26 February 2022

23 February 2022

"I've never seen Iolo so upset"

Next morning, as Siôn opens the post, Tesni comments that she has never seen Iolo so upset, 

He comes downstairs . . .

and at that moment he comes downstairs.   

. . . but is still not saying a word

His father asks if he got any sleep, but again he remains silent.

"I'm going to pack Iol's stuff!"

At the Deri flat, Dani asks where Tyler is going;  “To pack Iol’s stuff!” he snarls, 

"There's no need to do that, Tyler"

but she insists that there is no need to do that;  he should bring his own stuff there.   

"I want him out today!"

“I want him out today – that’s what I told him in the hospital yesterday,” Tyler continues.

She urges him to calm down, pointing out that Iolo has plenty of time to pack his own stuff while Tyler stays there.   “Dani, I had a lot of time to think in the hospital – and I want him out of my life!” Tyler stresses, 

"You're not healthy enough to make that decision"

but she does not think he is healthy enough to make such a big decision.

He is quite adamant that he is doing the right thing and does not want to create hassle;  she urges him to think about Greta, as it would be better for her to be at the Deri flat.   

"I just want a clean slate"

He argues that he just wants a clean slate.

Anita is in a very good mood

Anita is in an uncommonly good humour as she puts the cloth on to the table;  there is a knock at the back door and Ieuan Griffiths appears, carrying a large box.   

"Ieuan, what are you doing here?"

“Ieuan, what are you doing here?” she exclaims, “Anyone could come back at any time, you know!”

He has brought her a present

He just wanted to give her a present, and she protests that no-one has ever spoiled her like this before;  

"And now this!"

“Those flowers, then an expensive wine and dine – and now this!”

He encourages her to open the box;  

"Because you're worth it!"

“As they say on the telly, ‘because you’re worth it’!”   

"Just a nuisance call"

His phone sounds, and he dismisses it as just a nuisance call.   

She finds an expensive fur coat . . .

Inside she finds an expensive fur coat, which causes her considerable astonishment, 

. . . and tries it on . . .

and he encourages her to try it on, assuring her that it suits her perfectly.

. . . pronouncing that it is gorgeous

She rather effusively describes it as, “Gorgeous!   I’ve never had anything as nice as this before!”   

"You can wear it tonight"

He tells her she can wear it tonight, because he has organised another surprise, and it would not be a surprise if he told her what it was.

Garry is looking worried when Andrea arrives

Garry is sitting quietly in the Deri, and we can see that Geraint is on duty behind the bar;  

"What's wrong, Garry?"

Andrea comes in and comments, “You look miles away – what’s wrong?   

"You're worried about something, I can tell"

“You’re worried about something, I can tell.”

"Britt and Aaron know about the HIV"

He denies that there is anything, and is about to go to fetch her a drink, but confesses, “It’s just that Britt and Aaron know about the HIV.”   She says that they were bound to find out at some point, but he is worried that other people will find out.

"It wouldn't be the end of the world"

“It wouldn’t be the end of the world,” Andrea maintains, but he will talk to Britt to make sure she does not tell anyone.   

Now it is Andrea's turn to look worried

She is looking worried.

"Yes, I'm gasping, Auntie Anita!"

Anita is pouring out a cup of tea when Kelly comes into the house, gasping for one, after having had a hectic morning.   

Anita is wearing a smirk

Anita is smiling broadly, 

"At least tell me it's a fake!" 

and when Kelly sees the coat, she snarls, “At least tell me it’s fake!”

Anita takes great delight in him informing her that it is real, and beautiful, insisting that she bought it;  “Because I’m worth it!

“I mean – let’s get one thing straight – ethically, this is just, like, awful, isn’t it?” Kelly growls, but Anita informs her that it is vintage, so it is OK.

"Hundreds of minks were murdered, like"

“No!   Hundreds of minks were murdered, like, I don’t know, half a century ago – but the passage of time makes it hunky-dory, does it?” Kelly squeals, but then, 

"How much did it cost?"

after taking off her rather less expensive coat, goes on, “OK, forget about the ethics – how much did it cost?”   Hundreds, obviously!” 

"None of your business"

She is told that it is none of her business, and Anita will not reveal any more;  she does not regret it because of the pleasure she will get from wearing it.

“Do you know what?   I didn’t know you were so loaded!” says Kelly, and when Anita’s phone rings, she maintains that it is work so she has to answer, 

Honestly, it does say 'Griffiths' on the screen

whereas actually Griffiths’ name appeals of on its screen.

Kelly is not convinced at all, and, with Anita out of the room, she picks up the fur coat and feels in the pockets, 

Kelly appears to have found the price tag

discovering a small card, which causes her a great deal of amazement.

Gaynor is doing some light gardening . . .

At Llwyncelyn, Gaynor is watering a box of plants when there is a knock at the door 

. . . when Lois arrives

and she finds that it is Lois;  

"What a surprise!"

What a surprise!” she shrieks 

She gives her daughter a cwtch

and hugs her daughter, “It’s so lovely to see – come in!   The last time I talked to you, you said you wanted to travel more in Thailand.”   

"I did get rather homesick"

Lois confesses that she got rather homesick, and her mother is overjoyed to have her back.   “I missed you and Dad,” she says, “But I’m a bit jetlagged.

"How long will you be staying?"

Gaynor wonders how long she will be staying, 

"Quite a while, I hope"

and Lois hopes that it will be for quite a while.   “Thanks for all the photos you sent of the school where Izzy worked – it was so nice to get them.”   Lois says that it made her realise how much she missed her parents;  she is so glad to be back home.

All of Iolo's worldly goods . . .

At number 7, Tyler is flinging all Iolo’s belongings into cardboard boxes which he takes outside and puts on the pavement.   

. . . are being removed from number 7

“Look, Tyler, we can sort this out,” protests Iolo, “I understand that forgiving isn’t easy, but I forgave you after Aled.”

"You went out intentionally to hook up"

“Don’t start comparing – you went out intentionally to hook up – and with Eifion?” shouts Tyler, 

People are beginning to notice

then he goes inside for a black bag and a case, which also end up outside the door.

"Are you willing to throw it all away?"

“We’ve been through so much – are you willing to throw that away now?” Iolo pleads, 

"You're the one throwing it away"

but is told that he is the one who is throwing it away.   Tyler throws down the bag and slams the door, while this is drawing a crowd of onlookers.   

Iolo hammers on the door

Iolo bangs repeatedly on the door, but with no effect, 

"Stop it, Iolo!"

and Tesni hurries across the road, telling him to stop it.

"I have nowhere to go . . . "

“I love him, Tes!” he whines, and she tells him to go with her;   “I have nowhere to go – 

". . . this is where I'm supposed to be"

“this is where I’m supposed to be, with him,” 

"Come with me"

but she will not accept any objections, and they head towards number 10, 

He takes a last look inside

after Iolo has peered through the window for a final time.

"Aaron won't tell anyone else"

Britt assures Garry that she has not said a word to anyone;  “Aaron, yes – but he won’t tell anyone else.”   Garry demands exactly what she told him, 

"Just that Andrea has AIDS, that's all"

and she replies, “Just that Andrea has AIDS, that’s all.”

"She hasn't got AIDS!"

“She hasn’t got AIDS!” he shouts, “She’s HIV positive, yes, but she’s on medication which means it will never turn into AIDS – she’s healthier than you!   What was Aaron’s reaction?”

"Did you ask how she caught it?"

Britt enquires, “Did you ask how she caught it?” and he answers that he did not have to ask – she told him.   Not that it is any of Britt’s business, 

"She was in a long-term relationship"

he explains that she was in a long term relationship with a bloke from Carmarthen.

"I must go and tidy your room"

Gaynor asks Lois if she is ready for anything to eat yet, and goes to tidy her room;  “There’s no need, Mam, honestly,” protests Lois, 

"You'll sleep better in a clean bed"

but is told that she will sleep better if the bed is changed.   Hywel, working at the laptop, agrees that there is nothing better than clean bed, and will make Lois a cup of coffee.

"I haven't seen your mother so happy for a while"

He also says that it is nice to have her back;  “I haven’t seen your mother so happy for a while – you do know, don’t you, that she’s been through a difficult time?”   

"It's been a difficult year for all of us"

Lois replies that it has been a difficult year for them all;  “Thailand hasn’t been easy for me, traipsing round the same places Izzy had been – staying in the same hostels, more or less.”   

He wonders if she got any comfort from the experience, and she said it was odd at the school;  

"I had shivers going down my spine"

“I had shivers going down my spine, as if I was going to turn around and see Izzy.”   Then her phone rings and she has to take the call.  

"See you tomorrow"

“Yes, no problem – I’ll see you tomorrow,” she says.

"It's nice to see you smiling"

At number 10 Tesni has brought Iolo a bottle, and comments that it is nice to see him smiling;  

He seems to have rapidly recovered from his heartbtreak

“Well, your therapy works – booze and bad jokes!” he answers.

"W'ere going out clubbing"

“The plan is – we’re going to the cocktail bar that’s just opened – Mojitos for you, a Shirley Temple for me – and then clubbing!” she announces, “I haven’t been dancing for ages.”

"Does Dad know we're going out?" 

He wonders if his father knows that they are going out tonight, and she says that she will send him a few photos later, 

"Perhaps you should stay here tonight"

and suggests that Iolo should stay at number 10 tonight, so as not to disturb Siôn.

Iolo drinks up before they go . . . 

Then she receives notification on her phone that the taxi has arrived;  

. . . but, once outside the door . . .

as they leave the house, 

. . . he is immediately reminded

Iolo looks wistfully across the room at number 7, but she urges him to come on. 

"You should be resting, Tyler"

In the Deri flat, Wilko advises Tyler that he should be resting;  

"Yes, tell him – he might listen to a copper"

Dani adds, “Yes, tell him – he might listen to a copper – he won’t listen to me!”   

"Have any arrests been made?"

Tyler asks if there are any updates on the case – or whether any arrests have been made.   

"He's not on the case, Tyler"

Dani comments that Wilko is not on the case.

“OK, but you must know someone on the case,” Tyler continues, and he is given the vague answer that they do not have a lot of leads, which Tyler regards as pathetic.   The DI will find out what he can tomorrow, 

Wilko is in a hurry to leave

and leaves as soon as he reasonably can.

"I'm starving!"

Gwern comes in, complaining that he is starving, 

"Take that off, and put it in the wash!"

and is told to take off his football shirt and put it in the wash;  “Dinner will be half an hour, so do you know what I want you to do?” asks Dani, 

Gwern will reluctantly revise

“Revise –  because I know you’ve got a maths test tomorrow.”

Siôn relaxes with a book

Siôn is reading at home when a message alert arrives on his phone, with a whistling sound;  

He has a text from Tesni . . . 

“Back around six – thanks for this morning.   I’m cheering your son up,” which makes him smile.   He hears the sound again, 

. . . but the photos . . .

and this time there are multiple pictures of Tesni at the club with various anonymous men; 

. . . have him worried

now he is becoming worried.

"Britt said she wouldn't tell anyone"

“Britt said she wouldn’t tell anyone – I’m not sure about Aaron,” Garry informs Andrea, who insists that it does not matter.

“You hate the fact that everyone will be talking about us, do you?” she asks, 

"There are plenty of narrow-minded people"

and he points out that there are plenty of narrow-minded people in the village.   “There are narrow-minded people everywhere – I’m used to it,” she tells him, 

"It's no-one else's business, is it?"

but he insists that it is no one else’s business.

"Are you ashamed of me?"

“Are you ashamed of me?” she demands, and he vehemently denies that;  

"I'm worried about you, Andrea"

rather he is worried about her.

Wilko has a look at the CCTV images

The DI comes downstairs and opens the fridge, also having a look at what is happening on the laptop, spying on next door.   

"The police aren't doing anything!"

Tyler is apologising to Dani, but is angry that the police are not doing anything.   She stresses that is not Marc’s fault, and is experimenting with logos;  “I’ve thought of an idea for a new venture for the salon.”   

"Secondhand clothes for children"

She shows him the proposed design;  “A shop for secondhand clothes for children – Gwern gave me the idea – you don’t like, it do you?” but he thinks that it might work.   

"I've got loads that no longer fit Greta"

He has loads of pretty things that no longer fit Greta, and they are like new.   

The DI looks concerned

Wilko looks concerned as he watches this.

"I want to give the advertising a push"

“I want to give the advertising a push – I want to be on Twitter, Instagram – whatever else there is – everything!” she continues, 

"Does Marc know about this new venture?"

and Tyler asks if Marc knows about this new venture.   “Not yet, but I’m sure he’ll be supportive,” she confidently states.

Next door, it appears that her confidence is misplaced, as Wilko does not look very pleased about the news.

Kelly is obviously troubled by a headache

During the night, Kelly has come downstairs to the kitchen to take some tablets when she hears voices and giggling;  

Anita and Griffiths come stumbling in . . .

Anita is returning from her surprise evening with Ieuan, and she urges him to turn down the volume.   They appear to have consumed quite a bit of alcohol already, 

. . . and he heads straight for more alcohol . . .

but Griffiths seems eager to help himself to some more.

. . . but Anita seems to want to get him upstairs

As Anita tries to keep him quiet, she invites him to accompany her upstairs, which he willingly, but quite clumsily, does, and Kelly, who has been keeping out of sight, 

"They're going to wake Ifan at this rate!"

now realises the identity of the mystery man.

"What a night!"

Tesni and Iolo arrive back at number 10 and Iolo groans, “What a night!  Thanks, Tesni.”   She is also trying to keep him quiet, 

"We must do it again sometime"

and promises that they will do it again sometime, suggesting that his father might come with them next time.

"Do you think its weird – your father and me?"'

“Do you think it’s weird – your father and me?” she asks, and he concedes that he does think it is slightly odd, but insists he is completely fine with it.

"Sometimes I think – you and Dad?"

He adds, “But sometimes I think – you and Dad?”   She wonders why age is so important, anyway, and he remarks, “Look at Tyler and me – we are the same age and . . .”   His voice tails off there and he changes the subject;  “So you see a future with Dad, do you?”

She replies that of course she does, and wants children with him;  “Children with him – at his age?” Iolo gasps, 

"He's not that old – and everything works!"

but she points out that he is not all that old – and everything works.

"He's going to reverse the 'thingy', is her?"

As she fetches him a glass of water, Iolo casually remarks, “So Dad’s going to reverse the thingy, is he?” 

He indicates the relevant process

and he imitates the action of a pair of scissors.

"Are you trying to say he's had the snip?"

Tesni is concerned;  “What are you trying to say?   That he’s had the snip?”   

"I thought you knew"

He was under the impression that she knew, but she tries to pretend that it is not a big deal;  

This is bad news for Tesni 

the look on her face suggests otherwise. 

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