fairly, doesn’t she?”   He says that Kelly is probably just stirring, 

He is worried now

but does look rather concerned.

"Go on, then – be angry with me!"

At Bryntirion, when Jason comes in, Kelly invites him, “Go on, then, be angry with me!”   

"I thought we had agreed, Kelly"

He thought they had agreed – discussed and agreed – that she would stay away from this business.

He wants her to explain to me what that big show was all about 

"I really tried to keep my chops shut"

and she answers, “Do you know what?   I really tried to keep my chops shut, like a good girl, but it turns out that I can’t ignore my principles that easily, like!”

"You do realise how impossible this is going to make things!"

“You do you realise how impossible this is going to make things between me and Eileen now, don’t you?” he groans.

Kelly replies, “Just because we’re married, it doesn’t mean I stop being me when it’s convenient for you, OK?   So, if the chicken sheds get permission, 

"Go ahead – build them – don't build them"

“go ahead – build them – don’t build them – whatever!   I’m not telling you what to do – 

"You can't tell me what to do, either!"

“so you can’t tell me what to do either, OK?”

"We made more than £50!"

Sioned comes breezing into Penrhewl, where her mother looks like thunder but does not say a word;  “Sorry I missed the meeting – but we made more than £50, just from Cai and Iolo.”

DJ explains that the meeting got a little bit . . .   “Kelly came and spouted all kinds of nonsense!” her mother snarls.

"And a box full of poo!"

“And a box full of poo!” adds DJ.

"A box full of chicken muck!"

“A box full of chicken muck!” shouts her mother, “This chicken shed was your idea – and now you’ve left me on my own to fight for it!   And Kelly’s turned everyone against me!   

"I could have done with some support from my own daughter!"

“I could have done with a little bit of support from my own daughter!”

Sioned is quite taken aback by this outburst 

So saying, she picks up her cup of tea and marches out of the room, while Sioned looks open-mouthed at DJ.

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