08 June 2023

6 June 2023

Dani loads the washing machine

Dani is loading the washing machine at number 7 when Mark comes in and sees that she is tense.   She complains that Gabriel has been sick over the duvet;  

"It was like The Exorcist, Mark"

“It was like The Exorcist, as if I didn’t have enough on my plate.”

"Will you be all right today?"

“Will you be all right today, with Garry being sent down?” he asks.   

"He's no longer anything to do with me"

Dani maintains that Garry is no longer anything to do with her.   “How will Seren react?” he wonders.   

"Seren won't notice"

She replies that Garry was forever coming and going, so Seren will not notice.   “Aren’t you worried about Gwern?” he adds.

“Are you trying to be funny?” Dani demands angrily, 

"His mother is dead and his father is in prison!"

“His mother is dead and his father is in prison — of course I’m worried!   But there we are – we have to carry on somehow.”

Then she calls for Gwern, warning that he will be late for school, 

"He left about eight this morning"

but is informed that he left about eight this morning, saying that he was going into school early.   

"Perhaps I'm worrying over nothing"

Dani imagines that she may be worrying over nothing, and Mark reminds her that life has to carry on.

Gwern is looking around the garage . . .

Gwern is walking into the garage, where he looks around, 

. . . including the inspection pit

particularly down into the inspection pit, because been left uncovered.   

"Bit sick, isn't it?"

Arwen comes in, remarking, “Bit sick, isn’t it?   Hanging out here?”   He describes her as the sick one for following after him.   

"What does this key belong to?"

As she noses around she finds a key, and he tells her not to go through his father’s stuff.   

"What are you doing here?"

Then they hear footsteps and Howard appears, demanding what they are doing there, so Gwern asks him the same question.   “Looking for something I lent Garry,” he replies.

"You're Howard"

Arwen realises that he is Howard, although he denies it, and wants to know what he lent to Garry, at which he turns and leaves again.  

"We should follow him"

“We should follow him,” proposes Arwen, “Perhaps he wanted that key – he was acting dodgy.”   

"Stuff school!"

Gwern remind her they supposed to be going to school;  “Stuff school – don’t you want to know what your Dad was doing?”   He follows her, as he tends to do.

Mathew comes into the Deri

Mathew comes into the Deri and finds Jinx sitting at one of the tables;  

"You're not seeing anyone, are you?"

“Jinx, you’re not seeing anyone at the moment, are you?”   He replies that there is no-one serious, 

"No-one at all"

and then concedes that there is no-one at all.   “Do you fancy going on a date?” Mathew, “My cousin, Josie,” and Jinx fears that this is another one of his bad jokes.

"You and Rhys pretended to be Angharad Mair"

“You and Rhys pretended to be Angharad Mair, inviting me to sing on ‘Heno’,” he recalls, but Mathew is adamant that he is completely serious.   

"I'm sure you'd suit each other"

He shows Josie’s photo on his phone, and is convinced that they would suit each other.

“She’s vegan, she’s arty and she’s a bit random,” he continues, 

"Random could mean anything"

but Jinx points out that ‘random’ could mean anything.   “Random – a bit like you,” Mathew maintains, which Jinx does not regard as a compliment.   “She’s just a bit weird, but a lovely person deep down,” is Mathew’s next attempt, 

"Shall I organise for you to meet?"

“Shall I organise for you to meet?”

"I don't know"

Jinx is reluctant, and Mathew reminds him that women are not exactly queueing outside the Deri, waiting to go out with him.   “Let me think about it,” is the reply,

"When you get a chance like this . . ."

 but he is advised that when he gets a chance like this, he should go for it.

"I'm tired but I haven't done anything"

At Maes-y-Deri, Kath wants Mark to put the kettle on;  “I don’t know what’s wrong with me – I’m tired but I haven’t done anything.”

He comments that it is not a good sign;  “You working in the Deri – 

"It won't be easy – not at your age"

“ it won’t be easy – not at your age.”   She points out that she will not be changing barrels, 

"I shall be the boss"

but will be the boss and will not be doing the hard work.

Mark assumes that will be done by Cassie 

"Don't you mention that Judas!"

and his mother growls, “Don’t you mention that Judas!”

"It makes sense to put in a joint bid"

“It makes sense to put in a joint bid,” he stresses, but she points out that she has more money than Cassie.  “How do you know?” he wonders.

". . . and you write soft porn"

“You won’t earn a fortune if you’re a barmaid and you write soft porn,” she answers.   

"You'll lose it to a big company"

He cautions that if they will not co-operate on one bid, they will lose it to a big company.   “There’s no way I’m putting in a bid with her!   

"She stabbed me in the back!"

“She knows how important the Deri is to me – and she stabbed me in the back!”

Mark insists, “The Deri means a lot to her as well – have you spoken to Brynmor about this?”   She admits that she has not yet done so, but is confident that he will agree with her.   

"Talk to Brynmor now!"

Mark picks up the phone and suggests that she talk to him now;  “You’ve got plenty of time, seeing as I’m making the tea.”

There is a knock at the door of number 7, and Dani finds Jinx there;  

"How did it go at the Cash and Carry?"

“How did it go at the Cash-and-Carry?” he asks her, “You said you’d get supplies for the pizzas before your shift.”

It had slipped her mind

She realises that she has completely forgotten, 

"I shall have to go, then"

so he concludes that he will have to go, as they do not have any cheese or tomatoes.   

"My head is all over the place today"

She apologises that her head is all over the place today;  Jinx advises, “I have some chamomile tea in the flat – it’s so relaxing, I’m surprised that it’s legal.”

"Garry's sentencing is today"

She reveals the reason for her state;  “Garry’s sentencing is today – so I’m a bit on edge.   I haven’t seen Gwern – he went to school before I spoke to him.”   

"It may be good that he's keeping busy"

Jinx believes it may be a good thing that he is keeping busy.

"I want to stop looking at my phone"

“I just want to stop looking at my phone to see if there’s any news – but I can’t do anything else!” she wails, “I have no idea how long he’ll get – but I’m not going to worry about it, 

"I'm going to leave my phone here"

“so I’m going to leave my phone here and work a shift for you in The Pizza Place.”

“I’m going to the cash-and-carry first – for cheese and tomatoes,” says Jinx, “We can’t make pizzas without those – 

"Any chance to complain"

“you know what people are like – any chance to complain.”

Howard is at Deri Fawr . . .

Out in the muddy farmyard at Deri Fawr, Howard gets out of his 4x4, 

. . . and so are the juvenile sleuths 

but watching him are Arwen and Gwern.   

Gwern is searching

They go into one of the barns, and Arwen wants to know what they are looking for.   “The lock that this key fits,” he says, “It could be anywhere,” but Arwen seems anxious for them to go back to the village.

“I know that it’s hard for you today, because your Dad is going to jail,” she tells him, but he answers that it is what is father deserves.   

"He's still your Dad!"

“He’s still your Dad! she exclaims, then they hear Howard approaching, and try to hide.

"I think he's gone"

“I think he’s gone,” says Gwern, 

Evidently he has not . . .

 he finds that he is wrong as Howard walks in 

. . . and they are worried

and confronts them.

That was a short shift!

After what seems to be a very short shift at The Pizza Place, Dani and Jinx arrive back at number 7, where she immediately picks up the phone again, but finds no message.   “Thanks for today – I needed something to keep me busy – but we only made three pizzas.”   

"Having you around to 'handle my tomatoes'!"

He explains that it is handy having her around to ‘handle his tomatoes’ and she describes him as ‘random’.

“Why is everyone saying that today?” he wonders, 

"Chamomile tea bags

“Right, I bought some chamomile teabags from the flat.”   

"Do they contain alcohol?"

All that Dani wants to know is whether they contain alcohol;  “No, but they are very strong!” he replies.

"Gabriel was up all night"

As he puts the kettle on, Dani is surprised that she is not more tired, what with Gabriel being up all night being sick.   “I know I shouldn’t have left him with Elinor, but I was too busy to have him.”

"It's from Britt . . ."

Then a message arrives on her phone;  “Britt,” she explains, 

". . . eight years!"

“The news is out about Garry – eight years!”   

"I'm so sorry, Dani"

Jinx is very sorry, 

"I thought he'd get away with it"

and she goes on, “Part of me thought he’d get away with it, because he’s managed to do that for so long. 

“He’s been in and out of Seren’s life so much that she’s used to it.   

"But Gwern – I'm not so sure"

“ But Gwern – I’m not sure.   Do you mind if we skip the chamomile?   I need to put sheets and stuff on the bed.”

"You know where I am if you want a chat"

Jinx assures her that he is always there if she needs a chat and, 

A reassuring hand on her shoulder

after placing a supportive hand on her shoulder, he leaves the house.

Howard show some hospitality

In the kitchen of Deri Fawr, Howard makes the two of them a drink 

Arwen does not like the look of Horlicks

and Arwen wonders what it is.   “Horlicks – haven’t you ever had it before?” he answers, and as she looks very suspiciously at it, 

"Children these days!"

he adds, “Children these days!”

After tasting it, she describes it merely as, “OK.”   Gwern still wants to know what he was doing in the garage, 

and Howard improvises that he was looking for a part for the tractor, which is kaput.

“In other words stealing,” says Gwern, 

"You're trespassing and skipping school"

then is reminded that he is trespassing and skipping school.   Howard reveals that he has only lived there for a few days, as John agreed to rent it to him after he left jail.

"Why were you in jail?"

Inquisitively, Arwen asks why he was in jail;  

"For shooting trespassing children"

“For shooting trespassing children,” he answers, getting out a cigarette.   

Arwen wants to try a cigarette . . .

Arwen asks she can have one, but when he shows her the graphic pictures on the back of his tobacco packet, 

. . . but when he displays the gruesome graphics . . .

showing what her lungs will look like, 

. . . she changes her mind

she loses interest.

“That’s what my lungs look like now,” he informs her, and recommends that it might be best to stick to the Horlicks.

"Yes, I'll think about it"

Kath is just ending a phone call to Brynmor;  “Yes, I’ll think about it – so long.”   

"Well – what did he say?"

Mark brings her cup of tea and enquires what Brynmor said.   “He agrees that Cassie and I should put in a joint bid – 

"But it would be my decision"

“ but he also said that it would be my decision.”

"It will mean the end of any reconciliation"

“Mam, if one of you gets the Deri and the other doesn’t, it will mean the end of any reconciliation,” Mark points out to her, “I know you might be angry with Cassie at the moment, 

"Do you want to close that door for ever?"

“ but do you want to close that door for ever?”

Kath ponders

As she ponders that question, her phone sounds 

Kath and Cassie in their younger days

and she finds a photo sent by Brynmor of her and Cassie, from long ago.

"Boring – a bit like school"

At Deri Fawr, Gwern asks what jail is like, and is told, “Boring – a bit like school – but it was all right, I suppose.”   

Gwern ignores Dani's call

Then Gwern’s phone rings with a call from Dani, which he ignores.

"Your Dad will be all right – probably"

“Your Dad will be all right – probably,” says Howard, 

"Did you do any jobs for Dad?"

and Gwern enquires if he did any jobs for his father – anything dodgy.   “I do dodgy stuff for dodgy people, but your father wasn’t one of them,” is Howard’s decisive reply.

"Have you got anything to eat?"

Now Arwen wants something to eat, but all that is available is pot noodle;  

"That's all I know how to cook"

“You’re lucky, because that’s all I know how to cook,” Howard tells them.

"Hello, stranger"

Cassie is surprised to find Kath calling on her at number 9;  “Hello, stranger,” she says.   

"I'm not going to pretend I'm not angry"

Kath is not going to pretend that she is not angry – because she is.

"You came all that way to tell me that?"

“And you come all this way to the village to tell me that?” Cassie replies.   Kath discloses that she has been talking to Brynmor and Mark 

"We should buy the Deri together"

and now thinks that they should buy the Deri together.

“And why would I want to do that?” Cassie demands.   Kath does not believe that she has enough money, 

"It makes business sense"

but also maintains that it makes business sense.   “And that’s the only reason – money?   

"Not because we're old friends?"

“Not because we’re old friends?” Cassie enquires, “Not that we’re both used to running the place – and we’ve got the experience?   

"I received this from Brynmor

“Look, I received this from Brynmor this morning,” 

"So did I"

and she displays the very same photo which had been sent to Kath.

"OK – mates?"

“OK – mates?” asks Cassie, and it is reluctantly agreed that they might as well be mates.

"Eight years!"

As they sit in the Deri, Mathew is surprised that the sentence is eight years;  “The kids will be grown up by the time he comes out.”

Jinx maintains that he does not have any sympathy for Garry – 

"Poor Dani"

the people he has left behind all the ones who are suffering;  “Poor Dani.”

"Are you going to ask her for a date?"

Returning to the conversation they had earlier about Josie, Mathew asks if Jinx is going to ask her for a date;  

"Who – Dani?"

“Who – Dani?” says Jinx, and is reminded that Matthew is referring to his cousin.   “I don’t know – I think she’s a bit too . . . random for me, you know.   It’s just sometimes you get a feel for somebody.”

"Well, good luck with Scarlett Johansson"

Mathew wishes him good luck with Scarlett Johansson, or whoever it is Jinx is waiting for.

"Haven't you got homes to go to?"

It appears that Arwen and Gwern have outstayed their welcome at Deri Fawr;  “Haven’t you got homes to go to?” demands Howard.

“Home to Mam?   Yay!” Arwen unenthusiastically exclaims, 

"You must have somewhere to hang out"

and he assumes that they must have somewhere to hang out – Youth Club or Young Farmers.

"We're not 'Joskins'!"

Arwen disparagingly insists, “We’re not ‘joskins!”   [North-Walian term used in both English and Welsh to describe anyone from a rural or farming background.]

She adds that they have friends, “Who are nice to your face and then post horrible things about you on social media.”   

"Glad I didn't grow up with this flippin' social media!"

Howard feels sorry for them and is glad that he did not grow up with this flippin’ social media.

“But you’ve got homes and people who care about you – not everyone can say that,” Howard snarls.   

"Can I try a can of cider?"

Arwen wants to try a can of cider, and is emphatically informed, “I said I feel sorry for you, not that I’m an idiot – 

"Chop, chop – home, both of you!"

“now then, chop chop – home, both of you!”   

"Don't bother with the Horlicks next time"

Arwen tells him not to bother with the Horlicks next time. As they go out of the door, Howard shouts, “Next time?   This isn’t a café!”

Dani goes to the garage . . .

Dani goes to the garage 

. . . and looks at the fateful pit

and also looks at the inspection pit;  

She notices a diary

her gaze lights upon a diary which she opens 

'Drinks with Dani'

and finds an entry ‘Drinks with Dani’, which makes her rather emotional.

She receives a message from Gwern

She receives a message from Gwern;  ‘Going to stay with Arwen tonight, if that’s OK.’

They creep back into Deri Fawr . . .

The door of Deri Fawr opens quietly and Arwen looks around but there is no sign of Howard.   

. . . where Gwern raids the fridge

Gwern goes straight to the fridge and takes out three cans of cider, 

Arwen is pleased to have her cider

which makes her smile, and then they leave the house again, remembering to close the door behind them.

"When we were young and foolish"

Cassie remarks that it is a good photo;  “When we were young and foolish,” adds Kath, and Cassie maintains that they are still foolish

"Do you think we're doing the right thing?"

“Do you think we’re doing the right thing, buying this place?” she asks, but Kath does not want her getting cold feet;  she needs her business partner for this.

"We can't compete with a company"

“We can’t compete against this company from England,” Cassie maintains, 

"It's just Griffiths trying to bump up the price"

but Kath suspects that it is just Griffiths trying to bump up the price.   

Cassie has inside info from Kelly

“According to Kelly, a company from London has confirmed it’s coming to the open day – and Griffiths is picking them up from the station.”

"He's a sly one – what are we going to do?"

“He’s a sly one – what are we going to do?” Kath demands, 

"I'm going to spoil his little game!"

but it appears that Cassie has a plan in mind to spoil Griffiths’ game.   Kath is puzzled by this. 

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