Gwern is doing his homework |
Gwern is doing his homework at the table when Dani receives a phone call from Iolo, advising of Tyler’s condition.
Dani is frustrated . . . |
She appears to be very frustrated as she shouts to Seren and Greta that their breakfast is on the table, which it manifestly is not. At the same time, Gabriel is screaming and Gwern wants some help with his homework.
. . . and, as if by magic, Wilko appears |
“You were supposed to do that last night!” she growls, and at that moment Wilko appears, carrying two cappuccinos. “Welcome to the madhouse!” she exclaims,
"It's due in this morning" |
and Gwern points out that his physics homework is due in this morning. Dani does not have a clue about physics and tells him to ask his father.
“He won’t understand!” groans Gwern,
"Let me help" |
and Wilko offers to help, while Dani goes to sort out the screaming baby.
Ffion is angry |
At Cysgod y Glyn, Ffion is on the phone; “Tell the councillor we would have avoided a lot of trouble if you’d reached that decision earlier!” she snarls,
"No, I can't discuss it now!" |
“No, I can’t discuss it now – I’ll have to phone you back later.”
As she ends the call, she moans, “And good morning to you as well, you clown!” She has lost the car keys,
Jinx finds the car keys |
and Jinx hands them to her (although on 20 January 2021 she was banned from driving for three years).
“Are you sure you’re all right?” he asks,
"You would tell me if you'd been drinking?" |
“Ffion, you’d tell me, wouldn’t you – if you’d been drinking?”
"While you're here, I won't do anything silly" |
She assures him that while he is there, she will not do anything silly.
"Ffion, phone me if you need anything" |
He tells her to phone if she needs anything and she thanks him, before leaving for school.
He is definitely worried about her |
He looks concerned.
Hywel catches Kelly in her pyjamas |
Kelly has an early-morning visitor in the form of Hywel; she apologises for still being in her pyjamas. He is sorry for calling so early
"I wanted to give you the good news" |
but he wanted to give her the good news before anyone else did. “I read your article in the Western Post about losing transport for Ifan, and it made a big impression on me. I thought I have to do something about this,”
They regard this with doubt |
at which Kelly and Jason look at each other, sceptically.
“I spoke to a few other councillors and the good news is the funding is available to make sure that Ifan can have transport to school.”
"That's brilliant, Hywel!" |
They are very surprised at this change of mind, and regard it as brilliant.
Hywel continues, rather too enthusiastically, “I’m happy to help – I’ve followed this case from the start,”
"You'll be back on our Christmas card list" |
and Kelly sarcastically assures him that he will be back on their Christmas card list.
"I'm a;ways available for an interview" |
Then Hywel comes to his ulterior motive; “If you feel like writing a follow-up article, I’m always available for an interview.”
Kelly tells him that she will ‘absolutely’ think about it, and he leaves the house, hoping that they enjoy their breakfast.
"He just wants his picture in the paper!" |
Jason sneers, “Happy to help! He just wants his picture in the paper.”
"Ifan can stay in school!" |
Kelly does not care, because Ifan can stay in school.
"Are you sure you want such a big and fussy one?" |
Eileen meets Jaclyn out in the street, having received her message about the christening cake; “Are you sure you want such a big and fussy one?” Jaclyn insists that the cake will be the focal point of the celebration,
"I'm not sure I can make one like that" |
but Eileen is not sure that she can make one like that.
"Please – after all we've been through together" |
“Please – after all that we’ve been through together, you’re the only person I want to make the cake,” Jaclyn pleads, “And I thought you could do the catering as well – just a few vol-au-vents and those lovely quiches you make.”
"That cake will take up all my time" |
Eileen draws the line at this, maintaining that the cake will take up all her time,
"Well, it is rather short notice" |
and Jaclyn concedes that it is rather short notice. Her next stop is Megan’s shop, where she says that she would like to discuss a christening,
"Aren't you rather old for that?" |
but Megan considers that she is rather old for that. “Not for me – for Gabriel!” says Jaclyn.
Gwern is ready for school . . . |
Gwern is told that his father is waiting downstairs to take him to school, and before he goes,
. . . and thanks Wilko for his help |
he thanks Wilko for helping with his homework. Dani is pleased that she has got them all off to school and thanks the DI for his help with thw homework;
"Too many CSI programmes when I was young" |
“I’m a bit of a science geek – too many CSI programmes when I was young,” he tells her.
Look, you don’t have to come over all the time,” she tells him, adding, “No, I didn’t mean it like that – I’m sure you have better things to do with your time than spend it
"A single mother with three children" |
“with a single mother with three children.”
"I enjoy being here" |
He replies that he enjoys being there, a sentiment which is echoed by Dani, as they look into each other’s eyes.
The last person Ffion wanted to meet |
Ffion comes out of the shop and encounters Kelly, who smiles, triumphantly, “Ffion, have you heard the good news?”
"You mean Ifan's taxi" |
Ffion assumes that she means Ifan’s taxi;
"Yes, I told you I'd win!" |
“Yes, I told you I’d win!” Kelly gloats, but it is pointed out to her that it was not a battle.
“The council insisted that I reviewed the budget,” she adds,
"You'll have to cut down on the Turkey Twizzlers!" |
and Kelly recommends that she cuts down on the Turkey Twizzlers – because she is not touching Ifan’s taxi.
Ffion does look rather peeved |
Ffion’s face is like thunder.
Brynmor comes into the Deri |
In the Deri, Garry is behind the bar, looking at the accounts, when Brynmor comes in for a takeaway black coffee;
"Any food to go with that?" |
Garry tries to interest him in something to eat, but Brynmor replies that he has sandwiches back at the garage.
He indulges in some 'hidden camera spotting' |
Brynmor looks around the place inquisitively, and when this is queried by Garry, he maintains that he needs glasses.
"Where's the CCTV, then?" |
When Garry goes out to get fresh coffee, Wilko comes down from the flat upstairs and Brynmor asks him, “Where is it, then? The CCTV – they’re so small these days, I can’t see it anywhere.”
"It's not down here, it's up in the flat" |
“I’ve told you, it’s not down here, it’s up in the flat,” the DI reminds him, but Brynmor was under the impression that Tyler was attacked down here.
"They're not likely to do it in the same place again" |
“They’re not likely to do it in the same place again,” is the DI’s desperate explanation.
"So you think Dani is the target, then?" |
“So you think Dani is the target, then?” Brynmor concludes, and he is told to think about her history with Dylan.
"I've got an idea that might help you" |
“Listen, I’ve got an idea that might help you,” Brynmor says, but then Garry returns with the fresh coffee, and charges £1.80.
"I'll pay for that, Brynmor . . ." |
Wilko offers to pay for it, and when Garry holds out his hand for the payment,
". . . later" |
he is told that Wilko will give him it later.
Eileen tests her olfactory senses . . . |
In the kitchen at Penrhewl, Eileen takes various items from the fridge and sniffs them;
. . . but the slices of cheese . . . |
they include slices of cheese
. . . and the onion are undetectable . . . |
and an onion, but she is dismayed that she still cannot smell anything.
. . . which causes her distress |
She is reduced to tears.
"He's been screaming all morning" |
Dani reports to Jaclyn that Gabriel is asleep after screaming all morning; Jaclyn would have helped her if she had known. “Marc came over,” Dani begins, and it is assumed that she means Mark Jones. “No, Marc Wilko,” explains Dani.
"There are some good men left, then" |
“There are still some good men left, then,” Jaclyn comments, “Right, I’ve booked the chapel for next week and Eileen is making the cake – I thought something like this.”
The rather 'over-the-top' type of cake |
She shows a photograph of the enormous cake to Dani and goes on. “I haven’t booked the caterers yet.”
Dani protests that this was supposed to be small;
"That's bigger than Princess Di's wedding cake!" |
“This is bigger than Princess Di’s wedding cake! I thought we’re going to the chapel, say a few words and come back for drinks.” Jaclyn is determined that they could do better than that, but this raises strong objections.
"Why don't I take Gabriel for a walk?" |
“Why don’t I take Gabriel for a walk? And then you can chill before the children come home from school,” Jaclyn offers, and Dani seems amenable to that, but then the invitations are displayed.
Brynmor's site for a camera |
Brynmor leads Wilko across to the garage and points out where a camera could be placed to keep an eye on everyone coming and going from the Deri.
"These things have to be official" |
The DI insists that these things have to be official, and Brynmor enquires how the investigation is coming along.
Beti has been to Megan's shop |
As Beti comes out of Apêl Maenan, Wilko reveals that there are a couple of leads, but he cannot be any more specific than that.
The thought of such a violent thug scares Brynmor |
“I don’t like to think I could pass someone so violent on the street,” Brynmor worries,
"Can you keep an eye on the Deri" |
but is asked if he can keep an eye on the Deri, and make a note of anyone hanging around or looking suspicious. The evidence cannot be used officially, but he might help to solve this case.
Brynmor agrees that he will keep watch;
"Nobody will go in or out without me knowing" |
“Nobody will go into or out of the Deri without me knowing who they are,” but as the DI walks away,
He has some suspicions |
he looks rather suspicious.
Eileen even tries eating some onion |
Eileen has now reached the stage of cutting up an onion, but still she cannot smell it; she even eats a piece, but cannot taste it.
"Is this Cae Glas' nem nasterpiece?" |
When she comes in with DJ, Sioned admires the cake which her mother has made, and DJ has never seen anything like it. “Is this Cae Glas’ new masterpiece?” he asks.
"It could be disgusting!" |
“It may look nice, but I have no idea what it tastes like,” Eileen admits, “It could be disgusting!”
"You've been making cakes since your teens" |
Sioned points out that her mother has been making cakes since her teens, and just because she cannot taste it does not mean she cannot cook any more.
"You've been tasting onion and chilli?" |
“I hoped I could taste something – the onions or the chilli – but there’s no point!” she rages and storms out of the room.
Arwen is engaged in curry preparation |
At Cysgod y Glyn, Arwen is preparing vegetables for the curry when her mother returns home;
"You can relax, Ffion" |
Jinx says that they have it all under control, so she can relax, as she has been under a lot of pressure.
“Arwen, do you want to chop the broccoli now?” Jinx asks,
"Arwen hates broccoli" |
and when this comes as a surprise to Ffion, as she hates broccoli, he adds, “This isn’t just ordinary broccoli –
"This is 'fairy tree' . . ." |
“this is ‘fairy tree’ – it tastes completely different to broccoli.
". . . isn't that right, Arwen?" |
“Isn’t that right, Arwen?”
"That's not funny, Jinx!" |
She is not amused, and Ffion may be getting jealous of the good relationship between them.
Sioned has made quinoa |
Later, at Penrhewl, Sioned is doing the washing-up, and has been preparing quinoa;
"I thought we could eat more healthily" |
“Mam doesn’t fancy cooking, so I thought we could eat more healthily.”
"We do eat healthily" |
DJ emphasises that they do eat healthily, but she sneers, “Your idea of eating healthily is putting peas on your chips!”
He suggests she should check that her mother is all right,
"Leave her to calm down" |
but is told, “No – leave her to calm down – she can come down when this is ready.” He reminds her that Eileen is not really herself. “She will be when she gets her taste back,” is Sioned’s answer.
"I told you she'd eat the broccoli" |
The meal at Cysgod y Glyn is finished; “I told you she’d eat the broccoli,” say Jinx, “What I find is if I put it in a curry or a stirfry, or just drown it in butter, she’ll scoff it down! You know what kids are like – she might hate it again next week.”
Ffion is eagerly anticipating watching the film tonight which they recorded over the weekend,
"Sorry, Ffion, I'm woking tonight" |
but he has bad news that he is working tonight.
"I've ben looking forward to it all day" |
“Oh, no, Jinx – I’ve been looking forward to it all day!” she wails, “It’s not much fun on my own.”
“Only because you ask dozens of questions – ‘Who’s he?’ ‘What’s she doing?’ ‘Do you think he did it?’ Watch the film, write down your questions, and I’ll answer them in the morning.”
She will have to use extreme measures |
She does not find this at all funny and is beginning to look desperate.
"Are you staying for dinner again?" |
In the Deri, Dani says she has to put lasagne in the oven and make salad; “Are you staying for dinner again?” she asks Wilko, and he would be pleased to do so.
Gwern is back from school |
Gwern is back from school and is in a bad mood;
"Can I play a board game before dinner?" |
he wants to play a board game before dinner,
"Not one that goes on for ages" |
but Dani warns him not to choose one that goes on for ages. “Do you know what?
"I'm a ninja at playing board games!" |
“I’m a ninja at playing board games!” she informs Wilko.
Ffion turns on the waterworks |
When Jinx comes back into the room, Ffion contrives to look tearful, and he asks what is wrong;
"I could have easily drunk the whole bottle . . ." |
“You know this morning – when you asked if I was all right? I was really stressed – and I could easily have drunk that whole bottle –
". . . but I didn't, Jinx, I promise!" |
“but I didn’t, Jinx! I promise, I didn’t! Tonight, now, here . . .”
"It's all right, Ffion" |
He takes her in his arms, as she intended, and assures her that it is all right.
"I won't leave you until it passes" |
“Don’t worry – I won’t leave you until it passes.”
"But you have to go to work!" |
She reminds him that he has to go to work, but he tells her not to worry about that and again holds her tightly.
"Well, he fell for that one, didn't he?" |
We can see that she has a smug grin on her face.
The film reaches its conclusion |
After their meal, Dani and Wilko have reached at the end of the film;
"I think I'll have an early night" |
“Right, the children are in bed, so I think I’ll have a early night,” says Dani. Wilko prepares to leave, but, after thanking him for tonight, and confessing that she is not good at physics, goes on, “I enjoy having you here – you’re all right, aren’t you?
"You're a good man" |
“You’re a good man.”
Dani moves in for a kiss |
As they gradually move closer to each other, it is inevitable a that kiss will ensue, and she asks, “Do you want to stay tonight?
"I don't mean on the sofa" |
“I don’t mean on the sofa.”
Then another kiss |
He is about to offer some token resistance, but she kisses him again,
"Are you coming?" |
and asks, “Are you coming?” as she leads him towards the bedroom.
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